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2022-11-16 - Icemule, Catspaw, and Roleplay--OOC discussion (log)
2022-11-16 Icemule, Catspaw, and Roleplay--OOC discussion (log)
Log is provided from the perspective of Opalina
Roelon grins.
Roelon nods at Jiarine.
Cheetum just went into a mule-printed tent flap.
Roelon deeply says, "Decided I don't need sleep anymore."
Jiarine asks, "What's sleep?"
Jiarine begins to twitch.
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Jiarine, "Don't hunt while sleepy."
An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you just had gas.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Jiarine, "I suppose that will depend on how much of the evening is taken up with dancing."
Sorlu laughs!
You chuckle.
Roelon snickers.
Lilanna chuckles.
Elphieya covers her nose tightly.
Gespry snickers.
You swap a substantial willow cupcake box to your left hand and a vanilla-glazed tart cherry cupcake to your right hand.
You offer your tart cherry cupcake to Sorlu, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Roelon deeply says, "I guess those cupcakes were bad..."
Lilanna says, "I dont have my scarves."
Roelon mumbles a barely intelligible array of expletives involving Ronan, a unicorn, and someone's kiltless heritage.
Sorlu has accepted your offer and is now holding a vanilla-glazed tart cherry cupcake.
Sorlu bows to you.
Auchand asks, "Icemule, Icemule, Icemule. Where to begin?"
Sorlu gobbles down a big bite of his tart cherry cupcake.
You sit down.
Jiarine says, "Burn it down and start anew? I mean you've flooded one town already."
Falvicar says, speaking to Auchand, "The beginning."
You gaze fondly at Auchand.
Falvicar grins at Auchand.
Lilanna says, "I want to know what hole Barlan slunk into."
You quietly exclaim, "The middle!"
Lilanna says, "Or coffin."
You scoot over in front of Falvicar.
Roelon deeply says, "Just glacier the whole place. Build on top of it."
Auchand chuckles.
Falvicar sits down next to you.
Elphieya says, speaking tentatively to Roelon, "I think they already did that once."
Elphieya fidgets.
You agree with Roelon.
You quietly exclaim, "I like that!"
Lilanna nods at Elphieya.
Gespry steeples his fingers in his lap, quietly observing his surroundings.
Lord Randsford just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Gespry gives Elphieya a friendly hug.
Randsford put a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar in his eonake-bound sheath.
Roelon nods at Randsford.
Randsford nods to Roelon in greeting.
Lilanna waves to Randsford.
Randsford nods to Lilanna in greeting.
Falvicar says, "That would be different enough than Solhaven...."
Falvicar snickers at Roelon.
Roelon says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "Seems you are the one buying us all drinks. 1mil each."
Auchand nods at Nodyre.
Gespry takes a drink from his whiskey-spiked coffee.
Roelon grins at Falvicar.
Lilanna shudders.
Randsford squints at Roelon.
You help yourself to a dish of punch bowl cake.
Lilanna asks, speaking to Falvicar, "North icemule and south icemule?"
Falvicar removes a lacquered square basket from in his night-hued silk cape.
You offer your punch bowl cake to Sorlu, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Lilanna shakes her head.
Falvicar holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Sorlu has accepted your offer and is now holding a dish of punch bowl cake.
You say, speaking quietly to Sorlu, "All cake! all night."
Sorlu grins at you.
Aliashyrah teases, speaking to Lilanna, "Separated by a wall?"
Auchand says, "There we go."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You turn to Auchand and cheer!
Falvicar pours himself an ice-filled glass of scotch.
Sorlu exclaims, speaking to you, "I see that!"
Lilanna groans at Aliashyrah.
Falvicar offers Auchand an ice-filled glass of scotch.
Nodyre lets out a cheer!
Sorlu grins at you.
Auchand accepts Falvicar's glass of scotch.
Aliashyrah chuckles.
Auchand takes a drink from his glass of scotch.
Auchand looks rather relaxed.
Sorlu raises his tart cherry cupcake skyward!
Falvicar pours himself an ice-filled glass of scotch.
Sorlu takes a bite of his tart cherry cupcake.
Falvicar offers you an ice-filled glass of scotch. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Auchand asks, "So, where are we?"
Sorlu grins at you.
You accept Falvicar's offer and are now holding an ice-filled glass of scotch.
You drool.
You lick your glass of scotch. The rich, smoky flavor of the scotch fills your mouth and lingers on your tongue.
Lilanna asks, speaking to Aliashyrah, "We tryin ta keep the halfing on their side?"
Falvicar says, "I wonder..."
Sorlu says, speaking to Auchand, "Happy birthday to me, I believe."
Sorlu nods at Auchand.
Lilanna chuckles.
Sorlu grins.
Nodyre says, "North of the glacier, east of the cove."
You quietly exclaim, "In a tent!"
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Auchand says, "We're a good way into Catspaw, a storyline that's meant to set up things for the next couple of years of GS."
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Auchand, "In the meeting pavillion."
Lilanna says, "Small wall, little resources."
Lilanna says, "Oo."
Jiarine says, "You're not real and a poor figment of my imagination."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Lilanna, "You suggested it! I only added a small improvement."
Roelon lets out a cheer!
Lilanna begins chuckling at Aliashyrah!
You quietly say, "Ohh lovely."
Gespry nods at Auchand.
You quietly say, "I like cats."
Auchand says, "Catspaw has been a lot of buildup to a villain who'll likely be taking the stage in a big way after their revelation."
Gespry says, speaking melodically to you, "So does my puppy."
Nodyre raises an eyebrow.
Aliashyrah asks, speaking to Auchand, "With golden eyes?"
Lilanna tilts her head toward Auchand, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Auchand grins at Aliashyrah.
Sorlu grins.
Aliashyrah smirks.
Auchand says, "You've probably noticed that I use storylines as ways of getting stuff to release. That's unlikely to change."
Falvicar stands up.
High Lord Svardin just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Conquerer of Reim Glania just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Svardin gasps in terrified panic, trembling and flailing his arms about!
Falvicar pours himself an ice-filled glass of scotch.
Falvicar sits down next to you.
Jiarine asks, "Are you taking feedback on your new area?"
Falvicar whispers, "Don't let me forget my table."
Gespry melodically says, "Should do a swap, and have the villian be revealed as a hero, who is fighting an even greater inustice.."
Auchand says, "My primary job on staff is as Creatures Lead, now, so..."
Svardin skips in a circle around Auchand.
Svardin grins.
Lilanna says, "I mean it's how it ought to be in a RP game."
Auchand says, "A lot of what I'll be doing is hunting ground related."
Svardin says, "I like dem."
Lilanna nods.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Randsford says, speaking to Auchand, "So you get to come up with new ways of killing us."
Randsford turns to Auchand and cheers!
Auchand says, "But I have some plans now that I'm almost through my backlog."
Falvicar takes a drink from his glass of scotch.
Roelon says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "I do that well enough without help."
Roelon grumbles.
Svardin fidgets.
Auchand says, "You all know we shuffled teams around a few months back."
Nodyre nods.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Falvicar nods.
Svardin exclaims, "Ya drew from da bottom of da deck!"
Svardin grins.
Auchand says, "I had hoped to do some stuff with citizenship, but I think the shuffle made that a little bit less likely, just because of how team structures lay out now."
Drigler just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at Auchand.
Nodyre nods slowly.
Auchand says, "But my longer term goal is to figure out a system that rewards in-town tasks."
Auchand says, "And I'd probably like to pilot that here in IMT."
Sorlu grins at Auchand.
Falvicar nods.
Falvicar takes a drink from his glass of scotch.
Elphieya says, speaking quietly to Auchand, "That sounds fun."
Elphieya idly flicks her delicately tapered jade green wings for a few moments and sleekly rests them against her back.
Gespry melodically says, "Good place to crash and burn. lots of snow as cushion."
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Jiarine asks, "Different than the hell that is the Adventurer Guild?"
Jiarine says, "Lost children aren't my thing."
Nodyre chuckles.
Roelon snickers.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Svardin wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Lilanna adopts an agreeable expression.
Glania darkly asks, "Like, shoveling snow?"
Aliashyrah teases, speaking to Jiarine, "Not when you are possibly the reason they became lost in the first place?"
[Icemule Trace, Meeting Pavilion]
Banners of blue and white frame a mule-printed tent flap marking the entrance to the spacious pavilion. Supported by a central pillar of hoarbeam that is heavily carved with penguins, polar bears, and wolves, the enclosed space is heated and perfumed by a number of pierced censers hanging from the support beams by chains of iron. The eastern quadrant of the pavilion is dominated by a raised pine stage festooned with blue and white banners with a weathered spruce podium at the front. You also see the Glania disk, a rough oak table with some stuff on it, a rough oak table with some stuff on it, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws and a burled pine voting booth.
