Journey's End

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Journey's End is a private property located on Moonglae Var in Ta'Illistim in Prime.

It is a highly customized version of Evelise's Retreat, created by GM Valyrka and won by Alastir at Prime's Great Auction of 2016.

Rent was 75,000 silvers before the property was made permanent through Summit Academy.


[Ta'Illistim, Moonglae Var]
Two pieces of crumbly silvery blue stonework cross over the var, forming a near complete arch. The broken gap in the masonry is jagged, but with edges gone soft with age and the elements. A respectful space surrounds the base of the structure on both sides of the road, separating it from the houses that sit nearby. Crafted from alabaster stone, a beautiful manor sits back behind a greystone wall. A cobbled walkway leads through a gate and up to the building. Lush fruit trees and blooming flowers fill the visible lawn.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

>look stonework

The stone is aged, and its age shows. A gap in the middle of the arch allows a view of the sky, framed by silvery blue granite.

Cobbled Walkway


[Ta'Illistim, Cobbled Walkway]
Pale interlocking stones are joined together to create a cobbled walkway that leads up to an ornate mistwood gate set into a low greystone wall. Fragrant bushes of blooming alabaster roses line either side of the entrance, their light petals standing out against the dark background.
Obvious paths: none


[Ta'Illistim, Cobbled Walkway]
Diffuse moonlight illuminates the pale interlocking stones of a cobbled walkway that leads up to an ornate mistwood gate set into a low greystone wall. Fragrant bushes of blooming alabaster roses line either side of the entrance, their light petals highlighted by the soft luminescence from above.
Obvious paths: none

>look gate

An ornate silver mistwood gate crowned with a scrollwork lattice is set into the low greystone wall, providing a partial view of the lush green lawn and alabaster stone manor beyond. The fittings of the gate are crafted from crimson eahnor and shaped as miniature rose blossoms, their vivid hue contrasting with the backdrop of pallid wood.

>open gate

You unhook a small silver latch and gently push the gate open.

>close gate

You gently pull an ornate mistwood gate closed and hook the silver latch.



[Journey's End, Lawn]
Surrounded by a low greystone wall, a rolling green lawn spreads out before a beautiful alabaster stone manor. Both elegant and charming, the building's design synthesizes the beauty of the landscape. A cobbled walkway separates a cherry grove and blossoming beds of colorful flowers.
Obvious paths: none

>look wall

Pale grey stones have been worked together creating a wall that surrounds the manor's property. An ornate mistwood gate gives access to the city streets. Flowing rose bushes climb over the surface at various points, their full blossoms the perfect accent.

>look manor

Smooth alabaster stone forms the outer walls of this charming manor. A slanted roof crafted entirely from porcelain shingles gently slopes over beautiful oriel windows. The cobbled walkway leads up to a carved beechwood door.

>look grove

Planted in neat rows, each of the trees in the grove are in various states of blossom. Ranging from deep to pale pink to white, the blossoms display a beautiful array of vibrant colors. Many of the tree's wide boughs dip low over the lawn, heavily laden with clusters of ripe, dark red cherries.

>look tree

Heavily laden with clusters of ripe, dark red cherries, the tree showcases a beautiful display of pale pink cherry blossoms.

>gaze tree

You gaze at a blossom and cherry-laden tree with a practiced eye, noting that you could probably harvest a pale pink cherry blossom, a cluster of magenta cherry blossoms, a bell-shaped fuchsia cherry blossom, a vibrant pink cherry blossom, a pale white cherry blossom, a handful of plump dark red cherries, a serrated green ovate leaf, and a thin piece of moss-covered bark.

>analyze tree

You may attend to a blossom and cherry-laden tree.
You may gaze at a blossom and cherry-laden tree to see if it has any harvest-worthy items.
You may scratch a blossom and cherry-laden tree to harvest some bark.
You may pinch a leaf off of a blossom and cherry-laden tree.
You may pull a piece of fruit off of a blossom and cherry-laden tree
You may pluck a flower off of a blossom and cherry-laden tree.
You may smell a blossom and cherry-laden tree to see if it has a unique scent.

