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Elanthian calendar

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The Elanthian Calendar mimics the mundane calendar. The CALENDAR can be used in game as a quick reference.

Time of day

While the exact time in the game is eastern time, the sunrises and sunsets more closely follow central standard time. Use TIME to get the current time in game.

Certain generalized times of day have Elanthian names:

Mundane Elanthian
Dawn Hour of Lumnis
Noon Hour of Phoen
Dusk Hour of Tonis
Midnight Hour of Ronan

Day of the week

Mundane Elanthian
Sunday Restday
Monday Volnes
Tuesday Tilamaires
Wednesday Leyan
Thursday Niiman
Friday Day of the Huntress
Saturday Feastday


Mundane Elanthian
January Lormesta
February Fashanos
March Charlatos
April Olaesta
May Ivastaen
June Lumnea
July Koaratos
August Phoenatos
September Imaerasta
October Jastatos
November Eoantos
December Eorgaen

Elanthian Holidays

There are Elanthian Holidays that fall on real life holidays, but are not carbon copies of the mundane holiday. The Elanthian versions do have their own in-game lore.

Mundane Elanthian
Valentine's Day, 02/14 Day of Voaris and Laethe
April Fool's Day, 04/01 Day of Zelia's Warning
May Day, 05/01 Day of Kuon's Blessing
May 20th, 05/20 Festival of Oleani
July 14th, 07/14 Cholen's Eve
Halloween, 10/31 Eve of the Reunion
Christmas, 12/20-12/25 Feast of the Immortals
New Year's Eve, 12/31 Lornon's Eve