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Lizard pet

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Lizard pets (also known as Frazerarg's lizards or Loveable Lizards) are a form of wearable pet that has a variety of ambient messages. Lizards are permanently attuned, and thus cannot be sold or in any way transferred to another character. They can be worn, and they are safe to remove, including for storage in a locker. They generally weigh between 9lbs and 5lbs.



A dark-eyed pearly sanguine lizard is a Lovable Lizard.  You could WEAR, REMOVE, TOUCH, TICKLE, RUB, WAVE, and SMILE at the lizard.  SHOW a cricket to the lizard to feed it.

It can be altered to change the article and adjective and give it a show and/or a long,  but the noun must remain "lizard".


Verb First Third
(cricket to lizard)
A lizard sees your cricket and freezes, its eyes locked on the cricket. The very tip of the lizard's tail twitches, and it emits a soft huff of excitement. Suddenly, the lizard lunges forward, grasps the cricket in its jaws and gulps it down! Player's silver lizard sees a cricket and freezes, its eyes locked on the cricket. The very tip of the lizard's tail twitches, and it emits a soft huff of excitement. Suddenly, the lizard darts forward, grasps the cricket in its jaws and gulps it down!
SMILE You smile at your silver lizard, causing the little creature to bob its head and blink its eyes. It obviously enjoys your attention. As Player smiles at her silver lizard, the little creature responds by bobbing its head in a peculiar but obviously pleased gesture.
As you smile at your silver lizard, you manage to catch its eye and its attention. The little scamp stops and cocks its head, almost as if it is returning your affectionate look. As Player smiles at her silver lizard, the little creature stops its fidgeting and cocks its head at Player.
As you smile at your silver lizard, the little creature freezes, staring fixedly at you. Seeing a rascally look in its eyes, you get the undeniable intuition that the scamp is preparing to leap into your face. You quickly shake your head "no", and the silver lizard responds with an oh-so-innocent look in its beady little eyes. Player smiles affectionately at her silver lizard, causing the little thing to gaze steadily back at her. Player abruptly assumes a poker-face and shakes her head almost imperceptibly at the creature.
TICKLE As you reach up and tickle your lizard, the little creature rears back on its hind legs and bats playfully at your fingers. It coos in delight and finally tackles your hand, gnawing gently and growling like a tiny bear. Player reaches up and tickles her silver lizard. The little creature rears back on its hind legs and bats playfully at Player's fingers. With a coo of delight, the lizard finally tackles Player's hand, and gnaws gently while growling like a tiny bear.
As you reach up and tickle your lizard, the little creature bats playfully at your fingers with its front feet. As Player reaches up and tickles a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard sitting on her shoulder, the little creature bats playfully at Player's fingers with its front feet.
As you reach up and tickle your lizard, the creature scampers up on top your head, effectively eluding your fingers. You manage to shoo it back down to your shoulder, getting a thump upside your head from its tail in the process. The lizard seems to have a smug look on its face once it settles back down. As Player reaches up and tickles a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard sitting on her shoulder, the creature scampers up on top of her head, effectively eluding the offending fingers. Player manages to shoo it back down to her shoulder, getting a thump upside her head from its tail in the process. The lizard seems to have a smug look on its face once it settles back down.
As you reach up and tickle the silver lizard sitting on your shoulder, the little creature bobs and huffs in mock bravura, nipping at your fingers but never quite catching them. As Player reaches up and tickles a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard sitting on her shoulder, the little creature bobs and huffs in mock bravura, nipping at Player's fingers but never quite catching them.
TOUCH/PET As you pet your lizard, the little creature nuzzles your hand in response. As Player pets a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard, it nuzzles her hand in response.
You stroke your lizard behind its little eye ridges, and the creature hums contentedly. Then, just to show you how much it cares, the lizard turns its head and gives your finger an affectionate bite. Player strokes her silver lizard behind its little eye ridges, and the creature hums contentedly. Then, just to show how much it cares, the lizard turns its head and gives Player's finger an affectionate bite.
As you scratch your lizard behind its head, it closes its eyes and huffs in delight. As Player pets her silver lizard behind its head, it closes its eyes and huffs in pleasure
REMOVE You lift your hand to remove your lizard from your shoulder. The scamp begins to dash back and forth across your shoulders in a favorite game -- the lizard's favorite, not yours. You finally corral it against your neck and lift the lizard gently, though it squirms and huffs in protest. Spoiled little beggar! Player lifts her hand to remove a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard from her shoulder, prompting the creature to begin dashing back and forth from one shoulder to the other. For a moment, Player looks like she is shooing away bees, what with all the flailing of her arm! She finally corrals the creature against her neck, and lifts it gently despite the fact the lizard is squirming and huffing in protest.
As you stroke your lizard, its eyes slowly close and it drifts off to sleep. As Player strokes a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard, its eyes slowly close and it drifts off to sleep.
As you stroke your lizard, its eyes pop open and it begins to give off little huffs of pleasure. As Player strokes a tiny bug-eyed silver lizard, its eyes pop open and it begins to give off little huffs of pleasure.
WAVE As you wave your silver lizard through the air, the lizard wraps its tail around your wrist in a painfully tight coil and chitters at you in anger! As Player waves her silver lizard through the air, the lizard wraps its tail around Player's wrist in a painfully tight coil and chitters at her in anger!
As you wave your silver lizard through the air, the lizard squeaks in alarm. As Player waves her silver lizard through the air, the lizard squeaks in alarm.
As you wave your silver lizard through the air, the lizard emits a sharp little huff of anger, and then cranes its head right and left, snapping at your fingers! As Player waves her silver lizard through the air, the lizard emits a sharp little huff of anger, and then cranes its head right and left, snapping at Player's fingers!
WEAR You carefully place your lizard on your shoulder, making sure that it is balanced and comfortable. The lizard gives a hum of contentment, apparently happy at being out of confinement. Player places her silver lizard on her shoulder. The creature shifts a couple of times, then settles down and emits a little hum of contentment.

