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APShop:Arboreal Afterlife

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Arboreal Afterlife is a greeting card shop run by Lorreth Orilee.

Current Shop Listing

a large double-paned door embellished with wrought iron,, [Map Room #A3, go door], Room# 7110303, Lich# LXX

Arboreal Afterlife, Lobby

[Arboreal Afterlife, Lobby - 7110407]
Smooth, pale yellow sandstone walls are interrupted by green jade-carved ivy leaves that crawl across the trim of the ceiling until it opens up to the second floor. Arches chiseled into the sandstone texture the walls at equally spaced intervals with tiled murals inside each of them. Dual pillars break up the room and open up additional space further into the shop, while at the front of the small boutique is a marbled desk that takes up the front and center of the lobby. You also see a learned scribe, an iron-decorated large double-paned door that leads outside and a friendly merchant.
Obvious exits: none

On the marbled desk you see: some framed greeting cards.

>ask scribe for help
A learned scribe says, "I can craft a message for you to write in a greeting card.  You can choose from a selection of options for me to write on your item.  ASK me about GREETING, PERSON, MESSAGE, CLOSING, and LANGUAGE for the inside of your card, or COLORS, DESIGN, COVER messages, and ADDITIONS for the outside of your card.  ASK me about FINISH to preview your choices.  GIVE me the card to have me finalize your message.  TELL me to CLEAR the current selection to start again."

Lorreth adds, "The cost is 2,500 silvers."
A learned scribe says, "Here is a list of cover messages you can choose from.  TELL me the COVER number you would like to select.  This is optional."

 Number   Option
      1   Congratulations!
      2   Best Wishes
      3   Your Wedding
      4   Condolences
      5   Love
      6   Happy Birthday!
      7   Thank You
A learned scribe says, "You can choose between glitter, confetti, or paper to add to your greeting card, which will spill out when opened.  If you choose a cover color and design, I will match the addition to your selections.  You can also opt to choose none"
A learned scribe says, "You have selected to add glitter to your greeting card.  If you select a color for your cover design, the glitter will match."
A learned scribe says, "You have selected to add confetti to your greeting card.  If you select a design and color for your cover design, the confetti will match."
A learned scribe says, "You have selected to add paper to your greeting card.  If you select a design and color for your cover design, the paper will match."
A learned scribe says, "Here is a list of greetings you can choose from.  TELL me the GREETING number you would like to select.  This is optional."

 Number   Option
      1   Dear
      2   Dearest
      3   My Dear
      4   To
      5   To my heart
      6   My dearest one
      7   Dear Sir or Madam
      8   Dear Sir
      9   Dear Madam
     10   Greetings
     11   Hello
     12   Sir
     13   Madam
     14   Mister
     15   Miss
     16   Missus
     17   Darling
     18   My dearest friend
     19   My dear friend
     20   Hey you
     21   My beloved
     22   Beloved
     23   My love
     24   To my love
     25   My dearest love
     26   My whole world
     27   My shining star
     28   Blessing onto you
     29   Dearest sister
     30   Dearest brother
     31   Dearest mother
     32   Dearest father
     33   Dearest child

A learned scribe says, "Here is a list of messages you can choose from.  TELL me the MESSAGE number you would like to select."

