Baron Hochstib & the Mandis Crystals

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Significant events contributed to this story that was effectively building from 1995 into 2003 when it culminated in the defeat of Baron Lerep Hochstib


Hostilities had been brewing in the northern Empire for many years dating back to 5087 when Baron Hochstib of Jantalar took the barony of Talador, followed by Mestanir and the blockade of the freeport of Solhaven and the Barony of Vornavis around 5096.

The Tale of Two Barons

Maneuvering lasted for years as both Baron Hochstib of Jantalar and Baron Malwind of Vornavis hoped to position themselves at a chance for victory.

Baron Hochstib had long continued plans to expand his Baronies boundries and take the seat of Northern Sentinel with the Turamyzzian Empire.

By 5097 he had Jantalar, Talador, Mestanir and potentially Vornavis as baronies under his control.


The Empressess Tour

Posted by GM Melissa 31 January 2003

Inspired by the coming of the Blue Rider comet, Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles set about on a tour of the Empire in Lormaestra 5103 where the tour made it's third stop in Solhaven after visiting Fairport and Brisker's cove on a journey to each capital.

Imperial Guards make preparations for the Empress' Parade (1/31/2003)

While we were discussing the empress' policies on non-humans and such, an imperial guard was among us, and managed to shove the fact we weren’t looking very hard for guards or individuals who might frown on such open discussion. As a matter of fact this particular guard has something peculiar that threw me, even though I should have seen the emblem on the doublet and realized it right away, but the guard was a Giantman, and considering the policies on non-humans I was thrown off by this. I may very well have to duck guards tomorrow. That was about the limit of excitement for the night before the Empress' "speech" tomorrow. Hope it rains miserably and theres a nearby boat to stow away on if I need it.

Seablade SeaDolfins

The People Gather (2/1/2003)

Before the entourage arrived from within the city, Imperial Guards and Baronial Guardsmen began to walk the streets, enforcing order so that the Empress would arrive safely. The Empress' entourage was represented by Imperial Guard Firna Storlanor and the Imperial Blade Terrune Metharnonne'. The Baron Dunrith Malwind was represented by Baronial Guardsman Japhet Herratt, Corissina Swale, and Jorelth Legardomos. While the Baronial Guardsmen were fairly even-tempered and understanding of the excited masses, both of the Imperial representatives were notably cold and abrasive.

Citizens were asked to sheath weapons and shoulder shields, so as to show respect to the Empress, and dull any threat of physical assault. Those who did not respond to such requests were eventually hauled off to jail, detained while the Empress' entourage was prepared. Finally, in mid-evening, the announcement that the Empress' entourage would move from the Liabo Esplanade to the Baron's Bridge came from the western wall of Vornavis.

Catching sight of a gold-garbed figure high atop Vornavis' West Wall, an Imperial Guardsman points and comments, "Uh, there She is now. How long you think She'll take to get down into her palanquin and get the procession moving? If this is anything like Brisker's Cove, we've got another quarter hour to wait yet," and sighs to himself.

The Parade

You hear the loud, crisp sound of many trumpets from the direction of Liabo Esplanade.

An echelon of smartly dressed heralds marches into view.

A large echelon of heralds bearing golden trumpets, all dressed in the livery of the royal house of the Turamzzyrian Empire, marches smartly along the street. Their trumpets have been shined to a blindingly bright finish, with banners hanging from the stems that display the crest of the Empress. At the front of the echelon a man in the same livery wearing an elaborately feathered hat marches along, beating a steady beat on a large gilded drum.

The drummer suddenly issues a quick, intricate beat. When the elaborate drumming stops, the heralds lift their trumpets high, issuing a loud and stirring fanfare.

The drummer stops his beat and raises the drumstick in his right hand high. Ribbons tied to the shaft flutter in the breeze as the heralds on the right of the echelon expertly step back and to their left. At almost the exact same time, those on the left take the positions vacated by those on the right and the heralds march on, not once missing a step.

A mounted honor guard of knights rides out of the Esplanade Gate!

The knights sharply turn their heads sideways and raise their left hands to their foreheads in a salute before smartly turning forward again.

The knights rein their horses to a stop. The horses immediately raise themselves into a levade, the knights raising their lances up high again. As the horses drop back to the ground, the knights swing their lances forward briefly before bringing them back vertical and continuing on their way amid wild cheers and whistles.

