Landing Events - 2023-07-31 - WL TC Debate Night 1 5123 (log)

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This log is from the Wehnimer's Landing Town Council Election 5123 Night #1 Debate on 07/31/2023 from the viewpoint of Kayse Thaellian who is a candidate and also Town Crier reporter.

Koaratos 31, 5123


[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice - 19276] (u336304) Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see a gold-framed debate list and a modwir arch. Also here: Lord Juramis, High Lady Saraphenia, Sarissa Tayler, Town Councilor Vaemyr Obvious exits: none

Juramis huskily asks, "Shall we give Irval a moment longer, or did you wish to begin now?"

Vaemyr says, "Alright gonna be a fast debate, with noone on the list."

Vaemyr chuckles.

You casually say, "He knew the time."

Juramis nods once to you.

Juramis huskily says, "Very well."

Juramis huskily says, "I would like to present the candidates before you. Town Councilor Kayse, High Lady Saraphenia, Sarissa Tayler, and Town Councilor Vaemyr."

Juramis huskily says, "Let's start with some introductions."

Juramis blinks.

Saraphenia smiles.


Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Kayse, please tell us a bit about yourself."

(Kayse takes a few small steps forward and turns her gaze up to the balcony. Flashing a bright smile, she clearly speaks, "Wehnimer's Landing citizens, allies, and defenders...")

Irval glances around the room.

You affably introduce, "I am Kayse Thaellian. I am running for re-election. Last year I ran on the platforms of: Town Defense, Trade, Arts/Culture and Beautification--which includes preserving our natural resources."

You continue, "Peace in Adversity. We've faced many hardships in the last year, some significant ones ongoing. I've shown my ability to remain calm and composed and face these problems head on. Let's keep working together for the betterment of the town we all love, Wehnimer's Landing."

You thoughtfully note, "From an outside perspective Wehnimer's at its core reflects many traits in my mind: Independence, resilience, and opportunity."

You mention, "I have made progress on everything I campaigned on last year. With another term, I will only be able to achieve more of what I seek for the betterment of our shared home, no matter the adversity we face. My actions over the past year speak for themselves and should make it absolutely clear that I am dedicated to protecting Wehnimer's, even at personal cost."

You nod once at Juramis.

Juramis bows.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thank you, Town Councilor Kayse!"

Juramis applauds.


Juramis huskily asks, "Next is High Lady Saraphenia. Can you tell everyone a bit about yourself please?"

(Saraphenia steps forward and gives a deep formal curtsy to the balcony above! As she rises, she smiles a brilliant smile, worthy of a bardess of renown! She softly clears her throat before she speaks.)

Saraphenia introduces, "Good evening Lords and Ladies. I am Saraphenia Autumnwind! In these times of peril, we need someone who is willing to work for the best interests of our town and her citizens!"

Saraphenia continues, "Some of you know me, most of you do not, so I hope that, over the next few minutes, I will be able to give you understanding as to why I seek office, and just who the Aelotoi of Love actually is. Thank you."

Saraphenia nods at Juramis.

Juramis smiles.

Juramis bows.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thank you, High Lady Saraphenia!"

Juramis applauds.


Juramis huskily asks, "Sarissa Tayler! Let us know where your thoughts lie in regards to Wehnimer's Landing?"

(Tayler nods once and steps forward, his head turning up to the balcony.)

Tayler says, "For those who do not know me, I am Tayler Faendryl. I have lived within the walls of Wehnimer's these past four years, and been a wandering visitor for many years before that. I have seen a lot over my years here - and elsewhere, and while I may not be the most empathetic person you will ever meet, I am very open minded and not easily swayed by politics or opinions. I have never held an office here, though I briefly was appointed an Arbiter in the trial against Tyrrax. I have defended these walls, shoulder to shoulder, with many of you, and I hope that I can bring the same steadfastness to a council seat that I do to battle. My focus, should I be elected to one of these seats, is on preserving our neutrality, stabilizing our internal conflict and promoting growth through trade."

Tayler says, "Thank you all for coming out."

Tayler flashes a wide grin.

Tayler folds his arms across his naraina isiqiri and bows deeply.

(Tayler steps back.)

Juramis nods once.

Juramis bows.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thank you, Sarissa Tayler!"

Juramis applauds.


Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Vaemyr! Indulge us with your thoughts."

Vaemyr nods.

Vaemyr says, "Good evening everyone, thank you all for taking the time to come see these debates."

Vaemyr says, "I'm Vaemyr, I've been a councilor for the past year, and I've worked hard to give voice to any and all groups the best I can."

Vaemyr says, "While I'm sure there are things I might of done better in the past yeah, I guaruntee I put my heart and soul to doing everything I could to help us bridge disputes, give voice to people, and see crompomises even in this especially difficult time."

Vaemyr says, "I hope that if given another year by our good people of Wehnimer's Landing, that I can continue to give them voice, and work together with my fellow councilors to work toward even more improvements for our town, such as increasing our production and industry, expanding some of our own boarders, pushing still for the work on stone fortifications, and increased trade and growth for everyone in town."

Vaemyr bows.

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.

Juramis nods once.

Juramis bows.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thank you, Town Councilor Vaemyr!"

Juramis applauds.


Juramis huskily says, "Last, but not least! Irval the Shaman! Please tell us what you have planned for the future of Wehnimer's Landing."

Irval nods at Juramis.

Juramis scratches his ear.

Irval exclaims, "Hail and Well met! Thank you for this oppurtunity. My name is Irval Burstbone. Im what you would call blunt , brutal, and big. My platform is to be as blunt and transperant to my constiuent if elected. I will be brutal to our enemies and those to seek to take whats ours! And Big! For we will do it bigger and better! We will expand, we will grow, we will have growing pains, but we will go through them together. I will not shirk in my duties nor will I make backroom deals in secret. Im here to serve you! The pride of the frontier! The Citizens of landing!"

Irval says, "Thank you."

Juramis nods once.

Juramis bows.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thank you, Irval the Shaman!"

Juramis applauds.

Juramis huskily says, "That concludes the introductions. I will start us off with a simple question regarding the Landing and a recent venture that may not be so obvious to the common visitor or citizen of Wehnimer's Landing."

Juramis smiles.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "I hope each candidate is prepared with a good answer!"

Vaemyr ponders.

Saraphenia folds her hands behind her back.

Irval glances at his skeletal hand.

Tayler tugs the gold-threaded cuffs and gold-threaded collar of his isiqiri, straightening his spine and gazing off into the distance.

(Saraphenia rocks slightly back and forth on the balls of her feet.)

Question 1

Juramis recites huskily:

   "The most recent negotiations with the Borthuum Mining Company poses an interesting problem with trade through Wehnimer's Landing.  We have a large influx of glaes where we did not before.  What solution would you propose to deal with this large shift in the town's economy?"

Juramis huskily says, "We will start with...."

Juramis rubs his chin thoughtfully.


Juramis huskily says, "Irval the Shaman, since you were latest to join us."

Juramis nods once at Irval.

Irval nods.

Irval asks, "So too much glaes is a problem?"

Irval raises an eyebrow in Juramis's direction.

Juramis huskily says, "It is a resource we can use to sell, and then use the silvers in turn for other needs."

Juramis huskily asks, "What would you propose we do with it?"

Irval tugs on his leather harness, contemplating a deep thought.

Juramis leans back.

Irval says, "Thats an interesting question, Obviously we should sell some, but what about maybe using some of it to our own defense. Especially in these times."

Juramis huskily asks, "Does that conclude your answer?"

Irval says, "Yes I guess it is."

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "High Lady Saraphenia, what about you?"

Saraphenia clears her throat.

Saraphenia says, "Well, this does pose an interesting dilemma..."

Saraphenia says, "You see, there is a good amount we will sell, and turn a profit, in which we can use that profit for the betterment of the town...however..."

Irval shifts his weight.

Firmly planting your feet equidistance apart, you fold your wings across your back.

Saraphenia says, "We could use some of that glaes to attract young adventurers to our town...those that use blades, we could forge them blades at a very nominal fee...those, like me, who use fists and feet we could make them gloves and boots reinforced with glaes...No town has ever done that for it's citizens before, that I know of."

Speaking to Juramis, Saraphenia says, "Thank you."

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Vaemyr! What is your answer to this situation?"

Vaemyr nods.

Vaemyr says, "First of all, I would like to thank Lord Juramis and the Consortium for helping to secure this new set of resources for us as I do think there are several excelent uses that we will have."

Vaemyr says, "First of all Glaes does make excellent weapons and armor, albeit a bit on the heavy side, but with the weapons deal that the current Town Council that gives us an avenue to directly convert some of it into profits from weapon sales."

Vaemyr says, "In addition with the trade deal I helped work through with Icemule last year, I believe that with the building and arming of an alliance of nations that they could be in the market for some as well."

Vaemyr says, "Finally I believe we can use it to augment our own militia and guardsmen, and assist in our own defenses."

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."

Vaemyr nods.


Juramis huskily asks, "Sarissa Tayler. Do you have a plan for this glaes?"

Tayler smiles.

Tayler nods at Juramis.