 Number   Option
      1   You're the best friend I've ever had
      2   I love you
      3   Friends forever
      4   For always
      5   My heart
      6   Yours only
      7   You have stolen my heart
      8   In love all is pleasure
      9   Love is enough
     10   You're all I desire
     11   Thank you for everything
     12   Hope is the life of love
     13   Grow old alongside me, the best is yet to be
     14   I love and I hope
     15   All I refuse and thee I choose
     16   Think of me
     17   For my greatest love
     18   Love conquers all
     19   You and no other
     20   Wherever you are, I am
     21   Love is a joy
     22   Love is patient, love is kind
     23   Love never ends
     24   Faithless to none yet faithful to one
     25   I am yours
     26   Together forever
     27   Love unites us
     28   I have found my soulmate and I will not let you go
     29   Always faithful
     30   Where there is love there is faith
     31   Many are the stars I see, but in my eye no star like thee
     32   Here is my heart, guard it well
     33   My love for you is endless
     34   Live to love, love to live
     35   No love more true
     36   By Oleani's decree, one we be
     37   Your love is my happiness
     38   The gods provided thee for me
     39   You have my whole heart for my whole life
     40   Love heals all wounds
     41   Let thy song be love
     42   I have nothing more to give you but my heart
     43   A friend may well be reckoned a masterpiece of nature
     44   True love is easier to find than true friendship
     45   Love is blind, friendship closes its eyes
     46   All is fair in love as in war
     47   Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye opener
     48   Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
     49   Be mine
     50   Friendship is constant in all things
     51   I shall always defend you
     52   The Gate itself could not separate us
     53   You're the fire cat's meow
     54   You'll be the death of me yet
     55   I will love you beyond the grave
     56   Don't worry, I love you anyway
     57   Love is strong as death
     58   Until death do us part
     59   If you must cheat, cheat death
     60   Will you marry me
     61   Just say yes
     62   Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens
     63   The love that lasts longest is the love that's never returned
     64   We meet on the battlefield!
     65   We've been trying to reach you about your wagon's extended warranty.
     66   I've been trying to contact you about something, please get back to me at your earliest convenience.
     67   I miss you, I hope you are doing well.
     68   I count the days until we are together again.
     69   Let me be your huckleberry.
     70   On dragon wings, I will be by your side.
     71   You are cordially invited to my event!
     72   Please come visit anytime!
     73   I look forward to seeing you!
     74   Wishing you well.
     75   You are the light in my life.
     76   Forever, you and I!
     77   You are the moon to my starless night.
     78   You have left your jack-o-lantern in my heart.  Don't forget to put your votive inside and LIGHT it.

A learned scribe says, "Here is a list of closings you can choose from.  TELL me the CLOSING number you would like to select.  This is optional."

 Number   Option
      1   Love
      2   Love always
      3   Always yours
      4   With love
      5   Affectionately
      6   In Oleani's name
      7   Truth forever
      8   In love and friendship
      9   Yours unconditionally
     10   With warmest regards
     11   With affection
     12   Fondly
     13   Thank you
     14   Best
     15   Regards
     16   Sincerely
     17   From
     19   Forever yours
     20   Until the moons collide
     21   Live long my friend
     22   Your brother in arms
     23   Your sister in arms
     24   Your frenemy
     25   Your favorite enemy
     26   Your dearest sister
     27   Your dearest brother
     28   Your devoted mother
     29   Your devoted father
     30   Your dearest child
     31   Sincerely yours
     32   Until eternity
     33   Until our stars meet again
A learned scribe says, "I can write in the following languages: Common, Giantman, Elven, Sylvankind, Dark Elven, Dhe'narsi, Faendryl, Halfling, Gnomish, Dwarven, Krolvin, Erithian, Aelotian, or Tehir."
A learned scribe says, "We have a lot of colors.  Which color options do you want to hear?  ASK me to hear the COLOR options for pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, violets, whites, blacks, browns, or all [Note: ALL may cause Wrayth lag]."
A learned scribe says, "We have a lot of designs.  Which design options do you want to hear?  ASK me to hear the DESIGN options for patterns, florals, nature, animals, professional, religious, or all [Note: ALL may cause Wrayth lag]."

A learned scribe says, "Choose and TELL me which color you would like for your design on the cover: 

Pinks: pink, pink-tinted, pink-tinged, dark pink, light pink, deep pink, pale pink, pastel pink, blush pink, blush-hued, coral, coral pink, pearl pink, rosy pink, salmon, salmon pink, twilight pink, azalea, fuchsia, magenta, mauve, rose, dusky rose, raspberry, strawberry-hued

Reds: red, red-tinted, red-tinged, dark red, light red, deep red, berry red, blood red, brick red, cardinal red, cherry red, fiery red, flame red, fox red, lava red, rosy red, ruby red, vibrant red, alizarin, burgundy, carmine, cerise, claret, cranberry, crimson, dark crimson, deep crimson, garnet, maroon, murrey, ruddy, sanguine, scarlet, vermilion, wine

Oranges: orange, orange-tinted, orange-tinged, bright orange, dark orange, light orange, deep orange, burnt orange, fiery orange, pale orange, sunrise orange, sunset orange, vivid orange, apricot, brass, bronze, carnelian, melon, papaya, peach, pale peach, persimmon, pumpkin, ochre, red-orange, rust-colored, sienna, sunset-hued, tangerine