>look beds

The cobbled walkway is lined on one side by flower beds overflowing with blooming flowers. Tall, vibrant dragonstalk towers over a mixture of colorful lilies and irises.
a yellow-throated crimson dragonstalk
a bright pink stargazer lily with spiked petals
a deep heliotrope iris striated with alabaster.

>open gate

You gently pull on the gate, giving a view of the var beyond.

>close gate

You reach out to push the gate, but it swings away.

Ambient Room Scripts

A gentle breeze stirs the flowers in their beds, releasing their mingled scents into the night.

A red-tinged grey vesper bat swoops by while emitting a series of shrill noises, close on the trail of a fleeing pale green luna moth.

A one-eared white snowcat prowls slowly through the shadowed grove of apple trees, batting at the pale pink petals that drift down around her.

A citrine-eyed imposing horned owl wings through the grove of apple trees, hooting loudly to the outrageously fluffy owlet flapping close behind him.

The fat ivory beeswax candles within the glass-paneled iron standing lanterns flicker with the breeze, causing shadows to dance across the lawn and cobbled walkway.


>go door

Retrieving your silver key from your person, you unlock and open a carved beechwood door.
[Journey's End, Foyer]
Covered with stone tiles, the floor of the entryway is a colorful mosaic depicting a rose pattern. A mirrored coat rack stands next to a carved beechwood door, a reflection of the room echoed in the smooth glass. Suspended from a silver chain, a large candelabra hangs above, illuminating the area.
Obvious paths: north, west
You pull a carved beechwood door closed behind you and lock it, then tuck your key back into its place.

>look rack

Crafted from silvery mistwood and carved with a beautiful rose and vine pattern, the rack is a lovely piece of furniture. A row of wooden pegs is placed above a tall mirror, perfect for hanging coats or hats. A small bin is tucked below for storing shoes or boots.

>peer mirror (functional)

You look at yourself carefully in the mirror...

Ambient Room Scripts


The scent of brewing black tea wafts from another section of the manor, accented by the faintest whiff of bergamot.

The crystal briolettes suspended from the candelabra chime softly as they sway gently, refracting light from beeswax candles throughout the entryway.

An elderly retainer dressed in ivory-on-sapphire brocade livery walks slowly through the foyer, a stack of wax-sealed correspondence clasped reverently to his chest.

A gold-eyed pitch black kitten with sharply pointed ears gambols around the room, pouncing on spots of light before prancing off through the velvet-curtained archway.

A demure serving girl attired in ivory-on-sapphire brocade livery slips in, straightening the coat rack and wiping a smudge off the mirror before moving on to a different room.



[Journey's End, Study]
Small and cozy, the intimate study is lined with shelves filled with various books and volumes. A small basket of sticks rests next to a large stone fireplace adorned with a thick oak mantle. Tucked into a corner is a mistwood writing desk, its surface cluttered with various inkwells, parchments, and quills with a matching mistwood chair placed in front. A large dart board hangs over an oak dartboard rack, which sits caddy-corner to a small tiled bar covered with a varied selection of food and drink. You also see a mistwood storage locker secured with a large padlock.
Obvious paths: east

>look fireplace (functional)

You see a neatly laid-out pile of wood and tinder awaiting only the application of flame to come to life. Nearby is a basket of sticks ready to be used to light the fire or to keep it burning.

>sit chair

You settle yourself on the mistwood chair for a moment's rest.

>look board (functional)

a dark fel dart board painted with greyscale storm clouds
You see a classical dart board numbered one through twenty, with two special score rings and a standard two ring bull's eye. On the board you also see:
a silvery mistwood dart with sapphire blue fletchings

>look on bar

On the tiled bar you see a plate of artisan cheeses, a small tin of sturgeon caviar, a bowl of macadamia nuts, a bottle of red wine, a flagon of honey ale, a decanter of intense emerald absinthe.

