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2022-01-30 - Mist Harbor Minstrel Audition (log)

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This log is from the Minstrel of Mist Harbor Audition on January 30, 2022.

Twittie exclaims, "Very well then, let us begin, and best of luck to each of you!"
Twittie turns to face Khobra.
Speaking to Khobra, Twittie says, "If you would start us off, please begin with an introduction.  Your timer starts afterwards."
(Khobra glances about, to those who have gathered within the Library's Meeting Hall, while slowly lifting one of her snakeskin gauntlets towards her lips.)
Khobra pleasantly introduces, "Salutations to all which have assembled here, this early twilight. I am called Kho'Bra - draconic meaning Lost and Hope. I am from Ta'Maelshyve the Antiquarian and a Mistress of Elanthia's rarest of Wildlife." She glances about once more before continuing with, "I belong to a Council of Dark Elves, an Officier and a Member of the Defenders of Mist Harbor - The Drakes Vanguard - Fenog's Regulars."."
Speaking to Khobra, Twittie says, "Thank you very much.  Your timer begins now."
Speaking enchantedly to Twittie, Khobra states, "The only thing I cannot belong to, within a defending nature, is within the Elven Nations, for.. reasonings beyond even my explaining. Ta'Illistim's Argent Mirror is far more accepting of those still call Dark yet elven than a newly crown elven King of Ta'Vaalor."."
Khobra proudly mentions, "Since my first time within this Mystic Harbor awakened something within me, something within you all..."
Khobra serenely continues, "Peace and Tranquility, such peace and serenity reminded me of a time when we all still intermingled with the Draconic and Other kinds, regularly. When changeable offense came in learning how to bake a muffin."
Khobra smiles sadly towards herself before sighing and continuing with, "There had never been a moment within this Harbor's history until the Grim came Swarming with their ideas within and about the Mist, to which such Pride came in seeing the ideas perish within a razing flame. To observe, slowly with each day, they can be and shall be removed from this Harbor."
Khobra thoughtfully states, "But this is not the pridefulness in which to see a reunited self-existence. I am an apprentice when it comes to familiarity pride as I am not most. I am born with just a knowledge of "Revenge".  Yet pride despite the outcome of things means little if one is not willing to understand and obey the  simplest of a word."
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Khobra smiles.
Khobra smiles lightly while answering with, "Humbleness."
(Khobra continues with, "Reminding myself and all which listen such overwhelms Pride, and always overwhelm the darkest of nights." Silence soon overcomes the assemblage and slowly she lowers her snakeskin gauntlets down from her lips to rest at her waist.)
Khobra playfully concludes, "And dere goez my perfect mozt commonly zpoken tongue. Zorry, the zpell vith my gauntletz only vorkz for a moment to tvo. You can thank da zerpentz vor dat."
Twittie applauds Khobra politely.
Speaking to Khobra, Twittie exclaims, "Thank you very much!"
Twittie exclaims, "A moment while we tally our scores, then we will choose the next auditioner!"

Speaking to Faerinn, Twittie asks, "Would you please take the next audition, beginning with an introduction?" Faerinn nods at Twittie. Speaking to Faerinn, Twittie says, "Your timer will begin on my mark, after your introduction." Faerinn says, "I am Faerinn Greatsinger, a barrister of international infamy and defender of Mist Harbor. And this is my ward Clerkus. He's in my care for fraud." Faerinn points at Clerkus. Clerkus says, "I don't want to be here." Speaking to Faerinn, Twittie says, "Thank you very much. Your timer begins now." Clerkus sighs. Faerinn carefully checks the strings of his kora, plucking them lightly in fourths, fifths, and octaves, adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched. Faerinn then plays a few short scales and arpeggios, listening carefully for the concordance. Clerkus mutters, "Prepare yourselves." Faerinn places his hands on his kora, then, seemingly without a thought, begins to play, his fingers beginning a little ditty almost of their own volition. Clerkus grumbles. Faerinn nods at Clerkus. Clerkus monotonously says, "For The Exaltation of Faerinn Greatsinger, Defender of Mist Harbor and Blinder of Ankreth." Faerinn says, "This is how I earned the title Defender of Mist Harbor." Clerkus rolls his eyes. Faerinn says, "A very proud day for myself." Producing a variation on the somber theme, Faerinn uses a series of repeated notes in the left hand, basso ostinato, while his right hand wanders the upper strings. (Faerinn shakes his kimono. A black box then thuds against the ground. It unfolds into a layout of the eastern pier in Mist Harbor, but in miniature.) (Faerinn shakes his kimono again. Then marionettes drop from inside the violecious kimono drapping Faerinn, and hang above the small stage. One of a Ankreth, a Krovlin warlord with a rock in his head, Akenna the militia captain impaled upon his runka, and Socius, the lord of the Isle, holding her in his arms.) (Faerinn whistles at the theatre. Through a mixture of puppetry, Gnomish engineering, alchemy, illusions, and bardic know-how the scene comes to life.) The strength of the composition Faerinn plays on his kora is guaranteed by his fluent and elegant fingering, as well as his intense concentration. Faerinn dramatically says, "Mist Harbor was under siege by a Krovlin warlord who surrounded himself in mystique, because the reality was less than flattering." Faerinn gruffly boasts, "Your great champions lay broken before me.' Faerinn says in a perfect imitation of a Krovlin warlord. 'I, Ankreth, deem this Island mine, by rights of I found a rock that came out of a griffon's backside, and I put it in my eye socket. The Egg of Ch'Rael makes me invincible at cost of depth perception!" Faerinn says, "And in this moment, for me, preparation and opportunity came together as good luck for me." (Faerinn shakes the strings. Then the Ankreth doll looks down to see a yellow symbol of Jaston on his chest.) Faerinn gruffly mouths, "Oh, dang, who put this Jaston graffito on me. Surely, a buried the rest of the town who deep in claidhmores that the rest of the Defenders have not down some kind of ritual to stop me!" Faerinn's expression one of concentration as his hands find strings on his kora and he proudly produces an august and dignified rendition of the piece. Faerinn dramatically professes, "It twas I, Faerinn Greatsinger, ESQ!" Faerinn points at himself. Faerinn strikes a heroic pose. (Faerinn makes a finger crossbow gesture at the Ankreth marionette.) Faerinn dramatically proclaims, "Black fire issued from my weapon, but these flames were cold with the void. His other eye exploded in decompression. It is truly remarkable what nothing can truly do to someone." The intensity mounts as Faerinn moves through a fortissimo passage, followed by notes so soft the listener must strain to hear them. Faerinn gruffly screeches, "Oh no! My seeing eye!' Faerinn mimicked the Warlord in pain. 'My periphery is ruined." Faerinn rejoices, "Now with two blind spots it was no issue for the half Krovlin and half Iyo son of Ankreth, Cyllost.' On cue another Krovlin marionette joined the others on stage. 'It was now Cyllost's opening to do a patricide!" Demonstrating his mastery of his instrument, Faerinn begins a combination of strumming and picking, reaching the top of the crescendo with an ecstatic power that makes it difficult to keep from smiling. Faerinn deeply grunts, "Vibe check, or whatever the Kroglesh equivalent is, I am sure he said." (Faerinn both Krovlin marionettes clash in an epic slap fight. The Ankreth marionette mutters a low 'Ooof' before falling apart into its base components.) Faerinn recounts, "I cut the Egg loose and handed it to Cyllost, in a gesture of unity for us to return it to the Iyo." Faerinn bemoans, "Instead he threw it in the ocean." Bright and sparkling, Faerinn draws a joyous tune from his kora, full of sunshine dazzling with brilliance. Faerinn gruffly grunts, "I shall return this Egg to Jaston, a task I surely would have never been able to do without you Faerinn, was a thing Cyllost could have said." With an arch expression playing about his face, Faerinn performs with obvious delight the intricate little quavers and syncopations that brighten the piece. Faerinn softly adds, "And do not forget me, Dr. C!' Faerinn said in a perfect impression of the gnomish physician whose likeness now flitted down to the stage. 'We have meddled in the unknown again, but surely there is no consequences of that." (Faerinn shakes the strings. Then all the marionettes laugh and bow as the curtain falls.) Faerinn deadpans, "Akenna might have come back to life' Faerinn said in imitation of Dr.C 'but my family never will." Faerinn softly deadpans, "Or will they?" Impulsive and impetuous, Faerinn uses delightfully quirky chord-progressions progressions to make his kora nearly dance as well as sing its way through the blithe little air. Faerinn smiles awkwardly as an oppressive silence follows as he gathers the marionettes back into the box. Faerinn bows. Speaking to Faerinn, Twittie says, "Thank you very much."