Yellows: yellow, yellow-tinted, yellow-tinged, bright yellow, dark yellow, deep yellow, light yellow, buttery yellow, pale yellow, pastel yellow, amber, dark amber, banana, banana yellow, orange-yellow, canary, citrine, coppery, electrum-hued, flaxen, gold, gold-tinged, coppery-gold, golden, honey-hued, honey gold, pale golden, goldenrod, butterscotch, lemon, marigold, mustard, saffron, sunny yellow, sunshine yellow, topaz, turmeric, wheaten

Blues: blue, blue-tinted, blue-tinged, dark blue, light blue, deep blue, ahmdir blue, baby blue, celestial blue, glacial blue, ice blue, icy blue, iris blue, lagoon blue, midnight blue, navy blue, ocean blue, pale blue, pastel blue, peacock blue, royal blue, sea blue, seafoam, seafoam blue, sky blue, slate blue, twilight blue, aquamarine, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, hyacinth, lapis, mazarine, pavonated, periwinkle, sapphire, sky-hued, turquoise, ultramarine, zaffre

Greens: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, laurel green, leaf green, lime green, mint, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, seafoam green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, corbeau, jade, olive, olivine, sage, teal, verdant, verdigris, vert, viridian

Violets: purple, purple-tinted, purple-tinged, blue-purple, dark purple, light purple, deep purple, nightshade purple, pale purple, royal purple, twilight purple, amethyst, aubergine, eggplant, grape-hued, heliotrope, indigo, lavender, lilac, mulberry, orchid, plum, thistle, violet, blue-violet, red-violet, wisteria

Whites: white, bone white, cottony white, cream, creamy white, daisy white, downy white, frost white, gardenia white, ghostly white, lily white, parchment white, pearly, pearly white, porcelain white, pure white, oyster white, snow white, winter white, argent, alabaster, almond, beige, bisque, coconut, ecru, eggshell, ivory, milky, milky white, niveous, pearl-hued, platinum, snowy, silver, silver-tinged, silvery, silvery blue, silvery green, moonlight silver, vanilla

Blacks: black, blue-black, charcoal black, ink black, jet black, midnight black, obsidian, obsidian black, onyx, onyx black, raven black, ebon, ebony, fuliginous, night-hued, sable, grey, dark grey, light grey, ash grey, blue-grey, dove grey, fog grey, iron grey, misty grey, pale grey, smoke grey, smoky grey, steel grey, stone grey, ashen, glaucous, pewter, dove-colored, slate-colored

Browns: brown, dark brown, light brown, ale brown, clove brown, nut brown, oak brown, bistre, caramel, caramel-hued, champagne, chestnut, chocolate-hued, cocoa brown, cinnamon, auburn, fawn, ginger, hazel, henna, roan, russet, sorrel, tan, taupe, tawny, topaz-hued, umber, walnut brown, whiskey-hued

Multicolored: multicolored, multihued, colorful, kaleidoscopic, prismatic, rainbow-hued, varicolored, autumnal, black and white, black and grey, blue and white, gold and silver, orange and blue, green and white, pink and black, or none."
A learned scribe says, "Choose and TELL me which design you would like for your cover: 

Patterns: anchor, arrow, bell, chevron, cityscape, coffin, diamond, feather, heart, lattice, square, triangle, interlocked ring, spiderweb, spiral, wisp

Florals: floral, flower, blossom, alyssum, amaranth, anemone, angelica, aster, begonia, bleeding heart, bluebell, bougainvillea, buttercup, butterfly weed, campion, cactus flower, carnation, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, clematis, clivia, columbine, cothinar flower, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, datura, dragonstalk, edelweiss, feverfew, flamestalk, forget-me-not, freesia, frostflower, gardenia, geranium, ginger blossom, goldenrod, heather, heliotrope, hellebore, hibiscus, honeysuckle, honeywort, hyacinth, hydrangea, iceblossom, iris, lavender, lilac, lily, blood lily, calla lily, daylily, tiger lily, snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lotus blossom, jasmine, jessamine, larkspur, lupine, magnolia, monkeyflower, moonflower, morning glory, mournbloom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchid, pansy, snow pansy, passionflower, peony, petunia, phlox, plumeria, poinsettia, poppy, posy, rose, rosebud, dog rose, primrose, fairy primrose, tea rose, winter rose, sirenflower, snapdragon, sunflower, thistle, trillium, tulip, tuberose, violet, alpine violet, wood violet, wildflower, wisteria, zinnia

