Eliseen (prime)
Raised on a farm out side Ta'Lorethra disagreed with father (Tusaldur Larethorin Starfriend) disagreed with father about schooling, his love of music and desire to become a bard vs. that of a farmer which his mother (Nereminwe Caemious...Aesatra supported . Started his studies in Bardic lore at an unnamed city-funded school In Ta'Lorenthra and after learning of bardic lore at the age of 45 took up traveling around the Elven nation visiting many places.
During his travels he heard many stories of Weinmers landing and decided to travel there and seek more training in Bardic lore and magic.
Paternal Grand Father Karrenen Adan (Zylroris ) Starfriend Grand Mother Eha Camomire*
- Died shortly after giving birth
Maternal Grandfather Tilmturrmaillin Laraethihre Aesatra Grand Mother Sonssa Thramian Aesatra