Also here: Drigler, Conquerer of Reim Glania, High Lord Svardin, Lord Randsford, Commodore Nodyre, Chronicler Falvicar who is sitting, Elphieya, Lady Aliashyrah, Roelon, Magister Raelee, Jiarine, Lilanna, Merrymaker Gespry who is sitting, Lord Sorlu, GameMaster Auchand Obvious exits: east, west
Auchand says, "I usually don't talk about stuff that isn't already in the chamber, but in this case I'd love to get player input over the holiday season as to what sort of tasks in town would be rewarding, difficult to script-zombie, and enjoyable enough that you wouldn't want to."
Svardin says, "Should be able ta keel a fire critter wit a snowball."
Auchand ponders.
Jiarine says, "I don't like kids and you can't pay me enough to collect them."
Dracord just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Nodyre asks, speaking to Auchand, "How would you like this feedback delivered? Official discord forums?"
Aenternoll just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Svardin loses some awareness.
Aliashyrah asks, speaking to Auchand, "These tasks build with personal credit with the town or help build the town itself?"
Auchand says, "Yup, or even the Icemule Trace Discord. It's just brainstorming at this point."
Nodyre nods.
Aenternoll sits down.
Randsford says, "Always liked the idea of players collecting things or even just paying silver for town improvements. Rather than be given a herbalist in HW could have had everyone contribute to get one."
Aenternoll takes a drink from his Dhe'nari blood wine.
Aenternoll looks rather relaxed.
Auchand says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "I don't think we can do a system that helps build the town and expand it, to be honest."
Dracord folds his hands.
Auchand says, "Since GS has so much permanence."
The air stirs around you for a moment.
Nodyre nods slowly.
Auchand says, "You'd eventually max everything out and then we have a huge system that does nothing."
Aliashyrah chuckles.
Lilanna nods.
Auchand says, "I'd rather do stuff that allows your character to progress."
Raelee says, "... unless there were also destruction tasks."
Raelee grins slowly.
Drigler asks, "Would you say its sort of like adding on to delivering messages?"
Nodyre rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Auchand begins chuckling at Raelee!
Roelon grins.
Raelee says, "Build the town, melt the town..."
Randsford nods in agreement at Raelee.
Auchand nods at Drigler.
Aliashyrah asks, speaking to Auchand, "So almost like a non combat way of earning experience and rewards?"
Auchand says, "I actually love the two examples from Wehnimer's."
Svardin says, "Get all da junk outta da well dat has been thrown in over dat last 25 years."
Svardin giggles.
Elphieya flutters her wings as her cheeks blush a shade of soft pale rose.
Elphieya quietly says, "Sorry."
Sorlu says, speaking to Raelee, "Town PvP...lots of terrorism."
Sorlu grins at Raelee.
Auchand says, "Running messages and grabbing iron from the kobold mine."
Drigler nods.
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Lilanna nods at Auchand.
Nodyre says, "If only someone hadn't destroyed our mill..."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Roelon nods.
Gespry melodically says, "Cutting wood for the bonefire."
You quietly ask, "Is this for young folks?"
Grutak just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Jiarine asks, "Why would someone who is rather skilled resort to making iron?"
Auchand says, "If I were going to do a system like this, I'd want 5-10 tasks that were dailies, with a rotating set of 3-4 available each day."
Elphieya quietly says, "I love the idea of town tasks. I hate that everything requires killing or is centered around killing."
Roelon deeply asks, "I think for all cititzens?"
Nodyre says, speaking to you, "I think the idea is for anyone to progress."
Dracord says, "'must be, you're here."
Dracord shrugs.
Auchand says, speaking to you, "I'd like it to be an all-levels thing."
Svardin says, "Bake a cake fer ma leaftoe."
Svardin grins.
You nod understandingly.
Jiarine says, "Admit it you're wanting free labor."
Lilanna nods at Elphieya.
Nodyre chuckles.
Sorlu asks, "So like, breaking ice off the walls, for example?"
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Svardin says, "Clean Thurfel's cellar. Is really dirty."
Svardin giggles.
Lilanna nods at Sorlu.
Svardin waves.
Gespry melodically says, "Cutting firewood, scraping/cleaning the walls, shoveling snow on the trails outside town."
Auchand nods at Sorlu.
High Lord Svardin just went into a mule-printed tent flap.
You say, speaking quietly to Sorlu, "I miss that one."
Auchand says, "Stuff like that would be cool."
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Auchand nods at Gespry.
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Jiarine says, "Yeah... not it."
Dracord chuckles.
You quietly say, "Blessing the stones for battle."
Aliashyrah says, "Polishing the statue."
Aliashyrah chuckles.
Seneschal Dendum just slipped quietly out of a mule-printed tent flap, his group following closely.
Gespry nods at Aliashyrah.
Auchand says, "So I like the way you guys are thinking, but if someone's able to take notes on ideas over the next couple of weeks, that'd be very helpful to me."
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Mistress Loralaii just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
A green-eyed orange chinchilla scurries into the room.
Nodyre says, "I'll start a forum post."
Roelon nods.
Lilanna asks, "Opalina?"
Auchand says, "One thing I feel I've done poorly--and frankly, that hasn't been done well in IMT for a while--is civic improvements."
Lilanna chuckles.
Grutak says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "You gotta polish the whole thing, not just one part."
Sorlu grins at Lilanna.
Aliashyrah rolls her eyes at Grutak.
You quietly say, "Nodyre's post idea is a good one."
Auchand says, "I've managed to knock out a few projects like Vardar Hollow, Clovertooth's necessary rewrite, the Stout Street Armory, etc."
Grutak grins at Aliashyrah.
Auchand says, "And replacing the town NPCs with the new system that interacts with invasions."
Dracord dusts himself off.
Dracord bows.
Gespry melodically says, "Finally did the statue."
Dracord waves.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Jiarine says, "You still need an Icemule flavored tea/coffee shop that sells warm stuff."
Auchand nods at Gespry.
Lilanna begins to breathe less deeply.
Lilanna turns to Jiarine and cheers!
Auchand says, "But I feel like there's a lot on the civic improvements list that needs to get done."
Lilanna says, speaking to Jiarine, "We finally agree on something."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Auchand.
Glania rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Gespry melodically says, "We still need two guards, or a re-work of the gurds entire."
You quietly say, "Ohh We were lookin for a place to repair ships that would be a good use for that empty shop on the East road."
Dracord blinks.
Jiarine says, "It happens on occasion."
Dracord just went east.
Jiarine says, "Scary."
Lilanna grins at Jiarine.
Dracord just arrived.
Dracord just went west.
Auchand nods at Gespry.
You whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
Gespry nods to you.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Auchand, "This is a fun idea and I am excited to see how it may work once implemented."
Auchand says, speaking to Gespry, "Really soon."
Gespry melodically says, "Ship repair is good.."
Auchand says, "Not RSN, jus treally soon."
Auchand says, "Just, rather."
Dracord just arrived.
Dracord just went into a mule-printed tent flap.
You quietly say, "Soon enough."
Grutak says, "There are some defensive features that would be a neat addition to Icemule."
Grutak says, "And unique."
Sorlu says, speaking to Auchand, "Agree."
Sorlu coughs.
Auchand says, "Mayor Dabbings has, as you know, been conducting guard interviews for a while now."
Auchand says, "Those folks could show up any time."
Grutak says, "Something the GM's could use during invasions."
Jiarine asks, "Drunk, drunk enough or drunk stupid?"
Dendum says, "Can't be overly picky in todays market."
Sorlu says, speaking to Grutak, "Something of the surface-to-air variety."
Sorlu grins at Grutak.
Aliashyrah dryly says, "We'll check the pub for their arrival."
Aliashyrah flashes a quick grin at Auchand.
Grutak says, speaking to Sorlu, "I was thinking of an avalanche."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Sorlu grins.
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Sorlu, "We tried the Svardin catapult idea. it didn't launch him far enough."
Lilanna renews her songs.
Grutak says, "Something to wipe out all opponents in a single go."
Sorlu begins chuckling at Gespry!
Aliashyrah says, speaking patiently to Grutak, "The goal is to protect the town, not bury it."
Jiarine says, "Then it's protected forever."
Aliashyrah says, "Avalanches are difficult to control."
Auchand says, speaking to Grutak, "I'd rather have player stuff that was more usable during invasions."
Roelon asks, speaking deeply to Sorlu, "Load a gnome, and fire the trebuchet?"
You quietly say, "Not accepting the it's cold outside excuse anymore now they are just dating the barkeep."
Auchand says, "I haven't seen the walls get protected much."
Roelon nods once.
Sorlu nods.
Grutak says, "That's going to change."
Elphieya giggles at you.
Elphieya says, speaking quietly to you, "That WOULD explain why they are always there."
You nod at Elphieya.
Gespry takes a drink from his whiskey-spiked coffee.
Auchand asks, "What are the big pain points for IMT right now?"
Nodyre rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jiarine says, "It's cold."
Lilanna says, "The useless guards."
Lilanna says, "Always in the pub."
Randsford asks, "No bounties to go after vampires?"
Randsford ducks his head.
Gespry melodically says, "If your Grutak, not enough healers awake and working in town center."
Roelon deeply says, "That sounds like it's getting fixed.
Roelon grins.
Sorlu grins.
Grutak grins at Gespry.
Lilanna says, "Still a problem now."
