Elanthian Binder
The Elanthian Binder was first introduced at Rumor Woods in 2020 in the shop ImPressions. It was debuted as a way to easily store stationery paper and miscellaneous non-scripted paper items. It can be combined with bottles of ink, sold at the same shop, which then allows the binder to make copies of stationery or other paper items stored inside of it. Elanthian BinderThe Elanthian Binder is designed to hold stationery paper and miscellaneous non-scripted paper items. It can hold up to 25 piece of stationery. It can also copy existing stationery to a blank sheet of paper if it has a supply of ink.
You analyze your soft leather binder and sense that the creator has provided the following information: Introduced at the 5121 Grand Tourney at Rumor Woods; this is the Elanthian Binder. It is designed to hold your loose bits of stationery and miscellaneous paper items; the binder can house a total of twenty-five pieces of stationery. Additionally, if there is a blank piece of stationery directly behind a piece of stationery that has either a description or is written on, the binder can be asked to attend and it will make a complete copy of that preceeding item. Here is some additional information on a tree-embossed soft leather binder. Attend will let you copy onto the current blank page in the binder whatever page is before it. Flip will bring you to the beginning of the binder. Look, when the binder is open, will show you the current visible page. Pour will let you add ink to the binder, which is necessary to use attend. The binder currently has 49 doses of ink in it. Put (page) in my binder allows you to add up to 25 pages to the binder, which currently is holding 16 pages. Read allows you to read the current page the binder is turned to when open and when closed the spine. Tear allows you to remove a page from the binder. Turn allows you to turn to the next page in the binder. A tree-embossed soft leather binder currently has 16 pages in it and is turned to page 1. You may alter the binder freely so long as it remains some kind of binder, book, etc. It must make sense for the item. Your alterer will never be able to deepen or lighten the binder, or alter any of the pages you have stored within. If you feel that the page you are trying to add is not being accepted and you'd like to have it reviewed then please feel free to BUG the binder and mention the noun of the item you are trying to add.
Ink for Elanthian BinderWhen added to an Elanthian Binder, the ink allows it to make a duplicate copy of any paper item placed in the binder, provided that there is sufficient ink and a blank sheet of stationery.
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