Elizhabet Mahkra Faendryl Asylum for the Thaumaturgically Unsettled

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The Elizhabet Mahkra Faendryl Asylum for the Thaymaturgically Unsettled was founded by Thanris Akeleyn Faendryl, Patriarch XVI of House Faendryl. It was a place for the care and treatment of those who had lost their minds through arcane pursuits, most often people who's minds had been disrupted by chaotic magical energies. This type of care was needed, as during this era, incredible developments in the arcane arts took place, but at the cost of many brilliant minds. The asylum was named for Elizhabet Mahkra Faendryl, Thanris Akeleyn's sister, who herself had lost her mind in arcane pursuits. She was the asylum's first patient, and she never recovered.