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2021-05-09 - Vornavis Baronial Court Session (log)
Topic: Solhaven
Message #: 3212
Author: GS4-LYDIL
Date: 05/08/2021 03:48 PM
Subject: Court Session in Vornavis
Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis will be holding an open session of court tomorrow (5/9) night beginning at 8:15 pm Empire Time (Eastern). Those with ties to Vornavis are invited and encouraged to attend, and all residents of the region and friends of the barony are welcome at court.
The chamberlain of the court would also like to remind all those who would attend this session of court that proper attire and behavior will be required.
Baron Malwind welcomes both Lady Kasendra and her brother Duncarr to Court as Duncarr is visiting and touring the area while off-duty from the Southern Imperial Legion.
The Court of Vornavis welcomes tonight Master Ciermont Von Kleinwerth, Professor of Research and History of the Chantry College from Nydds. He is visiting on research and a book tour.
Sir Bristenn Mires updated Baron Malwind on happenings in the North near Icemule regarding the Winged Manticore metal beast and it's auction to the highest bidder.
A clear voice announces from somewhere nearby, "Baron Malwind will be holding an open session of court this night. All those who wish to attend should seek out the sally gate at the Esplanade Gate to Vornavis." The voice of the aged chamberlain rings out, "This session of Court in Vornavis has now begun, this 9th day of Ivastaen. All welcome His Excellency Baron Dunrith Malwind and his son Lord Salnim Malwind!" Dunrith says, "I bid you all welcome to Vornavis on this night and for this session of Court." [Vornavis, Great Hall] On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Banners bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the north wall. You also see a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, the gauze-bound Tolene disk streaked with crimson bloodstains, the Balantine disk, the Meril disk, an aged chamberlain and a small side door. Also here: Akenna, Tabubu, Lord Salnim, Baron Dunrith, Lord Thrassus, Zosha, Seaward Gutstorm, Dame Deavon, Goldstr, Darcena, Falicor, Sir Balantine, Tolene, Sir Cryheart, Guarrin, Lord Perivan, Lord Khazaann, Bernadette, Bakarus, Jaysehn, Kippe, Great Lord Nazarr, Magister Raelee, Izmani, Lady Ysaeril, Lady Meliyara, Mongonator, High Lady Aeith, Mnar, Meril, Dalinsia, Lady Arenglae, Yukito, Kothos, Relic Hunter Ordim, Phanna, Earthdiver, Ouaen, Petalwind, Lady Misun, Ifanna, Arrec, Evrali, Henryk, Sir Bristenn, Captain Gurbah Obvious exits: out Speaking to Kasendra, Dunrith says, "It is always a pleasure to have you here with us at Court." Speaking to Kasendra, Dunrith says, "For all you have done for the North, you will always be welcome in Vornavis." Kasendra says, "I am appreciative of your support." Henryk gazes admiringly at Kasendra. Dunrith says, "We have been pleased to have you here in Vornavis while your duties allow. And it has been an additional pleasure to welcome another member of your family to our home." Kasendra smiles. Kasendra nods. Aeith smiles. An aged chamberlain says, "The Court of Vornavis welcomes tonight Captain Duncarr Chandrennin of the Southern Imperial Legion." Captain Duncarr just came through a small side door. You see Captain Duncarr Chandrennin. He appears to be a Human from Aldora. He is tall. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has gold-flecked blue eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, auburn hair. He has an angular face, a crooked nose and a short beard. He is in good shape. He is wearing a dark crimson silk cloak with gold knotwork along the shoulder, a black and white silk tunic embroidered with a gold ram's head, a white leather sword belt with a golden sunburst buckle, a gold leather scabbard, a crimson leather scabbard, some crisp crimson trousers with a white stripe down the leg, and some polished black leather boots. Speaking to Dunrith, Duncarr says, "Thank you for having me, Your Excellency." Speaking to Duncarr, Dunrith says, "It has been enjoyable to have you here with us thus far, Captain. I know your duties with your legion are extensive, and a chance to visit your sister rare." Kasendra says, "It has been good to have some time with my brother." Speaking to Dunrith, Duncarr says, "Thank you. It has been good to finally see the north. And to be able to spend time with Kasendra after so long." Duncarr says, "I look forward to seeing the other baronies this week during our tour." Duncarr says, "And to see the fine work I have heard so much about." Duncarr smiles at Kasendra. Duncarr nods at Dunrith. Duncarr nods at Salnim. Speaking to Dunrith, Duncarr says, "Thank you for having me, Your Excellency." Speaking to Duncarr, Dunrith says, "It has been enjoyable to have you here with us thus far, Captain. I know your duties with your legion are extensive, and a chance to visit your sister rare." Kasendra says, "It has been good to have some time with my brother." Speaking to Dunrith, Duncarr says, "Thank you. It has been good to finally see the north. And to be able to spend time with Kasendra after so long." Duncarr says, "I look forward to seeing the other baronies this week during our tour." Duncarr says, "And to see the fine work I have heard so much about." Duncarr smiles at Kasendra. Duncarr nods at Dunrith. Duncarr nods at Salnim. Dunrith says, "I know you both plan to leave early on the morrow to begin your tour. So I shall not keep either of your further. And look forward to your return to Vornavis after it has concluded." Darcena whispers to the group, "And then you could come back and tell us all about the delicious food you ate at our next meeting. Preferably with samples." Duncarr bows to Dunrith. Kasendra says, "Thank you so much Baron. I am anxious to be off, but also looking forward to returning." Duncarr says, "Thank you, Your Excellency. I look forward to speaking further upon our return." Dunrith says, "There is also another guest that is to be joining us tonight." An aged chamberlain says, "The Court of Vornavis welcomes tonight Master Ciermont Von Kleinwerth, Professor of Research and History of the Chantry College." Yukito blinks at an aged chamberlain. Arrec gives a short little hum of surprise. Master Ciermont just arrived. Ciermont smiles. Ciermont