A formation of knights, dressed in polished golden vultite platemail embellished with ora, rides along on prancing horses. The knights each wear a tabard bearing the heraldry of the Empress over their gleaming armor and carry a shiny vultite lance tied with ribbons in the Empress' colors. The horses have been well curried and their coats gleam with health. Each of the horses is wearing a bridle adorned with small, tinkling bells and an elaborately worked saddle.

The knights raise their lances high, causing the ribbons to flutter wildly. As they do so, the horses turn sideways and begin to lift their hooves high, gracefully shifting from simple prancing to a sideways dancing step. After a bit, the horses return forward and resume their original pace.

The knights turn in a sharp circle, then come to a stop in perfect unison.

The girl holding the banner raises it high and proclaims in a loud voice, "All hail Her Majesty's Imperial Drakes!"

An assemblage of dark-robed wizards stalks out of the shadows within the Esplanade Gate, their heads held at a haughty angle!

An assemblage of wizards stalks haughtily along the street, dressed in flowing dark red robes edged in gold trim. Each wears a crimson cloak adorned with the symbol of the Imperial Drakes and fastened at the throat with a flashing ruby cloak pin. Carried in their left hands are slim, intricately carved ironwood staves that each hold a different crystal at the top. At the front of the group is a snooty looking girl dressed in dark red livery holding a large banner bearing the symbol of the Imperial Drakes.

The wizards on the edge of the assemblage swing their staves in an arc, showering the crowd with golden glitter that shimmers as it falls gently onto the observers. The crowd watches the glitter fall with looks of amazement and delight on their faces.

One of the wizards raises his staff and begins to trace something in the air above him. Suddenly, an illusion of a large red drake appears in the sky above. The crowd ooohhs and aaahhs, all except for one little girl who bursts into frightened tears.

A grubby little boy reaches out from the crowd, boldly touching the the robe of one of the wizards on the edge of the assemblage. The wizard looks down her nose at him with a glare before rapping him on the fingers with her staff and jerking her robe away, stepping farther into the assemblage.

Six men dressed in ivory white robes walk solemnly in a semi-circle around an elderly man in the middle holding aloft a bright shining pole of ora on which a polished golden crown on a circle of white ora is held aloft. Each of the six in the semi-circle wear the adornments of a priest of Koar, complete with a broad gold link belt with a solid shield of gold impressed with the golden crown. Heavy golden chains around the neck appear to signify some sort of rank. The elder man in the middle wears immaculately clean robes, and is adorned with the most chains. His feeble appearance belies his strength, since he appears unhindered by either the weight of his station or the encumberance of the holy symbol lofted into the air.

A low drone fills the air of low bass tones. The priests appear to chanting something, but you can't quite make it out.

The procession stops for a moment and the elder priest speaks, "Koar, grant your blessing upon these, your Human and eternal children, that You might grant them Wisdom and Mercy in all that they do and strive to serve You and our glorious Empress in every way." After a pause the procession continues on its way.

Two young noblewomen gazing over the crowd suddenly notice a group of young men standing together chatting. Giggling, they lean towards each other and begin whispering behind their fans, occasionally glancing towards the young men and blushing.

The carriages come to a halt, and a few of the younger courtiers gleefully leap out to watch the remaining procession.

A female courtier in a deep green gown lazily fans herself, looking rather bored as her seatmate appears to talk without taking a breath. Suddenly noticing a group of children in the crowd, she reaches into a gaily colored pouch in her lap and begins to throw sweets to the children, totally ignoring her oblivious seatmate, who continues to talk as though nothing were happening.

The cadence of marching feet fills the area as a cadre of Imperial Bodyguards tromp into view.

Two score men and women array themselves perfectly in three columns. Bright glistening mithril helms with half-face guards are adorned with the colorful plumes of a cockatrice. Long traveling cloaks of royal purple drape across the shoulders down to mid-calf covering breastplates of steel polished to a high shine, despite the obvious scars of battle across the metal. Their uniforms are completed with a full set of dark leather armor, studded liberally with the matte black of iron. Each guard holds a long warsword at the ready, a long curved dagger secured in a scabbard at the waist, and a metal shield enameled with the heraldry of the Royal House. A boy leads the cadre dressed in a royal purple tunic, bearing aloft the twin banners of the Royal House and the Empress' Bodyguard on a polished wooden pole.