Speaking to Kayse, Twittie asks, "If you would please take the next spot, beginning with an introduction?" Kayse nods slowly at Twittie. Speaking to Kayse, Twittie says, "Your timer will begin on my mark, after your introduction." (Kayse moves to the front of the crowd and surveys the room, a brief smile touching her lips.) Kayse brightly introduces, "I am Kayse Thaellian. Raconteur and Tale spinner. I also hold a position at Beacon Hall Archive as their Storyteller. I am hoping if I am chosen I can not only spread the happenings of Mist Harbor, but highlight many of the denizens that live and interact here in an interview setting to tell their stories." Speaking to Kayse, Twittie says, "Thank you very much. Your time begins now." Kayse pensively begins, "Each flower that incorporates this bouquet, stands for different moments I experienced the feeling of pride." (Kayse idly picks at a few of the blooms within the wildflower bouquet. Her face adopts an impassive expression as her smile fades.) Kayse casually admits, "Usually I spin tales of folklore and history. Today, a rare glimpse into some moments that have helped create..." Kayse hesitantly murmurs, "" Kayse recites confidently: "Here is my tale of pride existing. A feeling in all that is quite persisting." Kayse flashes a grin as she plucks a flaming violet from the bouquet. "Pride can be worn in the colors you wear. A group you represent. In the home you declare." Kayse reminds, "It is no secret I hail from River's Rest. The flaming violet is the only place you can find it." Kayse gazes thoughtfully at her flaming violet. Speaking wistfully to Talinvor, Kayse says, "Some of my strongest relationships were formed there. Some of my fondest memories were created there." Talinvor smirks. Kayse smiles quietly to herself. Kayse reflectively says, "It is a town rich in culture, history and traditions." Kayse claims, "There is an old tale about a necromancer from River's Rest who had been experimenting on how to extend life--by putting hearts of strong creatures into the bodies of lesser ones." Kayse simply informs, "He read a story about goats having strong hearts." Kayse fervently says, "Because of the errors of his experiments he created ferocious goat-hearted creatures that attacked River's Rest." (Kayse leans on the small podium, a wry grin tugging at the corner of her lips.) Kayse amusedly notes, "But only the most stubborn people stayed to fight them off." Kayse proudly mentions, "Their determination and perseverance due to this event became known to the Empire and made them realize the worth of the town. Stories like these are just one of the reasons I love to call the Rest my home." Kayse grins smugly. Kayse remarks, "The flaming violet represents how my origin can amplify pride." Kayse puts on a flaming violet. (Kayse reaches deep within the middle of the bouquet and pulls out a fennel bulb. She purses her lips at it then shrugs.) Kayse recites respectfully: "Pride swells from others in what they do. Their ideals and views may speak to you. It can come from years that your culture defines Values remembered till the end of time." Kayse grimly says, "My people were slaves for decades. The overseers invaded Bre'Naere, harvested resources and drained the planet." Kayse furrows her brow. Speaking quietly to Kalyrra, Kayse says, "We persevered through the torture, manipulation, and destruction." (Kayse lowers her gaze a moment, collecting her thoughts. As she tilts her head up, her eyes brim with confidence.) Kayse measuredly says, "When the portal opened, Aelotoi received a second chance. We made a new life in Elanthia--from nothing." Kalyrra