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2016-12-18 - Wyvern's Honor First Annual Military Ball (log)
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This log is from the Wyvern's Honor first annual military ball on December 18, 2016 from the perspective of Malinya.
Note: This long has been lightly edited for brevity
[Midnight Blue Tent] The deep blue silk overhead has been painted to resemble the night sky, complete with moons. Bronze lanterns dangle from the tent posts, creating pools of soft, flickering light. Gold and blue velvet cushions heaped in the corners provide quiet places to rest. You also see a bright copper cart with some stuff on it. Also here: Anchises, Lady Talanta, Bliston, Wrythion, Dantineth, Legonilas, Jurist of Eye Raissong, High Legionnaire Kakoon, High Lady Nihrvanah Obvious exits: out Bliston smiles. (Anchises raises a glass of smooth bourbon in a toast.) Anchises says, "Cheers everyone." Seomanthe just arrived. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Anchises takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Seomanthe beams! Nihrvanah beams happily at Seomanthe! Squire Legionnaire Menos's group just arrived. Seomanthe grins at Nihrvanah. Talanta inclines her ear, listening intently. Legonilas raises his smooth bourbon in a toast! Raissong pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Nihrvanah hugs Seomanthe. Speaking relievedly to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe exclaims, "I made it!" Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah exclaims, "You made it! Welcome!" Raissong renders a sharp salute with his rose-infused champagne. Seomanthe grins cheerfully. Wrythion pours himself a mug of thick warm eggnog. Wrythion helps himself to some grilled venison drizzled with a wild mushroom sauce. You are not wearing any title that matches "pre". Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. You are not wearing any title that matches "legion". Your prename title of Squire Legionnaire has been cleared. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. You fidget. Bliston inclines his ear, listening intently. Kakoon smiles. Bliston slowly empties his lungs. Speaking warmly to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe says, "Lovely as always, Nihrvanah! Happy solsticetide." Bliston nods slowly at Talanta. Seomanthe takes a drink from her old brandy. Talanta glances at a bright copper cart. Bliston takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Seomanthe tinkers with Raissong's appearance. Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you. You look lovely as well. Happy solsticetide." The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Menos helps himself to an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. Bliston leans forward. Anchises's face turns slightly pale. Anchises says, "I forget my place." Talanta takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe admits, "I had a devil of a time sorting out getting dressed.. I am so disorganized." Anchises says, "Please excuse me." Anchises just went out. Legonilas raises an eyebrow. Nihrvanah says, "Help yourselves to food and drink... the band is already playing." Menos takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Seomanthe smiles at Raissong. Squire Legionnaire Pereus just arrived, striding along. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Bliston pours himself a mug of thick warm eggnog. Squire Legionnaire Krystalena's group just arrived. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Bliston offers Talanta a mug of thick warm eggnog. Talanta smiles at Bliston. Talanta accepts Bliston's thick warm eggnog. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Talanta softly says, "Thank you Bliston." Speaking quietly to Talanta, Bliston says, "A warm-up, my lady." Nihrvanah says, "Tonight we are celebrating not only our own military, but all who serve their King, or Queen, or their country. Enjoy your time this evening, dance with a Legionnaire or two." Talanta hums a seemingly random tune. Squire Legionnaire Aaronee just arrived. Bliston takes a moment to observe a bright copper cart. Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. His face is concealed by a sun-bleached red veiled turban. Bliston pours himself a glass of smooth bourbon. Nihrvanah pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Talanta inclines her ear, listening intently. Marcelina glances at a bright copper cart. Marcelina pours herself a frosted glass of honey ale. Seomanthe smiles at Nihrvanah. Seomanthe claps her hands. Marcelina offers Menos a frosted glass of honey ale. Menos accepts Marcelina's honey ale. Krystalena gives a sigh of relief. Speaking in Elven, Menos says, "Thank you." Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Orssus chuckles. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Krystalena giggles at Orssus. Talanta takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Legonilas sways back and forth. Aaronee removes a pebbled morduska hide waterskin from his belt. Aaronee pulls his red veiled turban aside. Aaronee takes a drink from his morduska hide waterskin. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Aaronee attaches a pebbled morduska hide waterskin to his belt. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Pereus rummages through a long crimson shoulder-pinned cape adorned at the shoulder with one gold braid knot, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Marcelina says, "Quite welcome." Bliston breathes almost without making a sound. Menos takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Pereus removes a dirt-caked copper-inlaid horn from in his crimson cape. Speaking to Raissong, Krystalena says, "Welcome! It's nice to have you here this evening." Orssus moves to stand behind Krystalena. Talanta smiles at Bliston. Orssus rubs Krystalena tenderly. Speaking in Elven to Pereus, Nihrvanah says, "You made it after all. And you were worried." Raissong softly says, "Nice to be here." Pereus smiles at Nihrvanah. Bliston nods gratefully at Talanta. Speaking to Raissong, Krystalena says, "I'm Squire Legionnaire Krystalena." Speaking in Elven, Pereus exclaims, "I did make it!" You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Krystalena smiles at Pereus. Pereus rubs a dirt-caked copper-inlaid horn in his hand. First Legionnaire Esana just arrived. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston looks rather relaxed. Pereus peers quizzically at Nihrvanah. Talanta takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Pereus turns over his copper-inlaid horn. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Pereus put a dirt-caked copper-inlaid horn in his crimson cape. You pour yourself a glass of fruity rum punch. Nihrvanah smiles at Pereus. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. High Legionnaire Kakoon just moved quietly into the room, his group following closely. Speaking to Seomanthe, Krystalena says, "Hello and welcome." Krystalena smiles at Seomanthe. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Seomanthe smiles at Krystalena. Pereus pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah smiles at Oirisu. Squire Legionnaire Nephal just arrived. Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Oirisu drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Nihrvanah, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides. Speaking to Krystalena, Seomanthe says, "My thanks and hello as well! Thank you for inviting me." Speaking to Oirisu, Nihrvanah says, "I am so glad you could make it this eve." Speaking in Elven to Oirisu, Kakoon asks, "Would you care for something to drink?" Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Oirisu says, "You'd find me hard pressed to miss a ball." Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Nephal pours himself a glass of fruity rum punch. Talanta takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Marcelina pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Seomanthe leans on Raissong, giving him a companionable grin. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston looks rather relaxed. Dantineth shifts her weight. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Nihrvanah smiles at Dantineth. Pereus helps himself to a brittle white chocolate wafer. Speaking to Talanta, Krystalena says, "Good evening! You and Bliston are a handsome couple." You pull your sheer gold wrap more tightly around your shoulders, enveloping yourself in its folds. Dantineth gazes thoughtfully at a bright copper cart. Talanta blushes a pale pink shade at Krystalena. Bliston blushes a nice shade of light pink. Talanta smiles at Krystalena. Pereus takes a bite of his chocolate wafer. Dantineth pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Dantineth takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Raissong takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking quietly to Krystalena, Talanta says, "Thank you very much Lady Kyrstalena." As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Talanta coughs. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The tart rum flavor warms your body. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe asks, "So what does the new year bring to the Fortress?" Talanta says, "Krystalena." Speaking to Krystalena, Bliston says, "Good evening to you too, Miss Krystalena. We are very grateful to be here." Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston nods graciously at Krystalena. You lean to your left. Menos takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon asks, "Would you care for some champagne?" Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "Well, I am sure a great many things, but that depends on who you would ask." Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "I would, thank you." Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Seomanthe starts chortling. Kakoon takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Kakoon pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Talanta takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Kakoon offers Oirisu a flute of rose-infused champagne. Talanta licks her lips. Oirisu accepts Kakoon's rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Nephal, Krystalena says, "I don't believe we've met. I'm Krystalena, empath and squire in the Reserves." Bliston nods once at Krystalena. Speaking brightly to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe says, "Hopefully not too eventful, unless the events are organized by you." Talanta blushes a pale pink shade at Bliston. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "I've never been much of a fan. I don't like the way it tickles my nose." Seomanthe flashes a quick grin. Speaking deeply to Krystalena, Orssus says, "I see what you mean by your perfume fitting the occasion now." Kakoon takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Wrythion takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Dantineth takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Bliston blushes a light pink shade at Talanta. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Nihrvanah laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Bliston stares at his smooth bourbon. Talanta appears to be trying hard not to grin. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Seomanthe takes a drink from her old brandy. Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "But eggnog is so heavy, you can't drink several glasses of eggnog in succession." As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "Well, now.. I cannot be solely responsible for such a thing." Talanta agrees with Oirisu. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Speaking deeply to Oirisu, Orssus says, "Especially if you mix it with rum." Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Speaking to Orssus, Oirisu says, "Or that bourbon over there." Krystalena pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "But I am hoping that there will be more events to come... I have a handful already on the books, between here and Ta'Illistim." Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "One glass to put off eating a little longer so there is more time for dancing." Talanta grins at Bliston. Orssus agrees with Oirisu. Bliston fidgets. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena asks, "Would you like a drink?" Menos leans on Marcelina, giving her a companionable grin. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Talanta smiles humming and swaying to the music. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston looks rather relaxed. Speaking deeply to Krystalena, Orssus says, "Sure." Oirisu agrees with Kakoon. Bliston takes a moment to observe Talanta. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Bliston looks rather relaxed. Bliston takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena asks, "I have rum punch or perhaps something stronger?" Speaking to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe asks, "Very good! I've got to start pondering social occasions for back west as well.. the fun never ends, does it?" Orssus deeply says, "I think the rum punch would be fine." Seomanthe starts chortling. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Krystalena offers Orssus a glass of fruity rum punch. Orssus accepts Krystalena's fruity rum punch. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Aaronee removes some dried boar meat from in his silk burnoose. Orssus steals a kiss from Krystalena as they sway across the dance floor. Krystalena pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Kakoon takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Speaking deeply to Krystalena, Orssus says, "Thank you." Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "Concrats on the ornament." Seomanthe gives a short little hum of surprise. Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe exclaims, "Oh, thank you!" Talanta nods at Bliston. Talanta smiles. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Orssus nods at Krystalena. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Squire Legionnaire Lyet just arrived. Orssus takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Lyet gazes in wonder at her surroundings. Speaking lightly to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "Well, leave it to SIbs to get things going, I suppose." Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "It waqs a pleasure hanging it for you." Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Krystalena smiles at Lyet. Talanta blinks. Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe exclaims, "I was surprised and sad I wasn't able to make the tree-decoration party.. i'm glad you were there!" Speaking in Elven to Menos, Marcelina asks, "Shall we dance?" Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Seomanthe grins at Nihrvanah. Seomanthe nods eagerly at Nihrvanah. Lyet takes ahold of her brightly-hued cloak and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Speaking in Elven, Menos says, "I shall need to clear up some space." Menos takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Speaking to Lyet, Nihrvanah says, "Hello, and welcome." Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Esana smiles. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "Fender showed up too." After spinning dramatically away from Nihrvanah, Lyet fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Nihrvanah's eyes with a grin. Esana nods in greeting at Lyet. Speaking in Elven, Menos says, "Let me finish this ale." Orssus smiles. Talanta smiles at Bliston. You incline your head. Orssus takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Seomanthe beams happily at Raissong! Bliston smiles at Talanta. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Krystalena dances lightly across the dance floor with Orssus. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Lyet says, "Well met, I'm Lyet." Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe says, "Oh lovely! Then Aspis was well represented, that's good." Orssus leans softly against Krystalena. Blushing slightly, Talanta glances away from Bliston as she drops into a demure curtsy. Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Talanta holds Bliston close in her arms as they dance. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Seomanthe takes a drink from her old brandy. Orssus dances cheek to cheek with Krystalena. Speaking to Lyet, Nihrvanah says, "A pleasure. I am Nihrvanah... co-conspirator with Dalnirath for this ball." Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe asks, "Will you help me remember about organizing the Houses next year?" Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Bliston blushes a light pink shade at Talanta. Bliston dances cheek to cheek with Talanta. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "You know i will try my best." As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Seomanthe flashes a quick grin at Raissong. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Talanta smiles enjoying the music and dance. She flows with Bliston's guiding lead, stepping lightly across the floor. Lyet pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Lyet takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta gazes fondly at Bliston. Aaronee pulls his red veiled turban aside. Aaronee takes a bite of his dried boar meat. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Orssus swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "It's been a while since I've danced. I do hope I don't crush your toes." Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Kakoon takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Marcelina nods at Menos. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Marcelina dances lightly across the dance floor with Menos. Menos dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. Bliston smiles lightly at Talanta, eyes intent as he bounces lightly to the music. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Talanta sways back and forth. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Oirisu casually glances down. Talanta gazes fondly at Bliston. Krystalena looks over at Orssus and shakes her head. Orssus inclines his ear, listening intently. Lyet stops singing. Orssus deeply asks, "Someone chanting?" Menos dances cheek to cheek with Marcelina. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Kakoon nods at Orssus. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Master Orlaeth's group just arrived. Bliston leans softly against Talanta. Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "As long as you're not planning on stomping directly on my feet, we should be fine." Maenelle glances around the room. Talanta smiles humming softly, her gown swishing from the swaying motions. Nihrvanah smiles at Orlaeth. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Kakoon chuckles. Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Orssus holds Krystalena close in his arms as they dance. Talanta holds Bliston close in her arms as they dance. Orssus steals a kiss from Krystalena as they sway across the dance floor. Orlaeth turns to face Nihrvanah. Legonilas pours himself a glass of smooth bourbon. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Good evening. I am glad you and your cousin were able to make it this evenng." Orlaeth bows to Nihrvanah. Marcelina steals a kiss from Menos as they sway across the dance floor. You carefully adjust the drape of your gown, flouncing the shimmering cloth in a burst of reflected light. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon asks, "May I have this dance?" Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. You fold your hands behind your back, waiting patiently. Talanta gently brushes her nose against Bliston's. Legionnaire Dalnirath just arrived. Menos smiles. A young elven page wearing a slightly oversized crimson samite tabard bearing a wyvern in gold threading enters the area with a scroll in hand. He clears his throat as he unfurls the parchment and announces, "Hear ye, hear ye! For those attending the First Annual Military Ball, hosted by the Wyvern's Honor and the Alliance of High Elven Society, please proceed to the tent in Amaranth Court. The festivities are about to begin." He rerolls the parchment and wanders to the next area. Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth says, "It is indeed a pleasure to attend. Thank you for inviting us." Speaking graciously to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "Of course." Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Aaronee surveys his surroundings carefully. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Kakoon smiles at Oirisu. First Legionnaire Esana just went out. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Of course." Dantineth loses her focused look. Dantineth loses an aura of resolve. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. Krystalena glances out. Dantineth loses her intense expression. Oirisu lays her head on Kakoon's shoulder as they dance. (Maenelle tilts her head back, taking a moment to admire the night sky painted overhead. She taps lightly on Orlaeth's forearm, attempting to draw his attention to the same.) Nihrvanah asks, "How have you been?" Orlaeth huskily says, "Might there be an order of precedence for the evening? Or is it simply-" Nihrvanah cocks her head at Wrythion. Bliston just arrived, striding along. Talanta dusts off her silver satin gown. Orlaeth glances at Maenelle. Bliston strides over to stand before Talanta. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Talanta turns to face Bliston. Seomanthe smiles quietly to herself. Talanta smiles quietly to herself. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Seomanthe takes a drink from her old brandy. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Wrythion says, "I've been well, have been out visiting the western lands. Quite uncultured out there." Talanta curtsies gracefully to Bliston. Kakoon lifts Oirisu up high into the air and twirls with her! Orlaeth glances up. Bliston bows to Talanta. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Legonilas rubs his chin thoughtfully. Bliston gazes fondly at Talanta. Your group status is now open. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Orssus takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Talanta smiles clapping as the dance set ends. Menos dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. With military precision, Kakoon turns sharply on his heel to face Oirisu. Kakoon swings Oirisu out then spins her right back into his arms. Talanta breathes in slightly. Talanta slowly empties her lungs. Oirisu appears to be trying hard not to grin. Orssus swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Orlaeth turns to face you. Dantineth takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Lyet takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Speaking to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "It is a night to celebrate those who serve King or Queen and country. Merely a night off to enjoy the company of others, with some drink and dancing. I do hope as we continue, we can add more to the festivities... Perhaps I can convince the commanders to host a small award ceremony as well." You tilt your head up. Orlaeth bows to you. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Lyet appears to be less protected. Lyet's spirits are no longer lifted. You curtsy to Orlaeth. Orssus holds Krystalena close in his arms as they dance. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Menos holds Marcelina close in his arms as they dance. Orlaeth nods at Nihrvanah. Bliston smiles at Talanta. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Talanta agrees with Bliston. Speaking in Elven, Nihrvanah says, "I would say they are more different. Perhaps not cultured by our standards, but they have their own ways about them." Talanta turns to face Bliston. Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth says, "It sounds quite splendid." Bliston turns to face Talanta. Wrythion shrugs. Talanta breathlessly asks, "Let's dance again please?" Dalnirath smiles. Talanta's eyes light up and she trembles with excitement. Marcelina lays her head on Menos's shoulder as they dance. Speaking curiously to Raissong, Seomanthe asks, "Do you always play the ayr?" First Legionnaire Esana just arrived. After spinning dramatically away from Bliston, Talanta fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Bliston's eyes with a grin. Speaking brightly to Talanta, Bliston says, "Of course." Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Talanta looks at Bliston and hums. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "Nope." Aaronee glances at Wrythion. Seomanthe laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "I haven't spilled a drop of champagne." Lyet takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta lays her head on Bliston's shoulder as they dance. Bliston dances cheek to cheek with Talanta. Talanta closes her eyes for a moment. You are now speaking Common. Talanta sways back and forth. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Lyet takes ahold of part of her multihued silk hip-scarf, waving it about and causing the bells on it to jingle melodically. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "I play other types." Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "You are far to elegant to spill." Talanta softly giggles. Bliston breathes almost without making a sound. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. Speaking huskily to Maenelle, Orlaeth asks, "Might I interest you in a refreshment, cousin?" Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe says, "I first heard one played in Solhaven, I had to have one after that." Wrythion takes a bite of his grilled venison. Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe asks, "What a lovely haunting sound they have, don't they?" You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The tart rum flavor warms your body. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Krystalena says, "Good evening and welcome! I'm Squire Legionnaire Krystalena. A pleasure to meet you." You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The mixture of fruit flavors mingles with the warm rum taste and invades your senses. That was the last of it! Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "I got mine after playing yours." On the copper cart: Speaking to Orlaeth, Maenelle says, "You are far too kind, but, I believe I can find my own way." Talanta holds Bliston close in her arms as they dance. Seomanthe laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Seomanthe claps her hands. Dalnirath smiles. You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs. Bliston leans softly against Talanta. You pour yourself a glass of smooth bourbon. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Orlaeth turns to face Krystalena. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Orlaeth bows to an elegant plumed cavalier hat. Bliston blushes a bright light pink to the tops of his ears. Orlaeth bows to Krystalena. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Raissong just opened a black leather belt clasped with a silver buckle. Dalnirath takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Dalnirath looks rather relaxed. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Lyet takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. (Maenelle unwinds herself from Orlaeth's arm and maneuvers through the tent, finding her way to the copper cart.) Krystalena curtsies to Orlaeth. Speaking amusedly to Raissong, Seomanthe says, "I'm glad to spread the gospel of ten-strings." Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Talanta gazes fondly at Bliston. Pereus takes a bite of his chocolate wafer. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Bliston holds Talanta close in his arms as they dance. You take a few steps back. Nihrvanah pushes her hands down against her bliaut in an elegant gesture. Speaking huskily to Krystalena, Orlaeth says, "Orlaeth Amavirrea, at your service, m'lady." Bliston dips Talanta dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Esana smiles. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Talanta laughs with delight, her eyes full of merriment. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "But i still carry my piccolo and my fife." Talanta gives Bliston a warm buss on the lips. Nihrvanah smiles at Raissong. Talanta blushes a pale pink shade at Bliston. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Seomanthe nods approvingly at Raissong. Talanta gazes fondly at Bliston. Bliston grins at Talanta. Speaking amusedly to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "This is only the first glass of the evening." Talanta fans herself. Kakoon smiles at Oirisu. Maenelle gazes with interest at a bright copper cart. Speaking to Orlaeth, Krystalena says, "I hope you have a pleasant evening." You tip your head back and empty your smooth bourbon down your gullet! You discard your vessel of drink and wipe off your mouth. You feel tension draining away, giving way to a very relaxed state. Speaking breathlessly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Maybe something to drink again." Lyet takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta glances at a bright copper cart. Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe says, "That's as it should be! I started on strings, though I have been slowly learning woodwinds lately.. finally." Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Bliston nods once at Talanta. Bliston bows to Talanta and extends his arm to her. Dalnirath grins at you. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Raissong removes a bright silver banded military fife from in his leather belt. Orlaeth huskily asks, "Indeed, m'lady. I hope that I might ask you for a dance ere the night is over?" Dalnirath takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Dalnirath looks rather relaxed. You feel your face flush to the tips of your ears. Raissong taps a bright silver banded military fife, which is in his right hand. Speaking in Guildspeak to you, Dalnirath asks, "Getting your practice in?" Speaking to Raissong, Seomanthe admits, "I'm a lackadaisical student." Seomanthe chortles softly at some secret joke. (Marcelina dances closely to Menos, her gaze drifting over the crowd as she rests her head on his shoulder.) Bliston takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Raissong put a bright silver banded military fife in his leather belt. Talanta smiles slipping her arm into Bliston's offering elbow and slowly makes their way over towards the cart. Speaking to Orlaeth, Krystalena says, "That can be arranged, sir." Seomanthe nods at Raissong. Krystalena smiles at Orlaeth. Bliston surreptitiously glances at Raissong. Talanta leans forward. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth huskily says, "I shall look forward to it." Dalnirath takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "Well, I seem to be a bit of a wallflower, might as well do something constructive." Orlaeth smiles at Krystalena. Speaking softly to Seomanthe, Raissong says, "I think i have something from each save one." Talanta smiles at Raissong. Alastir suddenly fades into view. Talanta agrees with Bliston. Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "I have been focused on my mandolin, personally." As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Alastir nods to Nihrvanah in greeting. Nihrvanah blinks at Alastir. Talanta helps herself to a pecan rolled apple-filled crepe. Orlaeth applauds. Menos applauds. Seomanthe nods at Nihrvanah. Nihrvanah smiles at Alastir. Talanta nods at Bliston. Talanta takes a bite of her apple-filled crepe. Talanta licks her lips. Kynthelig's group just arrived. Speaking in Elven to Alastir, Nihrvanah says, "Welcome. We are glad you could make it this evening." Bliston removes a bright silver banded military fife from in his leather coat. Nephal raises his fruity rum punch in a toast! Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Bliston dusts off the banded military fife in his hand. Speaking jokingly to Krystalena, Orssus says, "He'll have to fight me for it." Speaking to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe exclaims, "That was my first instrument-love!" Kynthelig casually glances around the room. Orssus appears to be trying hard not to grin. Bliston put a bright silver banded military fife in his leather coat. Lady Iyvelruel just arrived. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "Thank you for the wonderful dance." Krystalena giggles at Orssus. Bliston pours himself a glass of fruity rum punch. Orlaeth stands in front of a bright copper cart. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Alastir says, "Thank you for having me." Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Menos gently rests his hand on Marcelina's shoulder. Talanta takes a bite of her apple-filled crepe. King Qalinor just arrived. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Bliston takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Dalnirath kneels down. Pereus kneels down. Talanta blinks at Qalinor. Seomanthe gets a blank look on her face. Orlaeth gazes with interest at a bright copper cart. Menos kneels down. Krystalena kneels down. Lyet kneels down. Kakoon kneels down. Orlaeth blinks. Legonilas kneels down. Talanta holds her breath. You kneel down. Nephal kneels down. Bliston glances to his left. Hoik suddenly fades into view. Hoik kneels down. Bliston glances to his right. Orssus kneels down. Iyvelruel glances around the room. Bliston blinks. Talanta lays her head on Bliston's shoulder as they dance. Bliston kneels down. Dantineth kneels down. Oirisu drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Qalinor, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides. Aaronee bows to Qalinor. Orlaeth turns to face Qalinor. Esana kneels down. Treeva inclines her head. Maenelle turns to face Qalinor.