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An OG (Original Gnome) just looking to share what I know and add to the knowledge compiled here as I can. I'm not the most prolific here, but I've been contributing since it was Krakiipedia.

A long time Rester, most of my contributions have involved the town of River's Rest in some manner, though I've been known to stray away from there to fill in missing info or correct errors on other pages as well.

GS Bucket List

Goals I want to achieve before my Gemstone experience ends

Items remaining

  • Cap an empath
  • Find a rat in the sewers

Items achieved

  • Cap a warrior
  • Cap a sorcerer
  • Cap a rogue
  • Master Lock Mastery
  • Master Forging (all skills)
  • Win a major raffle
  • Win an item in a god auction (2x)
  • Own a 10x weapon
  • Hunt in the Rift
  • Become a Mentor
  • Have my RP result in a permanent addition to the game
  • Find something in a box that was created by a GM
  • Have 100m in the bank

Treasures I've found or built

Just a place to show off some of the things I've found in boxes, scraped the silvers to purchase, or built up over the years attending merchants. Most of these things are carried on and used by my characters on a daily bases.

a perfect razern dagger with a silver-fanged eel wrapped around it

First perfect weapon forged by my warrior, I gave it to my ranger and had it enchanted up to 7x before adding snake flares to it at the 2018 Ebon Gate.

You glance down to see a perfect razern dagger with a silver-fanged eel wrapped around it in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>l my dag
You glance at your dagger.  
Wrapped around the dagger is a silver-fanged eel staring at you with malice in its eyes.
>kiss my dag
As you ignorantly attempt to kiss your razern dagger, the silver-fanged eel lashes out at you aggressively!  Whatever were you thinking?
>tap my dag
You gently tap your razern dagger and the silver-fanged eel hisses as it hurriedly slithers down the length of it in a tight spiral.  Just as quickly, it turns and slinks back to its original position.
>rub my dag
As you touch your dagger, the silver-fanged eel recoils defensively and rattles its tail.

a soft white spidersilk cloak edged with golden silk trim

Just a standard attuning spidersilk cloak, I can't remember exactly but I think I won a couple at the Ebon Gate minigames or bought them off the shelf there. I found two of them in one of my characters locker, sold one and kept the other for myself. It has some ambient messaging that goes off occasionally in addition to the nice show and zests.

>l my clo
The spidersilk cloak is smooth and sleek, with a texture like that of flowing water.  The cloak is clasped at the neck with a polished spider-shaped clasp.
>clean my clo
You run your fingers along the silk of your cloak.
>clo my clo
Sensing your intent, a swarm of tiny spiders suddenly appears from beneath the folds of your spidersilk cloak and seals the opening in the cloak with their silk.
>open my clo
Sensing your intent, a swarm of tiny spiders suddenly appears from beneath the folds of your spidersilk cloak and weaves an opening in the silk.
>tick clasp
A polished spider-shaped clasp gently strokes your throat.
>tap clasp
A polished spider-shaped clasp twitches and spreads its legs threateningly with a hiss.
>listen clasp
A polished spider-shaped clasp crawls up your neck.  You hear a strange dry clicking voice whisper, "Yes."

an orase-hilted black steel stiletto

Originally on my sorcerer, it's the first weapon I had brought up to 6x. When he switched from sword and board to runestaves, it went into his locker for a couple years until my ranger switched to sword and board from ranged. She used it as her blessable weapon until I forged my first perfect.

>l my stil
The stiletto is finely made of a pitch black steel with crimson runes inlaid along the blade.  The handle is wrapped in a fine black leather, and the pommel capped with a deep crimson ruby.  You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.  A faint aura of holy light radiates from the stiletto.

a set of emerald green brigandine

Mophing armor I got stupidly lucky with and got unlocked twice at the 2016 EG. I still need to get around to getting one of the shirts altered, but I was really lucky to get it altered as many times as I did and the ones I got are quite nice. It's still just 4x, but I added grapple flares to it at the 2019 EG.

>tick my bri
Running your fingers over your emerald green brigandine, you locate a small shirt-shaped depression.  Placing your finger into the depression, you feel your armor shudder and begin to move.  A soft *WHIR* accompanies the metallic gnashing of gears as your emerald green brigandine contracts, drawing itself into the depression.  With a sharp metallic *CLICK*, the gears reverse direction and push an emerald green shirt with gold accents into where your armor once was.
>turn my shir
As your fingers graze the edge of your shirt, it shimmers slightly and transforms into an emerald green shirt with gold accents.
>turn my shir
As your fingers graze the edge of your shirt, it shimmers slightly and transforms into an ebon silk shirt with silver accents.
>turn my shir
As your fingers graze the edge of your shirt, it shimmers slightly and transforms into a long-sleeved white silk shirt buttoned with green tourmaline cabochons.
>tick my shi
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Running your fingers over your shirt, you locate a small brigandine-shaped depression.  Placing your finger into the depression, you feel your clothing shudder and begin to move.  A soft *WHIR* accompanies the metallic gnashing of gears as your shirt contracts, drawing itself into the depression.  With a sharp metallic *CLICK*, the gears reverse direction and push a set of emerald green brigandine with gold accents into where your clothing once was.

