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Rubies are very similar to sapphires, the only difference being the impurity that causes the ruby to become red rather than the various other hues of a sapphire. Like the sapphire, a ruby is comprised primarily of a compound of aluminum oxide, or corundum. The impurity that imparts the red color to ruby is chromium.

Ruby Material

Use Weapons, Armor
Bonus -10
ST/DU 69/665
Rarity Uncommon
Weight Modifier 100%
Special Properties Non-Metallic
Primary Color Red
Dyeable No

Ruby is an uncommon material that can be used for combat gear. It is one of the custom material options available via the standard weapon shop ORDER system. Until April of 2024 ruby was also a custom material option for the standard armor shop ORDER system, but has since been removed.

Related Articles

Ruby Gemstones

A ruby crystal prior to being cut.

Asterism, a rare property sometimes exhibited in rubies when cut in cabochon, causes a visible six or twelve pointed star to appear within a ruby when viewed in light. This property, due to its rarity, makes a ruby more valuble, however, this is not the case in the world of Elanthia.[1]

List of Rubies

Note: The rarities listed are estimates and depend on the status of the treasure system in the area hunted. Average values listed are approximations and are generally taken from the sell values of a character selling gems with no trading bonus. See the Trading article for more information on variations of sell values.

Average value:
Location: Elven Nations

a dragon's-tear ruby

Description:   This octagonal piece of stone has not been polished,but even the pitting and pocking of its exteriorcannot hide its value and beauty. The translucent gem glistens with the same dark red as a coagulating drop of blood. When light glances over its exterior, it reflects back in a startling sky-blue shade rather than white, but the fire that blazes in the jewel's dark heart is of an unmistakable crimson hue.

Rarity: Common
Average value: 4500
Location: Northern Caravansary

a dwarf-cut ruby

Description:   Minute flecks of golden imflass contaminate the ruby, but, rather than detracting from the deep red gem's beauty, they enhance it -- for each fleck is shaped like a tiny fern frond, and the miniscule golden shapes swirl like a whirlwind around the incandescent heart of the jewel.

Average value:
Location: Sanctum of Scales

a faceted blood red sandruby

Description:   A constellation of golden motes flashes like fire in the core of the ruby. The dark red hue of the gem is enhanced by swirls of sunny yellow that drift through it like veils of sand blown by a desert breeze.

Average value: 5000
Location: Icemule Trace

a flickering snowfire ruby

Description:   The snowfire ruby sparkles with flickers of frosty iridescence, as if its heart were a flame frozen in crystalline form. Intricately cut, the gem is graced with hints of cobalt blue along the edges of its facets, lending complexity to its rich color.

Average value:
Location: Sanctum of Scales

an impure blood red ruby

Description:   Blackish impurities cloud the interior of the ruby, swirling like a sky in storm. They lend a tenebrous darkness to the jewel's predominant bloody hue.

Average value:
Location: Isle of the Four Winds

a pale pink mistvein ruby

Description:   The small chunk of cloudy pink ruby is laced with shimmering strands of misty silver. Each metallic inclusion is composed of hundreds of miniscule flecks that reflect light like a hazy web of tiny dewdrops.

Average value: 1200
Location: Any

a star ruby

Description:   Cut into a simple cabochon, the top of this ruby displays a silvery six-legged star that follows the light and appears to hover above the surface of the gem. The stone itself is dark pink, and only partially translucent due to the rutile needles that create the stunning asterism.

Average value: 2700
Location: Any

an uncut ruby

Description:   A deep, pigeon blood red, the ruby is a barrel-shaped hexagon with tiny parallel grooves on all surfaces. A stream-polished spot on one side reveals the translucency of the gem's interior.

Average value: 3800 - 4300
Location: Elven Nations

a sylvarraend ruby

Description:   Minute flecks of golden imflass contaminate the ruby, but, rather than detracting from the deep red gem's beauty, they enhance it -- for each fleck is shaped like a tiny fern frond, and the miniscule golden shapes swirl like a whirlwind around the incandescent heart of the jewel.

Average value: 4900
Location: Hinterwilds

a vinous gigasblood ruby

Description:   Roughly the size of a giantman's fist, the ruby is a deep red of fine wine. Though its hue is surpassingly dark, the jewel is surprisingly clear, its facets collecting ambient light to suffuse its core with incarnadine fire.
