Help:Spell templates
This page is intended to explain the fields in each spell template, and list the options available for each value. "Special" is a valid value for any field, provided that the article elaborates upon that particular aspect of the spell. If more than one spell shares the same aspect and it does not appear as one of the values here, add it, then explain the particulars of that value in its own article.
Defensive Spell
Type: DS (base | physical | ranged) | Maneuver | TD (base | elemental | mental | spiritual)
- Which type(s) of attacks wearing this magic will help defend against (enter all that apply).
Base Duration: {in seconds, with additional factors}
- The base amount of time each cast of the magic will last.
Additional Duration: {in seconds, with additional factors}
- How additional factors affect the magic will last.
Span: Stackable | Refreshable | Solid Block
- How the maximum duration is determined.
Availability: All | Group Spell | Self-cast
- Whom the spell may be cast upon.
Offensive Spell
Method: Bolt | Maneuver | Warding
- How the success of the attack is determined.
Targets: Single | Splash | Multiple | Area of Effect | Multi-area
- How many creatures and/or players are affected by the spell.
Interval: Instantaneous | Build-up | Damage Over Time
- When the magic takes effect or how long its affects are sustained.
Utility Spell
Subtype: Combat Utility | Item Enhancement | Magic Item Creation | Transport
- What specific utility this magic provides.
Duration: Charges | {time in seconds} | Permanent
- How long the effect will last.
Components: Yes | No | {may list if short}
- If the magic requires other items in order to be cast.