Kayse (prime)/Vignette: Strength

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The glowing embers crackled and popped, awakening the aelotoi from her slumber. Despite the dying flames, she remained warm due to the sylvan who spooned her body. Her lips upturned into a smile as she felt his breath on her neck. She opted for a few more moments in bed as she pulled his arm draped protectively over her chest closer. No matter how busy their days were, the nights were theirs and they always found each other when the sun set.

Slipping out of Drazaa’s embrace, her plump lips softly kissed his tanned forehead, careful to not disturb him. Glancing down on the sylvan, she regarded him through her lashes, her pear green eyes reflecting a loving gaze as he slept.

Kayse turned to leave but hesitated. Much transpired in the last couple of days and the need to be near Drazaa increased with the dangers that started to surround their home. The events had not left much time to spend together outside of combat and political dealings--and although they were side by side during it all, she longed for some more relaxed and intimate moments.

“You make me feel so many things. I have never allowed myself to be so vulnerable--to let someone disarm me so deeply. I could not bear to lose you.” Her brow furrowed at the thought.

The upper floor of Moot Hall was silent as she crept into her office, the town of Wehnimer’s itself barely awake. Throwing herself into the plush ivory chair, she reviewed a few papers that had found their way to her desk after she had taken her leave yesterday evening.

It was noon by the time the aelotoi lifted her head from her work, the building now buzzing with activity and disrupting her concentration. The noise allowed her mind to wander, letting intrusive thoughts into her mind that had started to wear on her. From the disruptive town hall;to the injured citizens during Gnul’s attack; to the meetings with Mother who called her soft; Kayse scowled and her eyes narrowed. The problems were only adding up and now with Rodnay showing his power--her ultramarine hair waved back and forth as she vigorously shook her head.

“Do not think that way, Kayse.” As she stood to close her door to silence the outside, an object on the bookcase caught her attention.

She canted her head as she slowly approached the shelf which displayed a flora she had only seen while in the Sea of Fire. Her features molded into a bright smile as she cradled the moonlight cactus-bloom.

Pinning the flower into her hair, her countenance transformed as the worries and fears melted away. “...But most importantly you give me strength. For you, for myself….for Wehnimer’s.” Her eyes now flashed with a fierceness that was usually present within her--as if it had just been renewed.