bows to Dunrith. Raelee nods slowly at Ciermont. You nod at Ciermont. Ciermont says, "Thank you for having me here tonight, Your Excellency." Dunrith says, "It is our pleasure to have you here in Vornavis with us, Master Von Kleinwerth." You see Master Ciermont VonKleinwerth the Professor of Research and History of the Chantry College. He appears to be a Human from Hendor. He is average height. He appears to be middle-aged. He has pale blue eyes and pale skin. He has short, frizzy steel grey hair. He has a clean-shaven face and a high forehead. He is in good shape. He is wearing a silver paisley silk cravat fastened with a white gold ring, some deep purple robes with silver and white embroidery, a pair of smooth slate grey suede trousers covered in embroidered sigils, and some cuff-turned black leather boots. Dunrith says, "We hope that your journey from Nydds was pleasant, and your stay thus far has been equally is not more so." Ciermont says, "That is a most polite and kind offer, Your Excellency. There is a matter of business that must be taken care of here first, but after that is completed...I may just do such." Speaking to Ciermont, Dunrith asks, "And is your matter one you seek to bring before this Court tonight?" Speaking to Ciermont, Dunrith says, "Then we shall leave you to your business, Master Von Kleinwerth. And look forward to future conversations as time permits." Ciermont bows to Dunrith. Ciermont says, "Thank you, Your Excellency." Ciermont steps back from the dais. Dunrith says, "That does conclude with our esteemed guests. Let us continue with this session of Court." An aged chamberlain says, "This Court recognizes Sir Bristenn Mires of the Order of the Azure Suns and Knight of the Empire, concerning a report recently delivered to it." Bristenn inclines his head. Bristenn strides a few steps forward. Bristenn bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Dunrith says, "Sir Mires. We are ever pleased to have you and your Order before us." Salnim nods at Bristenn. Bristenn formally replies, "Your Excellency, it is our honor to serve your house, this barony and the Empire." Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "We received a copy of your report regarding some troubles to the far, frozen north." Bristenn nods understandingly. Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith asks, "As some present might not have had the chance to read your report, might you grace us with a short summary?" Bristenn cautiously agrees, "It is a hazardous situation, my liege- as well, it has become a bit more complicated than initially observed." Bristenn nods slowly. Bristenn clears his throat. Bristenn clearly recalls, "Awakened in the far north, a great beast of metal and clockwork, emerged and raged upon the settlement of Icemule Trace." Bristenn continues, "Defenders were able to drive it off, but not without casualties- and shortly thereafter, its creators were exposed. Two gnomes, though I am told only one was met." Bristenn neutrally explains, "The complication, my liege, is that while previously thought to be something wild or fell, this mechanical beast- called the Manticore, by its creators- is by no means sentient. It is piloted by these creators, and powered by plinite." Bristenn concludes, "They seek, rather than conquest, but to sell this creation to the highest bidder. It is a fearsome weapon, and they have no qualms in demonstrating it to prove its ability." Bristenn notes, "Falling into the wrong hands, this would become entirely problematic for our northern marches, as well as our neighbors' holdings." Dunrith nods at Bristenn. Bristenn inclines his head. Bristenn folds his hands behind his back. Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Thank you, Sir Mires for the summary and update to your report." Bristenn nods respectfully. Bristenn formally observes, "My liege." Bristenn takes a few steps back. Dunrith says, "I must say that the initial report was troubling to read. It is never a desire to see trouble fall upon a neighbor. Even more so given what so many have been through these past several years." Bristenn nods in agreement. Dunrith says, "That this source of trouble be something created, intentionally by individuals only makes this worse." Dunrith says, "Even moreso that it is being done for profit." Bristenn slowly agrees, "Rather, Your Excellency- though unfortunately not entirely unexpected, given the state of the north." Dunrith says, "This is not something that Vornavis will be partaking in. Nor should it, for a baron to seek to obtain such a weapon does say something to his neighbors and liege lord that such an arrangement is not intended to be kept." Dunrith says, "It is a matter that the Empire itself must best determine." Dunrith says, "To that end, we have sent word to Tamzyrr itself so that this matter can be properly handled and dealt with by the appropriate parties." Bristenn agrees, "This is true, my liege. We defer to your wisdom on this matter." Bristenn formally ventures, "If I may ask something of the court, however, Your Excellency?" Dunrith says, "We have been assure that it will be seen to by top individuals and handled appropriately." Dunrith nods at Bristenn. Bristenn carefully begins, "In the interest of defense against another such .. demonstration, of this creation, should it be done near our borders, I would ask to speak to Captain Gurbah in regards to some ideas my order have in regards to practical applications of siege engines." Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "You may do so, Sir Mires." Bristenn sincerely offers, "Our apprentices and men-at-arms have among them a wealth of experience, and no shortage of imagination in such a fashion." Bristenn nods respectfully at Dunrith. Bristenn bows respectfully before Dunrith, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Speaking respectfully to Dunrith, Bristenn replies, "My liege, our thanks." Dunrith says, "I am sure those who created this creature understand the unwise folly that it would be to decide that Vornavis was a place to bring it to test." Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Thank you for your report and update, Sir Mires." Bristenn formally offers, "It is our honor to serve, Your Excellency- be it the eyes and ears of your barony, or its sword and shield." (I think there is a bit more, but my log ends)