Kayse (prime)/Vignette: Kayse's Visions from Aeia
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You hear the faint lapping of waves. You give your eyebrow a little workout. Cryheart says, "Prayer as I see it is a way to communicate with the Arkati, and it is the Arkati who choose when or what to reveal to us." You curiously ask, "Do you hear that?" You glance over your shoulder. You slowly ask, "Waves?" Shinann shakes her head. Rowmi glances appraisingly at you. Fyonn shakes his head. Speaking curiously to you, Rowmi echoes, "Waves?" Cryheart looks over at you and shakes his head. Cryheart asks, "You mean like ocean waves?" Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at you. You reflectively say, "Waves on the sea as they crash into each other." Stormyrain shakes her head. You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement. Rowmi looks thoughtfully at you. You dismissively say, "I must be hearing things." Mohrgan casually notes, "The last time we attempted to commune with the powers, my mentor, Redding, was murdered in retaliation. Tread lightly, as Chaston is far seeing." For a brief moment, the lamplights in nearby buildings dim. You glance suspiciously around the area. Rowmi reaches over and gently rests his hand on your arm. You quickly ask, "Did you see that?" Evia looks over at you and shakes her head. Rowmi warmly says, "Tell us, Kayse." Nolofinwe peers quizzically at you. You slowly say, "The lamps in the buildings were dimming...." Nolofinwe quietly says, "Hmmm." Legaci rubs his frost blue eyes. Speaking to Rowmi, you ask, "Weren't they?" Mynearth continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. Shinann says, "I am not seeing." Shinann glances around the area. Cryheart says, "Then hae faith that your Arkati whom ye worship will respond or show a sign in time." Speaking simply to you, Rowmi says, "Maybe, but not to us." Fyonn softly says, "The vision seems to be yours alone." (Kayse rubs her eyes and holds a hand up to her face and waves it.) Within the cracks of the cobblestones beneath you, water begins to trickle out, slowly spilling out across the ground. Goldstr rubs his Kai symbol. You glance down. Rowmi leans over and whispers, "Perhaps Aeia is showing you something, my tara. Watch and listen and remember." (Kayse quickly lifts up a foot and gasps.) Katiesa gives a sidelong glance at you. Areigha glances at you. You quickly say, "There's water leaking out of the cobblestone." Cryheart glances at you. Evia says, "Hmm." Rowmi glances down. Shinann says, "No..." Cryheart says, "I see no water." Cryheart rubs his chin thoughtfully. Shinann glances down. (Kayse leans forward and runs her fingers over the cobblestone.) Katiesa tilts her head down. Nolofinwe frowns at you. Areigha shakes her head. You quietly whisper to Rowmi, ".....it couldn't....could it?" You glance skeptically at Rowmi. Goldstr asks, "Cobblestones where?" Shinann blinks. Legaci glances at you. Rowmi gazes into your eyes. Fyonn glances at you. Goldstr peers quizzically at you. Tercolla peers quizzically at you. Rowmi removes a deep green spherical sapphire from in his black leather belt. Rowmi kneels down. You say, "Under our feet." You act puzzled. You fan yourself. Mikalmas asks, "A sign, surely, that someone is listening. Kayse, what God is your patron?" For a brief moment, Kayse's pear green eyes turn white as lilies Fyonn whispers, "Saw a reflection of something in your eyes for a moment. Turned them almost white instead of green." Legaci tilts his head down. Speaking concernedly to you, Katiesa says, "How is your sight now? Your eyes look.... a bit... light." Sareyna says, "Aeia." Speaking worriedly to Katiesa, you ask, "White?" Shinann says, "That was her goddess." Speaking warmly to you, Rowmi says, "Your eyes turned white. Like a lily." Katiesa nods slowly to you. Legaci says, "Give her room to breathe." Shinann says, "White as a lily." You glance at a fragrant white lily. Shinann nods. Goldstr nods at Rowmi. You mouth, "Aeia." Shinann says, "And... that." Shinann nods to you. Sareyna raises her moonstone prayerbeads to the sky, shouting the name of Ivas to the heavens. Speaking to Rowmi, Dergoatean says, "I was going to say more like alabaster but I think you've nailed it." Mikalmas asks, "Someone then, we have a message. beseech Aeia to answer our call. Are there any dedicated among us who follows her?" Speaking curiously to you, Rowmi murmurs, "What do you think she is telling you?" Evia says, "Waves and rising waters, tides perhaps, water seeping through the cobblestones, and lights dimming in the buildings." You glance about with a look of concern on your face. Shinann raises an eyebrow. Fyonn thoughtfully asks, "An invasion by sea?" Legaci says, "No." The water comes up to the edge of your toes now, obscuring the ground completely. The wooden pallisade walls of Wehnimer's Landing disappear before you, as the horizon turns to an endless sea. Speaking worriedly to