Elphieya says, speaking quietly to Gespry, "Whenever i'm around, there are always plenty."
Lilanna chuckles.
Grutak says, "THere's always herbs."
Nodyre says, "It's not QUITE your area of concern, but I feel there are a lot of reposessed player shops in town. It'd be great to see those go up for lottery again."
Lilanna chuckles.
Roelon nods at Nodyre.
Sorlu agrees with Nodyre.
Lilanna nods at Nodyre.
Sorlu says, "Absolutely."
Nodyre asks, "I know Retser built that system, but maybe you could revive it?"
You hear very soft footsteps.
Auchand looks thoughtfully at Nodyre.
Jiarine asks, "Doesn't it predate Retser by years?"
Drigler exclaims, "He brought it back to life, Retser did it.. and its dead again!"
Drigler chuckles.
Elphieya quietly says, "I know they do lotteries sometimes. Landing had one a few years back."
Roelon nods at Drigler.
Jiarine says, "I'll rent someone a room in my EN shop."
Jiarine twiddles her thumbs.
Nodyre says, speaking to Jiarine, "The shops, yes. The lottery, no."
Roelon begins chuckling at Jiarine!
Gespry ponders.
Nodyre says, "Another thing that I find quite annoying... the lack of bundling for IMT herbs."
Nodyre chuckles.
Dendum says, "Yes."
Dendum nods at Nodyre.
Sorlu asks, speaking to Auchand, "You mentioned awhile back, if memory serves, maybe wanting to move away from one scheduled RP night a week. Where are your thoughts on that currently?"
Auchand says, "So..."
Auchand says, "I like Midweek 'Mule Trains."
Nodyre nods.
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Auchand, "So ideas for possible player tasks (any level) or maybe different tasks BY level, Civic Improvement ideas."
Auchand says, "But I'd honestly like it if players did more spontaneous RP here that I could piggyback on."
You ask, speaking quietly to Auchand, "How do you mean?"
Auchand says, "I do peek in on players in IMT."
Grutak says, speaking to Auchand, "Just wait till the light show tomorrow."
Roelon grins.
Sorlu just closed a tailored dark hematite overcoat caught at each sleeve with a jade-sheened dark sanguine bloodjewel.
Sorlu hums a seemingly random tune.
Auchand says, "But not a lot goes on outside of the scheduled RP nights."
Sorlu glances suspiciously around the room.
Auchand exclaims, "I know we're all busy and old, though!"
Auchand grins.
Grutak says, "Only Sorlu."
You quietly say, "Or just old and tired."
Gespry melodically asks, "Scheduled moonsedge raids..for example?"
Lilanna chuckles.
Randsford nods at Grutak.
Grutak says, "Everyone else is just tired."
Gespry cocks his head at Auchand.
Sorlu grins at Grutak.
Lilanna says, "Just old, not busy."
Nodyre says, "If only someone ran regular Reim excursions..."
Jiarine says, "I like dying to non-sparkling vampires better than talking with all of you."
(Roelon muffles the creeks in his bones.)
Nodyre says, "One day perhaps."
Jiarine examines her fingernails.
Lilanna nods to you.
Sorlu says, "Sorlu has been up to a few things.."
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Gespry squints at Nodyre.
Grutak says, "Grutaks getting ready to open a can of worms."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Auchand, "I see and attempt to participate in spontaneous RP any time I am in town."
You quietly say, "Seems alot of folks are chasing numbers not wanting to talk searching out cats and puzzles."
You hear very soft footsteps.
Dendum says, "IMT square doesn't have the same vibe as sol haven or landing when it comes to off hour things."
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Roelon, "Get your hooks ready for some free bait."
Roelon nods to you.
Roelon grins at Gespry.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Auchand, "It is not always earthshattering, but being active is an important facet of the game."
Lilanna squints at Sorlu.
Nodyre says, speaking to you, "I think that's a bit unfair."
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
You ask, speaking quietly to Nodyre, "Is it?"
Roelon deeply says, "Also....Not specifically Icemule, but I know many have asked for fishing spots in these new hunting areas up here."
Nodyre says, "There are plenty of folks who would be interested in roleplay between hunts. It's just a bit tricky here."
Radoria just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Nodyre says, "We have a lot of supernodes."
Lilanna nods at Nodyre.
Drigler says, "OSA is here now, thats cool."
Gespry nods at Drigler.
You agree with Drigler.
Roelon nods at Drigler.
Auchand nods.
Gespry melodically says, "Especially now the gaunt dock master is handing out the right notes.."
Nodyre chuckles.
Lilanna says, "Quite a few of us stay in character. that IS RP. but it gets overlooked if it's not.... as Aliashyrah saidm "earth shattering"."
You chuckle at Gespry.
Roelon deeply says, "Could do another night as a Player RP night. Any interested could just gather and talk about happenings."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Auchand says, "I brought up redistributing or removing some of our supernodes at one of my early meetings and it was greeted with resounding disdain."
Auchand says, "But I'd really prefer that we only have a few so that people are more crammed together."
Nodyre says, "I think some of these things just require ripping off the band-aids."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Roelon, "I do not believe we need more scheduled times."
Sorlu says, "The well and TC, that's all I need."
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Roelon begins chuckling at Aliashyrah!
Nodyre says, "Make Drigler and Neovik upset by killing the Thirsty Penguin supernode."
Gespry melodically says, "More time to hang out with thieves.."
Aliashyrah says, "People just need to remain in character and engage with each other."
Auchand says, speaking to Nodyre, "However, roundtime at these supernodes will bottom out at 2 seconds."
Auchand grins at Nodyre.
Drigler chuckles.
Drigler grins at Nodyre.
Nodyre gasps.
Nodyre says, speaking to Auchand, "Too soon."
Gespry nods at Nodyre.
Gespry holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.
Dendum laughs!
Roelon deeply says, "Mist Harbor I believe does something similar. Any who 'wish to' can. If not, can continue to do what we do."
Roelon shrugs.
Auchand says, "I personally dislike the Giantman Path supernode."
Auchand says, "There's no reason why a Tracer would be sitting out in the wide open in the middle of a path."
Nodyre asks, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Are you suggesting people are actively out of character in town?"
Grutak says, speaking to Auchand, "So do I."
Auchand exclaims, "It's bloody cold!"
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Roelon, "Oftentimes it is the scheduling that makes people lazy when it is "off" time."
Gespry melodically says, "The picking well super node.."
Gespry shakes his head.
Nodyre says, speaking to Auchand, "I agree with that."
You agree with Auchand.
Dendum says, speaking to Roelon, ""All three of those events were player started, sol haven has freeport friday."
You quietly ask, "Build a bonfire?"
Roelon says, speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, "Perhaps. But some of us have limited time also."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nodyre nods at Roelon.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Nodyre, "No, I am suggesting that people actively go AFK in TC, rarely engage with people even when spoken to, treat it like a mandatory rest between hunting but not a place to be and interact."
Jiarine says, "It's heading into holiday season. By the time it's over some of us want to commit murder."
Sorlu asks, "Isn't it a bit of a...landing spot, though?"
Roelon points at Jiarine.
Roelon deeply says, "If I don't do it to my customers first."
Nodyre asks, speaking to Aliashyrah, "They're absolutely allowed to do so, right?"
Roelon appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Drigler says, "Scheduled reim runs like Nodyre does, OSA runs, Moonsedge or HW runs, those could all be fun, for the fri, sat, sun type things."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Nodyre, "Yes, but is it in character for someone to sit starting blanking for an hour? Unlikely."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Nodyre, "That is all I am saying."
You quietly say, "Well here.. IF anyone wants to join me on ships, roleplay with me, or talk to me.. even when I seem difficult, ditsy, mean, fun, or quiet."
Auchand says, "I am deeply envious of Solhaven's Freeport Fridays."
Nodyre says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "I appreciate the clarification. I do not agree, but appreciate it nonetheless."
Lilanna grins at you.
Sorlu asks, speaking to Auchand, "In what way?"
Auchand says, "That's the sort of thing here that I would jump to support."
Dendum says, "You have to give the Gryphon and Co a lot of credit for Sol Haven's scene."
Auchand nods at Sorlu.
Jiarine says, "I hate you all - Jia's just going to be vocal about it."
Roelon nods slowly.
Jiarine twiddles her thumbs.
Drigler says, "To alia i've thought about it'd be cool if you just wanna sit and rest and absorb exp, checking in at the inn would i have a funciton to do that."
Lilanna begins chuckling at Jiarine!
Nalver just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Nodyre says, "I think the OSA port should create a lot of opportunity here - I have my Man o'war docked there and would be happy to run some pirate hunts."
Auchand says, "I don't expect Icemule Trace to be Solhaven. Remember that I've guru'd for both towns and their populations are very different."
Lilanna says, "Yet she stays."
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Jiarine, "We know."
You exclaim, speaking quietly to Jiarine, "Your scary!"
Raelee says, speaking to Auchand, "We can't take all the credit. Solhaven more or less copied Mist Harbor."
Auchand nods at Raelee.
Falvicar leans on you, resting his hand upon your shoulder.
Jiarine says, "Stay? Not really much lately."