With a quick step, the cadre suddenly halts. Two members of the cadre step out to every side of the formation, and put on a dazzling, albeit brief, display of swordplay. The whirling blades twist and turn, the ringing of metal on metal fills the air before all the bodyguards involved in the demonstration stand at attention facing the crowd at the same time! Thunderous cheering and applause follows the soldiers as they step smartly back into the ranks and the cadre continues forward.

The cadence of marching feet fills the area as a cadre of Imperial Bodyguards tromp into view through the gate.

With a dazzling display of timing and synchronicity, the bodyguard step through several postures of military prowess, defensive offensive, and neutral, before falling back into their columns and continuing on.

Somewhere from within the ranks a gruff voice calls out "Salute!" The cadre stops, turns right and salutes sharply, then left and salutes sharply. Snapping back to face front, they continue on without missing a beat.

With a dazzling display of timing and synchronicity, the bodyguard step through several postures of military prowess, defensive offensive, and neutral, before falling back into their columns and continuing on.

With a quick step, the cadre suddenly halts. Two members of the cadre step out to every side of the formation, and put on a dazzling, albeit brief, display of swordplay. The whirling blades twist and turn, the ringing of metal on metal fills the air before all the bodyguards involved in the demonstration stand at attention facing the crowd at the same time! Thunderous cheering and applause follows the soldiers as they step smartly back into the ranks and the cadre continues forward.

The bodyguards come to a crisp halt, their eyes alert and searching.

Flanked by a matching number of black-robed mages bearing striated wardstones on mithril poles, a dozen giantmen dressed from head to toe in shimmering chainmail embellished with veniom and gold bear the heavily armored palanquin of the Empress. Each giantman's armor has been polished to a brilliant shine that causes light to dance upon the moving links as if they were made of crystal. Their helms are enameled with the golden sunburst of the Royal House; bejeweled scabbards house swords held in place by peace knots. The palanquin itself is heavily armored and ornamented; gold, mithril, and precious gems of all sorts decorate the heavy drapes of chainmail mesh that surround the palanquin's precious occupant. A single thin shaft of what appears to be veil iron pierces upwards from the top of the palanquin, holding aloft the brillant banner of the Royal House of the Empire.

A voice somewhere begins calling out above the crowd, "Down with the oppressor! Down with the oppressor!" A scuffle fills the air briefly before the cheering crowds drown out the interruption.

Great cheers from the crowd draw your attention to a hand slowly waving in your general direction from a slight part in the mail drape of the palanquin!

A small human child suddenly rushes forward towards the palanquin! The giantmen stare at the small child stone-faced for a moment, before suddenly bending at the knees, lowering the palanquin to the child's level. The mail drapes part as the eager child leans inward. With a sharp shriek of glee, the child runs back into the crowd. The giantmen lift the palanquin high into the air again without so much as a grunt or sigh before continuing on their way.

Flanked by a matching number of black-robed mages bearing striated wardstones on mithril poles, a dozen giantmen dressed from head to toe in shimmering chainmail embellished with veniom and gold bear the heavily armored palanquin of the Empress. Each giantman's armor has been polished to a brilliant shine that causes light to dance upon the moving links as if they were made of crystal. Their helms are enameled with the golden sunburst of the Royal House; bejeweled scabbards house swords held in place by peace knots. The palanquin itself is heavily armored and ornamented; gold, mithril, and precious gems of all sorts decorate the heavy drapes of chainmail mesh that surround the palanquin's precious occupant. A single thin shaft of what appears to be veil iron pierces upwards from the top of the palanquin, holding aloft the brillant banner of the Royal House of the Empire.

A giantman bellows forth, "Make way for Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress!"

A bold-eyed nobleman leans from one of the carriages, openly winking at a beautiful young woman standing in the crowd. As she blushes, he plucks a rose from the flowers adorning the carriage and tosses it to her. With a look of shock on her face, she catches the rose and then shyly bobs her head to him.

The brilliant palanquin moves out of sight, born on the shoulders of the Empress' bearers.

The palanquin's forward movement stops, the giantmen shifting the great weight of the thing upon their shoulders. Nervous eyes stare out from under the brim of their helms. Just as suddenly as the procession stopped, the giantmen start moving again, bearing the Empress forward.

The bearers lower the palanquin and a member of the bodyguard steps forward to assist the Empress as she steps out. Gracefully, she climbs the steps to the platform.

The Address

Baron Malwind steps toward the front of the platform and raises his hands, waiting for the crowd to quiet down.