agrees with Kayse. Speaking proudly to Traiva, Kayse says, "Because of our strength, we found our place in this World." Kayse comments, "Fennel means strength." Kayse holds up the fennel bulb in her hand, "Our cultures can weave a strong sense of fulfillment within us." Traiva turns towards Kayse and flutters her wings out wide for Kayse to see. Kayse recites raptly: "In telling a story of a heroic deed. Pride resonates strongly, when others succeed." Kayse pokes around the bouquet, before grabbing a daffodil from the mix. "Unlikely heroes even some in this room, Are all reminders of this next bloom." Kayse didactically says, "The daffodil was mostly used to remind knights of their duties. I like to use it to represent bravery." Kayse leans forward and loudly whispers, "Which reminds me of all of you." Kayse indicates a pale yellow daffodil as a possible option. Kayse dismissively teases, "Well, most of you." Kayse appears to be struggling to keep a straight face. Kayse confides, "I have fought alongside many of you for years." (Kayse's pear green eyes look over the room, she pauses as her gaze seems to meet with each person in the crowd.) Speaking to Meliyara, Kayse reflects, "Some of you overcame difficult obstacles set in your path." Speaking ardently to Missoni, Kayse recalls, "Others continue to sacrifice themselves for the greater good." Meliyara inclines her head. Speaking admiringly to Stormyrain, Kayse observes, "And there's a few, who always make sure to see the best in others." Kayse places a hand over her heart. Stormyrain inclines her head. Kayse suggests, "We..." Kayse gestures around the room, "Can motivate each other's pride." Kayse puts on a pale yellow daffodil. Kayse recites brightly: "Pride builds and inspires and ignites a crowd. Banding together when there are dark clouds. A lily, for Aeia, represents this day--" Kayse leads forward, her voice dropping into a menacing tone, "The Blameless sailed into Maelstrom Bay." Kayse discloses, "Years ago, a religious zealot, named Chaston, and his army the Blameless, terrorized anyone who didn't worship Koar." Kayse gratefully recounts, "My patron, Aeia, sent me visions. Bloodstained lilies. A ship in Maelstrom Bay." (Kayse brings her white arum lily to her nose and deeply inhales.) Kayse proclaims, "I rallied a group in Wehnimer's to travel to her citadel garden shrine in River's Rest." Speaking fiercely to Regwen, Kayse states, "Ronanites drew their blades." Kayse approvingly commends, "Ivasians stood shoulder to shoulder." Kayse uncertainly says, "The Blameless in their shiny white armor stormed the beach." (Kayse takes a step forward, her eyes slightly narrowed as she declares, "You will not take this shrine!") Kayse hurriedly says, "They swung the first blade." Kayse ducks as if she's dodging a swinging blade, "the smell of copper overswept the florals as blood was shed." Kayse determinedly says, "We fought back. Some of us fell, but on that night..." Kayse leans forward. Kayse proudly says, " was the first time a shrine had been protected from Chaston's assaults." Speaking quietly to herself, Kayse says, "Events that call you to the occassion, can inflict self-worth." (Kayse inclines her head, a pensive expression painting her features.) Kayse recites thoughtfully: "Pride can be measured in numerous ways. In the gestures you do and the words that you say. It defines where you're from and what you have done..." Kayse pauses a moment as a smile escapes her lips, "The road you have traveled, the person you've become." Kayse bows low, spreading her wings for all to see. Speaking to Kayse, Twittie says, "That's time, thank you very much."
