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Assume Aspect memento

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an intricately carved wooden medallion

look medallion

Thirteen carved figurines lie interconnected end-to-end, forming an unbroken ring of alternating woods around the perimeter of the medallion.  Each carving depicts a different animal: a wolf, a jackal, a lion, a panther, an owl, a hawk, a rat, a porcupine, a bear, a serpent, a burgee, a mantis, and a yierka.  The figurines surround a polished pale yellow monir core, which is engraved with the relief of a sheaf of grain.  A thick, rope-like verdant vine connects twice to the top of the medallion, currently centered upon the carmiln carving of the bear.
read medallion

A small, flowery script is inscribed into the back of the carved wooden medallion in the Common language:

  When corruption rose in portside town,
  Threatening lives the world around,
  Heroes rose to tainted fire stave,
  And quell the carnage that it did crave.
  A life restored from a scorched duress,
  Gratefulness that one cannot express.
  What was once corrupt again shone pure,
  Restoring balance that must endure.

- Ahndo Maeza
  Phoenatos, 5105.

Has an intense loresong.


Related to the release of Assume Aspect.

[Upper Trollfang, Shaded Path]
Thick underbrush and fallen oak leaves waist-high to a halfling obscure any remnants of a trail here.  Acorns crunch underfoot with every step, the sound echoing off of the trees in an otherwise quiet forest.  The magnificent oak trees of the forest are unmoving in the calm air, steadfast as they have stood through their many years.  You also see a carved wooden wolf figurine inset into one of the oak trees and Master Tracker Sampson.
Also here: Lady Belnia
Obvious paths: north, out

rub figurine

As you rub the wolf figurine, a myriad of gold and green strands of energy burst forth from around its edges, forming a tightly knit webwork in the palm of your right hand.  The bands of energy quickly expand and begin coursing rapidly around in tight ellipitical paths, moving with some unknown purpose.  You notice a tangible weight in your hand as they slow down and fade, leaving you holding an intricately carved wooden medallion.

Belnia whispers, "The basic scripts are available to everyone, if you're a ranger you get slightly nicer scripts, and if you know 650 you get even nicer scripts."

Belnia whispers, "Oh, if you follow imaera you get moved up 1 level on the scripting scale."

Belnia whispers, "So an imaera ranger of any level gets the nicest scripts."