Nature: autumnal, celestial, heraldic, moon phase, paisley, frost, tropical, star, starburst, sunburst, moon, moon and star, crescent moon, threefold moon, nightscape, eclipse, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, cloud, storm cloud, thundercloud, lightning bolt, raindrop, snowflake, snowman, flame, fire, rising smoke, paw print, footprint, handprint, claw, talon, jack-o-lantern, bramble, branch, cactus, fern, forest, frond, ivy, leaf, maple leaf, mushroom, palm frond, pine needle, pumpkin, wreath, holly, mistletoe, reed, rosette, shamrock, tendril, thorn, toadstool, tree, vine, grape vine, willow, coral, seascape, shell, wave, apple, berry, cherry, cookie, fruit, honeycomb, muffin, pie, pie slice, pineapple, potato, strawberry, tart, waffle, watermelon, marallis berry, sovyn clove, sweetfern, garlic clove

Animals: alligator, bat, bear, bronco, buck, bug, bumblebee, bunny, butterfly, capybara, caribou, cat, centaur, chinchilla, cobra, cow, crab, deer, damselfly, dog, doe, dolphin, dragon, fly, dragonfly, eel, elephant, elk, fawn, fish, firefly, fox, frog, gazelle, goat, griffin, ghost, ghostfly, glimaerfly, hart, hawk, hog, hedgehog, hind, horse, iguana, jackal, kitten, koala, kobold, koi, kraken, ladybug, lemur, lion, lizard, lobster, loris, mantis, minotaur, monkey, moose, morduska, moth, mouse, mustang, narwhal, octopus, orc, otter, panda, pegasus, penguin, phoenix, pig, pixie, polar bear, pony, puppy, qahzumar, rabbit, raccoon, reindeer, roa'ter, rolton, sea anemone, selshis, serpent, shark, skeleton, skull, snake, spider, sprite, stag, stallion, starfish, teadragon, tentacle, tiger, toad, tortoise, troll, turtle, unicorn, weasel, wendigo, whale, witch, wolf, wombat, wraith, wyvern, yierka, bird, bluebird, cardinal, chicken, crow, duck, dove, eagle, egret, blood eagle, finch, flamingo, flycatcher, heron, ibis, macaw, merlin, owl, parrot, peacock, pelican, pheasant, raven, rook, rooster, seagull, songbird, swan, turkey, wren, fairywren, hummingbird

Professional: bow, claidhmore, sword, shield, shield and sword, crossed sword, scimitar, sickle, boat, brigantine, carrack, frigate, galleon, pirate flag, wine bottle, gear, sprocket, lock, key, lock and key, lockpick, scarab, playing card, clasped hands, praying hands, open hand, skull, tombstone, demon, eye, rune, runestaff, runestone, shrunken head, scroll, wand, cauldron, mortar and pestle, book, quill, artist's brush, brush stroke, palette, palette and brush, lute, flute, harp, music note, skillet, butter churn, needle and thread, spindle, mitten, sleigh, wagon, giftbox, candelabra, chalice, spoon, fork

Religious: anvil, artist's brush, black widow, broken skull, cat's head, chelioboros, clenched fist, conjoined circles, crescent moon, crown, crystal ball, dagger, dagger-pierced heart, doe, dolphin, eight-pointed star, feather, flame, gate and key, grain sheaf, heart, hourglass, jackal's head, key, leaf, lily, lute, musical note, ouroboros, pegasus, rose, tentacled star, six-tentacled star, slit-pupiled eye, scimitar, scroll, serpent, shield, sickle, skull, star, stone giant, stone giantess, sunburst, sword, trident, two-headed serpent, or none."

>ask merchant for help
A friendly merchant says, "I have a number of designed punch plates that I can add to your hole punch.  Once you have made your selection, please GIVE it to me, and I will add the design to your hole punch.  ASK me about DESIGNS to see the available options.  This service costs 10,000 silvers."

