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The Lich is third-party software that expands on both The Wizard and StormFront, allowing players to script using the Ruby Programming Language, a high-level programming language with almost limitless capability. The program comes bundled with several scripts, such as scripts that calculate a character's redux, move from any location to another within a database, walk through an area until a creature is found, and spell up a character using all available spells. Also, there is a repository that allows for the quick, easy downloading of user-made scripts through The Lich, itself. Scripts can range from being very simple to quite advanced; for example, there is a script, titled xpSF, that modifies the experience window in StormFront to display additional information about the character's experience level that updates itself when experience is gained.
The Lich is written to be compatible with other third-party software, such as PsiNet and Black Lightning.
All the following instructions are pulled from Tillmen's Lich update website. Please visit his site for the latest downloads and instructions on how to install Lich.
Windows + Stormfront/WizardFE + Lich
- Download and install the Simutronics Launcher if it is not already installed.
- Download and install Ruby 1.8.6.
- Download and extract
- Double-click on lich.rbw
- Log in using Lich's game entry.
- Download and install the Simutronics Game Entry if it is not already installed.
- Double-click on lich.rbw
- Click on the install tab.
- Click the install button.
- Log in use the Simutronics Game Entry.
Windows + Stormfront + Lich + PsiNet
- Uninstall PsiNet if it is installed.
- Download and install the Simutronics Launcher even if it's already installed. This will help clean up the typical case of PsiNet not uninstalling completely.
- Download and install the Simutronics Game Entry if it is not already installed.
- Download and install Ruby 1.8.6.
- Download and extract
- Double-click on lich.rbw
- Click on the install tab.
- Make sure the "Use PsiNet compatible install method" is checked.
- Click the install button.
- Install PsiNet.
- Log in using the Simutronics Game Entry.
Windows + WizardFE + Lich + PsiNet
- Uninstall PsiNet if it is installed.
- Download and install the Simutronics Launcher even if it's already installed. This will help clean up the typical case of PsiNet not uninstalling completely.
- Download and install the Simutronics Game Entry if it is not already installed.
- Download and install Ruby 1.8.6.
- Download and extract
- Double-click on lich.rbw
- Click on the install tab.
- Make sure the "Use PsiNet compatible install method" is checked.
- Click the install button.
- Put a file named fakestormfront.txt in your Lich directory. (The directory containing lich.rbw)
- Install PsiNet.
- Log in using the Simutronics Game Entry and select Stormfront as your frontend. (Yes, select Stromfront even though you want to use the WizardFE. We have to trick PsiNet into connecting to the right server.)
Ubuntu + Stormfront/WizardFE + Lich
Download and install the Simutronics Launcher using WINE if it is not already installed.
The ruby-gtk bindings in the Ubuntu repository don't work with Lich for some reason, so you'll have to compile them yourself. It's pretty simple, just open a terminal and enter the commands below. Some of the commands will prompt you for something or other.
(update: Compiling the ruby-gtk bindings yourself may not be needed anymore. If you try the ruby-gtk bindings from the Ubuntu repositoy, let me know if it works or not. Also, check to see if your processor is stuck at 100% while using them.)
- sudo apt-get install ruby libopenssl-ruby build-essential checkinstall ruby-dev libgtk2.0-dev
- wget
- tar -xf ruby-gtk2-0.19.3.tar.gz
- cd ruby-gtk2-0.19.3
- ruby extconf.rb
- make
- sudo checkinstall
- cd ..
- wget
- sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
- 7z x
- cd lich
- mv lich.rb{w,}
- chmod u+x lich.rb
- ./lich.rb
Mac + Avalon + Lich
- You may need to install Xcode in order to use MacPorts. You can find the Xcode install package in the "Optional Installs" folder on your OS X Install DVD.
- Follow part 1 and Part 2 of this guide to install MacPorts.
- Open a terminal and type the following to install Ruby with GTK bindings:
sudo port install rb-gnome
- Download and extract
- Run Lich using one of these commands:
- sudo ruby lich.rbw --gemstone --avalon
- sudo ruby lich.rbw --gemstone --platinum --avalon
- sudo ruby lich.rbw --shattered --avalon
- Log in using Avalon. (After starting Lich, you have two minutes to log in before it times out.)
Note: Avalon needs an update to connect to Shattered. If Simu hasn't done it by the time you read this, here's how to do it yourself (as posted by Naos):
- Quit any instances of Avalon you have launched. You will need to update all copies that you may have downloaded or created.
- Locate your application bundle using Finder -- I expect it lives in most people's Applications folder.
- Select the application bundle in Finder, Control-Click (or Right-Click) on the icon, and select Show Package Contents from the context menu. (If you don't see this option in the context menu, you can try clicking on the toolbar button with a gear icon, which should give you a similar menu with the option.)
- Open the Contents folder. Open the Resources folder. You should see a list of file including "Custom Games.plist" -- this is the file of interest.
- Open the Text Edit application. It should be located in your Applications folder.
- Drag the "Custom Games.plist" file onto the dock icon for Text Edit -- this will open the file using Text Edit.
- The file is a plain text file that stores a list of games to display in an XML format. You will be adding two lines to this file.
- Find the following two lines:
- <string>GS3</string>
- <string>GS4D</string>
- You want to insert a line between these two so that your file looks like this:
- <string>GS3</string>
- <string>GSF</string>
- <string>GS4D</string>
- Find the following two lines:
- <string>GemStone IV</string>
- <string>GemStone IV Development</string>
- You want to insert a line between these two so that your file looks like this:
- <string>GemStone IV</string>
- <string>GemStone IV Shattered</string>
- <string>GemStone IV Development</string>
- Save the file. You're done!
- If you have multiple copies of Avalon that you are updating, you can copy the file you just modified and replace the unmodified version in your other copies of Avalon. Just follow steps 2-4 to find the files.
Q: Where did my inventory windows go?
- A: If you use inventory windows in Stormfront, you’ll find they have disappeared the first time you run Lich on each character. Lich hijacks the setting to provide container contents to scripts. In doing so, it’s unable to tell what the setting was to start with, so it turns it off (from Stormfront’s point of view). Just type “set inv on” to turn it back on.
- Original Lich (v3.57):
- Tillmen's Lich Update (v4.2.7):
- Unofficial Support for Lich:
Third-Party Software - edit |
Lich Installation: Lich |
Downloadable Lich Scripts: Go2 | Map | Repository | Popular Scripts |