Wearing gold-trimmed garments in the baronial colors of white and forest green, Baron Malwind appears to be in the prime of his life, if a bit on the portly side.

The area is hushed now. All in attendance are paying attention to the speaker. No one fidgets, no coughs break the silence. Even the seagulls perched on nearby pilings seem quiet as you join the crowd.

Baron Malwind smiles out over the assembled crowd and announces in a loud voice, "Citizens and friends, we are blessed today to hear the words of the Empress of Turamzzyrian Empire. Without further delay, I give you the Empress Mynal'lyanna!" and he steps back and to the side.

The Empress nods graciously to the baron and steps forward to speak, "Greetings, citizens of Solhaven, Vornavis and visitors! It is Our pleasure to be here in this lovely city within this, one of the Empires' most cosmopolitan baronies!"

You see the Empress of the Turamzzyrian Empire, Mynal'lyanna Anodheles.
Under the layer of opaque makeup her age is undeterminable, but her features and stature suggest a woman in her early-middle years.
She is wearing a flowing gown of gold brocade covered with crimson sunbursts, and a crown that is a single stylized sunburst that serves to increase her height to that of her Giantman bodyguards.

The Empress continues, " As We look out over this crowd, We see that mix of peoples and cultures which together make this community and this barony one of the strongest, culturally, within Our borders. We stand before you confident that Our pride in your accomplishments and courage nearly rival your own!"

Smiling, she takes a breath, "For it was just recently that this city was assaulted by forces of darkness - when the mettle of its citizens and the loyalty of its neighbors was put to the test! And this city, with the help of those who hold it dear, withstood the predations of evil, and fought with its heart and soul...and survived intact! Proclaiming to any who might think to test its resolve, that this city and its allies are formidable foes to any who would trespass or cast their shadow over this land!"

As she pauses to hear the reaction of the crowd, a leather-shrouded head and set of shoulders emerge among the waves of the Bay, a crossbow is lifted into view, and a bolt is loosed at the Empress from below, up over the bridge and the amassed crowd! A brilliant flash erupts as the bolt encounters the magical wards in place, but a black crystal core within the bolt continues on and impales the Empress from below the chin, up through Her skull. Transfixed, She stiffens and then falls from view among the crowd of attendees!

