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This article is a work in progress!
This template is being developed as part of a larger comprehensive foraging system project. It is NOT yet ready for general use. Direct questions to User_talk:HATESHI.
{{ForageSidebar |fullname= <!--- Full name of plant, including a/an/some. ---> |syntax= <!--- Foraging syntax, which takes the form of 1+2 consecutive words from the adjective 15 plus the full noun. ---> |type= <!--- Type of plant. Valid options: TBD. ---> |realm= <!--- Not yet implemented. ---> <!--- CLIMATE section. For all types, valid answers for confirmed climates: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |arid= |aridtemperate= |colddamp= |colddry= |freshwater= |glacial= |hotdamp= |humid= |moist= |saltwater= |snowyarctic= |temperate= <!--- TERRAIN section. For all types, valid answers for confirmed terrain: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |barrenscrub= |coniferousforest= |cultivated= |deciduousforest= |grassland= |hardflat= |icyglacier= |mountainous= |muddywetlands= |plaindirt= |riparian= |rough= |sandy= |subterranean= |tropical= |outdoors= <!--- Confirmed if found in outdoor rooms. Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |indoors= <!--- Confirmed if found in indoor rooms. Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |day=<!--- Confirmed if found in local daytime. Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |night= <!--- Confirmed if found in local nighttime. Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |specialflags= <!--- Confirmed special parameters or room flags. Examples: node, anti-magic room, special placement, etc. ---> |edible= <!--- Is this edible? Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |property= <!--- What special properties does it have? If none, leave blank. ---> |bundle= <!--- Can it be bundled? Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |wearable= <!--- Can it be worn in its foraged state? Valid options: yes, no, blank if unknown. ---> |system= <!--- Is it associated with any core systems? Valid options: TBD. ---> |note= <!--- Any special notes about item? BRIEF NOTES ONLY. ---> |bounty= <!--- Confirmed bounty point cost when turned in? If unknown, leave blank. ---> |}}
Intended to be used with Template:ForageData.