Maximum Animatable Level

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Before you begin choosing the exact creature you’d like to animate, you’ll need to determine your MAL, or Maximum Animatable Level. MAL is set on a scale of -10 to 26, which means that at her worst a sorcerer can animate at ten trains below her own, and at their best, that sorcerer could animate up to 26 trains above their own. Most sorcerers are going to be in the negative side of things, but don’t fret, that doesn’t mean your animates will be useless.

To find out what your exact MAL is (using Troll King blood), simply plug your Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks (N) into the following equation:

MAL= {(N-20)/5}-10

(always round down). If your Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks are less than 20, assume a -10 MAL. Of course, if you are a younger sorcerer, this number will be modified by whatever bonus you’re getting from the troll blood you’re using, and it likely be higher than what this equation assumes. Refer back to the section on troll blood or the Trolls page for more information on this.

So let’s take Sorcerer A who is level 58 and has 58 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy. 58 ranks minus 20 is 38 ranks. Now, 38 ranks divided by 5 is a little over 7. Since we round down, we’ll retain 7 and leave behind the remainder. Now, subtract 10 from 7, and we have -3. That means that this sorcerer, using Troll King blood, will be able to animate at 3 levels below their train, or up to level 55. If that same sorcerer were to increase their Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks by 2 (taking them to 60 necromancy ranks), their MAL would rise to -2, or up to level 56. If you happen to be using crystals made by another sorcerer, simply average your sorcerer’s Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks with the ranks of the sorcerer who created the crystals, and plug that number into the formula.

For example, sorcerer A is using sorcerer B’s animation crystals. Sorcerer A has twenty Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks, and sorcerer B had one hundred and twenty Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks when she created the crystals that sorcerer A is using. So, first, we average them. 20+120=140; divide that by two, and we have 70 ranks. So we go back to the original formula, and we plug 70 in for N. We get 50 divided by 5, which is ten. We then subtract 10 from that number, and we get 0. That means that sorcerer A, who would normally be animating at -10 with only 20 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy, will be able to animate at their training using the crystals of sorcerer B.

This is how you calculate your sorcerer’s exact MAL, but you also need to be able to calculate a creature’s exact level. Fortunately, Corrupt Essence (703) has a TD pushdown that is partially based on creature level relative to the sorcerer’s level. (Remember that any BCS creatures will generate on a range of levels centered around the base creature’s age. So while Shan may be 42nd base level, individual Shan will range from the high 30's to mid 40's. If you’re animating right at your MAL, it’s important to keep track of the individual creature you’re trying to animate so you don’t end up accidently blowing off a hand. The equation for the level of a creature, based on Corrupt Essence (703), is as follows:

TD Pushdown = (Wisdom bonus -1) + Level Difference

To find the TD pushdown, cast a normal sorcery spell on the creature (706 or 711 are good options, since they won’t damage the body of the soon-to-be animate), then cast Corrupt Essence (703). The TD pushdown is the original TD against the first spell minus the TD against Corrupt Essence. Wisdom bonus is shown after your wisdom score, which you can find by typing INFO. Level difference is your level minus the creature’s level. So let’s take an example.

Say sorcerer B casts Pain Infliction (711) against a creature. The resulting TD is 189. Sorcerer B then immediately casts 703 against that same creature, and the resulting TD is 146. Sorcerer B’s WISDOM bonus is 30. So the creature’s level is: (189-146) = (30-1) + Level Difference

43 = 29 + Level Difference

43-29 = Level Difference

14 = Level Difference

What this means is that the sorcerer is 14 levels above the creature. If said sorcerer is 44, then the creature is 30 trains. Now the sorcerer can determine, based on their MAL, whether or not they can animate that particular creature.

Be aware that the quality of your crystals also affects your MAL. You should always try to use the same level troll blood as the number of Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks you have. Using blood of a high level, however, will give you a bonus to your MAL at lower levels regardless of your Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy ranks, and using blood with a lower level will reduce your MAL at higher levels. The exact role all of this plays in your MAL is largely unknown, however, the Animate Dead (730) page has a brief discussion with estimates.