Jiarine shrugs.
Nodyre says, "Solhaven also has the benefit of quite a lot of world-building via the empire."
Nalver taps a carved sephwir tree brooch that he is wearing.
Nalver tucks away his gold stickpin.
Sorlu asks, "Maybe I'm not understanding. Isn't Freeport Friday just Sol's version of Mule Night?"
Radoria forages around briefly but doesn't seem to find anything useful.
Nalver tucks away his ora clasp.
Aliashyrah shakes her head.
Radoria just went into a mule-printed tent flap.
Raelee says, "Freeport Friday is 100% player run."
Roelon deeply says, "But player driven."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Sorlu, "It is more a social time set up by the players, from my understanding."
Grutak says, "One of the things I have always thought is that Icemule is underrated for it's relationship with Lornon."
Roelon deeply says, "Go sink some ships."
Jiarine says, "It's the first I've heard of it."
Auchand exclaims, speaking to Nodyre, "I know, I did a lot of it!"
Auchand grins.
Nodyre grins at Auchand.
Roelon deeply says, "This is something we could do here."
Roelon shrugs.
Auchand says, "Since I took over in Icemule, I've been trying to build up the town's unique identity."
Everything around you seems to distort for a moment.
Sorlu says, " what we're doing with the town council meetings then."
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Falvicar grins.
Auchand says, "I see IMT as a legitimate frontier town, unlike Wehnimer's, which is basically the center of everything."
Dendum nods at Sorlu.
Nodyre nods.
Auchand says, "Often times, 'unimportant' events are the coolest ones."
Falvicar tickles you in your most sensitive spot, causing you to giggle embarrassingly.
Gespry melodically says, "Granted, in the begining, it WAS the cetner of everything."
Grutak says, "Icemule Trace is more than just the town. Icemule is the center of the Northern Realms. It is the jewel in the north."
Auchand grins at Grutak.
Raelee raises her hand.
Auchand nods at Raelee.
Nodyre says, "I'd love to see some permanence added for the Half-Krolvin settlement we've adopted."
Roelon nods at Auchand.
Raelee says, "If I can offer an opinion/observation from a party-crashing Havener..."
Dendum says, "Wehnimer's might end up like Casablanca while IMT will actually be the wild lands."
Auchand turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.
Auchand says, speaking to Nodyre, "And we'll touch on that in a sec."
Nodyre lets out a cheer!
Raelee says, "I don't really know Icemule. I don't know a lot about its place in the world. I don't always have the best grasp of what's going on here."
Nalver's rose vine anklet writhes slightly, the vine's tendrils creeping and shifting slightly as it repositions itself along his ankle.
Nodyre begins chuckling at Dendum!
Aliashyrah turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.
Gespry turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.
Raelee asks, "I think some more... informational, Icemule 101 things might be a little helpful?"
Elphieya excitedly exclaims, "I like that idea!"
Lilanna nods.
Jiarine says, "Checklist for moving to Icemule and not being killed immediately."
Elphieya quietly says, "I've tried to do a bit of that with mentor events of "here's what's happening in this city" type things."
Jiarine says, "A new town flyer."
Raelee says, "To better encourage RP... do a little to really explain the setting in the lore/RP sense."
Nalver says, speaking to Raelee, "Go explore the Thirsty Penguin some."
Elphieya quietly says, "But we could do more of that."
Lilanna says, speaking to Jiarine, "Step one - be nice."
Lilanna grins.
Dendum says, "One thing that led to Mist Harber's event was Q's narrative during RP events that led to open ended was formed to solver "Mysteries" even if we knew we couldn't actually solve the mysteries."
Jiarine asks, "Why?"
Lilanna asks, "So u dont get killed?"
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Lilanna, "You lost her a step 1, move on to the next."
Elphieya quietly says, "I would love a way to get information in character."
Jiarine asks, "That's bad?"
Lilanna laughs at Gespry!
Lilanna asks, "Be nice or leave?"
Nodyre gazes heavenward.
Auchand says, "So one of the NPCs I've had in the hopper for a bit is Yonder Fitzbrink, who has appeared a couple of times here and there as a wannabe reporter."
Gespry looks over at Lilanna and shakes his head.
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Auchand says, "I think a town gossip system that could use him would be cool."
Nodyre says, "Poor Newsby gonna be out of a job."
Nodyre says, speaking to Auchand, "This is a fun idea."
Nalver nods at Auchand.
Jiarine says, "Tsk. It's boring when everyone iS SO freaking nice and wants to cuddle with the mule."
Lilanna says, "Oo."
Auchand says, "Just so that players can ask what the heck is going on."
Gespry melodically says, "A random news blurb via Realm net."
Sorlu takes a bite of his punch bowl cake.
Gespry melodically says, "By Yonder."
Roelon nods at Auchand.
Lilanna nods at Auchand.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Auchand.
Grutak says, "Icemule has an identity crisis. It wants to be unique and different, but then draw all it's ideas from the various places to the south. Icemule could be the Lornon capital of Elanthia. Icemule could be a safe haven for those wishing to RP a Lornon role."
A stout rosy-cheeked widow just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
A stout rosy-cheeked widow waves.
Lilanna asks, "Ooh hey... no one gonna ask? what about a return of citizenship pins?"
Nalver says, "I was just thinking that I've been back for a year and trying to get involved in storylines and it feels like there is a major barrier to do so. They feel exclusive, not inclusive. Something like a gossip system to let you know what is going on might help."
Elphieya says, speaking quietly to Auchand, "I love that! A gossip woudl be great. I have gone to the historical society in town and it doesn't have much actual info to offer that is relevant to now."
Dendum blinks at Grutak.
Raelee says, "A visiting lecturer from Paradis University to give a little history."
Dendum remarks, speaking to Grutak, ""The landing is Lornon's capital and refuses to give up that spot."
Auchand says, "Let's unpack these one at a time."
Gespry recites melodically:
"[Realm]-ESP: Breaking news by Yonder! Have you seen the new guards the Mayor has hired?!"
Nodyre begins chuckling at Gespry!
Nalver asks, "So newsby for IMT?"
Nalver chuckles.
Jiarine glances at a stout rosy-cheeked widow.
Auchand says, "I think Solhaven is the natural home of Lornonites, because of their wide array of beautiful temples, hidden and non."
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Lilanna nods.
Auchand says, "I would really like to build more temples in IMT. I don't like the current temple design and no one goes there on the regular except for deeds."
Grutak says, speaking to Auchand, "Solhaven is neutral. They have just as many if not more Laibo ones."
Falvicar grins at Auchand.
Lilanna says, "I miss the old temple...."
Auchand nods at Lilanna.
Auchand says, "Me too, but that one's gone."
Lilanna sobs.
Aliashyrah says, "Taking inspiration from other towns and how they do things is not bad, but I do agree that Icemule is her own city and should do things the Icemule way."
Aliashyrah says, "Not a reskinned version from another town."
Nalver asks, "Was that the one destroyed by the tidal wave?"
Auchand says, "I don't want to just overwrite other GMs' work, but I do think we'll see some growth on the religious front going forward."
Lilanna says, "I've known a couple clerics that live in the temple."
Lilanna chuckles.
Grutak says, "But I'm not talking about Temples. As I look in this room, I'd wager half if not more are secret Lornonites."
Nodyre asks, "Shrine to Gosaena maybe?"
Nodyre chuckles.
Falvicar mutters ronan.
Falvicar mutters nightblades.
Falvicar snickers.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Grutak, "Some not so secret."
Gespry cocks his head at Grutak.
Auchand says, "Citizenship pins are easy, but I think we need new ones."
Jiarine says, speaking to Grutak, "Try again."
Falvicar grins at Auchand.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Auchand says, "Maybe an option of the old and the new."
Lilanna nods.
Nalver nods at Auchand.
Auchand says, "I'm trying to catch up on a few things."
Nodyre asks, "Just an idea here... maybe pins modeled after some of our new NPCs?"
Jiarine asks, "Create a new one and we can chose which version we prefer?"
Auchand says, "The Ancient Burrow confuses me a bit."
Nalver says, "I've been looking for thoses and no one has ever answered if they do or do not exist."
Jiarine says, "Something maybe for us guests who'd never call this town home."
Zeminar just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Auchand says, "It doesn't really fit with the canon of Icemule Trace, but I'm fine with it being there because it looks cool and it's well-designed."
Zeminar sits down.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Jiarine, "That would defeat the purpose of a citizenship pin if you do not need to be a citizen."
Auchand says, "However, I think that's probably where the half-krolvin would most likely stay."
Auchand says, "So it may become the Krinti Burrow or something along those lines."
Jiarine says, "We don't need no stinking badges."
Jiarine folds her arms over her chest.
Auchand says, "Unless you all hate that idea."
Sorlu takes a bite of his punch bowl cake.
A pin drops.
Gespry melodically says, "Plink."
Jiarine asks, "Speaking of town related stuff. Does Icemule even have citizen only verbs?"
Falvicar says, "Makes no different to me... I heard a pink drop."
Auchand nods at Jiarine.
Falvicar says, "Pin too."