Tayler says, "Our increased supply of Glaes comes at quite a fortunate moment, Glaesineth is experiencing somewhat of a resurgance in popularity within the Elven nations, and the raw material for that fine creation of the Forest Gnomes is Glaes. I would propose trade with the Gnomes and the Nations, raw Glaes for Glaesineth windows and greenhouses that are quite resistant to being broken. I believe the Moot Hall would have benefitted from this a few months ago, but who does not like having a window, or a greenhouse pane that you will never have to replace, and is quite beautiful to boot. Any excess can be either forged, sold, or bartered for other goods. The excess funds used to bolster our defenses."

Tayler says, "Glaes is not particularly useful as a weapon, but as a trade commodity it has a great deal of value to us, right now."

Tayler nods once.

Juramis nods.

Juramis huskily asks, "Does that conclude your answer?"

Tayler nods at Juramis.

Tayler says, "It does."

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Kayse! What is your proposal?"

You glance appraisingly at Juramis.

(Kayse rolls up the sleeves of her cotton shirt as she takes a few steps forward.)

You propose, "An increase in any import can only mean good things for Wehnimer's. As others mentioned, with a surplus of glaes, artisians such as weaponsmiths, jewelry crafters, and the like can potentially create other goods with the material. If the raw material is not sought after, perhaps other forms of it will be."

You note, "Last year, with the opening of the Eastern waterway, we have more accessibility to trade with the Elven Nations and beyond as well. There is nothing to say we can not export our import to our neighbors."

You grin wryly.

You wonder, "Glaes being as heavy as it is--I am unsure of any way for it to be used in building materials--but perhaps that is a possibility."

You absently chew on one side of your lip as you mull things over.

You offer, "As far as rise in silvers for our economy there could be numberous solutions to seek out. Investing those silvers back in our trade economy could be ideal: Whether it's exporting our current goods or seeking out a new one."

You mention, "I submitted a proposal this year for the urge to hire a shipwright, perhaps those funds could go into that. Or some of the shops I proposed to the bazaar."

You passionately conclude, "It's important for the town to give back--any funds towards caring for our natural resources or donating to charities could be an option as well. I think this is only good news for Wehnimer's. We are growing and becoming prosperous."

You nod once at Juramis.

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Excellent round of answers!"

Juramis applauds.

Question 2 from Cryheart

Juramis huskily says, "If Sir Cryheart could join us please."

Sir Cryheart just climbed down a narrow stairway.

You gaze thoughtfully at a gold-framed debate list.

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers a formal bow.

Juramis bows.

Tayler smiles at Cryheart.

You nod respectfully at Cryheart.

You see Sir Cryheart Thaxin the Knight Banneret. He appears to be a Human from Honneland. He is taller than average and has a muscular physique. He appears to be in his golden years. He has piercing blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder-length, tousled golden brown hair with the slightest hint of grey at the temples. He has an angular face, a prominent nose and broad shoulders. A slight scar, barely visible, indents his left cheek. Superimposed over Cryheart's form is the ghostly silhouette of an elven soldier, a calculating expression on his face. As you watch, he rolls his shoulders forward, then back, straightening his stance. He has a rampant silver gryphon tattoo on his neck, and a pair of small ivory bone rings in the upper ridge of his left ear. He is in good shape. He is wearing an ebony headband swirled with red and silver tones, a tooled copper earcuff, an urglaes thumb-ring, a hammered gold band, some fitted myklian scale gloves, an intricately woven wrist-cuff of owl feathers and luckbloom blossoms, a gold-linked ghezyte bracelet with tiny malachite vines, a silver-edged emerald hair ribbon, an ebon Vornavian silk armband, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a sapphire and gold sunburst pin, a wyrmwood amulet, a glaes-bound ebonwood badge, a quintuple orb brooch, a mystical jade dragon pin, a bronze and star ruby pin, a layered pale crimson shroud painted with mournblooms, a satin-lined cotton twill surcoat over some kroderine plate swirled with distorted blue and black tones along the backplate, a hammered copper bell strung from ivory ribbons, a crystallized silvery fossil charm, a black cotton twill cloak, a black tower shield slung over his shoulder, a sturdy leather weapons harness slung over his other shoulder, a scorched leather belt, a bear skin leather pouch, a rolaren mesh sack with a veniom clasp in the shape of a silver gryphon, a rounded copper flask, a supple brindlecat hide herb satchel with a leaf-shaped eahnor clasp, a pair of glossy black leather veil iron-toed boots, and a pair of golden spurs.

Vaemyr nods to Cryheart in greeting.

Saraphenia curtsies to Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "Esteemed candidates and your honor."

You greet, "Sir Thaxin."

Cryheart says, "Thank ye."

Cryheart says, "I hae but one question for now."

Saraphenia folds her hands.

Cryheart says, "Are ye for or against the Landing being a protectorate of the Imperial empire and please give a rational reason for your answer."

Cryheart folds his hands behind his back.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you for the question, Sir Cryheart."

Cryheart nods at Juramis.


Juramis huskily says, "We will start with Town Councilor Vaemyr's answer."

Vaemyr nods.

Vaemyr says, "Well, I can say that at our very first dinner with Lord Elidal, I proposed that they relinquish the Protectorate status of the town. I believe that we have grown to a point we can stand on our own. However..."

Vaemyr says, "That idea was rejected, and the fact remains that we are a protectorate. So I believe we must work within such to do everything we can for our town and people."

Vaemyr says, "Perhaps, there will come a day in the future, that it could be revisted, but pushing for it to be removed now after we've already attempted so, I believe could just be making enemies where we do not need them to be."

Vaemyr nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods.

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily asks, "Does that conclude your answer, Town Councilor Vaemyr?"

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.


Juramis huskily asks, "Sarissa Tayler? What say you?"

Tayler smiles at Cryheart.

Tayler says, "I am for our status as a Imperial Protectorate. While complicated politically, I believe that our relationship with the Empire has done us more service than disservice. Seeking to relinquish our status as a Protectorate, throwing away the friendships and trade alliances we have made, could be the very blow that would invite less... diplomatic means of securing Wehnimer's as an important trading partner and ally. Instead, we should leverage this arrangement to grow our own power, while the Empire is obligated to come to our defense against the many threats that we currently face."

Cryheart smiles at Tayler.

Tayler nods once at Juramis.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "High Lady Saraphenia! How do you see things?"

Saraphenia asks, "I am dead set against our town being a protectorate of the Empire. We are a democratic town and quite frankly, the Empire has offered us nothing but flowery words over the last year. I personally asked Elidal to remove himself and the Empire from our town. He looked at me...pardon the expression, as I hate this a bug! His words to me were flowery, concilitory but the look in his eyes was pure murder. I agree with Vaemyr in as much as this town can stand on her own, but I wholeheartedly disagree with us remaining a protectorate. I believe they mean to eventually extend their reach over us and subjugate us. I don't want to live in the Imperial Outpost of Wehnimer's Landing. Do you?"

Saraphenia curtsies to Cryheart.

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers a formal bow.

Juramis nods once.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Kayse! Have anything to say about this?"

You wink at Juramis.

(Kayse takes a step forward, her gaze downward as she collects her thoughts. As she raises her head, her eyes shine brightly as she addresses the balcony.)

You state, "I do not believe I have known Wehnimer's outside of the one we see today. Perhaps very quickly before it gained it's protectorate status but it is nothing new to most of us."

You thoughtfully say, "I would say I am in agreeance of our protectorate status because there has been a layer of trust built. Despite the suddenly move of the Imperials outside our palisades, they have continued to at least respect the agreement."

You wryly disclose, "I spent a lot of my time in Elanthia in Rive's Rest--and I can say we are not the biggest fans of the Empire."

You continue, "But I am also intelligent enough to know when a relationship is beneficial. I think we can continue to build a mutual beneficial relationship as the years go on."

You vow, "But Earl Jovery has promised us our freedom to govern; to trade as we wish; to make our own laws, and live our lives as free people, not as Imperial subjects. It will be my duty as councilor to hold him to this commitment."

You nod once at Juramis.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "Irval the Shaman! How do you feel about this?"

Irval leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a grizzled giant purple squirrel with onyx black eyes as it creeps from one of his shoulders to the other, whacking him a few times in the chin with its flat furry tail.

Juramis huskily says, "I see."

Juramis nods once at Irval.

Irval says, "Ever hear the phrase, "Don't rock the boat? I firmly believe that we should remain as a protectorate of a vast far reaching massive empire. Because Id rather that then just being neighbors, because being neighborly while does have its advanatages if we relinquished our status, but it also comes with its own draw backs. Here in the frontier we are at the front of incursions both magical and man made. And even some of our own making unfortunately. But I believe we will prosper and grow more with one than without. There may come a time when we can remove it but id rather see that we our own expansion and strength is boilstered enough that we can stand alone. The safety , security, and commerce we get from being a protectorate will be better than one without in my opinion as well. Also, on a personal note, Ive had many meaningful interactions with our imperial allies and think that they are to be commended for their leap into the unknown and we will both prosper and grow bigger togeth."

Irval gasps.

Juramis smiles.

