Talk:Web (118)

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Revision as of 09:43, 10 August 2017 by VANKRASN39 (talk | contribs) (response from Estild. main article needs to be updated)
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Lore effect and level penalty

What is the source of this part about web bolts: "Over training will offset any additional level penalty" for webbing the target based on lores vs. level difference? It is not present in the official documentation. It was added to the page on 28 Oct 2009 so there may have been a post around that time. The current wording is not clear on what the overtraining bonus is, and whether it has any effect beyond 140 ranks. ZHOUY1 (talk) 14:34, 9 August 2017 (CDT)

I went searching for the post and couldn't find it, but I have a vague recollection of something being posted about it, and I highly doubt the person who made that edit would just make it up. I'll still send for confirmation/verification. Lots of information is not present in the official spell descriptions, especially little updates like that. I believe the update was made for people with 140 ranks who did not have a 100% success rate because of level penalties, but don't hold me to it. VANKRASN39 (talk) 15:09, 9 August 2017 (CDT)
Email received from GM Estild:
That statement is true.  140 ranks of SL:SS only ensures webbing when the target is exactly the same level as the caster.  There's a bonus or penalty, depending on who is higher.  The formula is:

30 + (SL:SS ranks / 2) ± (level difference)^2 = % chance to web

So if the caster is 5 levels over the target, they get a bonus of 25.  If they are 5 levels lower, they get a penalty of 25.
VANKRASN39 (talk) 10:43, 10 August 2017 (CDT)