Grey-haired pale woman

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Revision as of 18:58, 18 July 2024 by HATESHI (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''grey-haired pale woman''', whose name is Milla, is the proprietress of Shadows and Symbols in South Haven. She has been involved as a very minor NPC in several quests in the Solhaven area. She sells a variety of Lornon themed symbols and ritual items. ==Description== <pre{{log2}}> Clad in drab, tattered clothing, the pale woman has an overly flat nose and a wide mouth. Her squinty, dark eyes are set deep in her skull, and fol...")
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A grey-haired pale woman, whose name is Milla, is the proprietress of Shadows and Symbols in South Haven. She has been involved as a very minor NPC in several quests in the Solhaven area. She sells a variety of Lornon themed symbols and ritual items.


Clad in drab, tattered clothing, the pale woman has an overly flat nose and a wide mouth.  Her squinty, dark eyes are set deep in her skull, and folds of loose flesh fall about her chin, imparting an almost batrachian appearance to her.  Bits of stringy, dark grey hair hang loosely about her face, and her eyes dart about constantly, lending an air of nervous paranoia to her.


The pale woman mutters in a harsh voice and says, "Dey ain't likin' ol' Milla.  Milla'll show 'em, aye.  All th' childlins love candy, h'ain't a one that a'can resist its."

A grey-haired pale woman blinks, as if suddenly aware she was speaking aloud, then goes back to busying herself by sorting through some herbs.

A grey-haired pale woman mutters shrilly to herself and shakes her head several times.

A grey-haired pale woman takes a vial of dark liquid and swirls it around for a few moments, then pours it in a bowl on top of the counter.  A languid wisp of dark violet smoke dances in the air, then fades away.  The woman looks quite pleased.

The woman mutters to herself in a frenetic fashion, "So many herbs.  So many ye have to sort.  All me pretties.  All mine..."  She goes about touching each strange herb, mushroom or other plant-clipping upon the counter, apparently quite lost in a world of her own as she gazes down lovingly at them.


Any question
The woman gives you a strange look and mutters, "Ye h'ain't got no business askin me anytin.  Ya jes' go on 'bout yer business now."