Juramis huskily asks, "Does that conclude your answer?"

Irval nods.

Juramis grins at Irval.

Irval says, "It does."

Juramis nods.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."

Juramis bows to Cryheart.

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers Juramis a formal bow.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you again, Sir Cryheart."

Cryheart says, "Thank ye all."

You smile at Cryheart.

Irval nods at Cryheart.

Tayler smiles at Cryheart.

Juramis huskily says, "We will be taking a five minute recess so others can join the list. I will be whispering a secret question to the candidates for them to prepare an answer to when we return."

Cryheart says, "Tis nae my duty to judge by your answers as I will continue my oath to defend the Landing,"

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers a formal bow.

You turn to Cryheart and bow low, spreading your wings for all to see.

Cryheart says, "And thank ye for your replies."

Juramis nods once at Cryheart.

Vaemyr bows to Cryheart.

Tayler says, "So say we all."

Cryheart waves.

Sir Cryheart just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Juramis recites huskily:

   "We will be taking a five minute recess so others can join the list.  I will be whispering a secret question to the candidates for them to prepare an answer to when we return."

Question 3

Juramis smiles.

Juramis huskily says, "The question asked was..."

Juramis recites huskily:

   "When it comes to enemies of the town, who have caused great damage and woe to its citizens.  Do you believe the greater threat is within or without?  What three primary steps would you propose the town takes to solve these problems."


Juramis huskily says, "Sarissa Tayler! We will begin with your answer."

Tayler smiles.

Tayler nods.

Tayler says, "I believe that we have handled most of our external threats with skill and confidence. Our greatest threat comes from our lack of cooperation. We do not all need to get along, but we all need to be able to work together."

Tayler passionately says, "Wehnimer's is somewhat unique in it's position, with citizens and political forces from every corner of the continent exerting subtle pressure upon it. With threats of increasing ferocity attacking our walls from every conceivable angle. Yet Wehnimer s does not bend to these pressures, it does not cower before these threats, it bends, it thrives, it stands inviolate, and it continues to be a safe haven for those who might be found unwelcome elsewhere."

Tayler says, "This is what we must come together to protect. So I propose these three steps, handle the Remnants first of all, whatever needs to happen to make them go away. When they are dealt with, work on rebuilding the damage that they have caused to our citizens, the mistrust, confusion and chaos they have sewn. Once those holes have been patched, we can start working on building towards a brighter future, together."

Tayler nods once.

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Kayse! How about your answer?"

(Kayse takes some steps forward as she smiles slightly and glances up at the balcony.)

You simply say, "Whenever there is conflict the first words to be breathed from most individuals' mouths is...."

You breathlessly whisper aloud, "Grishom Stone."

You remark, "Although I do believe Grishom is and will continue to be a threat. I think the enemy who scarred the citizens of Wehnimer's the most would be Chaston Griffin and the Blameless."

Juramis glances around the room.

You calmly explain, "The zealot raged war against anyone who chose to worship a deity that wasn't Koar. Many were slaughtered for their beliefs, innocents lived in fear."

You add, "As we know Chaston is long gone, but very recently the Blameless reappeared. The bigotry and hate that Chaston created is still present among them."

You curiously say, "Do I think they are a current threat? No, but they are one we can be well prepared for shall they gain numbers again."

You pensively say, "As far as three reasons to defend ourselves. One: We know how to fight them with anti-ever blood. Two: I believe we should continue researching such a substance in case they find a way to counter act it. We have even seen this in recent enemies. Three: We can continue to move forward with Sir Guarrain's propose Defense Plans to ensure our town is safer."

You nod at Juramis.

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily asks, "Irval the Shaman. How do you see this path?"

Irval nods.

Irval says, "I believe that in the recent years, a lot of our threats seemingly come from within. By misfortune, ignorance, or malice. But I believe some of our leaders of the past have deep root that span years, and accumulated favors and dealings have caused some to be manipulated by their own past."

Irval says, "One of the reasons Im am running is to be a counter point when needed to some said voices. Be it the mayor or a said councilman or even former mayor." Sir Geijon just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Irval says, "So getting elected would by my first step towards reaching that point."

Irval says, "My second step would to be the change that I want to see in others but also be as transparant and brutally honest to those we are elected to serve. Too many secrets with too many people cause too much strife. So I say no longer."

Irval says, "Third and Finally, I will be making myself as available as I can and to speak about our plans with our people and also get and listen to their reactions and bring it before the council."

Juramis nods once.

Irval says, "And , I think that if I can accomplish these three steps, our core will be stronger and our citizens will wish to take a more active part in addressing the enemies outside of our gates."

Irval says, "Thank you."


Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Vaemyr! Any thoughts?"

Vaemyr nods.

Vaemyr takes a long, deep breath, and the veins along his exposed skin pulse with a soft crimson glow.

Vaemyr says, "This comes hard for me to say, as we certainly have had a large history of grave threats from without the town, from most recently Tyeid, Gnul, and Tyraxx, the Wraith, but also Grishom Stone and Barnom Slim, Vlashandra, whatever might be lurking through the portals on top of the reach and so on."

Vaemyr says, "But, I have also seen us when we are united and fighting together. We've met threats like everything listed and bested them, time and time again. That united both together and with our allies we are neigh unstoppable."

Vaemyr says, "So it is with this, that I do believe our greatest threat is from within. That it is ourselves who can tear us apart and give openings to the enemies without."

Vaemyr says, "As far as steps to take to address this, honestly I think we took one of those steps. With the Rooks coming forward and nolonger being an organization only operating in the shadows, we can talk and work with them easier, sure they may have different opinions and not always share details, but it is now at least possible to move forward as a united base of people."

Vaemyr says, "The second step, and this is going to be the hardest maybe impossible... is we really have to come together to reach a compromise our people can live with as regards to the Barony of Darkstone. I hope the new council can try and have a voice on an approach here and help guide, but also listen to the citizens. War would do nothing but cause suffering and death, yet I see people push for such. We have to be better than that, find other ways and approaches."

Vaemyr says, "Finally, I think ensuring that our offices and elected officials are filled fairly and regularly, we need to not have open Steward positions or missing judge elections. To ensure that our people continue to see they are represented fairly, that we can continue to work together and give voice to them so that they can feel good about our town and willing to work with us as we ever approach trying times."

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily asks, "High Lady Saraphenia. What are your considerations on this matter?"

Saraphenia exclaims, "Outside of the Empire, I would say the Remnants have caused the greatest damage even in the last few weeks. I mean, they attempted to or actually did assassinate most of the Town Council candidates on the night of the announcement myself included." she breifly sighs, "That being said, even with the Remnants being a rather decided threat to our town at this moment, I still see the Empire as a bigger threat. To get rid of the Remnants, however, would be a boon to our town before even removing the Empire would at this moment. I would launch an investigation into who is involved, ask that warrants be issued for their arrest, they be arrested and tried for their crimes. And, I daresay, should they try to resist by force, we meet them with equal, or even greater force!"

Saraphenia says, "This town steps up when she needs to, and I think against the Remnants, right now, she needs to."

Saraphenia nods at Juramis.

Juramis smiles.

Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly.

You furtively glance around the room.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you all for your very honest answers."

Juramis grins from ear to ear.

You see Lord Juramis Du'Lasfeur the Nobleman. He appears to be a Human from Seareach. He is short. He appears to be time-worn. He has heavy-lidded brown eyes and ruddy skin. He has short, curly ginger hair. He has a plump face and heavy jowls. He is in good shape. He is holding a huge orange cat in his left hand. He is wearing a crystal amulet, a crimson and gold brocade mantle, an ebon Vornavian silk armband, a red and black leather bracer, a mottled morduska hide satchel, a deep blue watered silk vestment with a cloth-of-gold sunburst, a tiny black coin pouch emblazoned with a pair of crossed silvery scimitars, and some cork and snakeskin sandals.

Juramis huskily says, "I do admit. I am pleased to note that I was not on anyone's list of problems."

Tayler grins at Juramis.

Vaemyr smirks at Juramis.

You wryly say, "You were number two."

Irval says, "Its still early."

Juramis grumbles.

Irval snickers.

With a deadpan expression, you sharply point at your chest then swiftly point two fingers at your eyes, before your expression narrows and pointedly aim your finger at Juramis.

You glance at Juramis and unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Indeed! We still have a lightning round of questions from this list!"

Saraphenia yawns.

Juramis huskily asks, "Are you ready?"

(Saraphenia stifles her yawn.)

Tayler surreptitiously glances at a gold-framed debate list.

You gently rub your hand over your cotton shirt, admiring the fit.

Vaemyr nods.

Question 4; Geijon

Juramis huskily asks, "Sir Geijon! Join us on the floor?"

Juramis smiles.

Sir Geijon just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Geijon leans against a gold-framed debate list.

Speaking to Juramis, Saraphenia says, "Sorry for's getting later than I'm normally awake."

Tayler nods in greeting at Geijon.

Juramis huskily asks, "Sir Geijon, please enlighten us with your inquiry?"

