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Talon Ring jewelry

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Talon rings were sold at Ebon Gate 2020 in the shop By Hook or by Crook.


You analyze the filigree talon ring and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~ Talon Ring Jewelry ~

This talon ring must remain a talon ring. Long or show descriptions are acceptable. The talon on the ring can be set to a customized material which is reflected in some of the messaging.

This ring currently does not have a custom talon. A talented merchant can change this for you.

Your talon ring has been unlocked twice.  You could WEAR, REMOVE, TICKLE, POINT, SCRATCH, EAT, SNAP, COVER, TOUCH, PULL, TURN, or RUB the ring.  It cannot be improved further.

Tier 1

The usage here reflects what it looks like with a custom tip for informational purposes. Off-the-shelf rings do not come with a specific material and will be missing the indicated diamond.
Verb First Third
WEAR You slide your talon ring onto your finger, turning it slightly to adjust the position of the [sharp, diamond-tipped] talon. XXX slides his talon ring onto his finger, turning it slightly to adjust the position of the [sharp, diamond-tipped] talon.
REMOVE You cover the sharp tip of your filigree talon ring and twist it slowly off your finger. XXX covers the sharp tip of his filigree talon ring and twists it slowly off his finger.
POINT You wave your filigree talon ring-clad finger slowly back and forth. XXX waves his filigree talon ring-clad finger slowly back and forth.
(at self)
You point a talon ring-clad finger at yourself and mouth, "Who, me?" XXX points a talon ring-clad finger at himself and mouths, "Who, me?"
(at someone)
You slowly extend your talon ring-clad finger, pointing the sharpened diamond tip at YYY in a rather dramatic gesture. You slowly extend your talon ring-clad finger, pointing the sharpened diamond tip at YYY in a rather dramatic gesture.
TICKLE You click the talon of your ring against your teeth in a slow, measured manner. XXX clicks the talon of his ring against his teeth in a slow, measured manner.

Tier 2

The usage here reflects what it looks like with a custom tip for informational purposes. Off-the-shelf rings do not come with a specific material and will be missing the indicated diamond.


Verb First Third
COVER You place your hand over your talon ring, enclosing the diamond tip protectively in your fist and concealing it from prying eyes. XXX places his hand over his talon ring, concealing it within his fist.
EAT You casually tap the sharpened diamond tip of your talon ring against the curve of your bottom lip, contemplating your next move. XXX coyly taps the sharpened diamond tip of his talon ring against the corner of his bottom lip, gazing out at something unseen.
SCRATCH With a dismissive gesture, you slice the air in front of you with your talon ring. With a dismissive gesture, XXX slices the air in front of himself with his talon ring.
(at self)
You scrape the razor-sharp tip of your talon ring across your neck, leaving a red mark on your desaturated grey-brown skin. XXX scrapes the razor-sharp tip of his talon ring across his neck, leaving a red mark on his desaturated grey-brown skin.
(at someone)
You shift your sandy gold eyes in YYY's general direction. Placing the razor-sharp diamond tip of your talon ring against your neck, you scrape it across your desaturated grey-brown skin in one clean slice. XXX shifts his sandy gold eyes in YYY's general direction. Placing the razor-sharp diamond tip of his talon ring against his neck, he scrapes it across his desaturated grey-brown skin in one clean slice.
SNAP You snap your fingers sharply, your talon ring creating an audible *CLICK*. XXX snaps his fingers sharply, his talon ring creating an audible *CLICK*.

Tier 3

The usage here reflects what it looks like with a custom tip for informational purposes. Off-the-shelf rings do not come with a specific material and will be missing the indicated diamond.


Verb First Third
PULL You casually remove your talon ring and slide it onto a different finger. Sparing a glance at the diamond tip, you note it could use a bit of sharpening. XXX casually removes his talon ring and slides it onto a different finger, his expression pensive.
RUB You gingerly rub a finger across the surface of your talon ring, polishing its razor-sharp tip. XXX gingerly polishes his talon ring.
TOUCH Using a finger on the same hand as your talon ring, you lightly stroke the diamond tip, reassuring yourself of its sharpness. XXX rubs his fingers together.
TURN You slowly turn your talon ring around your finger, adjusting the position of its razor-sharp diamond tip for maximum benefit. With a studious expression, XXX slowly turns his talon ring around his finger.
Talon Ring jewelry Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Rings
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Talon material
Original Release Merchant Nolei
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2020
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Merchant
Restrictions Must remain a talon ring.
Item Verbs