    ASK merchant ABOUT DESIGNS {Category|ALL}  - See design options
    TELL merchant DESIGN {design}              - Select design option by number
    GIVE merchant                              - Add selected design to your hole punch

Arboreal Afterlife, Storage

[Arboreal Afterlife, Storage - 7110408]
Shelves line the right side of the room from floor to ceiling; some are lined with half-opened cards, while others have some sculpted glass vases upon them that hold an assortment of quills and styli. The wall straight ahead has a mural of colored tiles resembling a waterfall and has been framed with stacks of colored paper and parchments. A set of stairs that leads to the floor above is against the left corner of the room, while the remaining wall has bouquets of various flowers hanging upside down to dry. You also see some dual pillars opening up the wall into the lobby.
Obvious exits: none

In the white porcelain jar you see: a silver hole punch with pearl-inlaid handles and a polished bronze hole punch with darkly stained laje handles.

Item Type Info Details Price
a silver hole punch with pearl-inlaid handles < 1 lb
Confetti Punch
a polished bronze hole punch with darkly stained laje handles < 1 lb
Confetti Punch

In the ceramic jug you see: a cyan feathered quill with a polished bronze body and a marbled stylus of lustrous turquoise and white quartz.

Item Type Info Details Price
a cyan feathered quill with a polished bronze body < 1 lb
a marbled stylus of lustrous turquoise and white quartz < 1 lb

In the clear glass urn you see: an etched alum hole punch studded with sea-green scarabs and a tarnished rose-gold hole punch decorated with ruby rosettes.

Item Type Info Details Price
an etched alum hole punch studded with sea-green scarabs < 1 lb
Confetti Punch
a tarnished rose-gold hole punch decorated with ruby rosettes < 1 lb
Confetti Punch

On the sandstone shelves you see: a white gold-sheened card, a pink and white swirled card, a matte sorrel greeting card, a glossy amber greeting card, a dark ochre greeting card, a cream-colored greeting card, a black silver-embossed card, a deep red heart-shaped card, and a ladybug-shaped card.

Item Type Info Details Price
a white gold-sheened card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the gold-sheened card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a pink and white swirled card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the white swirled card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a matte sorrel greeting card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the sorrel greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a glossy amber greeting card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the amber greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a dark ochre greeting card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the ochre greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a cream-colored greeting card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a black silver-embossed card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the silver-embossed card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a deep red heart-shaped card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the heart-shaped card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a ladybug-shaped card < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the ladybug-shaped card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.

Arboreal Afterlife, Upstairs

[Arboreal Afterlife, Upstairs - 7110409]
The smell of ink and perfumed parchment radiates throughout the area, while a kaleidoscope of various shapes, sizes, and colors of cards is a vivid splash of hues against the otherwise plain and pallid surroundings. Silken streamers dangle from the ceiling and droop down enough to have cards hang on them at their crease. Built into the far-right wall is an old oak apothecary cabinet that's been refurbished, its drawers labeled with tiny golden plaques. You also see a set of stairs that leads back down to the storage room.
Obvious exits: none

On the thin black ribbon you see: a glistening mahogany greeting card garnished with acorns, a dark blue greeting card trimmed with gold filigree, a bright teal greeting card painted with white dove feathers, a glazed mauve card embossed with crossing falchions, an opaque magenta card decorated with dried daisy petals, a pearlescent grey card lithographed with a blue tulip shell, and a sage-dyed card stamped with multihued butterflies.

Item Type Info Details Price
a glistening mahogany greeting card garnished with acorns < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a dark blue greeting card trimmed with gold filigree < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a bright teal greeting card painted with white dove feathers < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the greeting card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a glazed mauve card embossed with crossing falchions < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the mauve card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
an opaque magenta card decorated with dried daisy petals < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the magenta card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a pearlescent grey card lithographed with a blue tulip shell < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
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The cover of the grey card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.
a sage-dyed card stamped with multihued butterflies < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
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The cover of the sage-dyed card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

The inside is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is open, or bring the card to a scribe.  You can use | for line breaks.

