Major Cold (907)

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Major Cold (907)
Mnemonic [MAJORCOLD]
Duration Instantaneous
Type Attack (bolt)

Major Cold is a freezing ball of pure cold which is flung at one's foe. Occasionally, the it will break apart causing additional damage to the original target, or strike other opponents within the area.

Factors That Affect Major Cold

The Attack Strength for this spell is determined by dexterity bonus and Spell Aiming bonus. Elemental Lore, Water increases the spell's damage factor by .001 per rank until rank 50. After the 50th rank, it increases by .0005 per rank until the 100th rank. Like other ball spells it will sometimes splash to hit other targets based on Elemental Lore, Water and Multi-Opponent Combat training.

Spell Usage

  • CAST or INCANT this spell to hurl a ball of pure cold at your target.
Spell AG Cloth Leather Scale Chain Plate
AsG 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Major Cold DF .445 .350 .245 .217 .208
AvD 65 55 54 53 52 45 43 41 39 40 36 32 28 35 29 23 17

External Links

Official Spell Description: