Mirkk (prime)

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Mirkk Timbertree
Race Human
Culture Bourth
Hometown Gallardshold
Profession Ranger
Religion Pantheon of Liabo
Affiliation(s) Voln, House Sylvanfair
In-a-Word IN-A-WORD
Disposition Reserved
Demeanor Neutral
Greatest Strength STRENGTH
Greatest Weakness WEAKNESS
Hobbies Reading, writing, fishing
Likes Good people, iambic pentameter
Dislikes Krolvin pirates, Absinthe
Fears Losing those he loves
Best Friend FRIEND
Loved One High Lady Rohese Bayvel

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Mirkk Timbertree is a human from a small hamlet on the outskirts of the Wyrdeep Forest near Gallardshold. He is the only son of Jeckk and Donnae Timbertree. He is believed by some to be the single rightful heir to Viridian Manor and it's associated lands east of Gallardshold.

Early Years

Born in 5080, Mirkk is the only son of Jeckk Timbertree, a trader of goods, and Donnae, a former governess made homemaker. While many of the human children he grew up with feared the mysterious Wyrdeep Forest, Mirkk would often be found spending time with the Wyrdeep Elves of comparatively similar age and stature, running through the edges of the woods and playing in its streams.

Mirkk's family was known to have hosted Elves in their homes on many occasions, whether those passing through from east of the DragonSpine, or mysterious visitors from the Wyrdeep itself. It was also common for Jeckk to wear a single white feather in his cap or on a leather band around his neck, a symbol of solidarity with the Elves.

In 5092, Mirkk's mother Donnae fell ill with a mysterious illness, subsequently passing in 5093. She was well loved by her community, though unfortunately her death was blamed by many on the Elves of the Wyrdeep. Tragically, in 5095 Mirkk's father was involved in an incident appearing to be a trade gone wrong between Elves and men. The incident left four Elves and three men dead, including Jeckk.

A boy's will being what it is, and feeling pressure from his uncle Donnavan to begin training as a Greensman of the Deep, Mirkk left Bourth in 5095 for Wehnimer's Landing, not to return to Bourth again until 5121.

The Landing Years

With little to his name, Mirkk arrived in Wehnimer's Landing with the intent to learn the art of the sword. He eschewed the bow, for which he had a natural ability, because of it's affiliation with the Greensmen and Gallardshold. At only age 15, he wondered his way into the frontier town to find adventure. Shortly thereafter, he stumbled upon a garret above Wayside Inn and, finding it quiet and suitable for rest, often would stay there.

Eventually he became friends with several of the others that frequented the garret, and became closest with a half-elf named Bramlor. Bramlor was a forest warden and took Mirkk under his wing, teaching Mirkk to further his love of nature, survival skills, and ultimately the ins-and-outs of being a ranger. They quickly became the best of friends and were usually inseparable.

Mirkk also took notice of a young Sylvan healer named Velianna. Velianna and Mirkk found themselves quite infatuated with each other, in what Mirkk will only refer to as "young love." Finding himself in wont of Velianna's affection and without much to his name, he devised a plan to head to Teras Isle and gain immeasurable riches in order to provide for Velianna. Naturally, Bramlor went with him.

In 5104, they set out together on the Glaesen Star for Teras Isle. Mirkk was very successful during his time on Teras Isle, largely due to Bramlor's support. But in his quest for silvers and riches, Mirkk lost sight of what was true and good, and became consumed with wealth. No longer was whatever amount he had in the bank good enough. This put him at odds with Bramlor, who hated seeing what material possessions were doing to his friend. On the day they both were scheduled to leave on the Glaesen Star to return to Wehnimer's Landing, Bramlor spoke to Mirkk about his concerns. Mirkk did not take things well and informed Bramlor he would find his own way back to the Landing. Reluctantly, Bramlor boarded the Glaesen Star without his friend, returning to Wehnimer's Landing alone.

Mirkk made separate arrangments to sail out that night on a merchant vessel. The captain agreed to take him and his goods on for a "modest" fee. In the very late hours of night, they set sail for the Landing. Only they never made it back to Wehnimer's Landing and the wharf. Krolvin pirates had made way for their ship, killed most of the crew, enslaved the others, and plundered the hold.