a light brown plush suede cloak

My first ever unique box-found item. It was in a box my now infamous gnome found on a kobold just a couple weeks after I rolled him up... WAY back when GS3 had just become GS4. He still wears it to this day and it's been at least 10 years since I emptied it out and WEIGHed it, but it's the only shoulder-worn item I've seen that holds VLA and weighs less then 2 lbs.

>l my clo
Heavy brown suede has been pieced together with almost imperceptible hems, leaving the creamy material of the cloak with a flawless smoothness.  Lightly edged along the bottom with a rich nut brown leather to contrast the suede, the cloak is lined in deep chocolate silk lined with many pockets.

a black leather back quiver inlaid with uncut emeralds

I ran across a warrior years ago that told me about the benefits of warrior sheaths/quivers and offered to make me one. After collecting the skins and six emeralds to give him, he produced this quiver for me.

>l my qui
You see a black leather back quiver inlaid with uncut emeralds, which was made with the utmost skill and care.  It has six uncut emeralds fixed upon it.  You see Jeafwsian's initials stamped upon it.

a silver and ruby mistletoe pin

The gnome's first ever alteration. It was just stupid pin he found while hunting small stuff around River's Rest when I first rolled him up. It might be imbeddable or have a low level spell in it (never had it sung to), but the true value in it is the show the merchant he wandered across put on there.

>l my pin
The rubies on the pin are partially hidden by all the mistletoe covering the pin.  The mistletoe spells out "Watch your step."

some fried elf fingers

I got these at some event run more then 13 years ago. I honestly don't even recall the event, but I think it was run for an Elanthian version of Halloween. I've kept them in the gnome's cloak because it's so much fun to see folk's reactions when he IMITATEs them.

a studded-copper leather gnome-sized jack

Ten or more years ago, a friend got this for me from Ebon Gate since I didn't have a ticket for it but he thought it was perfect for my gnome... and boy was he right. It's still just standard 4x brig that only gnomes can wear it, but I have had it max lightened and added impact flares to it at the 2018 EG.

>tap my jac
You thump on the breast of your gnome-sized jack and glare about, stretching up on your tippy toes as you do.  When no one notices, you start jumping up and down, waving, trying to attract attention!
>slap my jac
You slap at the belly of your gnome-sized jack.
>pull my jac
You pull at the buckles of your gnome-sized jack, adjusting the fit carefully.

some deep black silver-studded pants

This is what you get when you've run out of other things to have altered, everything on you is max light/deep, and you get spun by a merchant. After the show was added, I hit up the autoscripter.

>l my pant
The outline of a single boot print is embroidered on the seat of the pants in bright red threading.
>nud my pant
You adjust your silver-studded pants, attempting to get more comfortable.
>gaz my pant
You study the material of your silver-studded pants carefully, looking for any flaws.
>clench my pant
You wipe your sweaty palms on your silver-studded pants, hoping no one will notice.
>touch my pant
You touch your pants lightly, enjoying the feel of the material against your fingertips.
>rub my pant
You dust off your silver-studded pants with both hands, causing small clouds of dust in the process.
>pull my pant
You pull at a loose thread near the seam of your silver-studded pants, partially unravelling it.

a unicorn etched vultite greatshield set with spikes along the circumference

This shield has a long history to it. I don't recall how I first acquired it, but it must have originated on my gnome somehow since he's the one that won the raffle as EG to have spikes added to it. After the spikes were added, it was handed off to my giantkin warrior, who was lucky enough to be picked to have it turned into a morphing shield. Unfortunately, since it was Voln blessed when the morphing script was added to it, it became broken and unblessable for several years until I made a passing mention on the forums about the morphing script and spikes on a shield making it unblessable. Wyrom saw this comment said it shouldn't be the case... then he stealth fixed it for me before I could even put in an ASSIST!

>l my gre

You see an engraving of a spiral-horned unicorn galloping gaily through a field of wildflowers.
You also see a small enchanter's mark.
>push my gre
Placing your right hand on the back of your etched vultite greatshield, you locate a small, bracer-shaped glyph.  Pressing your thumb against the glyph, you feel the greatshield grow warm and quickly remove your right hand as a flash of light centers over your left arm.  When it recedes, you notice that your greatshield has transformed into a smooth vultite bracer!
>l my brac
You see nothing unusual.