***Calm and order disintegrate as orders are shouted and guards and courtiers react!***

The Aftermath

[Solhaven, Baron's Bridge]
Cargo ships and barges dock at Baron's Quay just to the west, the quay forming a breakwater that protects the canal and its shipping. To the north beyond Bayside Road and Charl's Quay, the timbers of the Market Bridge stretch across the waters of the bay from North 'Haven to Marshtown. South along the waterfront the South Market Pier is visible reaching out into the ocean, while beyond it the naked timbers of the shipyard and the stilted warehouses of the Bonding Pier can be made out. You also see a large wooden platform that overhangs the canal on the east side of the bridge. Festooned with crimson and gold bunting, the platform is raised above the level of the bridge and looks large enough to hold a substantial entourage.
Also here: Wakim, Great Lady Lorilea, Cappurnicus, Mistomeer, Ghita, Karlith, Veenna, Kedryn, Riscca, High Lord Cemb, Thokthok, Danshiva, Raelyre who is kneeling, Ironblue, Lady Phever, Lord Greko, Terilaen who is sitting, Lord Agaric, Agenais, Bekke, Great Lord Ashee who is kneeling, Cynn, Stefanus, Extus, Adaun, Melbaine, Gumbast, Ulial who is sitting, Rathma, Eklinnaar, Lady Aiya, Lord Kneo, Reife, Yetere, Shugado, Defij, Mychael who is kneeling, Corlith, Moklocedo, Yaristen, Sarvia, Imperial Guard Frirna, Quisat, Arbeia who is kneeling, Baronial Guardsman Jorelth, Otein, Lord Lazarillo who is kneeling, Ezre, Shirkon, Airveil, Lord Tholn, Rylark, Orm, Kortirion, Lord Haakkon, Lord Vorek, Lord Rykell, Titaniia, Ardwen, Sola, Lord Asmortus who is kneeling, Bskins who is sitting, Lady Celesh who is kneeling, Lady Noonee who is kneeling, Jayvn, Shugado, Koldeen, Vermenh, Iwa, Lady Khathlynn, Seirus, Brinn, Murp, Sheraiah, Rymbeld, Great Lady Evia, Adaun, Merylla, Lord Izalude, Landrai, Lord Tunder, High Lord Valicar, Mystianna, Laella, Bristenn, Twixiee, Lady Rsen, Reddwolf, Natasia, Elvinyouth, Lord Xeniphite, Prospera, Defij, Sevinar, Ferdirand, Lady Jacina, Imperial Guard Frirna, Jequel, Sesterces, Ghita, Seablade, Kinshack, Warrezzer, Keya, Scaxton, Lady Kateerina, Lord Ramladu, Lord Maeillwynn, Kortirion, Barintia, Schell, Shrelae, Glima, Silverwolf, Emistran, Arbeia, Perigourd, Rhad, Thelsa, Haeven, Great Lady Jubbley, Casilla, Icewhite, Kilthal, Lady Sherysse, Ichiko, Olgretien, Morstanya, Oneiros, Lady Odevalis, Bulrabye, Great Lord Sagoth, Lady Gwendalath, Lord Zosopage, Fionualla, Kriztian, Lord Geraco, Vanatar, Mydnight, Briah, Severius, Great Lord Kabriel, Lord Vorek, Revalos, Gatzu, Haxley, Lavinnia, Ulial who is sitting, Lord Adrenath, Goldtree, Lady Nofret, Baronial Guardsman Jorelth, Great Lady Lissanne, Guarrin, Lady Zellyle, Avidleigh, Sarvia, Taedie, Jebidah, Great Lady Roxana, High Lord Krisenfest, Lightspeak, Tesserah, Great Lady Damaina, Drayylon, Tebon, Shallimar, Eahlstan, Lady Yviara, Liselotte, Lunafleur, Strathe, Lord Haakkon, Lady Deavon, Lord Yarx, Ruffelin, Lord Xanith, Morgiest, Cryheart, Lady Witcheaven, Siara, Desmonique, Jestin, Aerenal, Wormdoc, Airiane, Lemandria, Annaleesia, Agenais, Sharatya, Ralkir, Valkyva, Grimfandel, Ganryu, Deremar, Nogr
Obvious paths: north, south

In one blurring motion, Corissina snatches a swan-hilted green steel longsword from her sheath, brandishing it for all to see.

Corissina yells, "Everyone will be taken for questioning!"

Corissina yells sharply while pointing at Adrenath!
A group of guards suddenly comes charging in, wrestles Adrenath to the ground and haul him off and out of sight.

The procession disperses amid screams and chaos.

Corissina yells sharply while pointing at Hectos!
A group of guards suddenly comes charging in, wrestles Hectos to the ground and haul him off and out of sight.

Corissina exclaims, "There will be order!"

The Empress' bodyguards form a wall around her fallen body and carry her down to a barge in the canal.

Corissina exclaims, "If I see you with a weapon, I'm taking you for questioning! There will be order!"

Corissina yells sharply while pointing at Haxley!
A group of guards suddenly comes charging in, wrestles Haxley to the ground and haul him off and out of sight.

The members of the procession make a mad rush for the southern end of the bridge, following the original parade plan and flee through Lornon Court toward the southern gate into Vornavis.

Corissina stares about wildly.

Corissina yells sharply while pointing at Cemb!
A group of guards suddenly comes charging in, wrestles Cemb to the ground and haul him off and out of sight.

Corissina exclaims, "There will be order! Put away your weapons! Don't leave the area!"

Corissina says, "I'm going to leave this in your hands, Jorelth --"

Jorelth stares off into space.

Corissina storms off

Jorelth says, "They have taken the empress away as well. Hopefully she will be all right."

Upheaval, Interrogations and Investigations (2/1/2003)

A Royal inquisition into the murder of Empresss Mynal'Lyanna Anodheles commenced after her death. All of those in attendance were immediatly quarenteened and taken into custody after stories started swirling and it became too chaotic to sort out all the information. Guards began to patrol the streets, the Imperial Blade, and the Baron's own guards searched for clues, eyewitnesses, and the murderer.

Baronial Guardsman Jorelth, Imperial Guard Frirna, and Baronial Guardsman Corissina handled the initial investigation and questioning of those who had been at the Address. A few leads were investigated as reported in the remaining files contained herein. Inquisitors from the Empire would arrive and take over the case as it grew, as expected when someone of Royalty, let alone the Empress herself was the victim.

See Also