Rowmi, you say, "Is it going to be a vision like the others." You feel the blood drain from your face. Tolan says, "Means we are all drowning in ignorance, blinded to the truth." Speaking to you, Rowmi assures, "I am here. You are safe." Legaci stares at you. . You faintly say, "The ground is completely gone--covered in water." Shinann says, "Like." Legaci turns an inquisitive ear toward you. You continue, "The town of the Landing disappears....." Mohrgan slowly mentions, "The blue-veined child did mention seeing a boat, upon the sea." Katiesa looks thoughtfully at you. You quietly say, "All I see is water on the horizon." Speaking to you, Sareyna says, "We are here with and for you friend." Goldstr nods at Mohrgan. Cryheart asks, "Is their a shrine or such of Aeia?" Evia says, "Oh this sounds somehow familiar." Evia furrows her brow. You look down, and a white lily floats by your feet. Speaking to Cryheart, you say, "Only in River's Rest." Stormyrain swears under her breath. Katiesa murmurs, "Big water. It does sound familiar." Cryheart says, "Too far." Cryheart frowns. (Kayse glances down at the ground and smiles to herself.) You pick up a fragrant white lily. Speaking to Shinann, Evia asks, "We saw this through someone, yes?" Fyonn blinks. Rowmi bites his lip. You fondly say, "A lily is floating at my feet." Rowmi gazes with interest at you. Areigha shakes her head. (Dergoatean glances down at the ground and does not smile to himself.) Speaking quietly to Cryheart, Stormyrain asks, "Is there a way to send word to the Rest, to someone there that could go see after those in the shrine?" Katiesa nods slowly to you. Dergoatean furrows his brow. Dergoatean ponders. Fyonn asks, "Is there no shrine to Aeia in Icemule's temple?" You look down, and another lily floats by your feet. Then another, then another. Soon, the water is nearly suffocated by white lilies floating by. (Kayse twirls the lily between her fingertips, a gentle smile painting her features.) Cryheart says, "Can try a global connection." Puptilian says, "By time we got message there it would be too late." You blink. Mikalmas says, "Perhaps omeone here should call to the earth Goddess." Puptilian says, "If its happening now." Stormyrain paces back and forth. Speaking to himself, Legaci says, "Insight, without a direction answer... be careful what you ask for." (Kayse quickly glances around her.) Stormyrain clenches her jaw. You exasperatedly say, "There's lilies everywhere...I am covered in them." Shinann takes a moment to observe you. Dergoatean says, "I can't remember a single time when an Arkati gave clear advice on what to do." Speaking to Legaci, Dergoatean says, "It's maddening." Speaking to you, Legaci says, "What else is around you? Can you see." Elbromo smiles at Dergoatean. Looking down, a white lily floats by, its bright petals speckled with red. Stained with blood. Dergoatean frowns at Elbromo. Mikalmas says, "There is an area here in the Landing, dedicated to Aeia. though it is not considered a holy Shrine." Archales inclines his ear, listening intently. Bekke says, "I'm sure if we stepped towards the water, it would do as a makeshift shrine." You slowly say, "I---" Mikalmas says, "It is in the Cleric guild." Fyonn turns to face you. (Kayse examines her lily for a moment and looks up with a horrified face.) Cryheart says, "Only clerics can enter." Fyonn concernedly asks, "What is it?" Speaking quietly to Mikalmas, Stormyrain says, "It is always a temple, or shrine--and it has yet to be here. But they are coming." You darkly say, "This new lily is speckled with blood...." Katiesa quietly says, "There seems to be little reason to move at the moment." Another white lily floats by, freckled with blood. Fyonn blinks. Shinann frowns. Katiesa looks at you with concern. Mikalmas asks, "There is none among us who can commune to her?" You slowly say, "There's another one...." (Fyonn's hand moves involuntarily to touch the acorn at his neck.) Cryheart raises an eyebrow. Rowmi furrows his brow. (Kayse clutches the lily in her hands tightly.) Shinann shifts her weight. Evia says, "Soon it will likely be all of them, I imagine." Speaking to you, Legaci asks, "Blood.. where does it come from?" Legaci says, "Above.." You carefully ask, "Are they respresenting bodies?" Mikalmas says, "The blood comes from the innocents, no doubt." Two, three, seven, ten. Soon there are no white lilies absent of blood splattered along their petals. The bloodstained petals continue to float, but then seem to drift closer to you, forming a sanguine ring around your feet. Cryheart gazes up into the sky. Speaking to you, Evia says, "They may represent the faithful." You shake your head, totally at a loss. Goldstr peers quizzically at you. Bekke says, "More accusations and false confessions, no doubt." Legaci says, "Lillies, white stained in blood. More innocence to be slaughter." Areigha softly says, "What a better time to defeat those rising against you...then