Lilanna says, "I tihnk it fits now."
Lilanna shrugs.
Jiarine prods a scowling jack-o-lantern pin with the tip of her finger.
Nodyre says, "Ship it."
Nalver asks, speaking to Auchand, "Wait, Half-krol doesn't fit with the cannon of Icemule?"
Roelon nods.
Nalver says, "The two half-krolvin brothers helped this town."
Elphieya just went into a mule-printed tent flap.
Nalver says, "There are rooms dedicated to them in the Thirsty Penguin."
Dendum says, "I think he meant the ancient burrow."
Nodyre says, "No, the Ancient Burrow is what doesn't fit."
Nodyre says, "And I'd agree."
Dendum says, "Its like this dark little odd section of town."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Dendum, "Every town needs a dark odd section."
Nalver says, "Ahh."
Nalver says, "I was confused."
Lilanna nods.
Nalver says, "Which is often."
Sorlu takes a bite of his punch bowl cake.
Auchand says, "Icemule does have citizen-only verbs, but I don't know what they are off the top of my head."
Auchand asks, "Anyone?"
Aliashyrah snickers at Sorlu.
Falvicar grins at Roelon.
Dendum says, "Shiver."
Dendum says, "Or some such."
Roelon nods at Dendum.
Randsford says, speaking to Roelon, "No citizen only kilt flares."
Randsford pokes Roelon in the ribs.
You quietly ask, "We have verbs?"
Auchand draws his arms in close and his eyes glaze over as he appears to get lost in a chilly daydream. Head slightly tilted, he chews on his lip distractedly, casually wiping away a trickle of drool before returning to stillness.
Roelon's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers him.
You ponder.
Roelon grins at Randsford.
Dendum says, "Rub shiver swoon and touch."
You quietly say, "Something about cold."
Auchand suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Auchand exclaims, "We have a DAYDREAM verb!"
Auchand grins.
Roelon deeply says, "Thats level two citizen verb."
Nodyre says, "Chuc."
Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.
Roelon turns to face Randsford.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
You lose yourself completely in a daydream...
Lilanna's eyes take on a glassy look as she appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Auchand scrubs his hand over his bald head in frustration.
You wake up from your daydream, and begin paying attention again.
You're not asleep. If you want to rouse yourself, you should WAKE {self}.
Sorlu takes a bite of his punch bowl cake.
Your cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening your freckles even more.
Falvicar's eyes take on a glassy look as he appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Falvicar suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Auchand scrubs his hand over his bald head in frustration.
>daydream help
Usage: DAYDREAM {target} [EVIL|GOOD] -Premium Bonus- Type DAYDREAM by itself when you wish to be AFK. This will indicate to those who LOOK at you that you are AFK. Alternatively, Premium members who are citizens of a town can type DAYDREAM CITIZEN when you wish to be AFK and show some home town pride!
Auchand shrugs.
Zeminar carefully surveys his surroundings.
>daydream citizen You draw your arms in close and picture the pristine frozen plains of Icemule Trace laid out before you. You envision the majesty of the snowy cockatrice and hear the haunting call of the polar bear. Those thoughts spark your appetite as you are engulfed in your reverie. What you wouldn't give for a winterberry tart right about now, with a dash of powdered sugar, and some tea. Your mind continues to drift as you daydream of the sweets you'll have and the foes you'll vanquish when you return home.
Jiarine's eyes take on a glassy look as she appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Jiarine suddenly blinks and wakes up from her daydream.
Roelon draws his arms in close and his eyes glaze over as he appears to get lost in a chilly daydream. Head slightly tilted, he chews on his lip distractedly, casually wiping away a trickle of drool before returning to stillness.
You wake up from your daydream, and begin paying attention again.
You quietly exclaim, "Ohhh I didn't know that!"
You beam!
Nodyre draws his arms in close and his eyes glaze over as he appears to get lost in a chilly daydream. Head slightly tilted, he chews on his lip distractedly, casually wiping away a trickle of drool before returning to stillness.
You quietly ask, "Was that just now?"
Falvicar's eyes take on a glassy look as he appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
You quietly say, "What did I miss."
Auchand says, "Leave it to Dendum."
Zeminar places his hands on his hips and casually surveys his surroundings.
Babbling again, eh?
Your cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening your freckles even more.
Auchand says, "So apparently RUB, SHIVER, SWOON, TOUCH, and DAYDREAM all have IMT options."
Roelon suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Jiarine asks, "Does it feel good knowing you made them all drool?"
Nalver says, "Type VERB SETTING."
Nalver says, "Yeah that."
Falvicar suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Falvicar says, "I see swoon, touch, rub, and shiver."
The following verbs are available for you to SET:
Auchand swoons.
Auchand stands up.
Nalver swoons.
You quietly say, "No those are totally new."
Nalver says, "Ohh."
Falvicar swoons.
You stand back up.
Nalver says, "Swoon only works in COLD rooms."
Falvicar sits up.
Nalver says, "I found thata out."
Auchand says, "There'll be some stuff coming for the half-krolvin soon."
Nalver says, "Makes you slip on ice."
>swoon help Usage:
SWOON - Swoons SWOON {self} - Swoons dramatically SWOON {target} - Swoons after glancing at a target SWOON SET [option] - Shows or sets the SWOON verb options available.
Grutak gazes at his surroundings.
Auchand says, "But I do want them to become more present in the town."
Nalver stands up.
Grutak swoons.
Falvicar says, speaking to Nalver, "How cool."
Falvicar snickers.
Nalver shivers and rubs his arms.
Auchand says, "I conducted a full review of IMT's NPCs last year, which is why it's so easy to add new ones now."
Nalver's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers him.
Auchand says, "And why they now run away during invasions."
Auchand says, "The next step in that process is reviewing shopkeeps."
Nalver says, "Or forever in the case of some guards."
Auchand says, speaking to Nalver, "The guards got killed, yo."
Nalver exclaims, "I was kidding!"
Auchand says, "You don't come back from getting eaten by a wyrm."
Dendum waves a hand at Auchand, dismissing him indifferently.
Aliashyrah says, speaking flatly to Auchand, "Unless you're a player character."
Dendum exclaims, "Not if you don't do it right!"
Aliashyrah says, "In which case, we come back from everything."
Falvicar says, "Sooner or later the bones come out the other end..."
Falvicar grins at Auchand.
Lilanna suddenly blinks and wakes up from her daydream.
Lilanna blinks.
You say, speaking quietly to Nalver, "He forgot to hire clerics in the budget."
Dendum chuckles.
Auchand says, "I think there are parts of Icemule that have a much less forgiving layout than Wehnimer's Landing."
Lilanna chuckles.
Auchand says, "I felt that about Solhaven and, uh..."
Auchand says, "...I did something about it."
Lilanna says, speaking to you, "We have one and it's overpriced."
Raelee grins at Auchand.
Auchand sulkily says, "They won't let me burn IMT to the ground and rebuild it from dreams and hopes, though."
Jiarine says, "I still get lost in Illistim. It's a walking nightmare."
Falvicar asks, "Incoming avalanche?"
Raelee says, speaking to Auchand, "I am always willing to help you destroy a town."
Falvicar peers quizzically at Auchand.
Lilanna frowns.
You quietly say, "But I like our town.."
Lilanna nods to you.
Dendum remarks, speaking to Auchand, ""Your invasions are harder to keep seperated than some other towns, they may start out easier on the east and harder on the west but they all seem to move around so much everything is mixed. Unless that is by design."
You quietly say, "I like that's different and not just a wierd square."
Raelee says, speaking to Falvicar, "If we started the avalanche right, we could wipe out Pinefar and Icemule in a two-fer."
Auchand nods at Dendum.
You quietly say, "Oh wait it is a wierd square.. and I like it."
Falvicar nods in agreement at Raelee.
Auchand grins at Raelee.
Auchand says, speaking to Dendum, "There are no breaks between IMT's gates."
Falvicar takes a drink from his glass of scotch.
Gespry chuckles.
Dendum nods at Auchand.
Grutak sits up.
Dendum says, "Running into an occuloth that is on the medium side will remind you of that quickly."
Falvicar says, speaking to Raelee, "That almost makes the Rift safer..."
Raelee grins at Falvicar.
Auchand says, "There's probably room for some improvement there."
Auchand says, "I agree that we need a few new shops in IMT, so I'm open to ideas there."
Jiarine repeats, "A tea shop."
Lilanna nods at Jiarine.
Dendum nods at Jiarine.
Roelon grins.
Jiarine says, "I'd like to hurl a tea kettle full of boiling tea on someone."
Lilanna ducks her head.
You quietly say, "Boat repair shop."
Auchand nods at Jiarine.
Roelon grins.
Lilanna nods to you.
Nodyre suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Nodyre takes a deep breath.
Dendum says, "Something with warm food as fluffy as Moomph's but with "warmth" inspired messages would make sense in IMT."
Auchand says, speaking to you, "That might make more sense down near the Crawling Shore."
Dendum says, speaking to Jiarine, ""Including teas."
Auchand nods at Dendum.
Lilanna asks, "Cocoa in a kettle?"