>push my brac
Placing your right hand on the underside of your vultite bracer, you locate a small, greatshield-shaped glyph.  Pressing your thumb against the glyph, you feel the bracer grow warm and quickly remove your right hand.  There is a flash of light centered over your left arm, and you notice that your bracer has transformed into a unicorn etched vultite greatshield set with spikes along the circumference!

a dusk blue vultite morning-star with a metallic black pearl set in its haft

This weapon is the reason my sorcerer is a Dhe'nari and he doesn't even use it. At one of (or perhaps "the") last Spitfire's there was a merchant that was zesting his weapons but would only work for Dhe'nari. I'd already bought the morning-star with my sorcerer and was planning on giving it to my (at the time) newly rolled up warrior, so when I saw the announcement I set his culture to Dhe'nari and walked on into the room to get the service. It's now the weapon my warrior's bonded to and the decision to change my sorcerer's culture gave me some direction for his RP that I didn't have before but sorely needed. Other than the zests, it's had 3 CER damage weighting, has been brought up to +50, added dispel flares, and has 5 Tiers of sanctification plus holy fire flares. I also used my alter box to add a metallic black pearl she found while hunting the Rift to the haft.

>tap my mor
You drum your fingers on the handle of your vultite morning-star.
>push my mor
You lower your vultite morning-star to rest your arm for a moment.
>pull my mor
You stretch the length of a dusk blue vultite morning-star between your hands, letting the spiked star itself swing from your right fist.
>wave my mor
You swing a dusk blue vultite morning-star in a low, lazy arc close to the ground.
>tap my mor
You drum your fingers on the handle of your vultite morning-star.

a witchwood runestaff impaled at the top with a decaying troll head

I found this while hunting with my empath and held onto it even though it's only +17 cause it enhances both AUR and INT by 4. Not the best stats to enhance for an empath, but better then when she'd been using before it. Shortly afterwards she won a fire flare token at EG and gave this runestaff fire flares to aid her in combating tomb trolls. Later, she was picked by a merchant and, on a whim, I grabbed this staff and said "I think this needs a troll head impaled on it", fully expecting the merchant to laugh in my face. To my astonishment, the merchant didn't even bat an eye and handed it back to her with it's current description. Some time later I had it ensorcelled up to T2.

a gnarled block crosier with a mummified troll head impaled on it

My first and only auction win that I got at the 2020 auction! It's a fully unlocked energy staff with fire flares and +30 enchant. I didn't really have a clue what an energy staff was when I bid on it, I just knew it sounded nice and the bidding started at a level I could join in. Got a bit carried away with my bidding since I didn't know what I'd do with it... but 41.5m later it was in my hands. Not a bad deal considering I'd just gone to watch without any expectation I'd actually leave with something. The troll head was added to the desc at the 2021 EG.

It's replaced the staff above it as my empath's runestaff, though I'm holding onto that one as well just in case she gets disarmed and needs to pull out another real quick.

a flame-darkened kakore staff cradling an incarnadine orb

My Globus Elanthias! First purchased at the 2018 EG since it has vacuum flares and the T2 benefits looked useful and were easy to get, it's since been unlocked up to T3, I've added ensorcellment up to T3, and had it enchanted up to 5x since buying it. The custom messaging for blocking also suits my sorcerer that uses it quite well.

a razor-edged rolaren chisel

My first ever major raffle win! Won this from a raffle at the 2020 Briarmoon Cove. Gives SK 1205 and can enhance the value of gems.


As you sing, hot steel smells surround you. There is a sense of displacement as the smells gather strength. Everything is distorted, then. . .

A pair of tongs hold you, first over a flame then over an anvil as you are gently worked from formless metal into a small rod shape.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

As you continue to sing, you feel yourself bathed in cool water as an ancient man of dwarven features works and chants in a guttural language while engraving your surface. As he continues his chant, you realize that you're experiencing the rolaren chisel's beginnings. For a moment, as you feel the grindstone honing your edge, you feel magic imbue your chisel-self as you shine with an inner light. Then the sense is gone.

Roundtime: 14 sec.

As you continue to sing, you now see yourself surrounded by many different tools. A graceful hand reaches for you and grasps you firmly. As you are lifted up, you see many gems lying as if sorted below you.

Roundtime: 14 sec.

You sense yourself brought almost into contact with one of the gems. You drift away from the gem, then drift forward once more. There is a strong sense of power as you are momentarily brought into contact with one of the gems. Somehow you know just how to improve its beauty. The nature of the power within you is just out of reach. You feel yourself separate from the rolaren chisel before your purpose manifests itself. It would appear the only way to recall your power within, is to experiment.

Roundtime: 15 sec.

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