when they are all gathered plotting." Shinann says, "Or are being slaughtered." You worriedly say, "The white lilies are being overtaken by the blood splattered ones. There's so many now the water surrounding me is now sanguine." You stand back up. Dergoatean asks, "That's a good sign, right?" Dergoatean says, "Er..." Dergoatean frowns. Fyonn blinks. Rowmi stands up. Rowmi tightens his grip on his spherical sapphire. Mikalmas exclaims, "This demands a response!" Fyonn sadly asks, "War...?" Mikalmas sighs. Evia says, "The lily is if not mistaken, a symbol of Aeia, I ponder they represent her faithful in this vision." (Kayse glances around the small park, her gaze narrowed as she stares at her surroundings.) Areigha gazes up into the sky. Rovvigen waves to you. Speaking to Mikalmas, Stormyrain says, "It does--as do all the slaughters before it--and a response will come, but it would be folly to attempt a direct attack on Chaston at this point." One by one, the bloodstained lilies begin to pile around your feet, brushing up against your skin, growing and rising up your leg, the mound of lilies grows. Speaking to Stormyrain, Dergoatean says, "Of course, we cannot commune with the Arkati by ourselves once we get there." Stormyrain nods slowly at Dergoatean. Mikalmas says, "No need to visit the rest. We need to find someone among us or in town worthy of seeing Aeia's guidance." Areigha softly says, "The stars are disappearing....we have someones attention." Mikalmas says, "As I have been saying since the beginning." Goldstr says, "Chaston bouts ta slaughter da faithful a Aeia." Speaking to Dergoatean, Stormyrain asks, "I'm not sure what the message is, quite yet. Mayhaps this is a broader message?" Speaking to you, Legaci says, "Are there any other animals, flowers..." (Kayse pushes downward in every direction around her as she says, "They're piling up, they won't stop.") You look at Legaci and shake your head. Tolan gazes up into the sky. Mikalmas touches you. Evia says, "You do realize that visions may not be from who one assumes them to be from." Roelaren says, "Goodness." Rowmi leans over and whispers, "I know it feels real, but you are here. I am here." Speaking to you, Dergoatean says, "Stay with us. Just visions." You give a sidelong glance at Mikalmas. Roelaren gazes up into the sky. You nod at Rowmi. You nod at Dergoatean. Speaking to Evia, Puptilian says, "That is always the risk and a reason we dont put all our thought, decisions and actions based on those visions." Nolofinwe gazes up into the heavens. Speaking to you, Mikalmas says, "Find peace, Kayse. In the Chaos, find peace." Nolofinwe gazes up into the sky. Speaking curiously to your white lily, you ask, "What are you trying to say?" Evia agrees with Puptilian. Tolan says, "Smells like more trickery and deception from someone adept at tinkinger with the minds of others." Your feet and knees become encased in a growing layer of blood speckled lilies. You look up, at the endless sea beyond, and beneath the silver light of the moon, a ship is spotted on the horizon. Shinann frowns. . Areigha softly says, "I wonder if Rodnay is also having a vision." Speaking to you, Legaci asks, "The waters, stained with blood. Can you see the direction in which the blood flows?" Speaking to Areigha, Tolan says, "Or causing them..." Areigha agrees with Tolan. Suddenly, the vision and feeling subsides, the water, lilies, and blood are gone. The small park and familiar faces are before you. (Kayse stares outward, her gaze settling on something in the distance.) Mikalmas asks, "Does anyone have symbol of Aeia? Some candles? A means to commune for more answers?" You quietly say, "A ship....on the horizon amongst the endless sea." Legaci squints. Shinann says, "He saw that." Shinann nods. Speaking mildly to Mikalmas, Katiesa says, "Perhaps we could wait and see what Kayse's vision unfolds to be." Salvashion ponders. Speaking to you, Legaci remarks, "Can you see what this ship looks like." Speaking to Mikalmas, Puptilian says, "If the visions come from Aeia then I doubt a commune is necessary. Lets see where the visions take us." Goldstr says, "Blameless goin ta slaughter." Goldstr nods. (Kayse quickly blinks and takes a step back as she looks at the crowd in the park.) Shinann glances at you. Bekke sighs in frustration, lightly pressing her fingertips to her temples. You faintly say, "I can see you all again..." Rowmi smiles at you. Rowmi gazes into your eyes. Your cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening your freckles even more. Speaking to you, Legaci says, "It's stopped.. you'll need water.." Speaking to you, Legaci says, "And lemons.." Shinann asks, "So... they are headed to kill... maybe?" Shinann asks, "Warning?" You ruefully say, "The town was covered in the sea." Rowmi rubs a deep green spherical sapphire in his hand. You smile at Rowmi. You quietly whisper to Rowmi, "It was Aeia right, we are sure it is not Chaston?" Speaking