Auchand says, "Nalver, you mentioned storylines, too."
Jiarine says, "You could open a yarn supply shop."
Auchand asks, "I've tried to keep MMT pretty open to everyone. What feels impenetrable about it?"
Auchand says, "Or exclusive."
Jiarine says, "I know a lot of crafters would be happy at that."
Lilanna nods at Jiarine.
Lilanna says, "Is that viable? the only yanr show now is on fwi."
Lilanna says, "Yarn... shop..."
Auchand says, "It never hurts to asak."
Nalver says, "Just the same people as from when I played 10 years ago always running about keeping things secret."
Auchand says, "Er... ask."
Dendum says, "I think MMT is pretty open...Jiarne is always so warm and open."
Lilanna nods at Auchand.
Nodyre blinks.
Lilanna says, "Might get some more people to visit if we have yarn and they dont."
Auchand says, speaking to Nalver, "I don't think there's been a lot of secrecy in this quest."
Lilanna grins.
Nodyre asks, "The same people from ten years ago?"
Nalver says, "That's more of a game thing then a IMT thing."
Roelon deeply says, "I think we try to grab everyone? Though sometimes when it comes to hunting zones, it can prevent."
Roelon nods slowly.
Randsford says, "I was gone for 20 years and found the story easy enough to get into. Sure I was lost for a while but consistently showing week after week I was able to find a place."
Jiarine says, "Jia's always nasty and we call it "defining a character"."
Jiarine snickers.
Randsford shrugs.
Nodyre says, "I will say that we've got a different crowd from even *three* years ago."
Dendum says, speaking to Auchand, ""Some people have told me they don't feel a "hook" to come up here....but then they miss like...a vampire castle."
Nodyre shrugs.
Nalver says, "Sorry, wrong time for this question as I'm semi-afk."
Auchand says, "Look, I'd love to expand Midweek 'Mule Train attendance."
Auchand says, "It seems to swing wildly."
Auchand says, "Sometimes it's huge groups, sometimes it's not."
Auchand says, "If there are things I'm not doing but should..."
Nodyre says, "I've heard feedback that it's the most welcome of town storyline stuff."
Auchand exclaims, "...tell me!"
Nodyre shrugs.
Nodyre says, "Most welcoming, rather."
Lilanna says, speaking to Nalver, "Ive said the same thing.. there are OFTEN always tgh same people headlining storylines and gatekeepin info... it is a GS thing not a IMT thing."
Auchand says, "Not to toot my own horn, but when I started doing storylines in Solhaven, there were basically a handful of players."
Auchand says, "By the end of Ride of the Red Dreamer, it was hard to manage the crowds."
Falvicar nods knowingly at Auchand.
Raelee says, "If I can make two little suggestions..."
Raelee ducks her head.
Dendum remarks, speaking to Auchand, ""It can be hard to know when it will be just a slow burn night and VAMPIRE CASTLE."
Falvicar says, speaking to Auchand, "You kept up up all night a few times."
Auchand says, "I don't do as much unnecessarily epic stuff any more because I'm in my late thirties."
Auchand grins.
Nodyre exclaims, speaking to Dendum, "That's why you just gotta always show up!"
Roelon deeply says, "I think I left around that storyline? Wish I saw it to the end."
Lilanna rolls her eyes.
Auchand says, speaking to Dendum, "That's why I wanted to stealth release it."
Dendum laughs!
Auchand exclaims, speaking to Raelee, "Suggestions, yes!"
Roelon deeply says, "I assume thats where I got this tribal tattoo, up here. Can't recall exactly."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Sorlu says, "Some of us have been pretty darn consistent attending storyline stuff."
Raelee says, "1) Might be good for someone to just post some good summaries somewhere public. Just one even, a current state of things so people have some idea of what's going on."
Nodyre says, speaking to Raelee, "I try to provide updates to Newsby, but I'm not always on the ball."
Roelon nods.
Nodyre says, "I'm the worst."
Raelee says, "2) Use the Icemule channel in the official discord more. If a lot of discussion is happening on another server... people who aren't already involved will never hear it, never have their curiosity piqued, etc."
Sorlu says, speaking to Raelee, "We have monthly town council meetings, and have had tons of logs posted in the servers."
Nodyre nods at Raelee.
Roelon deeply says, "I can try doing wiki summeries again. My available time got shortened. But I can try to squeeze it in again."
Dendum nods at Raelee.
Nodyre says, "I think more use of the official discord channel and forums would be good."
Nodyre says, "At least for recaps."
Nodyre says, "I think ... Sorlu? is pretty good about that."
Dendum asks, "I mean was this OOC event even announced on the main?"
Nodyre says, "Opalina too."
Roelon nods.
Roelon deeply says, "Opal's journel has been amazing."
Auchand nods at Raelee.
Nodyre says, speaking to Dendum, "It was, sorta."
Lilanna nods at Roelon.
Nodyre chuckles.
Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps we post the updates when they happen on the official discord then."
Jiarine says, "We learned that it was n OOC meeting night the day of."
Gespry steeples his fingers in his lap, quietly observing his surroundings.
Auchand says, "I love the IMT Discord, but it definitely started up when we had less official support."
Auchand says, "Now we have a pretty robust official Discord. I almost wish discussions just cross-posted or something."
Dendum remarks, speaking to Nodyre, ""Ahh I see it....those of us on the other server had a seven hours headsup."
Nodyre says, "I'm sure we can put a bit more effort into doing that."
Nodyre nods at Dendum.
You mutter awe.
You hug Roelon, and he wraps you in a warm embrace in return.
Gespry melodically says, "I do try to cross post special stuff to both."
You hug Nodyre.
Nodyre says, "I'm trying to use the discord event feature too."
Nodyre says, "Totally dropped the ball for this one."
Gespry nods at Nodyre.
Sorlu says, "The official doesn't have channels for Icemule, just the one. So everything tends to get cluttered and lost there. But we do post there as well, for what it's worth."
Nodyre says, speaking to Sorlu, "The forums make that a bit easier with tags."
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Dendum says, speaking to Sorlu, ""I wouldnt say things are getting lost in those...5 post a day."
Sorlu says, speaking to Nodyre, "I'm not sure exactly how that works, but I'm willing to learn."
Raelee says, "I'll just add... when I said a summary... I guess I was thinking like a one-time, big, "Want to get involved? Here's the current state of things" article."
Nodyre rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Raelee says, "Not to diminish the work people have been doing on an ongoing basis."
Nodyre says, speaking to Raelee, "Gotcha - a call to arms."
Roelon deeply says, "A quick catchup I assume."
Roelon nods at Raelee.
Raelee says, "Exactly."
Auchand says, "I think this is a good idea."
Sorlu says, speaking to Dendum, "I just meant if we post advance notice, there's nowhere in the official that I know of to make it "stick", so that it's at eye level always, so to speak."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Dendum, "There has been a decided increase since the new hunting grounds released."
Jiarine says, "Add to on how about a blurb: Learn more about this town's stuff by talking to X, Y and Z."
Auchand says, "The current stuff with Barlan and Moonsedge is not the main conflict of the current quest."
Sorlu says, speaking to Dendum, "Again, maybe there is a way. I just don't know it."
Sorlu nods.
Auchand says, "As should probably be obvious since he was just introduced recently."
Auchand chuckles.
Dendum exclaims, "Come See the Wonders of the North- Evil Vampire Castle Just Found in the Mist, Continued Expiditions to Hinterwild Uncover Fabulous Jewels, Mayor Complains About War Wounds Again!"
Roelon mutters something about yelloweyes.
Nodyre asks, speaking to Auchand, "On that note, regarding the villain you mentioned, will they be IMT focused or gamewide?"
Sorlu says, speaking to Raelee, "Did you read the fireside tale Sorlu did that recapped the story? It was posted."
Auchand says, speaking to Nodyre, "Without giving too much away..."
Falvicar says, "Wait.... doesn't the annoucenement channels "cross post" / share the same exact info between servers? That could be a way to say when meetings, etc are for Icemule."
Auchand says, " plan is for Catspaw to be Icemule Trace-focused."
Raelee says, speaking to Sorlu, "I'm afraid I didn't see it, But I'd love to read it."
Roelon nods.
Auchand says, "But it'll set up some global things."
Falvicar says, "For discord that is."
Roelon deeply asks, "There is also word of the World event too?"
Roelon nods once.
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Gespry nods slowly.
Auchand says, "I've personally missed the sheer scope of some old world events."
You quietly ask, "Two global events at the same time?"
Dendum agrees with Auchand.
Jiarine says, "I'd like a single wiki page that lists the big names and how they're involved with IMT."
Nodyre says, "There were some fun bits from that Manticore storyline."
Zeminar adopts an agreeable expression.
Jiarine says, "Zeban? Who was that."
Auchand says, "It's also hard to do world events from IMT, to be honest."
Nodyre says, speaking to Jiarine, "If only the wiki could be edited by anyone..."
Nodyre winks at Jiarine.
Auchand says, "Because it's a backwater and not the port of one of the Empire's great cities."
Auchand grins.