Sitting Room


[Journey's End, Sitting Room]
Tucked away in the back of the manor is an elegant sitting room. A sliding glass door dominates the north wall, giving a peek at the bright sky and the verdant garden beyond. Several cushioned chairs are placed around a small mistwood table, creating an intimate setting. A small porcelain stove sits in the corner, a basket of supplies open beside it. A sideboard decorates the east wall, atop it sits a small ceramic pot filled with thick greenery, its long tendrils of leaves creeping down the side.
Obvious paths: south


[Journey's End, Sitting room]
Tucked away in the back of the manor is an elegant sitting room. A sliding glass door dominates the north wall, giving a peek at the darkened sky and the verdant garden beyond. Several cushioned chairs are placed around a small mistwood table, creating an intimate setting. A small porcelain stove sits in the corner, a basket of supplies open beside it. A sideboard decorates the east wall, atop it sits a small ceramic pot filled with thick greenery, its long tendrils of leaves creeping down the side.
Obvious paths: south

>look table

The small mistwood table is covered with an embroidered ivory silk cloth. An intricate design of blooming roses borders the beautiful piece.

>look on table

On the mistwood table you see a small crystal vase.

>look in vase

In the crystal vase you see a long-stemmed red rose.

>look on stove

On the porcelain stove you see a sapphire blue kettle.

>look on sideboard

On the buffet table you see a tray of elven waybread, a plate of crispy bacon, a plate of egg and cheese sandwiches, a pitcher of chilled orange juice, a pitcher of iced lemonade.

Ambient Room Scripts


Soft moonlight illuminates the view of the garden through the sliding glass door, bathing the water of a silvery grey stone fountain in a pale luminescence.

The aromatic scents of hydrangeas, mint, sage, and thyme linger in the air, drifting from the freshly cut floral bouquet in the vase on the small mistwood table.

The muffled *thump* of something hitting the sliding glass door can be heard, followed by a series of loud, angry hoots as a citrine-eyed imposing horned owl swoops away into the night.

A portly butler in crisply pressed ivory-on-sapphire brocade livery arrives, carrying supplies on a silver tray.  Moving next to the sideboard, he restocks the sideboard before withdrawing.

From the foyer comes the sound of little romping paws, accompanied by excited trilling mews.  A gold-eyed pitch black kitten with sharply pointed ears saunters proudly past the door, a tiny plush ball in his mouth.



[Journey's End, Patio]
The enclosed garden is ringed by pale granite pillars supporting the gently sloping slate roof. Across the way, a pale beechwood door leads to another portion of the manor. A narrow bed of white gravel surrounds a silvery grey stone fountain which centers the garden. Mixed with shades from viridian to sage, dense layers of moss cover the ground leading to a massive willow. A woven silk hammock is stretched between two glowbark posts that are covered with climbing white roses. You also see a sliding glass door.
Obvious paths: east

>look fountain

Crafted from a beautiful silvery grey stone, the large fountain is formed in a circular shape. A large peacock stands in the center, its beautifully fanned tail caught in perfect detail by the craftsman. Several small fish swim about the bottom of the pool.

>look willow

Towering over the garden, this massive willow stretches far into the sky. Attached to the trunk is a polished wooden ladder. Looking up, a large platform seems to grow out from the tree.

>sit hammock

You sit carefully on a woven silk hammock, causing it to gently sway back and forth.

>push hammock

You stretch out your leg until your foot is touching the ground and push, causing the hammock to sway.

>pull hammock

You stretch out your leg until your foot is touching the ground and stop the hammock from swaying.

Ambient Room Scripts

A silvery grey stone fountain bubbles peacefully.

The water within a silvery grey stone fountain lazily ripples outward.

A splash of water spills from the side of a silvery grey stone fountain.

Water splashes loudly over the fountain before pooling in the basin below.

The woven silk hammock sways slightly in the breeze, creaking quietly between the glowbark posts.

The water within a silvery grey stone fountain gurgles tranquilly as it falls into the basin below.

A pale green luna moth flutters through the moonlit garden, drifting in languid curves before disappearing into the night.

The velvety perfume of roses lingers in the air of the garden, wafting from the climbing vines blooming along the posts of the hammock.

A small bird suddenly alights upon the edge of a silvery grey stone fountain, quickly dipping its beak into the cool water for a drink before flying away.

A sudden shimmer of golden light within the waters of fountain catches your attention.  Gazing within, you see several small fish swimming around peacefully.

A tiny green garter snake slithers around the side of one glowbark post to taste the air with his teeny forked tongue, then disappears further into the garden.



