EHShop:Luck of the Draw

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Current Shop Listing

a freshly painted wagon, [Map Room 66], Room# 8083067, Lich# L31624, go painted wagon

Luck of the Draw, Tricks

[Luck of the Draw, Tricks - 8084461]
The shop's interior is plastered with loud and garish wallpaper in alternating stripes of banana yellow and pumpkin orange, blessedly hidden for the most part behind large posters boasting feats of wonder, both hilarious and grotesque. Along the back wall is a short counter topped with candy jars and flower vases, while a brightly painted shelf hangs above it. A fanned card rack sits front and center on a white-clothed table in the middle of the area.
Obvious exits: east, out

On the painted shelf you see: a bright pink heart-shaped sign reading "FREE HUGS!", a bright yellow sign reading "KICK ME!", a bright red liquid-filled vial, a simple steel knife, a length of rolton intestine, an inflated pig's bladder, and a cheap ragweed cigar.

Item Type Info Details Price
a bright pink heart-shaped sign reading "FREE HUGS!" < 1 lb
Kick Me sign
a bright yellow sign reading "KICK ME!" < 1 lb
Kick Me sign
a bright red liquid-filled vial < 1 lb
Bloody Trick Dagger - Fake Blood
a simple steel knife < 1 lb
Bloody Trick Dagger

a length of rolton intestine < 1 lb
Inflatable Rolton Intestine
an inflated pig's bladder < 1 lb
Inflated Bladder Toy
a cheap ragweed cigar < 1 lb
Trick Exploding Cigar

In the flower vase you see: a large blooming red rose, a white rose boutonniere, and an oversized white silk flower.

Item Type Info Details Price
a large blooming red rose < 1 lb
Water-Squirting Fish Pin
a white rose boutonniere < 1 lb
Water-Squirting Fish Pin
an oversized white silk flower < 1 lb
Water-Squirting Fish Pin

In the candy jars you see: a tube of multicolored candies, a pack of licorice candies, a round spiral-carved canister, a striped red and white tin, a folded cream paper packet painted with raspberries, a large yellow lollipop, a bulbous orange lollipop, a round red lollipop, and a multicolored lollipop pinwheel.

Item Type Info Details Price
a tube of multicolored candies < 1 lb
Breath Mints
Breath Mints:Type: Surprise 
Flavor: Surprise!
Color: Surprise!

a pack of licorice candies < 1 lb
Breath Mints
Breath Mints:Type: Inky Licorice 
Flavor: licorice
Color: black 

a round spiral-carved canister < 1 lb
Breath Mints
Breath Mints:Type:  Breath Mints
Flavor: cask-aged bourbon
Color: caramel-hued 

a striped red and white tin < 1 lb
Breath Mints
Breath Mints:Type:  Breath Mints
Flavor: peppermint
Color: white and red 

a folded cream paper packet painted with raspberries < 1 lb
Breath Mints
Breath Mints:Type:  Breath Mints
Flavor: sun-ripened raspberries
Color: dark raspberry 

a large yellow lollipop food < 1 lb
Bites Remaining: 10 1
a bulbous orange lollipop food < 1 lb
Bites Remaining: 10 1
a round red lollipop food < 1 lb
Bites Remaining: 10 1
a multicolored lollipop pinwheel food < 1 lb
Bites Remaining: 10 1

On the fanned card rack you see: a golden card and a deck of vine-framed cards.

Item Type Info Details Price
a golden card unlock certificate
Trick Cards
This golden card will unlock a deck of trick cards to the next tier, adding these abilities at each tier: Tier 1 of 3: RAISE, TOSS, SPIN, and WAVE Tier 2 of 3: PROD, NUDGE, PEER, and TICKLE Tier 3 of 3: KISS, FLIP, PUSH, POKE, and CLEAN
a deck of vine-framed cards < 1 lb
Trick Cards
Tier: Fully Locked

Luck of the Draw, Chance

[Luck of the Draw, Chance - 8084462]
With decor that could be deemed visually offensive to anyone with eyes, an oval chartreuse takes center stage at the heart of the room, and a wooden table with four mismatched legs, each of a different color, sits directly in the middle. An old fruit crate painted over with obnoxiously bright colors that appear to have dried clumps sits beneath the table, and at the rear of the room is an arched door.
Obvious exits: west

In the fruit crate you see: a gleaming silver ball, a trio of colorful glass balls, a two-headed bronze coin, and a star-punched large silver coin.

Item Type Info Details Price
a gleaming silver ball < 1 lb
Sleight of Hand

This silver ball is fully alterable but must remain a small item or items that could be used in sleight of hand tricks.
The ball can be manipulated via RUB, TILT, TURN, and TOSS.

a trio of colorful glass balls < 1 lb
Sleight of Hand

This colorful glass balls is fully alterable but must remain a small item or items that could be used in sleight of hand tricks.
The balls can be manipulated via RUB, TILT, TURN, and TOSS.

a two-headed bronze coin < 1 lb
Two-headed Coin
This coin is two-headed.  It will never come up tails.

a star-punched large silver coin < 1 lb
Two-headed Coin


On the wooden table you see: a painted ceramic goblin statue holding a jack-o-lantern, a carved wooden alligator with an open jaw, a coiled wooden snake poised to strike, a gilded teak darkbox, and a small darkbox.

Item Type Info Details Price
a painted ceramic goblin statue holding a jack-o-lantern 5 lbs
Pocketed: A fairly large amount (in)
Portable Darkbox
Opening: depths of the hollowed-out pumpkin

a carved wooden alligator with an open jaw 5 lbs
Pocketed: A fairly large amount (in)
Portable Darkbox
Opening: tooth-filled open mouth

a coiled wooden snake poised to strike 5 lbs
Pocketed: A fairly large amount (in)
Portable Darkbox
Opening: open fanged mouth

a gilded teak darkbox 5 lbs
Pocketed: A fairly large amount (in)
Portable Darkbox
Opening: red velvet curtained opening

a small darkbox 5 lbs
Pocketed: A fairly large amount (in)
Portable Darkbox


Luck of the Draw, Lounge

[Luck of the Draw, Lounge - 8084463]
Tables littered with spare parts, marked cards, and random bits of miscellany line two of the four walls in this small backroom, while several mismatched stools and chairs sit scattered about. A partially clean worktable is tucked into one corner, and a multihued glass bowl of hard candies rests on its edge.
Obvious exits: out

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