Gespry melodically says, "You did one already.."
Auchand nods at Gespry.
Lilanna says, "And we like it that way."
Jiarine says, "You don't want me ten feet away from the wiki. I'd make it explode or something."
Dendum says, speaking to Auchand, ""BUT you do have a lot of jump off points for great evils."
Sorlu asks, "Are other GMs willing to do cross-realm RP?"
Dendum says, "Like GOT even focused on the north for a bit...till it jumped the shark."
Gespry melodically says, "My proudest vicotyr is still a titanic winged manticore."
Raelee says, "Would be kind of cool though, to have something world-shattering focused on halflings instead of humans or elves."
Auchand says, speaking to Sorlu, "Yup."
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Nodyre says, "I'm not sure which GM does Kraken's Fall - Thandiwe? - but that could be a fun one vis a vis the new docks."
Auchand says, "Thandiwe has some great ideas."
Roelon nods slowly.
Nodyre says, "Ha."
Lilanna chuckles.
Gespry melodically says, "Please keep in mind, we don't have to be bombarded by constant world events. though the current one slamming Landing should in theory almost include us.."
Randsford nods at Gespry.
Lilanna nods at Gespry.
Falvicar nods once at Gespry.
Lilanna says, "If most of it wasnt in the middle of the night."
Aenternoll smirks.
Auchand says, "I will say that even if I do start to do more large-scale stuff..."
Gespry melodically says, "I'd also say, an invasion now by possible for us now."
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Dendum says, "Someone just parked a big turamzyrrian battleship in the landing harbor just as this meeting was starting."
Auchand says, "...there will always be old widows with shears and grizzled mayors haunted by their own glory days."
Lilanna says, speaking to Dendum, "Exactly, conflict of interest."
Lilanna chuckles.
Auchand says, "Epic stuff is really fun, but the human component is what does it for me."
Nodyre asks, "What about ice giant emissaries who yearn for adventure?"
Auchand nods at Nodyre.
Dendum says, "Marstreforn is doing earlier things in the landing this run."
Falvicar nods understandingly.
Auchand says, speaking to Nodyre, "Poor old Valfald."
Roelon grins.
Lilanna nods.
Lilanna says, "I heard i just seem to keep missing them."
Nodyre exclaims, "Oh!"
Nodyre says, "WPS services."
Roelon grins at Nodyre.
Lilanna exclaims, "Yes!"
Nodyre asks, "Let's maybe get those going again?"
Gespry nods enthusiastically at Nodyre!
Roelon deeply asks, "I think that one GM was doing towns last time? Maybe they will again?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Gespry melodically says, "Preferrably not at the last second."
Nodyre nods at Gespry.
Lilanna nods at Gespry.
Auchand says, "I would reaaaaaaaally prefer that someone other than me does WPS."
Auchand says, "But I will ask Xynwen if she will do it for us."
Roelon nods.
Gespry melodically says, "Well, talk to wyrom about pulling out the wagon."
Auchand nods.
Auchand says, "I will get a volunteer."
Nodyre says, "Thank you."
Gespry melodically says, "Let it go from town to town, week at a time."
Lilanna nods.
Auchand says, "There are GMs who absolutely love merchanting and are good at it."
Nodyre chuckles.
Gespry melodically says, "After these two months, you know the next will be DR in February."
Auchand exclaims, "I promise to recruit them for you!"
Auchand nods at Gespry.
Nodyre praises Auchand, expounding upon his fine features and excellent characteristics.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Roelon deeply says, "Even though the soon to be maybe vampire Hazenut does amazing things."
Auchand starts chortling.
Gespry nods enthusiastically at Roelon!
Auchand says, "Hazelnut is not going to turn."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Roelon snaps his fingers.
Roelon grins.
Nodyre says, "Yet."
Dendum snaps his fingers.
The light blue glow leaves Roelon.
Auchand says, "That dude is the Jain Farstrider of IMT now."
The powerful look leaves Roelon.
Roelon appears to lose some internal strength.
Roelon becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Gespry melodically says, "He got bit, didn't get his soul swallowed."
Deep blue motes swirl away from Roelon and fade.
The deep blue glow leaves Roelon.
You snap your fingers.
The misty halo fades from Roelon.
Auchand says, "...actually, never mind, that doesn't end well for Jain."
You quietly exclaim, "That would have been awesome!"
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Roelon.
Auchand stares off into space.
Jiarine suggests, speaking to Auchand, "Set up a wagon selling garlic, stakes and pitchforks for the common people."
The very powerful look leaves Roelon.
The white light leaves Roelon.
Gespry melodically says, "I like Hazelnut..I'd hate to have Roelon stake'im."
Nalver says, speaking to Auchand, "I can answer that question in more detail now."
Auchand nods at Nalver.
Nalver says, "Sorry. Had a work call."
Auchand says, "Please."
Neovik just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.
Auchand says, "We are kind of winding down here, but this has been a good talk with lots of helpful feedback."
Nodyre says, "Thanks for holding it."
Roelon nods at Nodyre.
Randsford says, speaking to Jiarine, "We need tokens of sort first similar to HW for that. Special garlic for the dread or some such."
Randsford nods at Jiarine.
You quietly say, "Vampire Hazelnut walkin the town of Icemule under the curse of the Mayor force to always serve him coffee at noon."
Nalver says, "So whenever there are events or storyline, the same 10-20 people basically hi-jack them. GM run characters will always respond to them even if they are being annoyingly kiss ass."
Nodyre chuckles.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Nalver says, "I'll say people like Eugenides for example from about 15 years ago since I don't see him play anymore."
Nodyre says, "He came back briefly during 2020."
Nodyre says, "He's an old friend of mine - real life keeps him very busy."
Gespry melodically says, "Well, the new disccusion forum post has been started..and already in action."
Gespry nods at Nodyre.
Gespry melodically says, "We'll be sure to ask for more, tomorrow night."
Nalver says, "But it's frustrating when you are around all the time and trying to interact and be part of something and just get glossed over."
Gespry melodically says, "Among other things."
Nalver says, "And it's been that way for a long long long time."
Lilanna nods at Nalver.
Nalver says, "Like when the sorcerer was cutting the heads off and throwing them around, people from another town formed their own group and hijacked that night."
Nodyre says, speaking to Nalver, "Not that it's any relief, but some folks here who are now "main characters" from your perspective started out just ... showing up."
Roelon deeply says, "He wll be renamed Tunlezah when he turns."
Roelon nods to you.
Nalver says, "I wanted to be part of it, but I couldn't."
Auchand says, "So..."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Randsford nods at Nodyre.
Auchand says, "As a GM you try not to play favorites."
Auchand says, "But there are players who show up that I *always* can count on to take the ball and run with it when I'm doing an RP event."
You gaze heavenward.
Sorlu asks, speaking to Nalver, "Who in modern times is hi-jacking Icemule stories? You say 10-20 people, by that do you mean the 10-20 core players who show up most weeks?"
Auchand says, "A few of those people are here right now."
Sorlu cocks his head at Nalver.
You quietly say, "Sometimes the balls fall funny."
Lilanna nods.
Auchand says, "I realize that it's not fun to see the same faces in the spotlight..."
Auchand says, "...but it is very often based on merit."
Sorlu says, speaking to Nalver, "I'm curious, I didn't mean it in a challenging way."
Sorlu smiles at Nalver.
Roelon says, speaking deeply to you, "Just my head, thanks to a vampire eariler."
Drigler says, "Gotta get that DKP."
Drigler nods at Auchand.
Jiarine says, speaking to Roelon, "I didn't do it."
Jiarine touches one finger to her lips.
Gespry melodically says, "I know a few players that when they show up, the goal is for them to STEAL the ball, and run away with it."
Several of the tiny roses on Nalver's rose vine anklet slowly bend across the vine until their vividly colored petals come to rest against his skin.
Roelon grins at Jiarine.
Lilanna says, "Yeah but i think that perhaps we'd like to see the Gms smack the ball outta their hands and give it to someone else now and again."
Nodyre chuckles.
Roelon deeply says, "I mean, it was fire..."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nodyre says, speaking to Gespry, "My ears are burning."
Gespry shushes Nodyre!
Nalver says, "I'm not going to name specific names and certainly don't mean this to be an Auchand attack as it is not an Auchand problem."
Lilanna nods at Gespry.
Auchand says, "I think I've been super egalitarian about screen time."
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Nodyre says, "You probably give TOO MUCH time to Jiarine."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Nodyre winks at Jiarine.
Roelon appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Jiarine kicks Nodyre hard in the shin!
Neovik snickers.
Gespry begins chuckling at Nodyre!
Randsford chuckles . Jiarine says, "You're right. I'll leave and never return again."
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Nodyre, "But she players her part so consistantly.."
Auchand says, "Jiarine doesn't need my help. She TAKES the time."
Auchand chuckles.
Lilanna says, speaking to Auchand, "It's not you... it's repeatative damage."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Nodyre says, speaking to Jiarine, "I kid because I love. You're a wonderful part of my wednesday."
Roelon smirks.
Auchand says, "I mean, on a personal note..."