Speaking to Mellny, Twittie asks, "If you would please take the next spot, beginning with an introduction?" Mellny nods eagerly at Twittie. Speaking to Mellny, Twittie says, "Your timer will begin on my mark, after your introduction." Mellny blurts, "Finally!" Mellny skips in a merry little circle around a small podium. Mellny waves to Kalyrra. Mellny waves to Rohese. Rohese waves to Mellny. Mellny greets, "Me name be Mellny an' I heard dere be a minstrel job wit' me name on its!" Speaking softly to Mellny, Rohese mouths, "Good luck!" Speaking to Mellny, Twittie says, "Thank you. Your timer begins now." Mellny nods eagerly. Mellny fiercely brags, "I be smalls but ain't no one gonna miss when I be abouts." Firmly planting her feet equidistance apart, Mellny folds her arms and lifts her head in a defiant manner. Mellny brightly adds, "An' me Auntie Berthina? She says I be downright tolerable if'n she just makes da effort!" Mellny excitedly repeats, "Tolerable!" Mellny struts about satisfied. Mellny baffledly says, "Dey saids ta talks today about when you be most prouds." Mellny protests, "But I always be proud! I means, looks at me!" With a flourish, Mellny tosses her pale ruby pelisse over her shoulder, tilting her chin upward with a flash of pert defiance. Mellny brightly speculates, "Mebbe, know what makes me most prouds? How good I can see poss'bilities!" Mellny boasts, "Every morn, I imagines dozens of poss'bilities in dat moment rights befores I open me eyes." Mellny nods vigorously! Mellny skeptically says, "An elf tolds me yesterday dat books open up worlds of poss'bilities." Mellny furrows her brow. Speaking dubiously to herself, Mellny repeats, "Books?" Mellny fidgets. Mellny proudly says, "But den, den, I imagines poss'bilities." Mellny looks lost in thought. Mellny blurts, "Oy! I share a poss'bilities 'bout books!" Mellny affably blathers, "I know a lady 'round here who likes books! An' all yous imagines along nows." Mellny waves to Rohese. The sound of rain plinking comes from outside. Rohese waves to Mellny. Mellny gives a sidelong glance around the room. Mellny hums happily to herself. Mellny dreamily begins, "Jus' imagine, da ladies of da book club, dey gather in a flowery courtyard one sunny day here in Mist Harbor." Mellny mischievously admonishes, "I knows, it always be rainin' dese days. IMAGINES dat sunny day." Mellny nods enthusiastically! Mellny continues, "Jus' imagine, dey flippin' pages an' chatterin'. Dey all be awful classy an' dey sure be in loves wit' books." Mellny giggles to herself. Mellny suddenly declares, "Oh no! Twenties giant bulb-bottomed creatures, each wit' one slit-eye, swoop over da town!" Mellny yells, "OY! What be dose T'INGS up dere?" Mellny stares upward. Mellny recites excitedly: "Oy, dey be pink! Oy, dey be squats! An' as dey flies? Blow out gray snots!" Speaking impishly to herself, Mellny repeats, "Snots." Mellny snickers to herself. Mellny recites quickly: "Da book club ladies squeals, Raise fancy 'brella shields Pertectin' fine tea cups! All met'phor fun be gone Like sim'lies nevers spawned!" Mellny excitedly declares, "Jus' imagine, some fire-happy finger waggler launches off double fistfuls of fireballs from Gardenia Commons!" Mellny reports, "The fireballs hit the flyin' beasties!" A boom of thunder can be heard outside. Mellny gazes up in wonder. Mellny claps her hands together in delight! Mellny babbles, "Every critter explodes in gazabillion teeny pieces! Dey all start FALLIN'!" Mellny happily exclaims, "Da ladies in the courtyard, dey look skywards in horrors!" Mellny recites breathlessly: "Oy, dey do run! Oy, dey do shriek! Monster chunk bits Cries down dere cheeks!" Mellny deliriously squeals, "It be chaos!" Mellny recites merrily: "Mist Harbor be awash Wit' one-eyed monster slosh! Fresh sea attackers comes! In scuttles mort of crabs! Sharp salty pincers grabs!" Mellny curls her hands into a mimicry of lobster claws, pinching at the