You see Sir Geijon Khyree the Knight-Errant. He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan. He is very tall. He appears to be senescent. He has keen glacial blue eyes and tanned skin. He has long, wind-tousled golden brown hair shot through with fine silvery strands. He has an angular face, a straight nose and a neatly-trimmed beard. He has minor bruises on his neck. He is wearing a fang-inset greathelm painted with a red-eyed bear visage, some black warrior monk breeches with a golden Voln symbol on the thigh, some smoothly articulated mithril field plate reinforced with rolaren, some etched rolaren leg greaves clasped with mithril buckles, some mithril-traced thick ora arm greaves detailed with argent rampant gryphons, an imflass threaded war harness slung over his shoulder, a gold-linked livery collar with a firestone inset winged phoenix emblem, a ghastly yew seed pendant suspended by a length of sinew, a claw-clasped black cloak, an ebon Vornavian silk armband, a silver clenched fist symbol marked with crimson streaks, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a stylized golden griffin pin, a laje-bound deringo badge, a black bear hide pack with a clawed toggle slung over his other shoulder, a capacious black canvas backpack, a long black wool surcoat cinched with braided cording, an onyx and ruby wedding band, a resplendent pearl ring inset with a square black and white shield, a rune-etched dark mithril belt, a pair of golden spurs, a shaggy dark grey wolf fur satchel, a rune-carved minotaur horn cylinder, a blackened steel signal horn strung on a black suede cord, and some supple black leather boots with a reinforced metal shin clasped with mother-of-pearl shields.

You nod to Geijon in greeting.

Geijon says, "I was just on th' list. I think Cryheart asked his."

Vaemyr nods to Geijon in greeting.

Saraphenia curtsies to Geijon.

Geijon nods.

Juramis huskily says, "I see."

Speaking to Juramis, Geijon says, "I did find a good sign or three recently, but I don't think it was flattering or helped my question."

Juramis huskily asks, "Thank you for making an appearance tonight. Do you have a question for us?"

Juramis looks thoughtfully at Geijon.

Geijon says, "Better than being hung."

Juramis blinks.

Geijon chuckles.

Juramis huskily says, "I would suspect most things are."

You smirk.

Vaemyr says, "I can gladly say I don't have experience with that..."

Juramis huskily asks, "Did you have a question for the candidates tonight?"

You dryly offer, "Being shot in the head with a crossbolt is up there."

You examine your fingernails.

Speaking to you, Vaemyr says, "Neck."

Vaemyr nods knowingly to you.

Speaking to Vaemyr, you say, "I was speaking from MY experience."

Tayler says, "Should wear plate. Or carry a tower shield."

Vaemyr laughs at you!

Tayler nods at Vaemyr.

Saraphenia asks, "Kayse why would someone shoot you with a crossbow bolt??"

You glance expectantly at Geijon.

Vaemyr turns to face Geijon.

Geijon says, "I wanted to ask each candidate what they would do to foster kindness and community within th' Landing. We've had it, historically, but agendas seem to have us split in every which direction. I'd like each candidate to talk about positive outcomes they've seen th' past year and hope to contribute or extend further. A bully might physically overpower, but kindness elicits support from others, hopefully." A small vibrant purple spider on Irval crawls over to his right upper arm.

You ponder the meaning of Geijon's existence.

Saraphenia beams happily at Geijon!

Geijon smiles.

Geijon bows.

Geijon says, "Good eve."

Sir Geijon just climbed up a narrow stairway. Juramis smiles.

Irval nods to a narrow stairway.


Juramis huskily exclaims, "We will start with Irval the Shaman! This is a quick answer format!"

Irval exclaims, "Right then!"

Juramis whispers, "You are next!"

Irval says, "To foster kindness with the community of landing? Hmm, Well im pleased to say ive noticed that the porch meetings that Councilor Kayse has are a good idea."

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Kayse!"

Irval says, "I myself tend to take the late shift in the town central and heall those through the wee hours of the morninig, you know when, no one can see me heal. Guess the secrets out. But Ive seen organizations put together hunts for those fresh off the wagon."

Irval says, "Err."

Juramis huskily says, "Oh sorry."

Irval glances at Juramis.

Juramis blushes a glowing shade of red.

Irval says, "I feel that id like to see more of the organization as well as some musters as it were from other organizations on more than a once per week basis into more."

Irval says, "And I aim to take part in seeing that myself to help those new to the region and assist those that arent but still would like some help or a battle buddy."

Irval nods.

Juramis nods at Irval.

Irval says, "Now you can say next."

Irval grins at Juramis.


Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Kayse!"

Juramis pokes Irval in the ribs.

Juramis smirks at Irval.

(Kayse takes a few graceful steps forward, her wings sweeping behind her.)

Irval chuckles to himself.

Tayler glances up.

Tayler dusts himself off.

You mildly say, "Despite arguments and disagreements leading up to these events, two main events come to mind that reflect the kindness Sir Khyree was inquiring about."

You remark, "Recently citizens, allies and defenders joined together to defeat Gnul and capture Captain Bodohal. We came together against common enemies."

You firmly say, "Whenever there is a threat we tend to our wounded, we clean up the town, and we stand together."

You continue, "Many of our organizations in the town do community service and are constantly assisting others with tasks."

You opine, "I think we need to continue to find common ground and remind each other that in the end, we are all attempting to accomplish the same thing: A safe Wehnimer's Landing."

You nod once at Juramis.

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily exclaims, "High Lady Saraphenia!"

Saraphenia says, "Over the course of the last year, I have had a personal ephipany and have tried to spread more love to everyone in this town. It's why I carry the moniker The Aelotoi of Love. I really want everyone to be happy. I will continue to foster feelings of love and goodwill in our town whether I am elected or not. I aslo donate my own silver to the youngins I find fresh off the farms and ask them only to pay it orward when they can. It warms my heart to see the looks on their faces, and to know that I helped in some small way to bring happiness to our young adventurers."

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily exclaims, "Sarissa Tayler!"

Tayler smiles.

Tayler says, "'More barbeques, social gatherings, that sort of thing. We often gather at night to fight against this threat or that threat, but we rarely just get together at night to share a beer, or some food, or eachothers company. This is something I believe we should focus on fostering. It is harder to hate your neighbors when you actually take some time to get to know them."

Tayler nods at Juramis.

Juramis grins.

Juramis nods once.


Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Vaemyr!"

Vaemyr says, "While, this might take too much work to be done within the next year, but I think bringing back something like Frontier Days where we could celebrate the landing, everything we've done and come together in it, could give us all something very positive to look forward to."

Vaemyr says, "While, this might take too much work to be done within the next year, but I think bringing back something like Frontier Days where we could celebrate the landing, everything we've done and come together in it, could give us all something very positive to look forward to."

Vaemyr coughs.

Vaemyr says, "I will also continue my best to talk with folks and bridge some of those divides the best I can as I see them form, but finally I just hope everyone remembers to Bbee kind to one another. A good friend to all of us whom we celebrated and cherished yesterday taught us that."

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you for all of your answers."

Question 5: Kelfyr

Juramis huskily says, "'Next round is a question from Kelfyr! Come join us on the floor."

* Seld joins the adventure.

You notice Kelfyr moving stealthily down a narrow stairway. Kelfyr nods at Juramis. Juramis nods at Kelfyr. Kelfyr says, "Thank you for moderating, and for opening the floor." Sir Cryheart just climbed down a narrow stairway. Sir Cryheart just went through a modwir arch. (OOC) Vaemyr's player whispers to the group, "Darn up arrow typo hah." Kelfyr asks, "Wehnimer's Landing is a town of strong arms and stronger opinions. In a frontier town on the edge of civilization, one that welcomes and shelters diverse lifestyles and views, disagreements are bound to continue. Can you tell me about a time when you were confronted with an opposing view and how you addressed it diplomatically?"

* The death cry of Fetii echoes in your mind!

Juramis nods.

* Legler joins the adventure.
* Shalhoub joins the adventure.
* Dreadpiraterob joins the adventure.

Lord Thyrabos just came through a modwir arch. Lord Thyrabos just climbed up a narrow stairway.

* Vayon joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily asks, "I think we all understand the question?"

* Bruster joins the adventure.
* Nathan joins the adventure.

Juramis smiles. Kelfyr nods. Juramis huskily asks, "High Lady Saraphenia, would you like to start please?" You notice Kelfyr moving stealthily up a narrow stairway.

  • Uniana appears amid a swirl of illusory eahnor-hued rose petals.
* Ares joins the adventure.
* Wylon joins the adventure.
* Hymnus joins the adventure.

Juramis whispers, "You are third, after Irval."

* Demortem joins the adventure.
* Maggda joins the adventure.
* Seffir joins the adventure.
* Maggda has disconnected.
* Randsford joins the adventure.

Juramis blinks.

* Izaneth just bit the dust!

Irval traces a pair of crossed knotwork hammers symbol on his glaes and iron fibula and stands a little taller for a moment, his eyes briefly unfocused.

* Teetmoor has disconnected.