}} Nihrvanah pulls the hem of her bliaut up and back, then kneels in a reverent manner. Wrythion kneels down. Iyvelruel gently smooths the skirts of her gown, coaxing away the wrinkles and restoring the naturally elegant drape of the jacquard. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Talanta bows to Qalinor. Seomanthe takes a few steps back. Talanta kneels down. Orlaeth bows to Qalinor. Menos bows with a sweep of his white cap. Orssus inclines his head. Seomanthe kneels down. You tilt your head back. You are now speaking Elven. Kynthelig bows to Qalinor. Alastir bows to Qalinor. Qalinor says, "I thought this was a dance." Maenelle curtsies to Qalinor. Nephal stands up. Nihrvanah stands up. Qalinor says, "Rise, please." Kakoon stands up. Talanta slowly empties her lungs. Dantineth stands up. Pereus stands up. Esana stands up. Krystalena stands up. Menos stands up. Talanta blushes and babbles a few incoherent words, looking sincerely flustered. Bliston stands up. Talanta stands up. Hoik stands up. Seomanthe stands up. Legonilas stands up. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Orssus stands up. You stand back up. Talanta dusts off her silver satin gown. Dalnirath stands up. Lyet stands up. You pull your sheer gold wrap more tightly around your shoulders, enveloping yourself in its folds. Seomanthe chortles softly at some secret joke. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Wrythion stands up. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Lyet smooths the folds of her brightly-hued cloak, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly. Treeva nods in agreement. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Speaking to Qalinor, Kakoon says, "Force of training sir. We just can't help ourselves." Nihrvanah announces, "Thank you all for coming this evening! Please feel free to help yourself to food and drink, and dance, of course!" Kakoon smiles. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Talanta licks her lips. Speaking in Elven to Qalinor, Dalnirath says, "Welcome, My Sovereign. We are honored. Please, enjoy." Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Bliston takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Orlaeth pours himself a cup of smoky tea. Bliston gawks at Talanta. Speaking to Dalnirath, Qalinor says, "Thank you. It's not often I can give Jaranzair the slip for a little revelry with the Legions." Legonilas flashes a quick grin. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Qalinor. Nihrvanah tilts her head to the side while looking at Qalinor, a coquettish giggle escaping her mouth as she coyly bites her bottom lip. Dalnirath flashes a wide grin. You take a few steps back. Speaking humbly to Qalinor, Esana says, "Good evening, Sovereign." You pour yourself a glass of fruity rum punch. Speaking teasingly to Qalinor, Oirisu asks, "Not like the old days?" Qalinor nods at Esana. Orlaeth takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "Would you care for a drink, my lady?" Glancing over to the cart before his gaze returns to Treeva. "I don't believe I saw any wine about." You see King Qalinor the Sovereign Commander of the Crimson Legion. He appears to be a Vaalor Elf. He is tall and appears to be in the prime of life. He has dark-rimmed green eyes and fair skin. He has very short, amber hair. He has a classical nose and narrow pointed ears. He is in good shape. He is wearing a simple electrum circlet, a dark crimson jacket with a golden wyvern embroidered on the left breast, a dark gold wool capelet, an eahnor wyvern badge, a crisp golden silk shirt with crimson blazestar cufflinks, a gold-bound crimson silk scabbard decorated with a ferocious eahnor wyvern, a pair of dark crimson slacks with a gold stripe down each leg, and a pair of dark leather boots cuffed at the knee. Speaking to Esana, Qalinor says, "Good evening First Legionnaire." Orlaeth turns to face you. Treeva bites her lip. Orlaeth smiles at you. Talanta takes a bite of her apple-filled crepe. Speaking to Qalinor, Krystalena says, "I was just going to ask how you got away without Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair." Speaking quietly in Elven to Qalinor, you ask, "May I offer you some punch, m'lord?" Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Bliston holds his breath. Talanta smiles at Bliston. Iyvelruel removes the hood of her cloak, revealing her features. Speaking to Qalinor, Nihrvanah asks, "Would you like some champagne, my Sovereign?" Talanta takes a bite of her apple-filled crepe. Nihrvanah glances at you. Speaking to Krystalena, Qalinor says, "Occasionally I outwit him, but he is crafty." Talanta licks her lips. Qalinor winks. Iyvelruel's long jacquard skirts rustle softly as she shifts her weight from one side to the other. Speaking to you, Nihrvanah says, "You beat me to it." You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Iyvelruel gazes thoughtfully at a bright copper cart. Krystalena giggles at Qalinor. Bliston takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Dalnirath grins. Aaronee nods sagely. Orlaeth takes a drink from his smoky tea. Iyvelruel pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Qalinor says, "Thank you but I do not think I will be drinking this evening." Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Iyvelruel delicately says, "Ah." Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Iyvelruel adopts an agreeable expression. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Talanta hums a seemingly random tune. Speaking to Qalinor, Nihrvanah offers, "There is tea?" Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Orlaeth takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking to Kakoon, Krystalena says, "I'll try to behave and not hug him again." Speaking to Nihrvanah, Qalinor says, "Tea would be lovely." Orssus takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Kakoon chuckles. Talanta softly giggles. Nihrvanah attaches a kelyn-toggled rose silk purse stretched within a rectangular fireleaf frame to her belt. Lyet takes ahold of her layered silk skirt and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. Nihrvanah pours herself a cup of smoky tea. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Speaking politely in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva says, "Champagne would be lovely, thank you." Orlaeth takes a drink from his smoky tea. Talanta turns to face Bliston. Nihrvanah offers Qalinor a cup of smoky tea. Speaking quietly to Krystalena, Maenelle asks, "Legionnaire? I was wondering how you were finding your new home?" You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Speaking deeply to Kakoon, Orssus says, "No promises for myself." Orssus chuckles. Qalinor accepts Nihrvanah's smoky tea. Orlaeth takes a drink from his smoky tea. You take a few steps back. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Qalinor says, "Thank you Squire." Speaking to Bliston, Talanta asks, "Shall we dance yet again?" Kakoon grins at Orssus. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig nods in agreement at Treeva. Bliston nods fervently at Talanta! Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Bliston takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Bliston takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. After spinning dramatically away from Bliston, Talanta fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Bliston's eyes with a grin. Speaking to Maenelle, Krystalena says, "I love it! Every day I love it more and more." You glance down to see a glass of fruity rum punch in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. Speaking to Qalinor, Nihrvanah says, "Of course. Thank you for coming this evening." Bliston gasps. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Talanta smiles with delight and moves into the sweeping dance. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Kynthelig pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Hoik pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. Maenelle smiles encouragingly Krystalena's way, bobbing her head in agreement. Kynthelig pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Hoik sniffs at his honey ale. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Bliston twirls Talanta gracefully across the dance floor. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Legonilas's eyes suddenly flash with a deep crimson glow. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Krystalena glances at Legonilas. Legonilas raises an eyebrow in Krystalena's direction. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Seomanthe murmurs, "Please excuse me sib, I'm afraid I have to be off." Bliston nods gratefully at Orlaeth. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "I don't want to take up all of your time this evening. I'm sure King Qalinor would enjoy a dance with you." Bliston slowly empties his lungs. Orlaeth attends to his blue damask justaucorps, making the justaucorps as presentable as possible. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Orlaeth. Talanta smiles at Orlaeth. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "I see you've stayed in the fortress. I had not seen you around the Keep the last couple of days." Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Speaking deeply to Legonilas, Orssus says, "Interesting thing you did with your eyes." You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The tart rum flavor warms your body. Orssus chuckles. Talanta sways back and forth. Talanta breathes in slightly. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Talanta stares at Bliston. Maenelle folds her hands. Talanta shakes her head. Talanta shakes her head. With a graceful movement of her hands, Seomanthe lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Qalinor. Legonilas agrees with Orlaeth. Speaking to Seomanthe, Nihrvanah says, "Of course. Thank you so much for being here." Relic Hunter Legaci's group just arrived, striding along. Speaking amusedly to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "Oh, I'm sure he has quite a dance card already." Dalnirath nods politely at Seomanthe. Legonilas agrees with Orssus. Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Talanta slowly empties her lungs. Seomanthe smiles at Dalnirath. Talanta fans herself. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Seomanthe gives Raissong a friendly hug. Legaci politely greets, "Salutations, to all this evening." The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Hoik looks rather relaxed. Speaking breathlessly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Thank you." Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "I've been wandering between the fortress and the Shining City a bit." Ayerion just arrived. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Hoik glances around, looking a bit less confident. Esana nods in greeting. Treeva nods in greeting at Legaci. Bliston nods once at Talanta. Speaking to Legaci, Krystalena says, "Good evening." Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Qalinor nods at Oirisu. Legaci bows to Qalinor. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. (Kynthelig walks over to the refreshments getting a couple glasses of champagne then returning back. Offering Treeva one of the glasses before moving beside her, his free hand resting upon the small of her back. Taking a small sip of his drink as he looks about the room.) Seomanthe just went out. Raissong crosses his arms, grasps his shoulders, and sways to and fro. Qalinor inclines his head. Lyet takes ahold of her brightly-hued cloak and turns gracefully, causing the bells on it to chime in time to her movement. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "I'm sure the guards are tired of conversing with me at the Keep." Kynthelig offers Treeva a flute of rose-infused champagne. Treeva accepts Kynthelig's rose-infused champagne. Qalinor smirks. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Alastir says, "Sorry, yes, I could use a drink, a lot on my mind." Speaking in Elven, Treeva murmurs, "Thank you." Orssus takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Nihrvanah pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah offers Alastir a flute of rose-infused champagne. Alastir accepts Nihrvanah's rose-infused champagne. Oirisu curtsies politely to Legaci. Ayerion just went out. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "I don't think I've met a man yet that tired of conversing with you." Legaci places a hand over his heart. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "You are most welcome, my lady." Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Alastir says, "Thank you." Legaci nods in greeting at Oirisu. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Oirisu laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Speaking to Alastir, Nihrvanah says, "You are quite welcome." Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Talanta holds Bliston close in her arms as they dance. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "Then you best get in quick before the rush starts. There is someone else I was hoping to dance with this evening as well." Kakoon steals a kiss from Oirisu as they sway across the dance floor. Bliston begins to giggle at Talanta, then bursts out in a silly laugh. Bliston clasps his hand over his mouth. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta blinks at Bliston. Talanta glances at a bright copper cart. Orlaeth stands in front of you. Talanta glances at Bliston. Aqt just arrived. Mercies nods knowingly at Legonilas. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Kariett just arrived. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "There's only so many stories about court and fashion before the guards purposely find a new gate to guard." Mercies nods knowingly at Legaci. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Bliston closes his eyes for a moment. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Lashes lowered modestly, Oirisu gives Kakoon a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy. Talanta holds Bliston close in her arms as they dance. Legonilas leans against a bright copper cart. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Speaking huskily to you, Orlaeth asks, "Would you care to dance, m'lady?" Kakoon bows to Oirisu. Kariett curtsies gracefully to Qalinor. Orssus rubs Krystalena tenderly. Kariett nods in greeting at Esana. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Aqt helps himself to a tossed cashew chicken salad. Aqt takes a bite of his cashew chicken salad. Talanta twirls with Bliston as they sashay in a graceful circle to the left. Qalinor takes a drink from his smoky tea. Esana smiles. Kakoon strides over to stand before Esana. Talanta sways to and fro as she dances. Esana glances at Kariett and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Orssus holds Krystalena close in his arms as they dance. Bliston swings Talanta out then spins her right back into his arms. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Talanta sways back and forth. Krystalena dances lightly across the dance floor with Orssus. Speaking to Esana, Kakoon asks, "May I have this dance?" Dalnirath grins. Dantineth takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Legaci stands in front of a bright copper cart. Legaci pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Alastir sniffs at his rose-infused champagne. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Legaci smiles faintly towards Mercies. Esana smiles. You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process. Legaci offers Mercies a flute of rose-infused champagne. Esana nods at Kakoon. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Mercies smiles. Orlaeth smiles at you. Mercies accepts Legaci's rose-infused champagne. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Kakoon, Esana says, "Yes, thank you." Talanta smiles flushed with pleasure sparkling in her gaze as she circles the dance floor with Bliston. Kakoon adds Esana to his group. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Esana. Talanta inclines her ear, listening intently. Hoik gets a distant look in his eyes. Talanta looks very far away for a moment, a wistful expression on her face. What were you referring to? Bliston fidgets. Bliston glances to his left. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Hoik looks rather relaxed. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Bliston glances to his right. Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Dalnirath smiles. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Treeva cocks her head at Kynthelig. Iyvelruel looks lost in thought. Talanta twirls with Bliston as they sashay in a graceful circle to the left. Nihrvanah nods at Raissong. Mercies put a Mist Harbor promissory note in her heeled camaca slippers. (Krystalena wraps her hands around her glass of punch.) Nephal glances at Mercies. Legonilas attends to his crimson leather longcoat, making the longcoat as presentable as possible. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Speaking breathlessly to Bliston, Talanta says, "So many have attended." Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Talanta agrees with Bliston. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Mercies glances at Nephal. Bliston agrees with Talanta. Smiling to herself, Nihrvanah slides the fabric of her bliaut through her fingers. Legonilas takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Legonilas looks rather relaxed. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Qalinor starts chortling. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Kynthelig nods slowly at Treeva. Kakoon swings Esana out then spins her right back into his arms. Esana bites her lip. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Talanta grins at Bliston. Bliston nods graciously at Talanta. Dalnirath grins. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Talanta looks at Bliston and hums. Orssus steals a kiss from Krystalena as they sway across the dance floor. Talanta inclines her head. With perfect posture, Kariett adopts a refined pose and she turns gracefully, the wide skirts of her open-backed gown swirling gently in her wake. Speaking to Talanta, Bliston says, "Yes, tea." Krystalena dances lightly across the dance floor with Orssus. Talanta adopts an agreeable expression. Bliston flushes slightly, some color reaching his cheeks. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Talanta fans herself. Talanta applauds. Orlaeth applauds. Bliston applauds. Speaking in Elven to Mercies, Nephal says, "Heck of a spot to keep your bank notes, may want to use it to buy a purse." Please rephrase that command. Krystalena applauds. Bliston takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Talanta strides a few steps forward. You tip your head back and empty your fruity rum punch down your gullet! You discard your vessel of drink and wipe off your mouth. Legonilas begins chuckling at Nephal! Kakoon smiles at Esana. Talanta fans herself. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Esana. Esana laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. You close your eyes for a moment. Qalinor takes a drink from his smoky tea. Talanta takes a deep breath. Alastir just went out. Talanta slowly empties her lungs. Qalinor takes a drink from his smoky tea. (Oirisu grasps the edge of her gown and curtsies deeply towards Qalinor.) Talanta leans forward. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu inquires, "Would you like to dance?" Wrythion takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Talanta says, "That tea sounded good." Alastir just arrived. Talanta agrees with Bliston. Treeva gives her head a gentle toss, causing her waist length hair to lift up and away from her eyes. Nihrvanah exclaims, "Again, for anyone just arriving, feel free to enjoy some food and drink on the cart. And of course... dance!" Aqt takes a bite of his cashew chicken salad. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Alastir pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath smiles. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Speaking teasingly in Elven to Nephal, Mercies says, "I could have put it in my gown however I thought twice about it." Talanta furrows her brow. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Alastir raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Lyet takes ahold of her brightly-hued cloak and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. Talanta says, "Lemon." Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta nods at Bliston. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta says, "Please." Speaking in Elven, Nephal says, "Would have made for a show." Bliston nods at Talanta. Bliston pours himself a cup of smoky tea. Legonilas grins impishly. Bliston sniffs at his smoky tea. Bliston blinks. Bliston pours himself a dainty cup of spicy lemon tea. Qalinor Bows deeply to Oirisu. Bliston offers Talanta a dainty cup of spicy lemon tea. Talanta smiles at Bliston. You incline your head. Talanta accepts Bliston's spicy lemon tea. Talanta inclines her head. Talanta quietly says, "Thank you." Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Speaking awkwardly to Talanta, Bliston says, "This does not smell lemony." Bliston takes a drink from his smoky tea. Nephal pours himself a glass of fruity rum punch. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Bliston fidgets. Speaking in Elven to Marcelina, Dalnirath asks, "Can I bother you for a dance, Marcelina?" Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "It would be my pleasure." Talanta bites her lip. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena says, "Events like this make me feel like a princess." Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Marcelina glances at Menos. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth bows to you. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Speaking in Elven, Dalnirath says, "If the Champoin has not filled your evening." Qalinor put a cup of smoky tea in his crimson jacket. Dalnirath smiles. Qalinor nods at Oirisu. Bliston sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible. Marcelina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Oirisu curtsies to Qalinor and takes his arm. Talanta smiles watching the dancers. Speaking in Elven to Dalnirath, Marcelina says, "I am sure he can part with me for one dance." Talanta licks her spicy lemon tea. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Marcelina asks, "Yes?" Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Menos nods at Marcelina. Talanta takes a drink from her spicy lemon tea. Dalnirath nods appreciatively at Menos. Bliston gazes fondly at Talanta. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Marcelina curtsies to Dalnirath and takes his arm. Dalnirath dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. You pour yourself a glass of fruity rum punch. You tap your foot impatiently. Orlaeth moves to stand in front of Maenelle. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Marcelina winks at Menos. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Menos smirks. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. Mercies rubs a flute of rose-infused champagne in her hand. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Qalinor twirls Oirisu gracefully across the dance floor. Bliston turns an inquisitive ear toward Talanta. Treeva raises her voice in merry laughter. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Oirisu lays her head on Qalinor's shoulder as they dance. Speaking deeply to Krystalena, Orssus says, "They can be few and far between, so it's nice to cherish them while they are here." Kariett just went out. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Dalnirath twirls Marcelina gracefully across the dance floor. Qalinor dips Oirisu dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Qalinor swings Oirisu out then spins her right back into his arms. Marcelina dances lightly across the dance floor with Dalnirath. Treeva smiles ivy Qalinor dances cheek to cheek with Oirisu. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu comments, "Still quite the dancer." Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. Treeva smiles at Iyvelruel. Qalinor starts chortling. Bliston leans softly against Talanta. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor asks, "You remembered?" Talanta smiles at Bliston. Kalnok just arrived. Kakoon dips Esana dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Talanta takes a drink from her spicy lemon tea. Talanta licks her lips. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Esana. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Dalnirath dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "Of course, all the women clawed at one another for a turn the dance floor with you." Orssus swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Kalnok pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. Speaking quietly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Everyone looks so amazing." Speaking to Kalnok, Nihrvanah says, "Hello and welcome." Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Talanta surveys her surroundings carefully. Qalinor blushes a nice shade of light pink. Kalnok exclaims, "Thank you!" Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Mercies nods at Legonilas. Oirisu chuckles. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Mercies nods at Legaci. Speaking to Kalnok, Nihrvanah says, "Help yourself to some food and drink on the cart... and feel free to dance at your leisure." Krystalena lays her head on Orssus's shoulder as they dance. Kalnok nods politely at Nihrvanah. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Bliston agrees with Talanta. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "Now now, you flatter me." Speaking to Marcelina, Kalnok says, "You even sprung for a Qalinor impersonator. It's uncanny." Orlaeth turns to face Maenelle. Orssus holds Krystalena close in his arms as they dance. Mercies smiles at Legaci. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Kalnok says, "You even sprung for a Qalinor impersonator. It's uncanny." Aaronee sways to and fro as he dances. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Kalnok coughs. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Marcelina dances lightly across the dance floor with Dalnirath. Speaking huskily to Maenelle, Orlaeth asks, "May I trouble you for the next dance, cousin?" Iyvelruel flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks. Dalnirath lifts Marcelina up high into the air and twirls with her! Kalnok takes a moment to observe Qalinor. Krystalena giggles. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. (Legaci softly takes Mercies's hand, leading her to the dance floor.) Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Speaking to Kalnok, Nihrvanah says, "I assure you, that is our Sovereign Commander himself." Bliston blushes a bright light pink to the tops of his ears. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Kalnok says, "You can tell by-" Kalnok blinks at Nihrvanah. Bliston smiles nervously at Talanta. Kalnok splutters. Speaking to Mercies, Legaci remarks, "Just follow my lead." Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Mercies nods slowly at Legonilas. Oirisu nods slowly at Qalinor. (Legaci gently rests one of his hands against the small of back as his other hand moves to interlock with own. A small period of time passes before they both begin to move in pace with the music.) Marcelina snickers at Dalnirath. Qalinor dips Oirisu dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Talanta looks at Bliston and hums. Alastir grins at Kalnok. Speaking embarrassedly to Qalinor, Kalnok exclaims, "My humblest apologies, Soverign!" Kalnok kneels down. Kynthelig smiles at Treeva. Mercies closes her eyes for a moment. Dalnirath grins at Marcelina. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "I believe all of this sitting around being King has made me soft. I tire more quickly than I once did." Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Speaking amusedly in Elven to Dalnirath, Marcelina jokes, "Careful... you may make the Champion jealous." The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Talanta takes a drink from her spicy lemon tea. Krystalena giggles at Orssus. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Speaking softly in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva says, "I believe the champagne has performed it's appointed task." She offers a coy smile before adding "If you would like to dance, now is likely an opportune time." Speaking to Kalnok, Qalinor says, "Rise. This is a dance." Qalinor smiles. Kalnok stands up. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking warmly in Elven to Mercies, Legaci remarks, "Trick is, to allow the mucis to guide you." Kalnok takes a few steps back. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Kalnok stares at a frosted glass of honey ale on a bright copper cart. Speaking in Elven, Legaci corrects, "Music." Dalnirath grins at Marcelina. Bliston takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "You'll just have to dance more, that's all." Krystalena laughs! Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven, Dalnirath says, "Hardly, but I appreciate the sentiment." A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "You still dance as lovely as you always did. I should not hog you though and give others a turn." Dalnirath twirls Marcelina gracefully across the dance floor. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig asks, "It would be my honor, my lady." Taking the last sip of his champagne and offering a bow to her with a smile. "Would you care to have a dance?" Talanta smiles at Bliston. Talanta takes a drink from her spicy lemon tea. Mercies leans softly against Legaci. Kynthelig holds out his hand and invites Treeva to dance. Speaking in Elven to Marcelina, Dalnirath says, "Thank you." Talanta takes a drink from her spicy lemon tea. Speaking knowingly to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "Of course." Bliston glances at Talanta. Talanta licks her lips. Oirisu drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Qalinor, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Marcelina, Dalnirath says, "Good to see your footwork out of armor for a change." Dalnirath grins. Speaking quietly to Talanta, Bliston says, "I didn't think of that." Bliston smiles. Bliston takes a drink from his smoky tea. Marcelina smiles at Dalnirath. Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Treeva smooths the metallic fabric of her gown, and it glitters in the ambient light. Speaking in Elven to Dalnirath, Marcelina says, "Thank you." Treeva dances lightly across the dance floor with Kynthelig. Dark red droplets seep out of Dantineth's skin and evaporate. Kakoon smiles at Esana. Menos smiles at Marcelina. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig twirls Treeva gracefully across the dance floor. Qalinor turns to face Kakoon. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Aaronee starts chortling. Speaking to Kakoon, Qalinor asks, "High Legionnaire, may I cut in?" Kynthelig sways to and fro as he dances. Talanta gazes admiringly at Qalinor. Bliston gazes proudly at Talanta. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Speaking to Qalinor, Kakoon says, "Absolutely sir." (Mercies places her head to Legaci's shoulder as he dances her across the floor.) Kakoon smiles. Talanta peers quizzically at Bliston. Krystalena winks at Esana. Kakoon takes a few steps back. Talanta breathes in slightly. Krystalena smirks at Esana. Qalinor grabs Esana's hand. Talanta glances at Bliston bashfully, blushes, and mumbles a few words, plainly embarrassed. Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva teases, "That practice seemingly has done the job nicely." Dalnirath pours himself a cup of smoky tea. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Esana. Treeva twirls with Kynthelig as they sashay in a graceful circle to the left. Dalnirath takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking to Orlaeth, Maenelle says, "It is still a bit early. Besides, I wouldn't want to be the first on your card. Such a rare honor should go to some nearby beauty." Kakoon smiles. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Qalinor swings Esana out then spins her right back into his arms. Esana smiles at Qalinor. Talanta beams at Bliston, her eyes filled with delight! Speaking shyly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Thank you." Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Orlaeth bows to Maenelle. Kynthelig holds Treeva's hand as they turn to the left and take a few steps. Bliston bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Nihrvanah muses, "So many not yet dancing..." Bliston nods at Talanta. Oirisu pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Qalinor twirls Esana gracefully across the dance floor. Talanta inclines her head. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Dalnirath asks, "Have you danced yet?" Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "It seems to come easier since." Speaking encouragingly to Orlaeth, Maenelle asks, "Our host, perhaps?" Qalinor dances cheek to cheek with Esana. Speaking to Talanta, Bliston asks, "Shall we return to the floor?" Orssus grins. Nihrvanah clears her throat. Krystalena nods at Orssus. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Esana. Maenelle gives a sidelong glance at Nihrvanah. Talanta's face lights up with joy. Krystalena grins at Kakoon. Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. (Legaci slowly, in pace of the music, begins dancing through the crowd with her along the dance floor. His pulls her closer to himself as her continue to elegantly move through the crowds on the floor.) Bliston takes a drink from his smoky tea. Alastir takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Talanta agrees with Bliston. Krystalena giggles. Bliston takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking carefully to Dalnirath, Nihrvanah says, "Ah... no. Not yet." You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Kynthelig appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Treeva. Bliston's face lights up with joy for Talanta. You turn your thoughts inward, observing your opinion on society and your place within it. Kalnok stares at his honey ale. Speaking softly to Nihrvanah, Raissong says, "Sorry i like listening to or playing music." Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "If you think his dancing is impressive you should see him on the front lines." Talanta runs a hand through her shoulder-length mint green hair, trying to make herself presentable. Treeva laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Mercies gazes fondly at Legonilas. Kynthelig swings Treeva out then spins her right back into his arms. Nihrvanah smiles at Raissong. Speaking warmly in Elven to Mercies, Legaci asks, "Not as bad as originally believed, yes?" Talanta lays her head on Bliston's shoulder as they dance. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Menos adjusts his white cap. It casts a shadow mysteriously over his eyes. Dalnirath takes a drink from his smoky tea. Orlaeth winks at Maenelle. Speaking softly in Elven to Legaci, Mercies says, "Not at all." Treeva twirls with Kynthelig as they sashay in a graceful circle to the right. Kynthelig holds Treeva's hand as they turn to the right and take a few steps. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. You are holding a glass of fruity rum punch in your right hand. Marcelina gives a sidelong glance at Menos. Bliston winks at Talanta. You take a few steps back. (Orlaeth escorts Nihrvanah out to the dance floor and offers her a courtly bow.) Kynthelig dances cheek to cheek with Treeva. Legonilas dips Lyet dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Talanta blushes a pale pink shade at Bliston. Speaking approvingly in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva teases, "So complimentary tonight, I may be feeling a bit faint." Talanta adopts an agreeable expression. Legonilas dances lightly across the dance floor with Lyet. Talanta softly giggles. Orssus grins at Krystalena. Kynthelig laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Lyet takes ahold of her layered silk skirt and turns gracefully, causing the bells on it to chime in time to her movement. Esana smiles at Qalinor. Qalinor winks at Esana. Speaking in Elven to Marcelina, Menos asks, "Shall we take to the floor again?" Esana laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Orssus lifts Krystalena up high into the air and twirls with her! Legionnaire Dalnirath just arrived. Orssus dances cheek to cheek with Krystalena. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Dalnirath smiles. Talanta applauds. Talanta fans herself. (Nihrvanah curtsies in turn and begins to follow Orlaeth's lead.) Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "We may blame the champagne if you wished though it may be the occasion. You deserve such none the less, my lady." Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Marcelina says, "Yes, let's." Talanta curtsies gracefully to Bliston. Treeva inclines her head. Maenelle gazes admiringly at Orlaeth. Treeva gently brushes her champagne blonde hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it behind one ear. Qalinor lifts Esana up high into the air and twirls with her! Legaci smiles faintly towards Mercies. Dantineth appears less confident. Legonilas twirls Lyet gracefully across the dance floor. Treeva dances lightly across the dance floor with Kynthelig. Qalinor swings Esana out then spins her right back into his arms. Dalnirath helps himself to an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. Lyet takes ahold of her brightly-hued cloak and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. Dalnirath takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Menos gazes thoughtfully at a frosted glass of honey ale on a bright copper cart. Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Qalinor dips Esana dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking in Elven to Mercies, Legaci says, "Gratitude, for the waltz." Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Bliston peers quizzically at Talanta. Kakoon takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Legonilas lifts Lyet up high into the air and twirls with her! Talanta bites her lip. Kynthelig dips Treeva dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Mercies agrees with Legaci. Menos dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Talanta laughs! Lyet raises her voice in merry laughter. Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Marcelina lays her head on Menos's shoulder as they dance. Oirisu curtsies to Kakoon and takes his arm. Talanta giggles at Bliston. (Legaci ecorts Mercies and himself from the dance floor.) Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. Talanta lays her head on Bliston's shoulder as they dance. Speaking playfully in Elven to Legaci, Mercies says, "At least I didn't fall on my face." Bliston steals a kiss from Talanta as they sway across the dance floor. Dalnirath takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Legonilas sways to and fro as he dances. Dalnirath nods approvingly. Legonilas twirls Lyet gracefully across the dance floor. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Speaking to Mercies, Legaci remarks, "No sure your partner would have allowed that. It's a pretty gown." Lyet takes ahold of her layered silk skirt and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. Talanta glances at Bliston bashfully, blushes, and mumbles a few words, plainly embarrassed. Legaci grins at Mercies. Talanta gazes fondly at Bliston. (Maenelle gives a subtle nod as she takes her attention away from Orlaeth. She feigns interest in the offerings on the reception table, as if trying to pick the very best nibble from the spread.) Bliston gazes fondly at Talanta. Kalnok pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Legonilas pants. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Menos steals a kiss from Marcelina as they sway across the dance floor. Dalnirath gazes heavenward. Lyet smooths the folds of her layered silk skirt, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly. Esana smiles. (Orlaeth steps in close and gently places one hand at Nihrvana's waist, and takes her hand in the other. With confidence, he begins the first steps of a waltz, his footwork careful and his gaze attentive.) Marcelina gazes fondly at Menos. Krystalena glances at Legonilas. Mercies smiles at Legaci. Legonilas bows to Lyet. Dalnirath takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. After spinning dramatically away from Legonilas, Lyet fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Legonilas's eyes with a grin. Speaking breathlessly to Bliston, Talanta says, "An excellent idea." Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "There are quite a number of Legionnaires here, drills must be impressive." Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Qalinor leads Esana to the bright copper cart. Talanta smiles softly and nods in agreement. Nephal's face turns slightly pale. Kakoon begins chuckling at Oirisu! Esana smiles. Legonilas takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Treeva lays her head on Kynthelig's shoulder as they dance. Hoik hums a seemingly random tune. Alastir pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. (Dalnirath scans the ceiling of the tent, his eyes darting between constellations.) A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Talanta sways to and fro as she dances. Speaking to Esana, Qalinor says, "Perhaps some eggnog." Alastir sniffs at his honey ale. Esana smiles. Dalnirath takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. Esana pours herself a mug of thick warm eggnog. Esana takes a drink from her thick warm eggnog. Speaking to Esana, Qalinor says, "It is that time of year." Esana nods once. Legonilas takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Esana offers Qalinor a mug of thick warm eggnog. Qalinor accepts Esana's thick warm eggnog. Marcelina dances lightly across the dance floor with Menos. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking to Esana, Qalinor says, "Thank you First Legionnaire." Qalinor takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Alastir takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking softly to Qalinor, Esana says, "You're welcome, sir." Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "Attendance at drill has increased significantly lately and it is quite impressive. We've been focussing on burning warcamps around the Fortress." Orssus appears to be trying hard not to grin. (Nephal surreptitiously moves to stand behind Kakoon, where he cannot be seen.) Alastir takes a drink from his honey ale. Esana pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Krystalena shrugs at Orssus. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Krystalena smirks at Orssus. Kynthelig dances lightly across the dance floor with Treeva. Legonilas takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Talanta applauds. Qalinor takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. Aqt takes a bite of his cashew chicken salad. (Nihrvanah steps in time with Orlaeth, her footing careful and measured.) Bliston leans softly against Talanta. Talanta softly says, "Perhaps another small rest." Nephal watches a bright copper cart closely for a moment. Kakoon dances lightly across the dance floor with Oirisu. (Maenelle twiddles her fingers indecisively between a chocolate wafer and a flaky puff pastry.) Bliston nods at Talanta. Dalnirath strides over to stand before Maenelle. Raissong helps himself to some artichoke-stuffed roast quail. Menos holds Marcelina close in his arms as they dance. Speaking casually in Elven to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "The puff pastry was lovely." Speaking to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "Quite an endeavor, they seem to be everywhere." Orssus twirls Krystalena gracefully across the dance floor. Maenelle softly muses, "Hmm. Do I want savory, or sweet?" The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Speaking quietly to Talanta, Bliston asks, "Perhaps some food?" Maenelle tilts her head up. Maenelle smiles at Dalnirath. Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. Talanta nods quickly! Menos leans on Marcelina, giving her a companionable grin. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Speaking to Dalnirath, Maenelle says, "You do seem like the savory sort." Speaking to Bliston, Talanta says, "Was to nervous to eat before." Treeva holds Kynthelig's hand as they turn to the right and take a few steps. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Bliston agrees with Talanta. Legaci stands in front of a bright copper cart. Talanta takes a few steps toward a bright copper cart. Talanta nods to Legaci in greeting. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Legaci pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "You have me made, it seems." Talanta leans forward. Marcelina laughs! Maenelle laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Kynthelig holds Treeva's hand as they turn to the left and take a few steps. Speaking to Talanta, Legaci greets, "Salutations. Always a delight to see you about." After spinning dramatically away from Kynthelig, Treeva fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Kynthelig's eyes with a grin. Menos dances lightly across the dance floor with Marcelina. Legaci pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Talanta smiles at Legonilas. Legaci offers Mercies a flute of rose-infused champagne. Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Legonilas ponders. Mercies smiles at Legaci. Mercies accepts Legaci's rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Talanta, Legaci remarks, "Over here." (Orlaeth continues to lead Nihrvanah around the dance floor, deftly avoiding other dancers with the easy grace of one used to such crowded social interactions.) Speaking to Legaci, Talanta says, "Good evening and thank you." Legaci smirks at Talanta. Speaking softly to Qalinor, Esana asks, "How did you find the music, my Sovereign?" Kynthelig smirks at Treeva. Speaking softly in Elven to Legaci, Mercies says, "Thank you." Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Speaking to Dalnirath, Maenelle asks, "If so, then I fear you've set up a rather boring game board. Surely there's more beneath the surface than that?" Legaci nods once. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Mercies sniffs at her rose-infused champagne. Legaci sniffs at his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva teases, "Skills, that." You peer out and see ... Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Treeva gives the skirts of her gown a shake, and they settle into graceful folds. Talanta glances at a bright copper cart. [Midnight Blue Tent] The deep blue silk overhead has been painted to resemble the night sky, complete with moons. Bronze lanterns dangle from the tent posts, creating pools of soft, flickering light. Gold and blue velvet cushions heaped in the corners provide quiet places to rest. You also see the Esana disk and a bright copper cart with some stuff on it. Also here: Legionnaire Dalnirath, Kalnok, Alastir, Aqt, Mercies, Relic Hunter Legaci, King Qalinor, Lady Iyvelruel, Lady Treeva, Kynthelig, First Legionnaire Esana, Squire Legionnaire Hoik, Bliston, Maenelle, Master Orlaeth, Squire Legionnaire Lyet, Squire Legionnaire Nephal, Lady Oirisu, High Legionnaire Kakoon, Squire Legionnaire Aaronee, Great Lord Orssus, Squire Legionnaire Krystalena, Squire Legionnaire Pereus, Marcelina, Squire Legionnaire Menos, Lady Talanta, Wrythion, Squire Legionnaire Dantineth, Squire Legionnaire Legonilas, Jurist of Eye Raissong, High Lady Nihrvanah Obvious exits: out Bliston nods respectfully at Legaci. Bliston takes a moment to observe a bright copper cart. Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "I like to think so." Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. Orssus chuckles. Lyet takes ahold of her layered silk skirt and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. Speaking lightly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Nothing that will dribble down on my gown. Luck would have that happen." Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. Aqt takes a bite of his cashew chicken salad. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Dalnirath coughs. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "I had not realized you wished to end the dance so quickly." Raissong takes a bite of his roast quail. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Bliston helps himself to a colorful flower tossed salad. Bliston cocks his head at Talanta. Bliston shows Talanta his flower tossed salad. Speaking slowly in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva explains, "The music stopped, at the time. It seemed appropriate." Talanta shakes her head. Bliston rubs his chin thoughtfully. Bliston stares at a bright copper cart. Speaking to Esana, Qalinor says, "The music was delightful, a tune I had not heard in some time." Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva says, "Perhaps others have a better tune in their head to sway to even when there is nothing audible." Bliston helps himself to an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. Legonilas takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Bliston offers Talanta an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. Talanta's face lights up with joy for Bliston. Talanta accepts Bliston's flaky puff pastry. Talanta says, "Perfect." Esana smiles at Qalinor. Esana nods. Talanta says, "Thank you." A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "Is the rose from Ta'Nalfein? It is lovely." Bliston fidgets. Talanta blinks at Bliston. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta hums a seemingly random tune. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "That may be true, it would seem I had lost myself during such, my lady." Speaking quietly to Dantineth, Hoik says, "Care to join me on the dance floor." Dantineth smiles at Hoik. Bliston nods once at Talanta. Treeva grins at Kynthelig. Hoik holds out his hand and invites Dantineth to dance. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon asks, "Will you be staying in Ta'Vaalor a bit longer?" Marcelina lays her head on Menos's shoulder as they dance. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. Talanta takes a bite of her flaky puff pastry. Hoik dips Dantineth dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Talanta licks her lips. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking lightly in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva replies, "I won't hold it against you this time, of course." Orssus holds Krystalena close in his arms as they dance. Talanta says, "Hmm good." Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Talanta inclines her ear, listening intently. Talanta takes a bite of her flaky puff pastry. Speaking jokingly to Kakoon, Oirisu says, "As long as Qa-His Majesty allows me." Talanta dusts herself off. Talanta places her hand on her flaky puff pastry. (Maenelle nods in agreement to Dalnirath. She tips the rose forward, offering a quick sniff of its heady perfume, "Plucked from my garden three days ago. We used it's transport to test the construction of our new rhimar shipping crates.") Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig explains, "I would hope not, I am most certain you were the cause of my distractions." Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Talanta appears to be trying hard not to grin. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. Dalnirath takes a deep breath. Mercies nods slowly. Dalnirath nods approvingly at Maenelle. Aqt takes a bite of his cashew chicken salad. Speaking calmly to Talanta, Bliston says, "Only looking, not touching." Krystalena sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta softly giggles. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Esana smiles. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Hoik twirls Dantineth gracefully across the dance floor. Kynthelig bows to Treeva and extends his arm for her to take. Treeva curtsies to Kynthelig and takes his arm. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig asks, "Shall we have another drink and rest a moment?" Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "It seems you are on to something, then." Anchises just arrived. Talanta smiles and lifts the pastry in offering, turning it towards an uneaten end. Talanta offers Bliston an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. (Nihrvanah twirls gracefully along with Orlaeth, the skirts of her gown swirling about her like a small conflagration of flames.) Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Kalnok looks rather relaxed. Bliston blushes a nice shade of light pink. Bliston accepts Talanta's flaky puff pastry. Iyvelruel takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Anchises just went out. Bliston takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry. (Orlaeth hums lightly under his breath, keeping time with the cadence of a waltz as he gently releases Nihrvanah's waist to let her twirl slowly away, only to gracefully draw her back in as soon as his arm is fully extended.) Lady Iyvelruel just went out. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva says, "Yes, please." Krystalena fans herself. Bliston sighs. Bliston leans softly against Talanta. Qalinor nods at Esana. Bliston offers Talanta an herb-filled flaky puff pastry. Speaking politely to Maenelle, Dalnirath asks, "When the band resumes, might I have that dance?" Lady Iyvelruel just arrived. Speaking inquisitively to Bliston, Talanta asks, "Good?" Talanta accepts Bliston's flaky puff pastry. Talanta licks her lips. Orssus rubs Krystalena tenderly. Bliston nods meekly at Talanta. Talanta takes a bite of her flaky puff pastry. Orssus gazes lovingly at Krystalena. Talanta closes her eyes for a moment. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. Qalinor turns to face you. Qalinor strides over to stand before you. Talanta dusts herself off. Talanta attends to her silver snowflakes, making the snowflakes as presentable as possible. Speaking deeply to Krystalena, Orssus asks, "Would you like another drink?" Lyet smooths the folds of her layered silk skirt, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly. You hold your breath. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking to you, Qalinor asks, "Would you care for a dance miss?" Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Aqt helps himself to a buttered and crosshatched potato. Kynthelig smiles offering a nod to Treeva while escorting her past the cart. Grabbing a couple more glasses of champagne he guides them to the side of the dance floor. Offering her one of the drinks before standing beside her once again resting his hand upon the small of her back. Aqt takes a bite of his crosshatched potato. A fine silvery mist bursts from Esana's white-feathered wings and settles on the floor before dissipating. Kynthelig pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Dalnirath, Maenelle says, "Are you as well trained in dancing as my cousin? If so, I fear you are going to put me quite to shame." Kynthelig pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig offers Treeva a flute of rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven, you breathlessly stammer, "Yes, Sovereign, of course." (Esana moves to stand at the back of the tent.) Treeva accepts Kynthelig's rose-infused champagne. Your group status is already open. Talanta takes a deep breath. Qalinor Takes you by the hand. Talanta looks at Bliston and hums. Qalinor grabs your hand. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Qalinor smiles at you. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. Qalinor dances you lightly across the dance floor. Mercies glances at Esana. Krystalena walks toward Esana. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Qalinor smiles. Oirisu takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta smiles tapping her foot along to the tempo, watching the King glide through the crowd of dancers. Krystalena giggles. Lyet pours herself a glass of smooth bourbon. Qalinor swings you out then spins you right back into his arms. Talanta blinks at Bliston. Lyet takes a drink from her smooth bourbon. Esana laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Squire Legionnaire Hoik just went out. Speaking nervously to Bliston, Talanta says, "Oohh ohh no no.." Squire Legionnaire Hoik just arrived. Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath admits, "I have had a bit of practice." Bliston gazes with awe at Qalinor. (Malinya tentatively moves in time with Qalinor, glancing nervously up at him with a quavering smile.) The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Qalinor leans his head down to touch his cheek to your own as you dance. Speaking to Bliston, Talanta says, "You know I would step on his toes and get thrown into the stockades. If lucky." Please rephrase that command. Krystalena grins at Esana. Talanta nods sagely at Bliston. (Treeva sips at the champagne, her gaze drifting in interest to the couples scattered along the dance floor.) Qalinor dances you lightly across the dance floor. Bliston shrugs at Talanta. Talanta gawks at Bliston. Qalinor swings you out and, holding your hand high, he gracefully twirls you. Talanta shivers. Legaci smiles at Oirisu. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Lyet takes ahold of her multihued silk hip-scarf and turns gracefully, causing the bells on it to chime in time to her movement. Qalinor swings you out then spins you right back into his arms. Krystalena winks at Esana. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Qalinor dances you lightly across the dance floor. Speaking quietly to Talanta, Bliston says, "Nobles in my homeland do not do these sorts of things... it is most admirable." Oirisu nods in agreement at Legaci. Bliston nods sagely at Talanta. Oirisu lays her head on Kakoon's shoulder as they dance. Talanta smiles at Bliston. Speaking to Dalnirath, Maenelle says, "I shall have to do my very best to keep up." She flashes a quick smile his way, adding, "You'll keep me on my toes, so to say." You dance lightly across the dance floor with Qalinor. Krystalena giggles at Esana. Hoik is no longer protected by the shimmering field of energy. Dalnirath grins at Maenelle. Hoik appears somehow different. (Talanta watches the couples dancing then slowly agrees.) Talanta smiles at Bliston. Talanta says, "It is wonderful." Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "I find that hard to believe." Hoik no longer bristles with energy. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath holds out his hand and invites Maenelle to dance. Bliston breathes almost without making a sound. Kynthelig appears to be struggling to keep a straight face. Maenelle dances lightly across the dance floor with Dalnirath. Kalnok takes a drink from his honey ale. Krystalena giggles at Esana. Bliston winks at Talanta. Nephal takes a drink from his fruity rum punch. Krystalena rubs Esana gently. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Orssus grins. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Qalinor dances you lightly across the dance floor. (Orlaeth begins to move with larger steps, gracefully waltzing with Nihrvanah around the dance floor, almost reminscent of a couple skating along the surface of an icy pond.) Krystalena nods at Orssus. Treeva grins slowly. Mercies smiles quietly to herself. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. You enthusiastically nod your agreement, causing several strands of champagne-hued hair to fall around your face. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Hoik looks rather relaxed. Lyet takes a drink from her smooth bourbon. Dalnirath dances lightly across the dance floor with Maenelle. Raissong whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with his virtuosity. Talanta smiles taking notes of some of the steps and graceful turns. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Orssus chuckles. Legaci tries humming a joyful tune. Talanta inclines her ear, listening intently. (Maenelle is all poise in Dalnirath's hold. The rose gets clasped between their hands as she seamlessly follows his lead.) Esana's white-feathered wings rustle in an unfelt breeze. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Treeva gazes in amusement at Kynthelig. Mercies leans softly against Legaci. Qalinor leans his head down to touch his cheek to your own as you dance. Esana giggles. (Malinya continues to dance with Qalinor, letting him lead her gracefully across the floor.) Krystalena grins at Esana. Bliston leans softly against Talanta. Bliston takes a bite of his flower tossed salad. Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. You incline your head. Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Legonilas stifles a yawn. Esana nods at Krystalena. Speaking in Elven, Legonilas says, "I'm afraid I'm got to beg off. Sleep comes for me, soon." (Kynthelig swirls the glass of champagne in his hand while watching the various couples dancing across the floor.) Esana glances at Legonilas and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Legonilas bows to Nihrvanah. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Legonilas says, "Thanks for hosting such a lovely gathering." Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. (Dalnirath takes a handful of quick strides alongside Maenelle, his arm locked in place, quickly moving her across the dance floor.) Speaking warmly in Elven to Legonilas, Legaci concludes, "Good Journies to you, in your travels adventure ahead." Krystalena pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Krystalena walks toward Esana. Talanta smiles quietly translating into Bliston's hearing. Krystalena offers Esana a glass of fruity rum punch. (Dalnirath quickly glances over his shoulder at Legonilas.) Esana accepts Krystalena's fruity rum punch. You nod. Bliston gazes admiringly at Talanta. Nihrvanah smiles as she continues to dance with Orlaeth, her movements graceful as she skillfully keeps her form steady. Speaking in Elven to Legonilas, Dalnirath exclaims, "Thank you for coming!" Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Krystalena smiles at Esana. Speaking to Legonilas, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming." Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Aqt takes a bite of his crosshatched potato. Legonilas nods. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. You gaze wistfully at Qalinor. Talanta runs a hand through her shoulder-length mint green hair, trying to make herself presentable. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath twirls Maenelle gracefully across the dance floor. Talanta ponders. Orssus grins. Krystalena dips Orssus dramatically then pulls him back into her arms. Bliston nods at Talanta. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Krystalena laughs! Orssus chuckles. With military precision, Legonilas turns sharply on his heel to face Qalinor. Krystalena says, "Oops." Kalnok takes a deep breath. Legonilas snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to Qalinor. Kalnok slowly empties his lungs. Orssus deeply says, "Say ::krystal it's a good thing I wasn't wearing my kilt." Talanta bites her lip. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena says, "Can you tell I've been working out." Legonilas bows. (Maenelle's skirts swish heavily across the floor, showing a flash of her satin slippers as she's twirled out.) Orssus clears his throat. Squire Legionnaire Legonilas strides away moving out. Krystalena grins. Aqt takes a bite of his crosshatched potato. Bliston flashes a wide grin at Talanta. Bliston becomes solid again. Qalinor swings you out then spins you right back into his arms. Qalinor dips you dramatically then pulls you back into his arms. You gasp. Talanta bats her eyelashes for attention. You feel your face flush to the tips of your ears. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Lyet sways to and fro as she dances. Krystalena looks over at Esana and shakes her head. Lyet takes ahold of her layered silk skirt and twirls about with a flourish, causing the bells on it to ring musically. (Orlaeth slows his pace as the music begins to draw to a close, holding Nihrvanah close and then gently leaning forward to dip her gently backwards. As the music fades, he leans back, drawing her upright with a smile.) Kakoon smiles. Bliston applauds. Esana smiles. Qalinor gracefully leads you from the dance floor. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Oirisu, Kakoon says, "I would be honored." Kynthelig is admiring Treeva. Talanta peers quizzically at Bliston. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. You fan yourself. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Aqt pours himself a glass of smooth bourbon. Krystalena giggles. Aqt takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. dance card this evening." Qalinor bows to you. Talanta smiles. Speaking in Elven, you breathlessly say, "Thank you, Sovereign, of course." Lyet takes a drink from her smooth bourbon. Lyet looks rather relaxed. You curtsy to Qalinor. Orssus pours himself a mug of thick warm eggnog. Qalinor bows to you. Esana smiles. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Qalinor turns to face Krystalena. Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "I believe I'll be taking my leave this evening, do give Jaranzair my regards if he catches up with you." Speaking to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you; that was wonderful." Orssus smiles. Oirisu appears to be trying hard not to grin. Krystalena blinks at Qalinor. Qalinor smiles at Oirisu. Esana appears to be trying hard not to grin. Orlaeth steals a kiss from Nihrvanah as they sway across the dance floor. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Esana glances at Oirisu and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Speaking to Oirisu, Qalinor says, "I'm sure you'll see him before I do." The layer of raw elemental energy surrounding Hoik dissipates. Nihrvanah blushes a nice shade of pink. Mercies appears to be trying hard not to grin. Speaking graciously to Nihrvanah, Oirisu says, "And thank you for the invitation, it was a wonderful evening." Speaking to Krystalena, Qalinor asks, "I know I get hugs...what about a dance?" Talanta gawks at Bliston. Kakoon chuckles. Qalinor turns to face Orssus. Speaking to Qalinor, Krystalena exclaims, "Sure!" Bliston gawks at Talanta. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Speaking to Orssus, Qalinor says, "If you would not mind." Krystalena says, "He doesn't mind." Krystalena giggles. (Orlaeth stole a kiss from Nihrvanah's hand. That's all.) Speaking to Qalinor, Oirisu says, "I'll be sure to regale him with stories of long-winded things to buy you some time." Treeva appears to be trying hard not to grin. Speaking to Oirisu, Nihrvanah exclaims, "Thank you for coming!" Talanta giggles. Lyet laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Speaking deeply to Qalinor, Orssus says, "By all means." Orssus smiles. Oirisu drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Nihrvanah, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides. Bliston smirks. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. High Legionnaire Kakoon just moved quietly out, with his group following closely. Krystalena curtsies to Qalinor. Qalinor removes you from his group. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Orssus takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Talanta grins at Orlaeth. Nihrvanah pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Krystalena, Qalinor says, "I will try not to step on your toes." Qalinor winks at Krystalena. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Krystalena. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Qalinor, Krystalena says, "No worries." Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth asks, "Thank you for the dance, m'lady. If there is time later in the eve, perhaps we can have another?" Krystalena smiles at Qalinor. Esana smiles as she watches King Qalinor and Krystalena grace the dance floor. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Talanta smiles at Bliston. Speaking to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Yes, of course. Certainly." Talanta asks, "Perhaps one more?" Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Bliston gives a sidelong glance at Talanta. Hoik takes a drink from his honey ale. Talanta squirms. Talanta shifts her weight. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Lyet takes a drink from her smooth bourbon. Bliston smiles and wordlessly extends his hand. Nihrvanah applauds. Talanta hums happily to herself. You pour yourself a glass of fruity rum punch. Raissong hums a fancy little tune to himself. You stare at nothing in particular. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The tart rum flavor warms your body. Qalinor swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Krystalena giggles. Lashes lowered modestly, Talanta gives Bliston a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Bliston dances lightly across the dance floor with Talanta. Hoik quietly says, "Fraid I have to get back to my studies." Hoik smiles. Hoik waves. Hoik quietly says, "Good eve, all." Qalinor dances cheek to cheek with Krystalena. (Iyvelruel discretely makes her way through the crowd to stand near Esana.) Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Krystalena. Talanta breathes in slightly. The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Speaking to Hoik, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming." Bliston leans softly against Talanta. Aaronee nods. Talanta nods slowly at Bliston. Hoik traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Bliston dances cheek to cheek with Talanta. You hear someone making a gobbling sound. Talanta closes her eyes for a moment. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Bliston takes a deep breath. Talanta's eyes light up and she trembles with excitement. (Dalnirath slows his strides, and releases his hand from Maenelle'ss back.) Several strands of Treeva's champagne blonde hair slip into her face and across her eyes. Bliston lifts Talanta up high into the air and twirls with her! Esana blushes a florid shade of crimson. Speaking to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "Thank you, that was lovely." (Talanta muffles a squeak, then laughs very lightly!) Maenelle curtsies to Dalnirath. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Mercies agrees with Legaci. Talanta twirls with Bliston as they sashay in a graceful circle to the right. Talanta laughs! You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The mixture of fruit flavors mingles with the warm rum taste and invades your senses. Talanta twirls Bliston gracefully across the dance floor. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Dalnirath bows to Maenelle. Qalinor lifts Krystalena up high into the air and twirls with her! Alastir takes a drink from his honey ale. Bliston twirls Talanta gracefully across the dance floor. Qalinor swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Krystalena giggles. Speaking in Elven, Nephal says, "About time for me to go, although I am not going to leave alone." Nephal pours himself a glass of fruity rum punch. Nephal pours himself a glass of fruity rum punch. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Krystalena. Nephal nods. Qalinor twirls Krystalena gracefully across the dance floor. Dalnirath smirks at Nephal. Talanta sways to and fro as she dances. Krystalena giggles. Squire Legionnaire Nephal just went out. Speaking in Elven to Dalnirath, Maenelle says, "It is I who should thank you. Not just for the dance, but also for your service to the Fortress." Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Krystalena. Orssus chuckles. Pereus pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Orssus takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Talanta dances lightly across the dance floor with Bliston. Nihrvanah thoughtfully says, "But... it looks like he did leave alone..." Bliston holds Talanta close in his arms as they dance. Nihrvanah appears to be struggling to keep a straight face. Talanta closes her eyes for a moment. Iyvelruel smiles at Esana. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Krystalena laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Wrythion takes a bite of his grilled venison. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. The tart rum flavor warms your body. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Alastir says, "I'm afraid I have business to attend to. Thanks again for the invitation." Alastir hugs Nihrvanah. Kynthelig laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Talanta sways back and forth. Speaking in Elven to Maenelle, Dalnirath says, "Both were my honor." Speaking in Elven to Alastir, Nihrvanah says, "Than--" Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Alastir smiles. Mercies glances at Legaci. Raissong pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. Speaking in Elven to Alastir, Nihrvanah says, "That is, thank you for coming." Maenelle turns around. Treeva bites her lip. Alastir nods at Nihrvanah. Alastir winks. Alastir just went out. Nihrvanah glances out. Speaking delightedly to Bliston, Talanta says, "This has been a most wonderful night." The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Qalinor swings Krystalena out then spins her right back into his arms. Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Dalnirath whispers aloud, "I believe he was referring to the twin punches he took with him." Bliston agrees with Talanta. Krystalena giggles. Qalinor dips Krystalena dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. You try hard not to grin. Bliston blushes a nice shade of light pink. Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth asks, "May I get you a refreshment after that dance, m'lady?" You glance away. Qalinor begins chortling at Krystalena. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Dalnirath, Nihrvanah mouths, "Oh. That makes sense." Krystalena grins at Qalinor. Treeva grins at Kynthelig. Talanta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Certainly... after my champagne." Kalnok glances at a bright copper cart. Kakoon hums a seemingly random tune. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Raissong takes a drink from his honey ale. (Maenelle twirls the rose in her hand lightly as she scans the dance floor. She flicks a curious glance Orlaeth's way, but doesn't let her interest linger for long.) Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth asks, "Ah, indeed. A refill on it, or something different?" Talanta leans softly against Bliston. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Orssus winks at Krystalena. Orlaeth attends to his foulard cravat, making the cravat as presentable as possible. Maenelle moves to stand behind Kakoon. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Perhaps a refill, I think." Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Bliston smiles at Talanta. Talanta agrees with Bliston. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Talanta applauds. Raissong takes a drink from his honey ale. Kakoon raises an eyebrow in Maenelle's direction. Treeva chuckles. Talanta curtsies gracefully to Bliston. Bliston bows to Talanta. Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth says, "If you will please excuse me for a moment? I shall go obtain one." Kalnok pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Speaking to Talanta, Bliston says, "Thank you for the dance, ma'am." Orlaeth bows to Nihrvanah. (Maenelle accidently bumps Kakoon as she tries to move around him. She casts an apologetic smile up at him.) Kalnok sniffs at his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Of course." Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Kalnok shrugs. Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth stands in front of a bright copper cart. Talanta smiles stepping off to the side of the dance floor. "Very welcome my lord." Qalinor starts chortling. Treeva rolls her eyes. Treeva giggles to herself. Speaking to Maenelle, Kakoon says, "Pardon me ma'am." Bliston blushes a bright light pink to the tops of his ears. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig asks, "Another dance? If they play another song?" Kakoon takes a few steps back. Krystalena laughs! A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Treeva nods at Kynthelig. Orssus relaxes and no longer maintains the Executioner's Stance. Dalnirath smirks at Orssus. Speaking apologetically in Elven to Kakoon, Maenelle says, "No, truly, my pardons are yours." Kynthelig holds out his hand and invites Treeva to dance. Kynthelig sways to and fro as he dances. Dalnirath teases, "Expecting trouble?" Kynthelig dances lightly across the dance floor with Treeva. Orlaeth gazes with interest at a bright copper cart. Qalinor dances lightly across the dance floor with Krystalena. Qalinor lifts Krystalena up high into the air and twirls with her! Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. Speaking to Maenelle, Kakoon asks, "How are you enjoying the evening?" Qalinor dips Krystalena dramatically then pulls her back into his arms. Orlaeth glances at a flute of rose-infused champagne on a bright copper cart. Treeva twirls with Kynthelig as they sashay in a graceful circle to the right. Krystalena giggles. Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Orlaeth pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Bliston gives a sidelong glance at Talanta. Kynthelig holds Treeva's hand as they turn to the right and take a few steps. Speaking deeply to Dalnirath, Orssus says, "No, or I wouldn't have relaxed a bit." Orssus chuckles. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Qalinor leads Krystalena breathlessly from the dance floor. Speaking to Kakoon, Maenelle asks, "It is a beautiful evening. How could it not be enjoyed?" Speaking quietly to Bliston, Talanta says, "Would you escort me back to the Monestary? It does grow late and I do not wish to be locked out." Esana takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta blushes a delicate shade of pale pink. Orlaeth turns to face Nihrvanah. Orlaeth moves to stand in front of Nihrvanah. Speaking to Krystalena, Qalinor says, "Thank you for gracing my dance card this evening. It was a pleasure." Speaking deeply to Dalnirath, Orssus says, "Force of habit." Speaking to Qalinor, Krystalena says, "Thank you for the wonderful dance." Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Krystalena curtsies to Qalinor. Dalnirath strides a few steps forward. Speaking softly to Talanta, Bliston says, "Of course, my lady." Menos nods at Marcelina. Treeva dances lightly across the dance floor with Kynthelig. Bliston bows to Talanta and extends his arm to her. Talanta smiles. Kynthelig swings Treeva out then spins her right back into his arms. Krystalena hugs Qalinor. Squire Legionnaire Aaronee just went out. Speaking deeply to Qalinor, Orssus says, "She's going to be grinning ear to ear for a while." The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Orssus chuckles to himself. Qalinor starts chortling. Mercies rests a gentle hand on Legaci's arm. Krystalena says, "Can't leave without a hug." Krystalena grins. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Esana says, "Thank you again for the invitation this evening." Kynthelig holds Treeva's hand as they turn to the left and take a few steps. Dalnirath says, "If I can take a moment, I would like to thank everyone for their attendance tonight." (Talanta seeks out the hosts, nodding towards Dalnirath.) Orlaeth turns to face Dalnirath. Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. Speaking to Dalnirath, Esana says, "And I thank you as well for also taking the time to help organize such a wonderful evening." Nihrvanah smiles at Dalnirath. Talanta turns an inquisitive ear toward Dalnirath. Esana clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Pereus nods politely. Qalinor smiles at Orssus. Legaci applauds Dalnirath. Esana smiles. Talanta applauds Dalnirath. Bliston nods respectfully at Dalnirath. Bliston applauds. Esana applauds Dalnirath. Krystalena applauds Dalnirath. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. First Legionnaire Esana just went out. Orlaeth raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Dalnirath says, "I am humbled by how many came out to celebrate the service to King and country." Speaking to Dalnirath, Talanta says, "Truly was marvelous. Thank you." Speaking in Elven, Treeva politely replies, "And thank you for hosting, it's a lovely gala." Bliston agrees with Talanta. Orssus nods respectfully at Qalinor. Treeva twirls with Kynthelig as they sashay in a graceful circle to the right. Bliston says, "My thanks to the hosts for a most excellent night." Krystalena glances at Orssus. Raissong softly says, "It was a plaesure." Legaci agrees with Bliston. Orssus clasps Krystalena's hand tenderly. Orssus smiles at Krystalena. Speaking to Bliston, Qalinor says, "I hope you have felt welcome in our home." Krystalena smiles at Orssus. Speaking politely to Qalinor, Dalnirath says, "My Sovereign, I am flattered you found the time to visit our tent, and glad to give you a moment away from the Lord Legionnaire Commander." Speaking in Elven, Kynthelig says, "Thank you for allowing us to enjoy the revelry and celebration with you." The musicians strike up an old romantic ballad. Talanta smiles at Qalinor. Bliston blushes a bright light pink to the tops of his ears. Talanta gives a sidelong glance at Bliston. Bliston bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Maenelle gazes with interest at Bliston. Treeva lays her head on Kynthelig's shoulder as they dance. Speaking jokingly to Dalnirath, Orssus says, "Don't say it too loud, he might hear you." Orssus chuckles. Bliston calmly says, "I say it truly that I have felt more welcome here than I have in my own home at times, sir." Bliston kneels down. Bliston bows. Speaking in Elven, Nihrvanah says, "I would like to echo Dalnirath's sentiments and thank everyone for coming this evening." Talanta smiles with admiration in her gaze for the King and His kind words. Menos nods at Nihrvanah. Bliston stands up. Speaking to Bliston, Qalinor says, "Wonderful, then we are doing something right for a change." Kynthelig holds Treeva close in his arms as they dance. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Orssus takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. Dalnirath says, "If I might propose a toast to all that serve their country, from Squire to King, merchant to priest, may we raise our glasses." With a graceful movement of her hands, Talanta lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Qalinor. Bliston bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "The songs seem to end so quickly." Nihrvanah raises her rose-infused champagne in a toast! Marcelina raises her fruity rum punch in a toast! Kakoon pours himself a cup of smoky tea. Pereus raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Dalnirath raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Legaci pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Kakoon raises his smoky tea in a toast! Talanta says, "Lumnis keep her eyes upon you. May everyone enjoy the rest of the night." Talanta inclines her head. Maenelle pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. Raissong turns toward Dalnirath and renders a sharp salute with his honey ale. Menos pours himself a frosted glass of honey ale. Mercies grins at Legaci. Kynthelig offers Treeva a flute of rose-infused champagne. Krystalena pours herself a glass of fruity rum punch. Speaking to Bliston, Qalinor says, "You came at an opportune time as it is not often I can get out among the people these days. I am fortunate I did so this even." Menos raises his honey ale in a toast! Legaci raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! (Treeva inclines her head in a gesture of respect at the toast.) Orssus raises his thick warm eggnog in a toast to River's Rest! Talanta turns an inquisitive ear toward Qalinor. You raise your fruity rum punch in a toast! Treeva accepts Kynthelig's rose-infused champagne. Orssus coughs. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Bliston turns an inquisitive ear toward Qalinor. Raissong takes a drink from his honey ale. Kynthelig raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Orssus raises his thick warm eggnog in a toast! Dalnirath recites: "May your honor be unquestioned, your pride unwavering, and your glory unending!" Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Talanta smiles at Dalnirath. Dalnirath takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. With a graceful movement of her hands, Talanta lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Dalnirath. Kakoon takes a drink from his smoky tea. Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. Maenelle takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Marcelina takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Speaking respectfully to Qalinor, Bliston says, "As I was explaining to my lady earlier, it leaves me in awe." Speaking huskily to Dalnirath, Orlaeth exclaims, "Well said, m'lord! Well said!" Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Talanta turns an inquisitive ear toward Bliston. Bliston applauds Dalnirath. Wrythion tucks a mug of thick warm eggnog into a slinkskin-lined pocket inside of his crimson jacket. Wrythion pours himself a flute of rose-infused champagne. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Orssus takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. (Iyvelruel lightly applauds the toast.) Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Wrythion raises his rose-infused champagne in a toast! Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Wrythion takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Bliston nervously says, "Excuse me." Bliston gives a sidelong glance at Talanta. Dalnirath says, "And of course, the greatest of thanks to High Lady Tarsonath, without whom none of this would have happened." Speaking to Talanta, Bliston asks, "Shall we?" Dalnirath says, "She took the lead, I take most of the credit." Nihrvanah blushes a pink shade at Dalnirath. Dalnirath grins. Talanta smiles warmly and nods. (Maenelle turns towards Nihrvanah and raises her champagne flute in agreement.) Orlaeth applauds Nihrvanah. Talanta rests a gentle hand on Bliston's arm. Bliston nods at Talanta. Bliston bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. A strolling band of musicians begins a sprightly dance tune. Bliston blushes a bright light pink to the tops of his ears. Bliston strides away moving out, his group following close behind. Menos takes a drink from his honey ale. Menos looks rather relaxed. Qalinor says, "Go with honor." Nihrvanah humbly says, "Thank you, all, once again, for coming out tonight." Mercies pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. (Kynthelig offers Nihrvanah a bow and raising his glass of champagne toward her.) Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a muted gold silk moire bliaut set ablaze with crimson diamond accents out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Nihrvanah completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet. Qalinor says, "I must take my leave as I am sure Jaranzair is beside himself." Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Qalinor turns to face Nihrvanah. Dalnirath says, "Go with honor, my sovereign." Mercies walks toward Legaci. Dalnirath bows deeply at the waist, honoring Qalinor. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking to Nihrvanah, Qalinor says, "Thank you for the invitation." Mercies rests a gentle hand on Legaci's arm. Iyvelruel smiles at Qalinor. The long, jacquard skirts of Iyvelruel's elegant gown puddle around her feet as she sinks into a curtsy low enough to honor royalty. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking softly to Nihrvanah, Raissong says, "Olny came becouse you invited me." You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Speaking to Qalinor, Nihrvanah says, "I am glad you could make it, my Sovereign." Qalinor says, "And thank you all for you company tonight." You incline your head. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Krystalena waves to Qalinor. (Maenelle sinks down into a curtsy and holds it respectfully.) Orssus bows to Qalinor. Legaci places a hand over his heart. Orlaeth bows to Qalinor. Qalinor inclines his head. Speaking to Raissong, Nihrvanah says, "I am pleased you could make it." Speaking in Elven, you quietly say, "Go with honor, Sovereign." Kakoon nods at Menos. King Qalinor just went out. Krystalena curtsies. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. Mercies takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath tips his head back and empties a flute of rose-infused champagne down his gullet! Speaking to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "I do believe I am ready for another." Iyvelruel slowly empties her lungs. Dalnirath slowly empties his lungs. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Marcelina asks, "Shall we?" Speaking quietly in Elven to himself, Dalnirath says, "Phew." Iyvelruel pours herself a flute of rose-infused champagne. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Mercies flashes a quick grin. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Orssus chuckles. Menos becomes solid again. Dalnirath asks, "Ah, did the First Legionnaire call it a night before I could ask her to dance?" (Orlaeth touches his fingers to the outside of his champagne flute at mid-level. He nods, then hands it to Nihrvanah.) Orlaeth offers Nihrvanah a flute of rose-infused champagne. Nihrvanah accepts Orlaeth's rose-infused champagne. Kakoon nods at Dalnirath. Speaking to Orlaeth, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you." Speaking to Dalnirath, Kakoon says, "I believe she did." Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking huskily to Nihrvanah, Orlaeth says, "Of course, m'lady." Legaci nods slowly at Mercies. The group finishes the music and pauses to let the listeners chat a bit. Legaci takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kalnok embarrassedly asks, "That really was the King, huh?" Legaci carefully places a flute of rose-infused champagne on the floor. Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Legaci nods at Kalnok. Krystalena shakes her head. Speaking softly to Kalnok, Raissong says, "Yes he was." Pereus takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Pereus dusts off his hands. You enthusiastically nod your agreement, causing several strands of champagne-hued hair to fall around your face. Legaci turns sharply on his heel, reversing direction with military precision. Relic Hunter Legaci strides away moving out, his group following close behind. Orlaeth turns to face Nihrvanah. You gently brush your champagne-hued hair away from your eyes and, with a deft twist of your wrist, tuck it back into its bindings. Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Raissong takes a drink from his honey ale. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena says, "I'll be skinning rats in the catacombs at that rate." Speaking in Elven, Menos says, "We must be calling it a night. Thank you for the fine gathering." Lady Iyvelruel just went out. Krystalena waves to Menos. The soft melodies of a silver-stringed harp and an alto recorder fill the evening air as the musicians begin a song echoing the soft breezes of spring. Dalnirath nods politely at Menos. Speaking in Elven, Marcelina says, "Have a pleasant evening, all." Pereus nods politely at Menos. Marcelina leans on Menos, giving him a companionable grin. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Dalnirath says, "Good to have you, Champion." Krystalena waves to Marcelina. Kakoon nods at Menos. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Menos, Dalnirath says, "Apologies for toasting in Common. I hope someone translated." Krystalena nods at Orssus. Menos bows. Speaking in Elven, Menos says, "Someone did." Speaking in Elven, Pereus says, "Aye, I need to take my leave as well, thank you for having this fantastic event." Speaking in Elven to Dalnirath, Marcelina says, "I did. Thank you." Maenelle cocks her head at Menos. Menos waves. Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Dalnirath nods appreciatively at Marcelina. Pereus nods curtly. Menos gently rests his hand on Marcelina's shoulder. Squire Legionnaire Menos's group just went out. Kalnok appears less confident. Orlaeth smiles at Nihrvanah. Squire Legionnaire Pereus strides away moving out. As the tune finishes, the gathered listeners applaud gently. Speaking in Elven, Dalnirath says, "Thank you for coming." Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Aqt says, "Thank you very much m'lady." Orssus smiles. Orlaeth kisses Nihrvanah on the hand. Speaking to Aqt, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming." Nihrvanah smiles at Aqt. Aqt takes a drink from his smooth bourbon. Aqt waves. Krystalena nods at Orssus. Orlaeth turns to face you. Aqt bows to Nihrvanah. You incline your head. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena says, "True." Aqt raises his smooth bourbon in a toast! Aqt just went out. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig asks, "I believe the revelry is coming to an end here. Shall we make our way then, my lady?" Orssus chuckles. Speaking in Elven, Wrythion says, "Thank you for holding this ball, twas a wonderful time to see everyone." Wrythion bows. Orlaeth moves to stand behind you. Gentle melodies flow forth from the musicians' instruments. Dalnirath nods at Wrythion. Speaking in Elven, Dalnirath says, "Glad you could make it." (Maenelle looks about, scouting out a clear spot to set down her champagne flute. The flute itself is still three-quarters full, having only had a few sips taken.) Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva admits, "I could use a few breaths of fresh air, I believe all the excellent champagne has gone to my head." You glance over your shoulder. Maenelle carefully places a flute of rose-infused champagne on the floor. Raissong takes a drink from his honey ale. What were you referring to? Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kalnok glances at a flute of rose-infused champagne. Wrythion grins at Dalnirath. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Kalnok shrugs. Kalnok picks up a flute of rose-infused champagne. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Orlaeth winks at you. You lean back. Kalnok tilts his rose-infused champagne side to side, making the light play off it. Orssus takes a drink from his thick warm eggnog. Speaking to Maenelle, Kalnok asks, "Not to your taste?" Orlaeth looks over at you and shakes his head. Speaking to Orssus, Krystalena says, "It'll be hard to go hunting after a night like this." Nihrvanah smiles at Wrythion. Kynthelig nods at Treeva. Kalnok sniffs at his rose-infused champagne. Orssus chuckles. Maenelle shakes her head. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Wrythion smiles at Nihrvanah. Speaking in Elven to Wrythion, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for being here this evening. Perhaps we will see you at drill soon to help clear the area of warcamps." Krystalena bites her lip. Nihrvanah gives a sidelong glance at Kakoon. Speaking in Elven to Wrythion, Nihrvanah says, "I am sure the High Legionnaire would like that." Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Treeva teases, "I will accept such an offer, though I would caution you to not take advantage of my current state." Treeva winks at Kynthelig. Speaking to Krystalena, Kalnok suggests, "If you see twin orcs, cast your spells at the less blurry one." Speaking in Elven to Nihrvanah, Wrythion says, "Perhaps so." Speaking to Kalnok, Maenelle says, "It really isn't." She winces at her own admission, "But, one does not deny a toast when it's put out before a sovereign." Kalnok nods at Maenelle. The music seems to wind on forever, bringing old memories and thoughts long forgotten to the surface of your mind. Speaking to Maenelle, Kalnok says, "Wise words." Nihrvanah takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Krystalena sways back and forth. Speaking in Elven, Kynthelig says, "I thank you all once again for a lovely affair and thank you all for what you do here and for the Nations." Bowing to the small group remaining seeing mostly those that offer their service. "And do have a pleasant evening as well." Krystalena waves to Kynthelig. Speaking in Elven to Kynthelig, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming this evening." Speaking curiously to Kalnok, Maenelle asks, "And, yourself?" Speaking in Elven, Treeva politely says, "Thank you for the memorable night." Her words are spoken to noelf in particular as she offers a very brief curtsy. "It was most enjoyable." Orlaeth laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Wrythion just went out. (Maenelle tips her head to the flute of champagne Kalnok holds.) Speaking to Nihrvanah, Kakoon says, "I think it's my turn to take my leave. It was quite a wonderful evening." Speaking to Maenelle, Kalnok says, "Well, this evening, most booze seems to be to my taste." As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Nihrvanah inclines her head. Speaking in Elven to Kakoon, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming, Sir." Treeva takes a drink from her rose-infused champagne. Speaking in Elven to Treeva, Kynthelig says, "Then let us be off, my lady." Offering her a nod. "I would never do such, I assure you." Kalnok takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig takes a drink from his rose-infused champagne. Kynthelig's group just went out. Speaking to Dalnirath, Kakoon says, "I greatly look forward to next years." Speaking to Kalnok, Maenelle says, "It may seem that way in the evening, but I assure you the morning is going to be saying something far, far, far different." You incline your head. Kalnok begins chuckling at Maenelle! You gently brush your champagne-hued hair away from your eyes and, with a deft twist of your wrist, tuck it back into its bindings. Orlaeth takes an elegant plumed cavalier hat off his head. Orssus rubs Krystalena tenderly. Orlaeth bows to you. Kalnok says, "My patron provides." You tilt your head up. Orlaeth puts an elegant plumed cavalier hat on his head. You find yourself humming along to the music and catch yourself just as it ends. Speaking in Elven, you say, "I would like to thank you for such a lovely evening." You nod at Nihrvanah. You nod at Dalnirath. Maenelle gazes with a bemused expression at Kalnok. Speaking to Kalnok, Maenelle asks, "Cholen, then?" Speaking to Maenelle, Kalnok says, "It is not every night one makes an ass of himself in front of the King. Thankfully." Speaking in Elven, you say, "I was admittedly a bit nervous, but things went quite well, I think." Speaking huskily to you, Orlaeth asks, "Might I offer you some some sort of refreshment, in the meantime, m'lady?" Speaking in Elven, you say, "Oh, no, thank you, I...still have a bit of punch." Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. As the troubadours begin another set, several couples nearby begin a lively ring dance. Orlaeth nods. Speaking to Maenelle, Kalnok says, "Kai. Needs me in fighting form." You take a drink from your fruity rum punch. That was the last of it! Speaking in Elven to you, Nihrvanah says, "Thank you for coming, once again." Orssus chuckles. Speaking in Elven, you wryly say, "And now I don't." Lady Iyvelruel just arrived. Speaking in Elven to you, Dalnirath says, "I do hope you enjoyed yourself." Speaking in Elven, you say, "I did, yes, thank you." Dalnirath grins. Speaking to Kalnok, Maenelle says, "His Excellency seems to be a rather forward thinking sovereign." She leans forward and says in a quiter voice, "I do not think an ass was made. At the very least, not by you." Speaking huskily to you, Orlaeth says, "As you will, m'lady. And may I once again say, your hair looks quite lovely this evening." The air about Kalnok shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding him collapses. You run a hand through your long champagne-hued hair, trying to make yourself presentable. Kalnok nods politely at Maenelle. The musicians end on a soft and gentle note. Speaking graciously in Elven to Orlaeth, you say, "Thank you, of course." Dalnirath pours himself a cup of smoky tea. Krystalena takes a drink from her fruity rum punch. Dalnirath takes a drink from his smoky tea. Speaking in Elven to Orlaeth, you say, "Until next we speak." Orlaeth smiles at you. Speaking in Elven, you say, "Good evening."