empty air around her and making clicking sounds with her tongue. Mellny hoots with laughter! Mellny impishly blurts, "Jus' imagine! All seems lost! Giant krakens circles da Isle hopin' fer snacks! Stripey beasties clatter through the streets!" Mellny clutches her chest in mock horror. Mellny dramatically announces, "But NO! A stout true folk oldster wieldin' a overly big cast iron fryin' pan comes ta save our towns!" Mellny adds, "She yowls an' growls, all scary likes Whip Lady, an' da crabs be fried away! Da defenders of da town rally behinds her!" Mellny pulls back her shoulders, stretches her neck and rises up on her toes in an attempt to appear more imposing. Mellny recites fiercely: "Oy, she wants bloods! Oy, her pan thuds! Inspired by yelps, Folks bravely helps!" Mellny recites jubilantly: "Not Talky Talky Man, But Wolf Lady an' clan! Looks, Sisters One an' Twos! Talls Gryphon do combats, Near bloke wit' fancy hats!" Mellny merrily speculates, "Jus' imagine, it takes days of rains to wash da lurids pink off da cobblestones." Mellny decisively says, "But right off, da book club ladies brush demselves cleans and settle back down in da library courtyard an' talk more 'bout books." Mellny nods vigorously! Mellny allows, "Cause dem ol' biddies also know dat books open up poss'bilities." Mellny mutters something about who'd-have-thunk. Mellny looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Mellny happily concludes, "An' seein' poss'bilities? Dey be why always I be most proud right in the nows." Pulling up the edges of her pale ruby pelisse, Mellny bobs a sassy little half-curtsy. Mellny cheerfully whispers aloud, "I be done! You can claps!" Mellny nods once. Twittie applauds Mellny politely. Speaking to Mellny, Twittie says, "Thank you very much."
Speaking to Regwen, Twittie asks, "If you would please take the final spot, beginning with an introduction?" Speaking to Regwen, Twittie says, "Your timer will start on my mark, after your introduction." Regwen says, "Good afternoon, I am Regwen Maritin, bardess Ronan, Captain in the Drakes Vanguard and member of the House of the Rising Pheonix." (Regwen moves gracefully to the front of the room before the dais.) Regwen pleasantly greets, "Good afternoon everyone." Speaking to Regwen, Twittie says, "Thank you. Your timer begins now." Regwen smiles around the room at each of you. Regwen respectfully explains, "I think this tale is especially relevant now, with the bad dreams some of the locals are having. Many of you have also been asking about followers of Lord Ronan." Regwen evenly begins, "This is my Lord Ronan story, which took place back in the year 5114 in Wehnimer's Landing." Regwen slings a silver-inlaid varnished ash mandolin strung with twisted silver off from over her shoulder. Regwen begins playing a quiet song on her mandolin. Regwen clearly states, "Lheren Hoscstib, the Second Watcher of the Church of Koar, organized people of all faiths to come together in a mass commune in order to seek Koar's aid in the battle against Althedeus." Regwen calmly explains, "We were gathered late one evening in the month of Eoantos, clerics and lay people of all different faiths." (Regwen moves a couple paces to the left.) Regwen adds in a soft harmony, the muted strains complimenting the melody beautifully. Regwen delightedly marvels, "The area was crowded and many candles were placed on the ground giving the area a soft ethereal glow with long undulating shadows." (Regwen motions with her right hand to indicate candles on the ground.) Regwen earnestly recalls, "Anticipation seemed to hang in the air." Regwen plucks several harmonic tones as delightful as the quiescent songs of shy faeries. (Regwen moves a couple paces to the right.) Regwen solemnly recalls, "Some people were praying softly, and some were struggling with or scoffing at the idea of praying at all." Regwen nods slowly. Regwen slows the tempo of the ballad, adding a ponderous quality