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Legendary transport items
Multiple location transportation items
- a burnished mithril ring inset with a flawless star emerald - 5 settable locations (From Solstice Dreams)
- a kelyn-banded coraesine staff (5 settable locations) Show: The coraesine staff glints and relfects the light around you as you gaze upon its remarkable craftsmanship. The head of the staff is of solid silver with gold inlays and has been fashioned to resemble the head of a hawk. Closer inspection reveals some mysterious runes running along the handle from the head to the base.
- a polished steel band - 3 settable locations (From Solstice Dreams)
- a star sapphire ring - 12 settable locations
- a viper-shaped ring - 7 settable locations
- unknown ring - 10 settable locations
Shows the current stored locations
1 Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens
2 Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court
3 Wraithenmist, Narrow Trail
4 Wooded Hillside, Trail
5 Wehnimer's, Outside Gate
6 Hearthstone, Courtyard
7 Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder
8 Wehnimer's, Bay's Watch West
9 Town Square, Garden Niche
10 Hearthstone, Front Porch
11 Thanatoph, Stone Valley
12 Locksmehr River, South Dock
push and pull
Sets which location the ring is currently set to.
The ring begins to glow and gradually, a fiery sigil appears on its surface, depicting the numeral 3. It flickers a few moments, then disappears.
Used to activate ring
Suddenly, your ring spouts thick clouds of fog. In the next heartbeat, you feel yourself launch into the air, and you are hurtling through empty space! Abruptly, the sensation ceases, leaving you a bit unsteady on your feet.
- Third person view from originating room: (person) rubs his ring and fog billows from it in a thick cloud, quickly obscuring his form from sight. As the murk clears, you see (person) is no longer there.
- Third person view from destination room: A blanket of fog begins to fill the room. As it clears, (person) is suddenly standing in front of you.
shows you a description of the room that the ring is currently set to, including everything inside
You stare intently at your ring. A fog begins to creep into the periphery of your vision, gradually obscuring your surroundings. Then, the details of another location overlay the haze, showing you...
Iasha white ora weapons
Third tier Iasha white ora weapons can teleport a cleric or paladin to their dieties temple or a predetermined spot if your diety has no temple nearby. See the Iasha white ora weapons page for more information
a ring of misty black essence
a unique unnavable teleportation item.
go essence
go essence to travel to where the ring is set:
- First Person: You step into the essence and are swallowed whole as it enlarges to envelop you.
You find yourself falling...
You are in a deep black void...cold...bleak...
You cannot will surely suffocate...
Suddenly, just as you begin to give up all hope, you see a pinpoint of light below you which grows rapidly as you hurl toward it.
To your horror, you are falling with horrendous speed and will surely be crushed as you emerge from the hole.
The pinpoint of light expands suddenly and envelopes you, and you find yourself dropped onto solid ground.
You waver a bit as the experience is disorienting, but you manage to remain standing.
- Third Person view from originating room: (Person) steps toward a ring of misty black essence and suddenly falls through it, disappearing.
- Third Person view from destination room: A ring of misty black essence appears overhead and (person) falls out of it onto the ground. He seems a bit unsteady.
poke essence
poke essense to set the ring to your current room.
- First person: You push your hand through a ring of misty black essence.
- Third person in room where it was previously set will see: A ring of misty black essence momentarily appears before you with a hand sticking through it.
look in essence
Use this to see the room where the ring is set to
- First person:
You plunge your head into the essence and look around...
- Third Person view from originating room: (Person) sticks his head inside a ring of misty black essence.
- Third Person view from destination room: Suddenly a black hole appears and you see (Person)'s head stick through it for a brief moment and look around.
Shadowdeath Vambraces
Anchors and teleports you to one place like a gold ring, only with unique messaging. Uses charges that are also used to power other abilities. See Shadowdeath vambraces for more information.
a sinuous silver caduceus capped with a smooth pale blue crystal
1x/day teleportation to your premium home or locker if you do not own a home. peer to see where it will take you.
Summoning Rings
Acts like a reverse gold ring, where you can use it to summon the last person to wear and turn the ring to where ever your located, no matter where they are located. See Summoning rings for more information
a polished gold ring
These rings are like normal gold rings, only they will never be taken by the navigators.