Saraphenia says, "Just a few weeks ago, in our Town Square, after having been announced a candidate, I was insulted to my face by a young Faendryl woman who said, and I quote, "You have a grotesquely overinflated self-opinion and have no idea what you're doing." Now, if someone had said that to me five years ago, I'd have punched their eyeballs into their braincase. On this occasion however, I asked the young woman if she even knew who I am, to which I got no reply, so from there, I ignored her."

* Maggda joins the adventure.
* Teetmoor joins the adventure.
* Moristal joins the adventure.
* Berost joins the adventure.

Juramis nods. Saraphenia nods at Juramis.

* Gheira joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Irval the Shaman!" Juramis grins at Irval.

* Blerod joins the adventure.

[Towncrier] Newsby: "|EVENT-IMT| Join RYSK and White Haven in Icemule on Saturday, August 5th at 9pm, as White Haven hosts RYSK to play their monthly dart tourney. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. There will be food, drink, and fun. So sharpen those dart tips and get to hitting the Bullseye!" Irval tugs on his leather harness, contemplating a deep thought. Irval nods at Juramis.

* Badeye joins the adventure.
* Khaylen joins the adventure.
* Trevic joins the adventure.
* Whahmo joins the adventure.

Juramis smiles. Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly. Irval says, "So an instance in which I handled a situation diplomatically with someone I had a interaction with.... Right where to begin." Irval tugs on his leather harness, contemplating a deep thought. [Merchant] Nathan: "Buying a T4 ensorc on a 521 difficulty item, hit me up with price if you have on, thank you." Hiea just climbed down a narrow stairway. Hiea just went through a modwir arch. Juramis raises an eyebrow in Irval's direction.

* Saiteari has disconnected.

Irval says, "Can we narrow that down? I jest. I once was out hunting setting web traps in a bandit area. And individual came through and dispelled all my webs and clouds multiple times, so I froze him on the spot, and we had a good chat and sit down where we both expressed our opinions and then came to the conclusion that we both acted in haste."

* Shayen joins the adventure.
* Steamich has disconnected.
* Steamich joins the adventure.

Irval says, "And we now hunt together instead of apart." Juramis nods once. Irval says, "Sometimes a good talking is all ones need to settle differences, sometimes that talking comes at the end of a stick." Irval says, "But we both get a good laugh about it now." Irval nods once. Juramis smiles. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Kayse!" J>action rolls her shoulders back to straighten her posture, her face painted in a pensive expression. (Kayse rolls her shoulders back to straighten her posture, her face painted in a pensive expression.)

* Maggda joins the adventure.

J>tone mild You will speak mildly on your next message.

* Alfonsus joins the adventure.

J>'=inform As a town councilor it is natural to have opposing views with citizens and even between fellow councilors. I think in almost every situation not everyone agrees fully. There are always many routes to take when a problem is presented. You mildly inform, "As a town councilor it is natural to have opposing views with citizens and even between fellow councilors. I think in almost every situation not everyone agrees fully. There are always many routes to take when a problem is presented." J>tone stead You will speak steadily on your next message. J>'What is important is to open discussion and remain civil and kind to each other. Our strength is in numbers and unity. Listening to each other is essential before picking a path to move forward. You steadily say, "What is important is to open discussion and remain civil and kind to each other. Our strength is in numbers and unity. Listening to each other is essential before picking a path to move forward." J>tone simp You will speak simply on your next message. J>'=divul Emotion betrays truth. Keeping level headed as much as possible also helps handle things diplomatically. You simply divulge, "Emotion betrays truth. Keeping level headed as much as possible also helps handle things diplomatically." J>tone light You will speak lightly on your next message. J>'=comment As far as a specific example--they are too many to name." Kayse chuckles slightly before continuing, "But I think I have proved over the last year I am always open to listen and respond in a non-emotional way for the betterment of Wehnimer's. You lightly comment, "As far as a specific example--they are too many to name." Kayse chuckles slightly before continuing, "But I think I have proved over the last year I am always open to listen and respond in a non-emotional way for the betterment of Wehnimer's." J>tone ret You will speak reticently on your next message. J>"i will let my actions of the past year speak for themselves. You reticently say, "I will let my actions of the past year speak for themselves." J>nod once jura You nod once at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Sarissa Tayler!" J>read list

The debate list contains the following names:

  (1) Cryheart
  (2) Geijon
  (3) Kelfyr
  (4) Tikba
  (5) Drazaa
  (6) Lylia
  The debate list is closed.
  Leaving the game is allowed.  You MUST be back by your turn.
  Leaving the room is allowed.  You MUST be back by your turn.

You may only be on ONE list at a time. Joining another will remove you from the first.

Tayler nods. Tayler says, "It is definitely not uncommon, I am pretty easygoing as far as my political opinions or stances go, for I simply believe that everyone is entitled to their own. Recently, I was approached about a complicated problem. One of my captains, that runs one of my ships, asked me for some time off for an unexpected journey home. The shipment had to be made on time to meet certain demands, and there was no other captain that could make the journey. So I compromsied, and sailed it myself. I believe that any problem can reach an acceptable resolution if both parties are willing to work towards solving it."

* Sraven just turned her last page!

Tayler nods at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Vaemyr!" Vaemyr says, "There are way too many to choose from being a councilor for the past year." [Towncrier] Newsby: "|EVENT-WL| Do you love cheese? Do you love making cheese in your new cheese wheel? Join us on Saturday, the 5th of August, at Noon in the Twilight Hall kitchen to test your cheesemaking skills against the taste buds of Twilight Hall! Prizes will be awarded for the 3 best cheeses. First place will also take home a medal, and have their cheese added to our food cart! ." Vaemyr chuckles. Vaemyr says, "So, I went to many of the Thorn's Meetups. I would almost always have disagreements with different people on the ways many folks wished to handle situations with the new barony. But I felt it was still good to talk with them about those opinions. We argued and disagreed, but we often times came to respect and learn from one another too."

* Ashliene joins the adventure.
* Ashliene has disconnected.

Vaemyr says, "I still consider many friends, even with us having many varried views and opinions on things, but we did at least build some common grounds through those discussions. I know that many moved further north to avoid arguments with others, but I also know if and when we might need their support to protect our town they will be there for it."

* Gaelicharm joins the adventure.
* Gaelicharm has disconnected.
* Ingra joins the adventure.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Vaemyr begins to falter, then completely fades away. The dim aura fades from around Vaemyr. Vaemyr begins to breathe less deeply.

* Ingra has disconnected.
* Melohdee joins the adventure.

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.

* Melohdee has disconnected.

Juramis nods once.

* Solayce joins the adventure.
* Solayce has disconnected.
* Varla joins the adventure.
* Varla has disconnected.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you for all of your answers to that question from Kelfyr." Juramis huskily asks, "Tikba, could you join us on the floor for the next question?" Tikba just climbed down a narrow stairway. Saraphenia flutters her wings at Tikba. Juramis bows. Tikba smiles.

* Driahh joins the adventure.

Tikba fairly emanates polite civility by way of her courteous, tempered expression.

* Driahh has disconnected.

J>'=greet ::tik Amisar. Speaking to Tikba, you greet, "Amisar."

* Hyrstad joins the adventure.
* Hyrstad has disconnected.
* Medoc joins the adventure.

Tayler smiles at Tikba.

* Medoc has disconnected.
* Raxeli joins the adventure.

Tikba carefully says, "Good evening, my friends."

* Raxeli has disconnected.
* Sievelon joins the adventure.

J>tick kayse You lightly drum your fingers on your leg.

* Sievelon has disconnected.
* Socrott joins the adventure.
* Socrott has disconnected.
* Cehlel joins the adventure.
* Deralis joins the adventure.

Tikba carefully says, "It has been about a year since the last Regional Envoy, Cordarius, arrived, bearing news of the planned creation of Darkstone Barony."

* Lwyllian joins the adventure.

Irval loses his intense expression. Dark red droplets seep out of Irval's skin and evaporate. Irval loses an aura of resolve. Irval loses his focused look. Tikba says, "In that time we have faced great difficulties of all sorts." J>obser tik You take a moment to observe everything you can about Tikba.

* Destrian joins the adventure.

Tikba asks, "Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently as a councilor?"

* Azahta joins the adventure.
* The soft susurrus of lazy ocean waves builds as Sraven appears by your side.

[Merchant] Wyrmheart: "It's worth what the pawnshop will give you for it." Tikba nods respectfully.

* Kethrylia joins the adventure.

Tayler ponders. Tikba flashes a quick grin at you. Juramis huskily asks, "Does that apply to the other candidates that have not been councilors?" Tikba just climbed up a narrow stairway.

* Grorin has disconnected.

Tikba just climbed down a narrow stairway.

* Nomdelaern joins the adventure.

Tikba nods at Juramis. Juramis nods once.

* Saiteari joins the adventure.

Tikba asks, "If they had been councilors, what would they have done differently?" Juramis nods at Tikba. Tikba just climbed up a narrow stairway. Juramis huskily says, "Thank you."

* Saiteari has disconnected.

Juramis huskily says, "Sarissa Tayler." Tayler nods once. Juramis nods at Tayler. [Towncrier] Newsby: "|STORYLINE-GLOBAL| The people are still missing in Ta'Illistim and the Nations on the Brink storyline has started back up again with a vignette from GM Valyrka, at the wiki: ." Irval nods.

