Rumor Woods/2024 feature customizations

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Rumor Woods feature alteration options.

Order by number in Ostwicke Hall, Dressing Room (Lich# 25927) to receive these services.

Body Builds

West Dressing Room

~The Ostwicke Theater Department Presents:  A Build for All Roles~

No matter what role you foresee yourself playing, there is a body build to match.  Choose yours here!

Available choices for Body Build for anyone are:
    1. an ample and curvaceous physique        2. a broad-shouldered, thick frame     
    3. a hunched, frail frame                  4. a leanly muscled physique           
    5. a lithe, muscular physique              6. a long-limbed, gangly physique      
    7. a narrow-waisted, wiry physique         8. a plump, bottom-heavy figure        
    9. a pooch-bellied, robust frame          10. a soft, ample physique              
   11. a softly muscled, compact figure       12. a spindle-limbed, lanky figure      
   13. a stooped, gangly figure               14. a stout, barrel-chested frame       
   15. a thick-limbed, stocky figure          16. a toned, wiry figure                
   17. a withered, bony physique           

Services cost 1000 Rumor Woods raikhen.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

Distinguishing Mark

North Dressing Room

~The Ostwicke Theater Department Presents:  Distinguish Yourself~

If you wish to stand out in a crowd, you must make your mark.  Choose yours here!

Available choices for Distinguishing Marks for anyone are:
    1. a cleft-chin bisecting heavy jowels     2. a pair of diagonal slashes marring the hairs of the right eyebrow
    3. a pointed chin marked by thin scar lines    4. a pair of diagonal slashes marring the hairs of the left eyebrow
    5. a fleshy, black-haired mole on her cheek    6. a patch of raspberry-hued discoloration along the right cheek
    7. a softened jawline with ample jowels    8. a sprinkling of diminutive freckles across her cheeks
    9. a mangled left earlobe                 10. a tracery of thin, white scars upon the hollows of her cheeks
   11. a mangled right earlobe                12. a thin line of freckling dappled along the nape of her neck
   13. marked by mottled vitiligo signs       14. a countenance enhanced by colorless, oversized freckling
   15. a faint tracery of chin scars          16. a patch of raspberry-hued discoloration along the left cheek
   17. splattered in colorless rosettes       18. a corded neck flaring into pronounced collarbones
   19. marred along her brow by colorless patches

Services cost 1000 Rumor Woods raikhen.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.


Southeast Dressing Room

~The Ostwicke Theater Department Presents:  Faulty Heights~

Nothing produces a better cut in the spotlight then knowing how tall you stand.  Choose yours here!

Available choices for Height for anyone are:
    1. quite short                             2. incredibly tall                     
    3. diminutive in height                    4. of an unimposing height             
    5. stooped                                 6. towering                            
    7. gigantic                                8. massive                             
    9. little                                 10. gargantuan                          
   11. hunched                                12. of ordinary height                  
   13. of medium height                       14. of intermediate height              
   15. perfectly postured                     16. compact in stature                  
   17. statuesque                             18. of perfectly average and ordinary height

Services cost 1000 Rumor Woods raikhen.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

Wings (Aelotoi Only)

South Dressing Room

~The Ostwicke Theater Department Presents:  Front And Centered Wings~

Sometimes the star of the show needs a new set of wings to feel fully in the role.  If you're that star, you can choose the principal appearance of your wings right here!

Available choices for Wings for anyone of your race are:
    1. asymmetrical, gossamer                  2. azure-edged gossamer                
    3. azure-jointed, gradient violet          4. ebon-edged gossamer                 
    5. ebon-jointed, gradient sapphire         6. ebon-veined and thinly membraned    
    7. gnarl-jointed, raggled membranous       8. gold-veined, gossamer               
    9. listless, semitransparent              10. niveous-jointed, gradient claret    
   11. pale, ragged-edged                     12. pendant-shaped, translucent         
   13. sanguine-edged gossamer                14. silver-veined, gossamer             
   15. translucent, bronze-sheened            16. transparent, sloping                
   17. vert-hazed,angular                     18. white-edged gossamer                

Services cost 1000 Rumor Woods raikhen.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

Wing Quirks (Aelotoi Only)

East Dressing Room

~The Ostwicke Theater Department Presents:  Wings In the Wings~

There's no need for our Aelotoi friends to hide in the wings, when they can be on stage with wings of their own.  Choose yours here!

Available choices for Wing Quirks for anyone of your race are:
    1. banded in horizontal lines of white 
    2. banded in vertical lines of azure   
    3. deepening in hue at the edges       
    4. emboldened by dark crosshatching    
    5. fading into a wash of verdant hues  
    6. limned in iridescent jewel tones    
    7. mottled in dusky hues               
    8. of fragile membranous webbing       
    9. of taffeta-like webbing             
   10. painted in a faint metallic sheen   
   11. painted in a pale tracery of scar patterns
   12. painted in camouflaged patterns      
   13. prolifically veined                 
   14. textured by a tracery of faint scars
   15. textured like thistledown           
   16. tinged with pastel pigments         
   17. traced in lattices of contrasting hues
   18. washed in gradated sunset hues      

Services cost 1000 Rumor Woods raikhen.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.