Cricket Box


This garnet cricket box is a container that holds crickets to feed to pet lizards.  While there are crickets inside, the crickets will reproduce within three days.

Inside the box: a small cricket
It is a small item, under a pound.
It is estimated to be worth about 40 silvers.
The cricket can not be worn.

This is a cricket.  It can be fed to a pet lizard.  SHOW the cricket to the lizard to feet the cricket to the lizard.

Additional Information


Lizards require live crickets to eat or they will slip into a coma and possibly die. Crickets can be obtained via the Wizened Gnome in Solhaven. Lizards can be fed by SHOWing a cricket to them.

DO NOT SHOW THE CRICKET BOX TO YOUR LIZARD! It will eat the entire box, and you'll need to buy another.

Ambient Messages

Lizards have a variety of ambient messages.

You feel your lizard slowly edging closer to your cheek. Uncertain what the little rascal is up to (and not trusting its motives for an instant), you turn your head and glance at it. The lizard is staring intently at you. It does nothing for a moment, than leans over and rubs its little head against your chin with obvious affection. You feel yourself trying not to grin, even though you know in your heart that the scamp was probably going to try something like climbing your face.

Your lizard breaks into a furious dance, bobbing and hopping around like it has lost its senses! You scratch it behind its neck, and finally get the lizard to simmer down.

Your lizard begins to work its way down your chest, eyeing something on the ground it wants. You gently herd it back up to your shoulder with your hand. On the way past your chin, it gives you a little nip, just to let you know that it doesn't entirely agree with your intervention.

Your lizard fidgets, bobbing from side to side and clicking its jaws.

Your lizard scampers across your shoulders, obviously deciding the view is better from your other side.

Your lizard sways side to side, blinking stoically. Suddenly you feel its little claws dig into your shoulder as it notices something of interest ahead. Although you glance in the general direction toward which it's staring, you don't notice anything that would cause its reaction. But then, when did that ever stop the little scamp?

Your lizard suddenly begins whining and hissing. You feel it erupt into a flurry of movement on your shoulder! Its tail smacks you several times on the side of your head. Wincing at the blows, you try to quiet the lizard by patting it reassuringly. Then you notice what caused the creature's agitation. A small black fly is winging away into the distance. The lizard follows the insect's progress, a wistful expression in its eyes.

Your lizard makes a little clicking sound as it smacks its jaws open and closed. You then notice it is watching a fly buzzing around a few feet away. Observant little critter!

Your lizard nips at the air. Whether it has glimpsed a gnat or has succumbed to a case of wishful thinking is uncertain.

Your lizard suddenly hisses at something. When you glance at it to find out what startled it, you see the lizard gazing steadily at you. It obviously has decided you are not paying it enough attention.

You feel a small nudge on your cheek from the silver lizard.  The first head-butt is soon repeated by a second, and then a third when you don't immediately stop what you are doing and pay attention to the lizard.  Finally, just as you're about to turn your head to find out what the creature wants, you feel a sharp stab of pain on your ear.  It bit you!
As you stare at the silver lizard in annoyance, ready to give the lizard a thorough scolding, it looks up at you with an innocent expression and makes a silly-looking little grin of sorts.  You mutter, but just can't seem to find anything stronger to say to it.

You can feel the silver lizard sitting on your shoulder begin to get restless.  It shifts its weight from side and side, and lashes its long tail.  Soon, the lizard begins clicking its jaws open and closed.  Not in the mood for any of the creature's shenanigans, you turn your head and stare at it with eyes narrowed.  Alerted by the motion of your head, the lizard stops fidgeting and gazes languidly up at you with wide-eyed innocence.  Then, it leans into your neck and gives you an affectionate snuggle.

Grand Auction of 5123

A lizard pet, teased as a "loveable lizard", was sold sold at the Grand Auction of 5123. It was a dark-eyed pearly sanguine lizard.

See Also

Lizard pet Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Creature
Item(s) Applied to Lizard
Alterable Yes
Attunement Permanent
Attunes to Character
Restrictions Must remain a lizard.
Item Verbs