* Nomdelaern has disconnected.
* Grymli joins the adventure.
* Anthul joins the adventure.
* Trevic joins the adventure.
* Trevic has disconnected.
* Tsalyn joins the adventure.

Irval glares at his giant purple squirrel. Tayler says, "Simply put, communicated better. A lot of things happened behind closed doors, or in secret meetings, but this role is responsible for not just dealing with problems, but talking with people and letting them know it's being addressed, the hows, the whys. There were too many things that were never communicated properly." J>tilt tay You cock your head at Tayler. Juramis grins. Tayler nods at Juramis. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Town Councilor Kayse!" Irval nudges a small vibrant purple spider to his nose. [General] Orithore asks, "I'm seeking the presence of two other Guild Masters of the Warrior Guild. I'd like to join those ranks and receive a nomination. Bychance, are there two that can meet me?"

* Dergoatean joins the adventure.

Irval nudges a small vibrant purple spider to his face. Irval babbles something unintelligible. Irval nudges a small vibrant purple spider to his right forearm. J>action rubs the back of her neck as she steps forward, her lips pursed together as her brow is furrowed. (Kayse rubs the back of her neck as she steps forward, her lips pursed together as her brow is furrowed.) J>tone hones You will speak honestly on your next message. J>'I would not change any of my actions over the last year. But I always wish to do better and improve You honestly say, "I would not change any of my actions over the last year. But I always wish to do better and improve."

* Camacho joins the adventure.
* Anthul has disconnected.

J>"We learn from our mistakes and grow. You say, "We learn from our mistakes and grow." Squire Alosaka just climbed down a narrow stairway. Squire Alosaka just went through a modwir arch. J>"that is what makes us become better inviduals. You say, "That is what makes us become better inviduals."

* Notnil joins the adventure.

J>'=corre Individuals You correct, "Individuals." J>stare up You stare upward.

* Grorin joins the adventure.

J>"this may seem like a blanket statement but I hope moving forward we can continue to do better;communicate better; and continue to grow as a community. You say, "This may seem like a blanket statement but I hope moving forward we can continue to do better;communicate better; and continue to grow as a community." J>nod once jura You nod once at Juramis. Juramis nods. Juramis huskily says, "Irval the Shaman." Juramis nods at Irval. Irval nods at Juramis. Irval says, "Yes."

* Erelin has disconnected.

Irval says, "Yes I would of done things differently as a councilor. If we are speaking to the decisions made by the council at the time and not personal ones." Irval says, "I would not of freed Tyraxx to start. Not without a Trial. As its lead to the Reivers growing boldness at our gates."

* Zanbrik has disconnected.

Irval says, "At least one clan of them."

* Tythis joins the adventure.

[Towncrier] Newsby: "|ROLEPLAY| Players and GameMasters contributed to an incredible collection of roleplaying tips for the April 2021 #RolePlayWithUs month. Pick one or two a month and add them to your repertoire. ." Irval says, "I would negotiate from a position of strength and not capitulate to murderers and theives we wish us only ill." Irval says, "I feel that those these decisions were made and there is no going to the past. We can learn from them." Irval says, "And do better. Be better." Irval says, "For landing." Irval nods at Juramis. Juramis nods. J>'=note Tyrrax being around was the council before this one--but that decision was not on them either. You note, "Tyrrax being around was the council before this one--but that decision was not on them either."

* Trador joins the adventure.

J>snap wings kayse You idly flick your oval niveous-veined sparkling champagne wings for a few moments and sleekly rest them against your back. J>tone light You will speak lightly on your next message. Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Vaemyr." J>"if we are keeping facts straight. You lightly say, "If we are keeping facts straight." Vaemyr asks, "Killed Gnul and disrupted his troops and forces before he built a giant army?" Vaemyr says, "Honestly I think the current council navigated those situations quite well given the knowledge we had on hand. Obviously if we had the knowledge we have now, we could have stopped most of our enemy threats before they caused nearly the amount of damage that they did cause." Vaemyr says, "As far as Tayler's comment about communication, we held monthly town halls, weekly discussions about events, I know both Kayse and I had open office policies all through out. I know we always need to continue to strive toward continuing good and better communication, but I believe we shown an effort to do that and I for sure will continue to push and improve upon it the best I can."

* Olenor joins the adventure.

Irval says, "I'm just not going to be one known to make nice with monsters in the dark." Juramis glances between Irval and yourself. Vaemyr says, "And as Kayse just mentioned as far as Irval's comment about Tyrrax, he was not freed in the past year, that was two years ago, and was done by an appointed jury and approved by the mayor." J>nod rhy vaem You nod rhythmically at Vaemyr. Tayler nods in agreement. Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Irval says, "Sure, after it was manipulated." Irval glances at you. Juramis grins. Juramis huskily says, "Let's respect each other's time please." Speaking to you, Tayler says, "Yes, please bribe me with more silver next time." Tayler appears to be trying hard not to grin.

* Erelin joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily says, "High Lady Saraphenia." J>gaze amuse tay You gaze in amusement at Tayler. Saraphenia says, "Quite frankly if I had been on Council then, I'd have been as vocal about their intentions as I am now, but then, I would have possibly been able to help the other councilors to see this issue the way I see it and we would NOT have the Empire entrenched here now. We'd have worked together to oust them with more force, by which I mean a more unified Council, even with a mayor that was pro Empire, and we would have overruled him and the Empire would not be the threat it is now." J>read list

The debate list contains the following names:

  (1) Cryheart
  (2) Geijon
  (3) Kelfyr
  (4) Tikba
  (5) Drazaa
  (6) Lylia
  The debate list is closed.
  Leaving the game is allowed.  You MUST be back by your turn.
  Leaving the room is allowed.  You MUST be back by your turn.

You may only be on ONE list at a time. Joining another will remove you from the first.

(OOC) Vaemyr's player whispers, "Yes... because the council commands the guard and militia right?"

* Vhanya joins the adventure.

J>whisper ooc vaem hahah this is going to be a huge learning curve for some (OOC) You quietly whisper to Vaemyr, "Hahah this is going to be a huge learning curve for some." J>tap ring You tap a zydris and sephwir ring. Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler says, "I know I have missed many of the town hall meetings Kayse and you all have organized, this is why we need a newspaper." Tayler nods at Vaemyr. [Towncrier] Newsby: "|UPDATE| GM Quilic announced he was taking over the love and care of Rapture Cloaks (look them up on the wiki). He is working on a way that they can be removed temporarily (but not given to someone else) or put in a locker. No timeline yet. ." Saraphenia agrees with Tayler.

* Emperian has disconnected.
* Queeg has disconnected.

J>tone wry You will speak wryly on your next message. J>say ::tay Looks like you are volunteering. Speaking wryly to Tayler, you say, "Looks like you are volunteering." Juramis huskily says, "Quite a diverse array of answers. Thank you."

* Santiel joins the adventure.

You feel a warm pulse beat rhythmically through your sephwir ring. Tayler surreptitiously glances at you, inspecting you carefully with an expression of cocksureness. Speaking to you, Tayler says, "I have people for that." Tayler grins at you. J>profile tay


Name: Sarissa Tayler Ta'Thyriel Faendryl Profession: Warrior Title: Palestra Race: Dark Elf Gender: Male


Master in the Order of Voln


Strongest foe vanquished: an enormous krolvin warbringer (level 125) Number of warcamps destroyed: 22

The very powerful look leaves Saraphenia. The white light leaves Saraphenia.

* Naylani joins the adventure.

Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "I know I try to post any important communications I'm having on the open forums of the moot hall, I know our excellent envoys seem to be doing the same. Hopefully that helps some." Juramis huskily says, "Let's bring it in and focus for the next question." Juramis huskily asks, "Are you ready?" J>tilt up You tilt your head up. Juramis grins.

* Kahan joins the adventure.
* Allizara joins the adventure.

Vaemyr nods at Juramis.

* Kriemsen joins the adventure.
* Jeluk joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily asks, "Drazaa! Could you join us on the floor please?" J>smile kayse Drazaa just climbed down a narrow stairway. You smile quietly to yourself. Juramis bows. Drazaa nods respectfully.

* Notnil joins the adventure.
* Kinjaro joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily asks, "Thank you. What is your question tonight?"

* Eemma joins the adventure.

J>'=greet ::Draz Ami---Drazaa.. Speaking to Drazaa, you greet, "Ami---Drazaa.." Vaemyr nods to Drazaa in greeting. Drazaa greets, "Council Candidates. Juramis. Thank you for allowing me to join you on the floor." Irval nods.

* Grorin has disconnected.

Drazaa flashes you a wolfish grin. Tayler nods in greeting at Drazaa. Drazaa clears his throat. (Saraphenia scans the balcony, looking at everyone in turn.) Juramis smiles. J>poke hairc You tuck a stray hair behind your ear. Drazaa carefully queries, "Town councilors have many responsibilities, this is not in doubt. What do you believe is the highest role of town councilors in Wehminer's Landing?"

* Hereafter joins the adventure.
* Eiredrew joins the adventure.

