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The SERVICE command assists in offering or attaining various services.
- SERVICE SHOW - Show nearby players who have available services.
- SERVICE LIST - List the services supported by SERVICE TOGGLE.
- SERVICE TOGGLE {service} {notes} - Flag yourself available to provide a service.
- SERVICE CLEAR - Remove yourself from all service listings.
- SERVICE SUSPEND - Temporarily suspend all your service listings.
- SERVICE UNSUSPEND - Reinstate all your suspended service listings.
- The notes field provides a short message for other players to read about your service.
Service show (this now appears when you login, which can be turned on/off using SET/FLAG):
Name Service Location
Drektor Lockpicking [Helga's, Pub Room]
Note: Actually pretty good at it.
Attoll Lockpicking [Town Square Central]
Hodgerick Lockpicking The Upper Trollfang
Sarvia Lockpicking [Stone Baths, Hearth]
Kembal Healing Environs
Cruxophim Healing Environs
Note: I'll eat your wounds, all for the psaltry price of some blood!
Tanivar Healing [Town Square Central]
Attoll Guild work [Town Square Central]
Hodgerick Guild work The Upper Trollfang
Hodgerick Skinning The Upper Trollfang
Jeg Resurrection [Bleeding Heart Table]
Note: Can rescuse from anywhere in the landing, solhaven and icemule.100%chr
Attoll Hunting [Town Square Central]
Attoll Spellups [Town Square Central]
Jeg Spellups [Bleeding Heart Table]
Note: spirits and dims.
Cruxophim Spellups Environs
Note: Offering a variety of warding services against that pesky Voln magic.
Tanivar Spellups [Town Square Central]
Note: Free Spirit Spells, may need to heal scars first.
Fyonn Loresinging Environs
Note: Somewhat of an amateur, but happy to give it a try
Phever Loresinging [Stone Baths, Hearth]
Drektor Foraging [Helga's, Pub Room]
Note: Doin yer dirty work
Hodgerick Foraging The Upper Trollfang
Attoll Bounties [Town Square Central]
Attoll Profession [Town Square Central]
Drektor Profession [Helga's, Pub Room]
Note: Adding locks and/or clasps to containers.
Arcaeris Profession [Temple, Storeroom]
Note: Full Wizard Spell Ups - 15k
Cruxophim Profession Environs
Note: Ask me about my Shadows!
Riend Artisan Wehnimer's Landing
Note: Master Cobbler available for custom commissions.
Service list:
LOCKPICK - Opening locked boxes.
HEAL - Healing other players.
SPELLUP - Offering spells to other players.
GUILD - Looking to do guild-specific tasks with other players.
PROFESSION - Offering profession specific services (Please leave notes!).
LORESING - Loresing items for other players.
SKIN - Retrieving skins for other players.
FORAGE - Retrieving herbs for other players.
BOUNTY - Assisting other players with bounties.
HUNT - Looking to hunt with other players.
RAISE - Resurrecting other players.
ARTISAN - Offering artisan skills.
--- SERVICE SHOW Specific Options ---
ALL - Show all services being offered.
SPECIAL - Merchant services being offered.
Service toggle:
- LOCKPICK - Opening locked boxes.
- HEAL - Healing other players.
- SPELLUP - Offering spells to other players.
- GUILD - Looking to do guild-specific tasks with other players.
- LORESING - Loresing items for other players.
- SKIN - Retrieving skins for other players.
- FORAGE - Retrieving herbs for other players.
- HUNT - Looking to hunt with other players.
- RAISE - Resurrecting other players.
Service suspend:
>service suspend
Your offered services will be suspended until you unsuspend them via SERVICE UNSUSPEND.
Your offered services will be suspended until you unsuspend them via SERVICE UNSUSPEND.
Service unsuspend:
>service unsuspend
Your offered services have been unsuspended and will be viewable by other players.
Your offered services have been unsuspended and will be viewable by other players.