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TrMShop:Sugar Plums and Frost/2023

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< TrMShop:Sugar Plums and Frost
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a lustrous cedar wagon sprouting a black iron stove pipe, [Map Room XX], Room#

Sugar Plums and Frost

[Sugar Plums and Frost - 9123833]
Red velvet ribbons twine through green fir boughs that adorn the wagon's lacquered cedar walls, garland strung in shallow scallops from modest but elegant ceiling moulding. The wood practically glows beneath the amber light of multiple glass-shaded lanterns scattered about, their warmth chased by the scents of evergreen and spice. A crimson-threaded white and green plaid runner drapes a cabinet whose glass doors are propped open, with its lower drawers pulled out halfway to display their goods. You also see a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign.
Obvious exits: north, out
a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign

In the Common language, it reads:

Scent Listing:

a gingerbread tree-shaped bottle with gemstone garland - Gingerbread Forest
an amber-whorled etched ivory glass bottle - Eggnog
an icy blue crystalline vial etched with tiny snowflakes - First Snow
an emerald holly sprig-shaped vial with garnet berries - Winter Solstice
a plump cranberry-hued bottle bound in strands of gold - Cranberry-Citrus
a sugary crystal-frosted plum red glass bottle - Sugar Plum
a slender burnt umber glass vial chased in copper - Cinnamon Stick
a white-capped spruce tree-shaped vial with a star stopper - Snow-Covered Forest
a spherical orange garnet bottle studded with bronze - Spiced Orange
an apricot glass bottle dusted with cinnamon-hued quartz - Rum-Soaked Apricot Fruit Cake

All of the perfumes have 50 uses per bottle or vial.

The streamers are for festive merrymaking!

In the drawer you see: a sequined gold mesh streamer, a metallic-threaded silver silk streamer, a long red velvet streamer, and a crisp forest green streamer.

Item Type Info Details Price
a sequined gold mesh streamer < 1 lb
a metallic-threaded silver silk streamer < 1 lb
a long red velvet streamer < 1 lb
a crisp forest green streamer < 1 lb

In the cabinet you see: an apricot glass bottle dusted with cinnamon-hued quartz, a spherical orange garnet bottle studded with bronze, a white-capped spruce tree-shaped vial with a star stopper, a slender burnt umber glass vial chased in copper, a sugary crystal-frosted plum red glass bottle, a plump cranberry-hued bottle bound in strands of gold, an emerald holly sprig-shaped vial with garnet berries, an icy blue crystalline vial etched with tiny snowflakes, an amber-whorled etched ivory glass bottle, and a gingerbread tree-shaped bottle with gemstone garland.

Item Type Info Details Price
an apricot glass bottle dusted with cinnamon-hued quartz < 1 lb
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a spherical orange garnet bottle studded with bronze < 1 lb
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a white-capped spruce tree-shaped vial with a star stopper < 1 lb
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a slender burnt umber glass vial chased in copper < 1 lb
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a sugary crystal-frosted plum red glass bottle < 1 lb
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a plump cranberry-hued bottle bound in strands of gold < 1 lb
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an emerald holly sprig-shaped vial with garnet berries < 1 lb
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an icy blue crystalline vial etched with tiny snowflakes < 1 lb
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an amber-whorled etched ivory glass bottle < 1 lb
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a gingerbread tree-shaped bottle with gemstone garland < 1 lb
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Sugar Plums and Frost

[Sugar Plums and Frost - 9123834]
Gathered bunches of fir boughs cinched with dark red velvet bows and crimson holly berries hang in each of the four corners in this section of the wagon, high on the walls near the ceiling, and the warmth rising from the glass-shaded lanterns lighting the area summon from the greenery the distinct scent of evergreen. Along the cedar walls are matching shelves, with a frosted holly berry red vase perched at the end of the shelf nearest the arch-framed door that leads into the backroom. You also see a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign.
Obvious exits: south
a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign
In the Common language, it reads:

The marionettes are quite limber when manipulated by a skilled hand, and beware of the roses!  They have thorns, but they really are lovely.

In the holly berry red vase you see: an ivory-tipped pale pink rosebud, a full velvety dark red rose, a silver-swept cerulean rose, and a white-hearted ice blue rose.

Item Type Info Details Price
an ivory-tipped pale pink rosebud < 1 lb
a full velvety dark red rose < 1 lb
a silver-swept cerulean rose < 1 lb
a white-hearted ice blue rose < 1 lb

On the cedar shelf you see: a pale blue frost elemental marionette, a stout ice golem marionette, a festive merrymaker marionette, and a white rowan snow elf marionette.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pale blue frost elemental marionette < 1 lb
a stout ice golem marionette < 1 lb
a festive merrymaker marionette < 1 lb
a white rowan snow elf marionette < 1 lb

Sugar Plums and Frost, Backroom

[Sugar Plums and Frost, Backroom - 9123835]
A greenery wreath entwined in red velvet ribbons hangs on the back wall of this small room, filling the air with the scent of freshly cut fir. In the corner sits a small wood-burning stove, its vent pipe stretching up and out, while a copper kettle puffs away little clouds of spice-scented steam from time to time. You also see a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign and a frosted glass refreshment table.
Obvious exits: out
a green-inked pale ivory vellum sign
In the Common language, it reads:

Help yourselves to refreshments, but mind the stove.  It's hot!

On the refreshment table you see: a pine green mug of mulled wine, a crimson mug of hot chocolate, a mint and milk chocolate ice rose, an elaborate dark chocolate snowflake, an icing-decorated white chocolate snowman, and a tiny milk chocolate snow elf.

Item Container Details Price
a pine green mug of mulled wine
a crimson mug of hot chocolate
a mint and milk chocolate ice rose
an elaborate dark chocolate snowflake
an icing-decorated white chocolate snowman
a tiny milk chocolate snow elf