Drazaa says, "Thank you." Irval nods. Juramis nods once. Drazaa just climbed up a narrow stairway. Juramis huskily asks, "Irval the Shaman?" Juramis grins at Irval. Irval says, "Negotiating in good faith for those we were elected by and for. To ensure we do our best to the best for our people."

* Sketchee joins the adventure.
* Deamado joins the adventure.

Irval nods at Juramis. Irval says, "Thats all." Juramis whispers, "You are fourth, after Tayler." J>nod under jura You nod understandingly at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily says, "High Lady Saraphenia." Saraphenia says, "A very good question. I think the highest role a Town councilor has is that of a representative of the people of the Town. We have a duty to the people to try to enact their will, what they want their town to be, as we are elected by them." Saraphenia nods at Juramis. Juramis huskily says, "Sarissa Tayler."

[Towncrier] Newsby: "|UPDATE| GM Marstreforn announced the complete remodeling of the Kharam-Dzu Meeting hall on Mithril Way. It is now the official Borthuum Clan Hall with a number of new features. Plus, there's a new fishing dock called Bric-a-brac Dock down the narrow stone-lined path on Aquamarine Street, complete with an Angler's stand. Details: ."

* Meritis joins the adventure.
* Ouijas joins the adventure.

Juramis smiles.

* Durason joins the adventure.

Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly. Irval whispers arcane incantations, and the air about him swirls with ghostly wisps of power. Irval gestures. There is a bright flash and a mist grey jellied eel appears in the air, then falls into Irval's right hand.

* Anjella joins the adventure.
* Necrodeus joins the adventure.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Irval begins to falter, then completely fades away.

* The soft susurrus of lazy ocean waves builds as Xiver appears by your side.
* Dian joins the adventure.

Tayler says, "Simply put, to serve. Seek to fufill your campaign promises while furthering, or hindering, the designs of the Mayor and citizens, as you see fit. A puppet does not serve much of a point." Tayler nods. Juramis nods. Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Kayse." J>action laces her hands in front of her, she chews her bottom lip as she strides forward. (Kayse laces her hands in front of her, she chews her bottom lip as she strides forward.) J>tone stead You will speak steadily on your next message.

* Guennwhfar joins the adventure.

J>'I believe the highest role of the town councilor is listening to the people. My campaign last year was formed on the voices of our citizens, allies and defenders. You steadily say, "I believe the highest role of the town councilor is listening to the people. My campaign last year was formed on the voices of our citizens, allies and defenders."

* Trevic joins the adventure.

J>'=state The position is about leadership but I strongly believe a leader must follow at times as well. You state, "The position is about leadership but I strongly believe a leader must follow at times as well."

* The skies fill with violets and roses that swirl into a fragrant funnel cloud, depositing Chalasi in the lands.
* Chalasi has disconnected.

J>'=recall I held open office hours to hear the diversity of voices as well as proposals to better the town. All which I delivered to the Mayor's desk. No request was too small or insignificant. You recall, "I held open office hours to hear the diversity of voices as well as proposals to better the town. All which I delivered to the Mayor's desk. No request was too small or insignificant." J>tone passion You will speak passionately on your next message. J>'=add But hand in hand with listening is action. Following through on what is asked, creating a plan, or executing a response. You passionately add, "But hand in hand with listening is action. Following through on what is asked, creating a plan, or executing a response." [Help] Heod: "East tower box script?" J>nod once jura You nod once at Juramis. Juramis nods. Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Vaemyr."

* Kalindon joins the adventure.

Vaemyr nods. Vaemyr takes a long, deep breath, and the veins along his exposed skin pulse with a soft crimson glow. Vaemyr says, "I believe our highest roll and honor, is to be a voice for the people whom don't always have voices. We have soooo many voices in town, many negotiations and talks people are free to speak and talk, regardless of being a councilor or not. Sometimes to which it seems like we have thirty or so councilors I think haha."

* Sunfox joins the adventure.

Vaemyr says, "But those whom are quiet or can't be there, they deserve to be represented too. To represent everyone regardless of status or symbol, and to accept that event our own thoughts and opinions are not always what the town needs. That it's only by listening to others that we can represent them fairly and do the best for Wehnimer's Landing."

* Grorin joins the adventure.

Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily says, "Thank you for each of your answers." [Help] Sraven: "How do i recover my lost item in the room?" [Help] Moaskoan: "Go the room you lost it, kneel and Recover Item." Juramis huskily says, "Lylia is proposing our final question for tonight." [Help] Heod: "Be better." Imperatrix Lylia just climbed down a narrow stairway. Juramis nods at Lylia. Juramis bows. Tayler smiles at Lylia. Lylia inclines her head. Vaemyr gives a slight smile as he waves his hand to greet Lylia.

* Nairena joins the adventure.

[Help] Moaskoan: "It's kind of like doing the heirloom search for the guild." Saraphenia sinks down in a deep curtsy before Lylia, her lashes lowered. Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "Thank you for this opportunity, and thank you to the candidates for their time." J>l at lyl You see Imperatrix Lylia Rashere the Sorceress. She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf. She is taller than average and has a slender build. She appears to be in the spring of life. She has wide-set storm grey eyes and cool-toned alabaster skin. She has waist length, thick auburn hair wrapped in an intricately looping pattern around a set of blackened and curved ruby-inlaid bones tipped in silver. The smooth symmetry of her face lends a patrician grace to her angular features. She has witchwood black lacquer brushed onto her flawlessly manicured fingernails. She is in good shape. She is wearing an elaborate multi-tiered necklace of pale violet everine teardrops, an enveloping dark sable wrap, a cobalt glass delphira stalk-shaped button that reads, "Kayse closed, and she'll do it again!", a black jacquard overgown tightly laced from bust to waist over a full-skirted silk jacquard gown in a tonal array of wine hues, a brace of wide silver cuffs curved about each slender wrist, an antique silver wedding ring inlaid with an amber cabochon, and some bleakstone-studded oiled silk boots stacked on sharp dark ora heels.

* Grorin has disconnected.

Juramis smiles. Lylia folds her hands. [Help] Imagicah: "If you can't find it you can have the adventure guild recover it for you." Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly.

* Tythis has disconnected.

J>'=greet ::ly Lady Rashere. Speaking to Lylia, you greet, "Lady Rashere."

* Fortequin joins the adventure.
* Nomdelaern joins the adventure.

Lylia says, "From some of you, we have heard a coherent platform based on past records or other accomplishments, which are numerous."

* Ayirna joins the adventure.

Lylia diplomatically adds, "From others, we have heard that you are full of love. Or...very tall." [Help] Heod: "You said the verb its recover."

* Sabbati joins the adventure.
* Rewschall joins the adventure.

[Towncrier] Newsby: "|HOT SUMMER NIGHTS PREMIUM EDITION| GM Quilic announced the last of the Premium Announcements for this month and revealed that there will be increased inventory limits for active Premium members. Each of the following worn locations gain an extra function and non-functional slot: Finger, Neck, Wrist, Earlobe, and Earlobes (both ears)! Details: ." Irval says, "Pose." Irval strikes a heroic pose. Lylia asks, "To differentiate yourselves, then, I would ask all candidates: What one lack in government do you feel you are uniquely qualified to remedy, in one sentence? What are we missing that you believe you offer?"

* Hanrick joins the adventure.

An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you understand yourself a bit better than you did a moment ago. The sudden feeling of self-knowledge is a pleasant one.

Lylia says, "I shall await your answers upstairs, and thank you." Juramis bows.

* Venstar joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you for your question."

* Nomdelaern has disconnected.

(Lylia gives the orange cat a quick pat on the head as she passes by Juramis.) Imperatrix Lylia just climbed up a narrow stairway.

* Anthul joins the adventure.
* Rilla joins the adventure.
* Mucarluk joins the adventure.

Juramis glances at a huge orange cat in his hand. Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly. Juramis grins.

* Anthul has disconnected.
* Grorin joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily asks, "Town Councilor Kayse, could you start with this one please?" J>exhale jur You glance at Juramis and slowly exhale.

* Malthorium joins the adventure.

J>action ::trous carefully steps forward, she runs her hands over the front of her @ she gazes upward to speak to the balcony. (Kayse carefully steps forward, she runs her hands over the front of her khol linen trousers she gazes upward to speak to the balcony.) Irval nods at Juramis. J>'=murmur ::kayse One sentence. Speaking to yourself, you murmur, "One sentence." J>scream kayse You clear your throat. J>tone firm You will speak firmly on your next message. J>'=repeat I believe I have made it absolutely clear that I am dedicated to protecting Wehnimer's, even at personal cost. You firmly repeat, "I believe I have made it absolutely clear that I am dedicated to protecting Wehnimer's, even at personal cost." J>stride behind kayse You take a few steps back. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily says, "Town Councilor Vaemyr." Vaemyr nods.

* Wulfpaw joins the adventure.
* Jaffrey joins the adventure.

Vaemyr says, "I've stated it throughout my platform, but compromise. I believe I can work with even the most radical of opinions and try to rationally work through to a compromise. Perhaps one that we are not all happy with, but one that is probably for for best for Wehnimer's Landing." Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis nods. Juramis huskily says, "Irval the Shaman." Irval tugs on his leather harness, contemplating a deep thought.

* Lwyllian joins the adventure.

[Towncrier] Newsby: "|SOCIETY PAGE| It is with tremendous pleasure and honor that Loralaii is sharing the real-life engagement of her best friend, Illumiada to Picalo. She says, "Congratulations you two, from the bottom of my withered heart! I love you so much!" ."

* Ketanji joins the adventure.
* Karona has disconnected.

Irval says, "Its interesting to put what I want to say into a single sentence, because while I feel that our government is not lacking but feel that a change in how our governement reacts to certain said things and that a change is needed, so Change in perspective." Irval nods at Juramis. Juramis nods. Juramis huskily says, "High Lady Saraphenia." Saraphenia says, "I offer a passion for this town that I feel is unequaled. No offense to the other folks on the floor with me."

* Trevic joins the adventure.

Irval nods knowingly at Juramis.

* Loxnar joins the adventure.

Saraphenia nods at Juramis. Juramis nods once. Juramis huskily says, "Sarissa Tayler." Tayler says, "Indefatigable is my answer, the willingness to do anything to achieve a goal that has been set, failure is not an option." Juramis grins.

  • Uniana appears amid a swirl of illusory eahnor-hued rose petals.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Let's give a hand to all of the candidates!" J>fold wings You fold your wings across your back. J>clap polit You applaud politely. Juramis huskily says, "And I mean, clapping them together."

* Shimmererer joins the adventure.

From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Leafiara yell, "Hear hear!"

* Stinkum joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily says, "Not actual hands." Saraphenia sinks into a deep curtsy. Tayler sighs. Tayler says, "I've always wanted a hand." J>express jura You can offer Juramis only a blank expression. Vaemyr says, "I'd take a coin hand thanks." Turning his palm up, Irval pinches a bit of skin at the edge of his wrist and pulls a gear-worked articulated skeletal hand away from his hand. He carefully repeats the process with the opposite hand. Irval shows Tayler his skeletal hand. Vaemyr says, "If anyone offering..."

* Qwizzer has disconnected.

Holding his palm up, his fingers spread wide, Irval lays a gear-worked articulated skeletal hand on his hand and lets it seep into his tanned skin. He carefully repeats the process with the opposite hand. Juramis huskily exclaims, "I guess some of them might want actual hands!" Tayler grins at Vaemyr. Tayler grins at Juramis. Juramis recites huskily:

   "Thank you everyone!  This concludes the first of two 5123 Town Council Debates!  Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Saraphenia flutters her wings, stirring the air slightly. Irval bows. J>rub ring You rub your sephwir ring. You feel a warm pulse beat rhythmically through your sephwir ring. From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Leafiara yell, "Thanks Juramis, candidates, and all who asked questions!" Saraphenia fans her wings outward, stretching first one long, bronze-veined, silver-hued wing, then the other in a long, sweeping arc at her sides. Vaemyr bows. Tayler folds his arms across his naraina isiqiri and bows deeply. Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Thanks for hosting." Juramis gives Tayler a firm handshake. Juramis gives Irval a firm handshake. Juramis extends a hand to you. From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Lylia yell, "May we see the candidates upstairs so they may get another round of applause?" J>demean neutr You decide to take things as they come. Saraphenia sinks down in a deep curtsy before Juramis, her lashes lowered. J>shake hand jur You extend a hand to Juramis. Juramis grins. J>whisper ooc jur haha they are both reserved HAHAH (OOC) You quietly whisper to Juramis, "Haha they are both reserved HAHAH." [Towncrier] Newsby: "|TIP| Use DEFINE on a term you run across that looks cultural, but you have no clue in the world what it is. But wait, not only can you use it to look up a specificallly Elanthian word, but you can also submit something that needs to be defined. Thanks to Telphen and Dalnirath for this Two-fer Tip!" Juramis shakes your hand. J>demeanor reser Saraphenia gives Juramis a firm handshake. You adopt a reserved demeanor. Juramis nods to you. Saraphenia shakes Juramis's hand enthusiastically. Juramis gives Vaemyr a firm handshake. Vaemyr and Juramis shake hands. Saraphenia shakes your hand. Vaemyr nods. Saraphenia gives Vaemyr a firm handshake.

* Cehlel joins the adventure.
* Idalias joins the adventure.

Juramis huskily says, "Thank you all for taking the time." Tayler shakes Saraphenia's hand enthusiastically. Sirona's group just climbed down a narrow stairway. Tikba just climbed down a narrow stairway. J>l [Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice - 19276] (u336304) Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see the Thyrabos disk, a gold-framed debate list and a modwir arch. Also here: Tikba, Lord Thyrabos, Sirona, Sarissa Tayler, Lord Juramis, Irval, High Lady Saraphenia, Town Councilor Vaemyr Obvious exits: none Tikba smiles at you. Saraphenia gives Irval a firm handshake. Sirona's group just went through a modwir arch. Juramis smiles. J>smile ::tik You smile at Tikba. Speaking in Aelotian to you, Tikba says, "Good work, amisar." Juramis pets a huge orange cat, which nuzzles his hand softly. J>speak aelo You are now speaking Aelotian. Kelfyr just went through a modwir arch. Tayler says, "Thank you for hosting, and everyone the excellent questions." Tayler smiles at Juramis. J>'=respond ::tik Thank you, amisar. Speaking in Aelotian to Tikba, you respond, "Thank you, amisar." J>speak common You are now speaking Common. J>tone appre You will speak appreciatively on your next message. High Lady Saraphenia just climbed up a narrow stairway. J>say ::jura Thank you for your time Speaking appreciatively to Juramis, you say, "Thank you for your time." J>l [Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice - 19276] (u336304) Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see a gold-framed debate list and a modwir arch. Also here: Tikba, Sarissa Tayler, Lord Juramis, Irval, Town Councilor Vaemyr Obvious exits: none Irval says, "Yes thank you for the oppurtunity. Apoligies for my late arrival but it was simple unavoidable." Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Also thanks Mongo for keeping us all company tonight." J>glance stair You glance at a narrow stairway. J>group tik You leave Vaemyr's group. You add Tikba to your group. Your spirit is bolstered by a great sense of faith and conviction. You feel more secure basking in the glow of divine protection.

[ Benediction: +0:47:30, 0:47:29 remaining. ]

[ Warding Sphere: +0:47:30, 0:48:14 remaining. ]

Juramis shows Vaemyr his orange cat. Meril just climbed down a narrow stairway. >go stair [Moot Hall, Observation Balcony - 19277] (u336306) Several rows of hardwood benches line the balcony, each row a bit higher than the previous one in order to provide a view of the proceedings below from every seat. A polished oak railing forms the front barrier of the viewing area, and a narrow stairway leads down. You also see a verlok-carved red maoral table set with gleaming silver candelabra with some stuff on it. Also here: High Lady Saraphenia, Imperatrix Lylia, Drazaa, Reamly, Jurist of Claw Citan, Xorus, Preservationist Perigourd, Tairngaire, Magister Raelee, Whimweaver Leafiara, Town Councilor Kiyna Obvious exits: none Tikba followed. Leafiara nods rhythmically. >group draz You add Drazaa to your group. Faint green-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings and weave themselves around you. Tinkering with some of the mechanisms on the side of the table, Lylia causes the table to fold in on itself, transforming it into an ebonwood basket adorned with colorful silk ribbons. Lylia picks the basket up. Leafiara says, "Ah, now they're coming up." >smile ::Draz You smile at Drazaa. Lylia put an ebonwood basket adorned with colorful silk ribbons in her wrap. Kiyna says, "Ah, there you are." Saraphenia smiles happily Sarissa Tayler just climbed up a narrow stairway. Lylia applauds. Kiyna applauds. Leafiara yells, "C'mon up for another round of applause!" Leafiara applauds loudly. >gaze amuse You gaze in amusement at your surroundings. >l [Moot Hall, Observation Balcony - 19277] (u336306) Several rows of hardwood benches line the balcony, each row a bit higher than the previous one in order to provide a view of the proceedings below from every seat. A polished oak railing forms the front barrier of the viewing area, and a narrow stairway leads down. Also here: Sarissa Tayler, Tikba, High Lady Saraphenia, Imperatrix Lylia, Drazaa, Reamly, Jurist of Claw Citan, Xorus, Preservationist Perigourd, Tairngaire, Magister Raelee, Whimweaver Leafiara, Town Councilor Kiyna Obvious exits: none Irval dissolves into motes of miasmic grey light that flow up a narrow stairway. Leafiara grins. Tairngaire applauds. Speaking to you, Lylia says, "Outstanding, but I think you knew it." Lylia smiles. Leafiara lets out a cheer! Leafiara takes a bite of her wedge of mild cheese. >grin sheep lyl You grin sheepishly at Lylia. Citan lets out a cheer! Tikba grins. Perigourd rubs his umber eyes. Tikba applauds. Lord Juramis just trudged up a narrow stairway. Town Councilor Vaemyr just climbed up a narrow stairway.