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Bittersteel is a shop in Glaeve that sells armor.

The proprietor is Slayg.
[Bittersteel, Smithy] Room: 4426613
Crude wooden busts of various height are arranged along the walls. Most of the busts are layered with unfinished leathers, while others support partially constructed suits of heavier, steel chain and plate armors. Krolvin armorers wearing dye-stained clothes work diligently as they move between this workspace and a partition of tanned hides toward the back of the smithy. You also see an old krolvin armorer.
Obvious exits: out


  1. a buckler                14. some ruskag rezga
  2. a krytze                 15. a chain shirt
  3. a round shield           16. a layered jazerant
  4. a greatshield            17. a chain hauberk
  5. some robes               18. a vultite breastplate
  6. a leather jerkin         19. a vultite cuirass
  7. a leather shirt          20. some vultite plate-and-mail
  8. a leather gambeson       21. a suit of lasktol'zko
  9. a ruskag t'vrak          22. a pair of bracers
  10. a leather breastplate   23. a pair of schynbalds
  11. some cuirbouilli        24. a ruskag teskha
  12. some splinted leather   25. a mesh camail
  13. a jack-of-plates        26. an angular greathelm