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Gemstones are powerful character-boosting artifacts that creatures in Ascension hunting areas can drop upon being looted by characters who have defeated the wyrm and completed the ensuing quest. Gemstones can be equipped through the GEM interface, starting with one equipment slot upon completing the quest and upgrading to as many as five slots through currently unknown means.

A Gemstone generates with up to three properties, each categorized as common, regional, rare, or legendary.

Properties Qualities
First Property Common or Regional
Second Property Common, Regional or Rare
Third Property Legendary

The first property can only be common or regional. If it generates with a second property, that property can be common, regional, or rare. The third property can only be legendary and only has a chance to generate on the Gemstone if that Gemstone's second property is rare.

  • Players may only equip one Gemstone with a legendary property at a time.

Ultimately, characters maximizing all five slots of the Gemstone system may have a maximum of 11 equipped properties: one Gemstone will have a common/regional property, a common/regional/rare property, and a legendary property while the other four Gemstones will have a common/regional and a common/regional/rare property.

Properties Qualities
1st Gemstone Common/Regional plus Common/Regional/Rare plus Legendary
2nd Gemstone Common/Regional plus Common/Regional
3rd Gemstone Common/Regional plus Common/Regional
4th Gemstone Common/Regional plus Common/Regional
5th Gemstone Common/Regional plus Common/Regional

Gemstone details on this page are currently a work in progress and provided as players discover them. There might or might not exist properties not yet documented on this page.

Drop Rates

  • You can obtain a maximum of 1 Gemstone per week and 3 per month.
  • The chance for a gemstone to drop is reset on Sunday. (TBD)
  • There is no limit on the amount of dust you can find, but the chance of finding it will go down as you find more. This chance is reset each week.


NOTE: Prices are currently based on information provided during testing and may be inaccurate for the release.


Q. Can you equip and unequip Gemstones at will?
A. Yes. Only upgrading or rerolling a gemstone will bind it.
Q. How much does it cost to unbind a gemstone?
A. 1-4m. [Gemstones]
Q. Can you Shatter a Gemstone without unbinding it?
A. No. It must be unbound first.
Q. How much does it cost to Shatter a Gemstone?
A. Shattering a gemstone is free, but it must be unbound.

Shattering Jewels

Rarity Dust
Common/Regional 10
2 Common/Regional 20
Common/Regional + Rare ?
Common/Regional + Rare + Legendary 90

Slot Unlocks

Slot AEXP Silver
Slot 1 Quest Quest
Slot 2 1,000,000 5,000,000
Slot 3 2,500,000 10,000,000
Slot 4 4,500,000 25,000,000
Slot 5 7,500,000 50,000,000

Total of 90,000,000 silver to unlock all five slots.


Tier Dust Silvers
2/5 15 1,000,000
3/5 30 1,500,000
4/5 45 2,000,000
5/5 ? ?
2/3 ? ?
3/3 ? ?


The Unbind cost of a gem is the total of each rarity cost on the gem

Rariety Silvers
Common/Regional 1,000,000
2 Common/Regional 2,000,000
Common plus Rare 3,000,000
Common/Regional + Rare + Legendary 7,000,000


Reshape costs double for every additional reroll. This count resets weekly. Premium Accounts get a 25% Discount

Rariety Dust Regular Cost Premium Cost
Common/Regional 10 250,000 -
2 Common/Regional 20 500,000 -
Common/Regional + Rare 40 750,000 562,500
Common/Regional + Rare + Legendary 90 1,750,000


Your first dust costs 500k. Every additional dust costs 2.5x the previous one. This count resets weekly.

Count Silvers
1 500,000
2 1,250,000
3 3,125,000
4 7,812,500
5 19,531,250

Gemstone Properties:

Common Properties List

Regional Properties List

Rare Properties List

Legendary Properties List