reminiscent of the canticles heard in a temple. Regwen gently states, "Some people were beseeching Koar for aid, while others were beseeching Koar for conversion!" (Regwen moves back to center and leans forward for emphasis.) Regwen emphatically exclaims, "And they were BEING converted on the spot!" Paying studious attention to her mandolin's strings, Regwen begins layering major seventh chords as a foundation to a song of inspiration. Regwen reverently marvels, "Well, I was awestruck seeing conversions happening before my eyes!" Regwen takes a deep breath. With an outpouring of vibrant sound, Regwen bursts into an inspirational chorus of dynamic resonance. Regwen quietly discloses, "I fell to my knees." Regwen kneels down. Regwen prayerfully beseeches, "Lord Ronan, convert me so that I might help defend the Landing in your name." Regwen fervently recalls, "Suddenly.... a silver glow surrounded me." Regwen plays with a quiet beauty, the muted notes subtle and yet profoundly effecting. Regwen gasps. Regwen ominously says, "And my vision went black." Regwen stares off into space. Regwen quietly elaborates, "A velvety black, warmed only by twinkling starlight." Regwen dreamily discloses, "Dream-like images flickered at the edges of my consciousness, borne upon the night breeze that briefly curled about me." Regwen caresses the strings once, very gently, making her mandolin seem to sigh as the melody continues. Regwen smiles dreamily, tears beginning to well up in her eyes, as she remembers. Regwen dreamily continues, "The wavering image of a unicorn was the last thing I saw, before the light of the candles and my surroundings returned." Regwen stands up. (Regwen smooths the front of her gown.) Paying complete attention to the mandolin's strings, Regwen begins building an intense melody. Regwen excitedly reveals, "A voice rang out,; Congratulations to Regwen for being accepted by Lord Ronan. Prayers are heard!" Regwen proudly states, "Speaking directly to me, Lheren said, "The Lord of Night has heard you, it seems."." (Regwen blinks, tears gently rolling down her cheeks.) Regwen smiles to herself while brushing away her tears. Regwen takes a deep breath. Regwen happily recalls, "My dearest friends congratulated me and I was truly speechless...A bard, choked up." Regwen proudly recalls, "And so very proud to have been accepted by Lord Ronan "Himself"." Regwen bridges her song into a new key, taking it to new heights of intensity. As Regwen plays her varnished ash mandolin, some silver stars suddenly flow out of the instrument, pulled into existence from the magic of her song. The silver stars flow forcefully like a raging river. Regwen places a hand over her heart. Regwen accentuates her song with emphatic strums, adding to the intensity. (Regwen stands a bit taller, pushing her shoulders back and lifting her chin a bit.) Regwen ecstatically says, "Me, Regwen from the turnip farm, was worthy of conversion by the Lord of Dreams." Regwen ecstatically says, "I swear I floated above the ground that night. It was the proudest moment of my life and I was filled with awe." Regwen lets out a long, contemplative breath. Regwen brings the joyful melody strongly to the fore, emphasizing each note with ringing clarity over the complicated, mobile background harmony. The silver stars rise brightly and intensely like a blazing inferno. Regwen plainly states, "Over these following years, I have tried to live up to this honor." Regwen proudly professes, "I am proud to be a bardess of Ronan." Regwen says, "But, that said," Regwen humbly concedes, "I try to serve humbly and with dignity as too much pride builds walls between people." With a final joyous flourish Regwen stills her fingers on the mandolin, allowing the final bright chord to fade into silence. Regwen smiles at you warmly. Regwen says, "Thank you for listening." Twittie applauds Regwen politely. Speaking to Regwen, Twittie says, "Thank you very much."