[Journey's End, Willow]
Careful cultivation made this willow into a functional platform. The trunk and its adjoining branches grow right into the wood plank edges. Silk pillows have been scattered about the lofty retreat to add a touch of comfort. Looking out across the landscape, Seethe Naedal rises high to the west, its domed observatory aglow in the sunlight. To the east, a pair of bridges, one light and one dark, hover in the air above the city, creating visual markers that lead directly to the Sapphire Gate far below. You also see a polished wooden ladder.
Obvious paths: none


[Journey's End, Willow]
Careful cultivation made this willow into a functional platform. The trunk and its adjoining branches grow right into the wood plank edges. Silk pillows have been scattered about the lofty retreat to add a touch of comfort. Looking out across the landscape, Seethe Naedal rises high to the west, its domed observatory aglow in the moonlight. To the east, a pair of bridges, one light and one dark, hover in the air above the city, creating visual markers that lead directly to the Sapphire Gate far below. You also see a polished wooden ladder.
Obvious paths: none

>sit pillows

You walk over to the pillows and with a satisfying sigh, throw yourself down upon its luxurious softness.

Ambient Room Scripts

A gentle, cooling breeze swirls through the tree.

The branches of the willow sway as a gentle breeze catches them.

A pair of butterflies dance about each other as they flutter by.

A pair of songbirds flit back and forth through the branches, their light and airy songs filling the sky.

A brown wood thrush lands on a nearby branch, chirping several harmonious verses towards you before taking flight again.

A ladybug flutters by to settle on one of the silk pillows.  It scurries up the cushion, then buzzes off in a leisurely fashion.

Climbing up higher in the tree, a small grey squirrel carries a nut in its mouth.  Its bushy tail twitches as he scampers out of sight.

A flash of bright orange plumage amongst the leaves of the willow catches your eye, followed by the loud repeated trill of "Pito hui! Pito hui!"


A canopy of stars twinkles above illuminating the platform.

A pair of crickets sing happily, their songs echoing through the night.

Rustling slightly in the breeze, the trees add a soft accompaniment to the evening.

A bright shooting star arcs through the night sky, gone almost before you can blink.

A lone owl gives a short, "whoo, whoo," as it takes flight and disappears into the night.

Rapidly blinking in and out, starflies flit through the darkness, illuminating their dance.

With a sudden flash, a lone star shoots across the night sky before trailing off into nothing.

An echoing howl rises from beneath the willow's platform as a great shadowy black wolf lopes through the garden below.

Tiny moths flit about.  Their wings are lit by the pale beams of moonlight that filter down through the branches of the tree.

The weak scent of linseed oil arises from the half-finished canvas atop the sturdy oak easel before drifting away on the wind.

Scattered constellations of stars are visible in the night sky through the willow's leaves, providing the platform with a soft luminescence.


Branches rock and creak as a breeze blows around the willow.  A lone owl feather floats down from above, then disappears through a gap in the planks.

The sounds of the city are nearly suppressed from this distance above the town, but the tromping of boots from a patrolling Sapphire Guard is carried to your ears upon the wind.


[Journey's End, Bedchamber]
Pale silk walls give way to a series of large, rounded windows that bathe the room in sunlight. A massive canopy bed dominates the bedchamber, draped with alabaster gauze, its luxurious silk spread is a sapphire blue embroidered with a silver jacquard pattern. Covering the floor is a thick shag rug woven with various shades of ivory and fitted into a deep recess on the far wall is a wide mistwood dresser. Suspended from a silver chain is a beautiful crystal lamp, its surface etched with blooming roses.
Obvious paths: west

>look bed

Standing center in the room, this huge canopy bed is carved with a climbing rose pattern. A luxurious silk comforter of sapphire blue embroidered with a silver jacquard pattern covers the thick mattress. Swathes of sheer alabaster gauze wind about the posters and drape the bed in a translucent veil.

>look on bed

On the canopy bed you see a luxurious silk comforter.

>look dresser

Fitting perfectly into the recessed nook, the surface of the elaborately carved dresser is polished to a gleaming shine. Brushed silver handles are fashioned into intricate roses. Worked into each drawer are a vine and blossom pattern that climbs about the beautiful piece of art.

>light lamp

You light the crystal lamp, and a small flame flares into existence, casting a dancing shadow along the ground.

>extinguish lamp

You carefully extinguish the crystal lamp, causing a small jet of smoke which quickly dissipates.