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Use Armor
Bonus +20
ST/DU ?/?
Rarity Extremely rare
Weight Modifier 100%
Special Properties Flares have a chance to banish attacker either pre-attack (greater) or post-attack (lesser)
Primary Color Dark brown
Dyeable Yes

Lathonium cloth was developed as the counterpart to lathonian leather, used by those who walk the Demonwall to protect the Empire from the demonspawn that lurk in the Wizardwaste. This material is extremely reactive to attacks and, when struck, will attempt to banish the attacker to another plane of existence. Once the banishment wears off, the attacker will return to the same room of its departure, suffering damage as traveling across planes can be a bit hazardous. If the creature dies while banished, it will still return to the same room they were banished from so long that it has not already decayed.

The flare rate is identical to normal flares. The armor will only trigger with the character is struck in combat. Misses will not trigger the material. This material will activate against AS/DS, UAF/UDF, and CS/TD resolutions. The material also protects against SMRv2 attacks. The banishment completely negates the attack against the player. There is a small delay before the banished attacker poofs to avoid goofy messaging.

It comes in two forms, lesser lathonium and greater lathonium. The lesser version will attempt to resolve post-attack while the greater version will attempt to resolve pre-attack and will negate it if successful.

Lathonium cloth is only available for cloth armor. The material increases player service difficulty by 100. It only uses the material slot, leaving the flare slot open.

The design goal was meant to give lighter armor-wearing classes an interesting material to consider since options have typically been a bit scarce. The goal of this material is to protect them after being hit and give them some time to recover.

See Also