On the blue and white ribbon you see: a pale green card painted with a swirling whirlpool, a matte ebon card with purple opalescent trim, an opaque gray card stamped with black ravens, a golden pillar-shaped card with a jeweled trophy on top, a snow white card dotted with blue iceblossoms, a glitter-coated silver card embossed with a set of daggers, a lace-trimmed sky blue card dotted with red paper rosettes, and a rainbow-dyed card with a pair of white unicorns.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pale green card painted with a swirling whirlpool < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
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A raging whirlpool is painted against the pale green of the background.  Small ships and fish are being pulled into the spiraling center of this raging water monster.
On the cover of a pale green card, you see:
A raging whirlpool is painted against the pale green of the background.  Small ships and fish are being pulled into the spiraling center of this raging water monster.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

A raging whirlpool is painted against the pale green of the background.  Small ships and fish are being pulled into the spiraling center of this raging water monster.

Across the card is the image of a pink kraken, its tail in the shape of a heart.
The creature says, 'My heart's A-Kraken when you're not around,' in bubbly text.

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Red heart-shaped confetti flutters out of the card.
a matte ebon card with purple opalescent trim < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
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The blackness of the card is made only slightly brighter by the purple borders and the image of an infinity knot pierced through the center by an arrow.
On the cover of a matte ebon card, you see:
The blackness of the card is made only slightly brighter by the purple borders and the image of an infinity knot pierced through the center by an arrow.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The blackness of the card is made only slightly brighter by the purple borders and the image of an infinity knot pierced through the center by an arrow.

The card is simple in design as there is a border of purple around the trim of the paper that has a opalescent hue to it.  
In bold letters, it reads in the center, 
'So, you're tying the eternal knot?
Enjoy this card as my warning to run the other direction!
I mean, congratulations!'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Sparkling purple glitter rains down from the card.
an opaque gray card stamped with black ravens < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the gray card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

Within the card is feathery written words in black ink that flow across the gray paper.
It reads,
'There once was a bride with a raven,
Whose groom was particularly clean shaven.
She said with a grin, as she looked at his chin.
Let's marry and live in Solhaven!'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Black paper raven feathers spill from the card and float to the floor.
a golden pillar-shaped card with a jeweled trophy on top < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
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In large, bold black letters are the words, 'Con-cap-ulations!'
On the cover of a golden pillar-shaped card, you see:
In large, bold black letters are the words, 'Con-cap-ulations!'
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

In large, bold black letters are the words, 'Con-cap-ulations!'

Written in blocky print, are the words, 'You did it!  I'm so proud of you!'.

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Sparkling gold glitter rains down from the card.
a snow white card dotted with blue iceblossoms < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the white card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

Written across the card are the words, 
'Happy Name Day!
Don't worry!  In gnome years,
You're still in your prime!'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Black skull and bone-shaped confetti flutters out of the card.
a glitter-coated silver card embossed with a set of daggers < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the silver card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

Flecks of silver glitter dot the page and have also been embedded into the writing on this otherwise white paper.
The writing reads, 
'Rogues are red, Warriors are blue.
I'd like to paladin around with you!'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Sparkling silver glitter rains down from the card.
a lace-trimmed sky blue card dotted with red paper rosettes < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Read / Analyze


The cover of the sky blue card is blank.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

The cover is blank.  You can WRITE a message when the card is closed, or bring the card to a scribe.

Colored a deep shade of red inside, the card has sketches of different growth stages of roses, while in the center is writing in feathery print, 
'Eahnor is red, Vaalorn is blue. 
You two are getting married, I'm happy for you!'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Red paper rose petals spill from the card and float to the floor.
a rainbow-dyed card with a pair of white unicorns < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (one item) (in)
Show / Read / Analyze
Watercolors of every hue have been painted across the cover of this card while a pair of detailed white unicorns stand upon the myriad of colors.  The pair of unicorns are nuzzling each other in a loving gesture with their eyes closed ever so slightly.
Watercolors of every hue have been painted across the cover of this card while a pair of detailed white unicorns stand upon the myriad of colors.  The pair of unicorns are nuzzling each other in a loving gesture with their eyes closed ever so slightly.
This is a greeting card.  You can OPEN, CLOSE, HUG, and READ it.

Watercolors of every hue have been painted across the cover of this card while a pair of detailed white unicorns stand upon the myriad of colors.  The pair of unicorns are nuzzling each other in a loving gesture with their eyes closed ever so slightly.

Written across the plain white page are the words,
'There once was a groom from the rest,
Whose groom was one of the best.
With a ring and a smile, they rode off in style.
Now the pair are maritally blessed.'

When opened, the following will issue from the card:  Sparkling rainbow-hued glitter rains down from the card.

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