Drumble's Oddities

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Drumble's Oddities is the Premium Home Furniture shop in Wehnimer's Landing. It is located through the thanot door and one room east just inside the entrance to The Merchant's Emporium and sells tables.

[Drumble's Oddities]
Drumble's dimly lit shop is piled to the rafters with a tangle of tables. From each tottering pile protrudes a strange combination of plain and polished and white-painted table legs, the item to which they belong quite indiscernible without close inspection. Drumble himself leans casually against one particularly diverse stack, grumbling quietly to himself every time a customer requests a deeply-buried item. You also see a disorganized pile of tables and Drumble.


      Price  Item
1.)   30000  an oval cedar table
2.)  100000  a hexagonal fel-inlaid haon table
3.)   14500  a stripped pine table
4.)   32000  a polished beechwood table
5.)   40000  a block of chipped granite
6.)   10000  an overturned tea chest
7.)   22000  a heavy-legged modwir table
8.)   40000  a scuffed oak writing table
9.)   10500  a scarred monir table
10.)  16000  a sunbleached driftwood table
11.)  15000  a round three-legged table
12.)  14000  a wobbly walnut table
13.)  20000  an ale-stained oak table
14.)  28000  a claw-footed walnut table
15.)  45000  an elaborate carved maoral table
16.)  18000  a spindly woven willow table
17.)  85000  an ebonwood mosaic-tiled nightstand
18.)  70000  an ivory muslin-draped vanity
19.)  50000  a scrubbed pine vanity