Nodyre says, "That kilt-flipper though..."
Auchand says, "I was a hardcore roleplayer when I was a player."
Nodyre cringes.
Auchand says, "Hardcore roleplayers will always resonate with me."
Gespry glances at Roelon.
Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.
Roelon deeply says, "Flarer, thank you much."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You quietly ask, "What makes someone hardcore?"
Auchand says, "I've tried to keep away from Voraviel-level depth to stories since coming to IMT because it just isn't the best fit for this place."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to you, "I would wager just being involved and engaged during storylines and outside of them."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to you, "At least, that would be my definition."
Nodyre says, speaking to Nalver, "One thing I've found can help is conservative use of MYCHAR to help provide some context to the GMs."
Nodyre says, "Just a thought."
Randsford says, "The spotlight is there for anyone to grab. This is where some of that outside RP we were talking about could come in handy. Take time to cozy up to the "main" characters."
Randsford shrugs.
Auchand says, "I don't think there's anything superior about being a hardcore RPer."
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Randsford!
Auchand says, "But it's my personal style when I'm on my player character for sure."
Roelon deeply says, "Seeing a Story unfold in front of you is pretty awesome. Seeing the griffin sword war, even though if something sneezed I would die, was still a story to remember."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Auchand.
Randsford says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "For lack of better way to put it."
Randsford grins at Aliashyrah.
Roelon deeply says, "Even if getting deeds back then took an hour."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Randsford, "I approve of these methods."
Aliashyrah flashes a quick grin at Randsford.
Auchand says, speaking to you, "I'd say it's someone who always goes the extra mile to make the world feel extremely real."
Randsford says, "Grutak is doing great things with regulators. Anyone wanting a chance should look there. My little recruiting pitch."
Randsford coughs.
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Auchand says, "Characters that have fears, loves, hates, motivations, depth, etc."
Nodyre says, "He's gonna start a war accidently-on-purpose."
Aliashyrah adopts an agreeable expression.
Randsford nods at Nodyre.
Roelon says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "Wait for tomorrow."
Roelon grins at Randsford.
Aliashyrah says, "Characters that exist and RP even if no one else is around."
Jiarine says, "Just because you see a single facet doesn't mean a character lacks depth. Just sayin."
Grutak says, speaking to Nodyre, "It's not going to be any kind of accident."
Lilanna says, "Well,....apararently i greatly fear vampires and their ilk."
Lilanna chuckles.
Nalver nods at Jiarine.
Randsford nods at Jiarine.
Aliashyrah says, "RP is not a song an dance for others, it is breathing life into a character that is active and part of this world."
Nodyre winks at Grutak.
Dendum begins chuckling at Lilanna!
You say, speaking quietly to Auchand, "Thank you."
Dendum says, speaking to Lilanna, ""Developed a fear of ghast I didn't know existed."
Aliashyrah groans at Dendum.
Roelon says, speaking deeply to Jiarine, "Yes. I do more then just flare a kilt. And Die odd deaths. I also get others killed in just as weird ways."
Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up to the surface of your skin and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal.
(Grutak holds up a sign that says "Death to Vaalor")
Lilanna asks, "We have ghasts?"
Roelon nods once.
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Dendum, "I believe many of us did last week."
Lilanna says, "This isnt MC."
Gespry melodically says, "On a side note: if you see Gabbyme running around and she looks lost. try to help out as much as possible."
Roelon nods at Gespry.
Nalver nods at Gespry.
Lilanna nods at Gespry.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Gespry.
Nalver says, speaking to Gespry, "Why I posted on our discord the first night she came to town."
Lilanna asks, "She still lost?"
Nodyre says, speaking to Gespry, "It's a trap."
Roelon deeply asks, "The fresh Turnip?"
Roelon raises an eyebrow in Gespry's direction.
Gespry nods at Roelon.
Roelon nods.
Nalver says, speaking to Lilanna, "She is using verbs really well now."
Lilanna says, "She seems a bit unresponsice whenever i see hwe now."
Aliashyrah says, speaking to Gespry, "I took her shopping. She was delighted and it was such an easy gesture."
Grutak asks, speaking to Gespry, "I gave her directions to the Abbey, does that count?"
Auchand says, "At any rate, I want to be clear that I don't expect or require hardcore RP. I'm answering Nalver's concern, though."
Nodyre nods at Auchand.
Roelon nods at Auchand.
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Auchand says, "Seeing players that write beautiful characters inspires the heck out of me, so I'll always try to sneak in a nod to them when they join us."
Auchand says, "I'm going to single out Jiarine."
Nodyre turns to Jiarine and cheers!
Randsford says, speaking to Auchand, "I'll restate, after being gone for 20 years I was able to easily catch up and follow your stories just took a bit of effort on my part. Thank you for your openness."
Jiarine grins mischievously.
Randsford nods at Auchand.
Roelon grins at Jiarine.
Lilanna grins.
Auchand asks, "Does it at all make sense that Talliver wouldn't throw her out on her bony butt at this point?"
Jiarine says, "I accept praises to my name."
Auchand says, "The guy is definitely not a quipper."
Auchand says, "But she's super consistent in her RP."
Lilanna says, "The char i love to hate."
Auchand says, "And so--with reason--Talliver's probably always going to bend a little bit to accommodate her RP."
Gespry melodically asks, "She's a constant pain, kinda like a damage over time spell, and he hasn't figured out how to remove her burrs?"
Nodyre says, "Bakarus too."
Roelon nods at Nodyre.
Nodyre says, "Hard to play the heel."
Neovik slowly exhales as his posture slumps.
Auchand says, "Think of my characters like ones from the holodeck in Star Trek."
Neovik spins his urglaes thumb-ring and adopts a grim look of empowerment.
Nodyre asks, speaking to Auchand, "Moriarty?"
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Auchand says, "You can do your own thing and their programming's going to bend just a bit to compensate."
Jiarine says, "FYI, Jia's not bony."
Jiarine sticks out her tongue.
Raelee says, "Perfectly safe to be around, until some computer virus turns off the safeties... again."
Neovik snickers.
Gespry is admiring Jiarine.
Gespry nods at Jiarine.
Neovik asks, "Didn't Moriarty get out of the holodeck and take over the ship?"
Auchand starts chortling.
Nodyre says, speaking to Neovik, "He's gonna be in the next season of Picard, I believe."
Nodyre winks at Neovik.
Nalver says, "I'd make a Q joke but that letter has been soiled."
Auchand says, "I can tell I have chosen poorly in my analogy."
Gespry gazes heavenward.
Neovik says, speaking to Nodyre, "I need to watch season 2 still. heh."
Neovik chuckles.
Gespry melodically says, "I get your drift, people being intentionally obtuse."
Nodyre says, speaking to Auchand, "The needs of the many ... or something."
Zeminar says, speaking darkly to Nalver, "The character previously known as Q."
Gespry melodically says, "Is not your fault."
Roelon turns to Nodyre and cheers!
Grutak says, "Kill'em all and let the gods sort'em out."
Gespry nods at Auchand.
Neovik chuckles.
Nodyre says, "Well that was quick - WPS on the calendar."
Nodyre chuckles.
Roelon grins at Auchand.
Lilanna chuckles.
Roelon's jaw drops.
Dendum says, "I hear there is some new guard at the gate."
You say, speaking quietly to Dendum, "Can't listen to all the rumors."
Lilanna starts chuckling at you!
Gespry nods slowly.
Lilanna snores quietly out of boredom.
Roelon grins at Lilanna.
You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.
Gespry says, speaking melodically to Auchand, "Thanks are in order in many area;still keeping us engaged, still improving things here in icemule;asking for input, and doing this tonight;not everyting is perfect, you you are trying for us all;I for one appreciate it, and wish you to continue."
(Extreamly long pause here)
You timidly ask, "Did everyone fall alseep?"
Lilanna blinks.
Nalver says, speaking to Auchand, "Thank you for speaking openly about that topic."
Lilanna asks, "Ehnnn?"
Nodyre chuckles.
Nalver starts chuckling at you!
A faint silvery glow fades from around Jiarine.
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Auchand a formal bow.
Gespry bows to Auchand.
Auchand grins.
Roelon deeply says, "And for putting up with us."
Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
Dendum says, "I really like the current flavor in icemule."
Auchand exclaims, "I appreciate you guys too!"
Randsford applauds Auchand.
Lilanna nods.
Drigler smiles.
Lilanna says, "Thanks for coming out."
Nodyre praises Auchand.
Neovik turns toward Auchand and renders a sharp hand salute.
Grutak stands up.
Auchand exclaims, "Have a good night, and go check out the gates!"
Randsford says, speaking to Auchand, "Thank you for all your hard work on the new battle grounds. The non rift walkers appreciate it."
Nodyre says, "Oh boy."
Roelon's jaw drops.
Gespry nods enthusiastically!
The sound of drums around Auchand intensifies, rising in time with vivid green light that enshrouds his form. Just as both reach a point unbearable to your senses, the light winks out and Auchand vanishes with it, leaving silence behind.
Randsford nods appreciatively.
Lilanna nods.
Roelon deeply exclaims, "Sneaky!"