thoughtfully to you, Rowmi asks, "A warning? A plea for help?" Rowmi leans over and whispers, "Your eyes glowed like lilies." Goldstr says, "Lady kayse's visions looks loke Chaston's Blameless be goin after anudder Arkati group be Aeia dis time." >>Lots of discussion about what the visions meant THEN: Thunder rumbles loudly around you, followed by the lapping of waves. Evia says, "What is the focus about River's Rest? I missed something." You gaze in wonder at your surroundings. Roelaren says, "But just as soon as we sent a group of defenders to the Rest, Landing would be attacked as well." You curiously ask, "You hear that right?" You slowly ask, "The thunder and the waves?" Shinann asks, "Again?" Goldstr peers quizzically at you. Speaking firmly to Rowmi, you ask, "Did you hear the thunder and waves?" Rowmi looks over at you and shakes his head. (Kayse holds her hands up to her temples and gently rubs them.) Shinann says, "I was hoping that was a warning..." Shinann shifts her weight. Stormyrain offers you a cup of warm sylvan tea. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. Speaking to you, Legaci says, "It's the after shoch.. the residue of the aura which surrounded you." You accept Stormyrain's offer and are now holding a cup of warm sylvan tea. You nod understandingly at Legaci. Speaking appreciatively to Stormyrain, you say, "Thank you." Speaking quietly to you, Stormyrain says, "It has some properties that will help ease your mind, especially after a disturbing vision." For a brief moment, you see the image of a dark citadel rising up high, casting long shadows across a garden and a patch of deciduous trees. You quickly ask, "What?" Mikalmas says, "So events are set in motion. (Kayse stares out into the night air, vacantly.) Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at you. Speaking to you, Legaci remarks, "It will last for a few days, sadly as well. As the visions become clearer, the headache will become worse, prepare for them." You say, "The citadel is rising up.....casting a shadow over Aeia's garden." Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression. Speaking confusedly to you, Rowmi asks, "Citadel?" Fyonn blinks. Goldstr nods. Fyonn swears under his breath. Speaking quickly to Rowmi, you say, "Back home." Elbromo says, "It is the Rest." Evia says, "At the Rest." Shinann says, "Oh." Cryheart nods to you. Goldstr says, "Da Rest." Sareyna says, "'in the rest." Shinann winces. Speaking to herself, Stormyrain murmurs, "Not over then." Speaking breathlessly to Rowmi, you ask, "He wouldn't attack there, right?" Elbromo says, "Dun sound like Chaston." Speaking firmly to you, Rowmi says, "He will attack everywhere if not stopped. We will stop him." For a brief moment, you see the murky waters of Maelstrom Bay. A ship glides slowly through the dark of night, rain and clouds above. Speaking to Elbromo, Goldstr says, "Do sound likes him to me." (Kayse shakes her head quickly over and over again.) Shinann glances at you. You distantly say, "I see Maelstrom Bay....there's a ship moving in through the dead of night." Shinann frowns. Goldstr nods to you. Katiesa looks thoughtfully at you. Legaci turns an inquisitive ear toward you. You coldly say, "It's raining, dark.....there's clouds." Falvicar tilts his head toward you, examining you intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly. Cryheart nods to you. Stormyrain slowly empties her lungs. Nyatherra grins at Nolofinwe. Speaking to herself, Katiesa murmurs, "Is it not always?" Sareyna says, "Rowmi is right chaston will not stop with the landing this will be an Elanthia-wice problem i fear." Falvicar winks at Katiesa. Roelaren agrees with Sareyna. Goldstr agrees with Sareyna. (Kayse's hand shakes as she holds her cup of tea, her eyes unfocused staring into the distance.) Mikalmas says, "So the storm comes." Salvashion says, "Forewarned is forearmed." Shinann says, "Something else..." Falvicar gazes up into the sky. Goldstr peers quizzically at Shinann. Rowmi quietly murmurs, "We are here. You are safe." Rowmi reaches over and gently rests his hand on your arm. (Kayse flinches slightly at Rowmi's touch, but keeps her gaze locked ahead.) Speaking softly to you, Katiesa urges, "What more?" You cock your head. (Kayse shakes her head a moment.) You quietly whisper to Rowmi, "Do we need to head there?" You hesitantly ask, "Do I need to head back home?"" Puptilian says, "If you go dont go alone." Elbromo asks, "'there's a Shrine to Aeia where at Rivers Rest?" You say, "There's a few." Katiesa nods to you. Elbromo asks, "In Miasma?" Fyonn says, "A garden dedicated to her there as well." You thoughtfully say, "But the one I saw in my vision is a garden dedicated to her...outside the citadel." You nod at Fyonn. Elbromo says, "Wow." Fyonn wistfully says, "You can't imagine all the herbs found there in such a small garden." Rowmi whispers, "I do not know. Perhaps we can devise a plan to keep tabs on his movements.."