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A Night Of Performances
- This article is about the event "A Night Of Performances" Held on Niiman, the 14th day of Charlatos, in the year 5119 at 10PM Elven. A concert to gather donations for Wellington Home
BLUF - Bottom Line Up Front
* A Raffle for a Shimmer Trinket * Winner - Nazarr * Monetary Donations * 1m silvers from Fenog's Regulars * 1m silvers from Cruxophim * 1m silvers from Neopuron * 1m silvers from an anonymous donor * 100k silvers from Bbee * 50k silvers from Evician * 390k silvers from raffle ticket sales * Item Donations * a pair of blue-laced ice skates - Svardin * a dragonfire buckle - Drakes Vanguard and Svardin * Total Donated or Raised for Wellington Home - 4,540,000 Silvers
Neopuron's Opening
[Bard Guild, Performance Hall] The auditorium is cavernous, and every inch of the curved ceiling appears to be covered in vividly colored frescos. The walls are a combination of polished mahogany and painted panels that equal the ceiling in decoration. Tiers of seats descend toward a stage at the hall's far end, their ranks upholstered in crimson velvet that matches red carpet runners traversing the aisles between them. A row of small lanterns illuminates the front of the stage. You also see the Repaire disk, the Brokkrsten disk, the sparkling Selaesia disk, the Amie disk, the fiery red Malifren disk, the rolton-shaped Maylan disk and the translucent Aranthius disk with a jade-eyed white kitten on it.
Also here: Elizhabet, Lord Amenadiel, Great Lord Zynthe, Great Lady Mazikaene, High Lady Kaseopea, Lord Katze, Laralana who is sitting, Conquerer of Reim Neovik, High Lord Repaire, Chairman Logeerkamer, Milax, Bbee who is sitting, Lord Arianiss, Shiril, Cruxophim, Wolfloner who is sitting, Mayor Lylia who is sitting, Great Lord Nazarr who is sitting, Daharo, Paymaster Xecnephias, Librarian Selaesia who is sitting, Maven Brokkrsten who is sitting, Goldstr who is sitting, Shinann who is sitting, Amie, Malifren who is sitting, Aranthius, Land Pirate Maylan who is sitting, Achernar who is sitting, Sweetsin who is sitting, Iseo who is sitting, Great Lady Hailleus who is sitting, Great Lord Grutak who is sitting, Sir Balantine who is sitting, Maati who is sitting, Katness, Great Lord Evician who is sitting, Neopuron who is sitting, Ameliya
An apprentice Bard wanders in and in a sonorous voice recites, "Come join Fenog's Regulars as we host a benefit for Wellington House. The Bardesses Khylynnia Sparrhawk and Jastalyn Dragorth will perform, and Luxelle Machtes Ashrim will be headlining. All proceeds will be donated to the Orphanage. Join us tonight at Ten Elven in the Wehnimer's Landing Bard Guild Performance Hall!" He then meanders out of sight.
Neopuron recites:
"Please help yourself to some food or refreshments on the cart, as the show will be getting underway soon. Also, if you would like to enter the raffle and support a very noble and good cause please be sure to GET a ticket located in the lobby. Tickets are 10,000 silver and limited to one per guest."
Neopuron recites:
"Good evening,"
Neopuron recites:
"On behalf of Fenog s Regulars and myself, I would like to take a moment and welcome you all to A Night of the Performances."
Neopuron recites:
"Tonight we have invited all you fine folk here to take part in something truly special, to share with you a bit of magic that can only be found in that of song. The magic of song that will reach out and touch each and every one of you in a different way. We have assembled three very talented and lovely performers for you this evening to share with you some of that magic."
Neopuron recites:
"There will also be a raffle for a shimmering trinket this evening that will draw after the closing act. A magical little device that is sure to bring someone hours of enjoyment. Working closely with our local orphanage, this raffle is being used to raise funds for the Wellington Home. All proceeds from this raffle will be given to the Wellington Home in hopes to share some of our own magic with them."
Neopuron recites:
"At this time I would like to call your attention to the stage and introduce our first act of the evening. The up-and-coming Bardess, Khylynnia SparrHawk, will be performing two songs for you tonight. Please relax and enjoy the show."
Khylynnia Performs "Brother Can Ye'"
The curtain slowly opens.
Glancing up on stage you see...
[Bard Guild, Stage] Large and acoustically well proportioned, the stage opens expectantly to the auditorium -- lights and curtains, tabs and borders, all are cleverly placed to entice the audience's eye. A semitransparent scrim hangs at the back from the grid of metal framework above. A wide apron at the front of the stage completes the space, from which every seat in the house can be seen. You also see the stage left entrance, the proscenium steps and the stage right entrance.
Also here: Historian Khylynnia
Khylynnia walks gracefully out onto the stage, lowers herself into a lone chair and rests her mandolin case on the floor next to her.
Khylynnia recites:
"Good Evening! Fenog's Regulars would like to welcome you tonight. We have gathered some amazing artists this evening to entertain you, and we hope that you enjoy the show."
Khylynnia removes a gold-accented ebonwood mandolin from in her suede mandolin case.
Khylynnia recites confidently:
"Tonight is all about showing our support for Wellington Home and providing donations for the Orphanage. We hope that you will dig deep and help us to make this night memorable, not only for ourselves, but for the orphans as well!"
Khylynnia recites smoothly:
"Without further ado, what say we get this shindig started!"
Khylynnia recites jubilantly:
"Let's see if we can start this off on a happy note! I present to you, "Brother Can Ye"."
Neopuron lets out a cheer! Hailleus applauds. Evician lets out a cheer! Selaesia applauds. Laralana applauds. Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Brokkrsten applauds. Goldstr applauds. Shiril applauds. Cruxophim applauds.
Khylynnia rests her mandolin on her knee and takes in a deep breath, her fingers testing the strings and then she really begins to play in earnest.
With a twinkle in her eye, Khylynnia begins a jaunty melody on her mandolin.
Khylynnia sings cheerfully:
"Forgive me friends but I'm a bard, And my life, though fulfilling, is rather hard! I sing and play and compose all day, I get lots of applause but no damned pay!"
Making the beat of the song even more infectious, Khylynnia sharply thumps the belly of her mandolin in time with the music.
Hailleus giggles. Shinann smiles.
Khylynnia sings playfully:
"Busking away in the dusty town street, Trying to keep up a rapid downbeat. People just blithely pass me by - Without a "hey", and without a "hi"."
Goldstr grins. Bbee chuckles.
Khylynnia runs through the chorus twice, as if to make certain you will not be able to stop humming it anytime soon.
Khylynnia sings pleadingly:
"My throat is parched, my mouth is dry, But Helga's prices are much too high, If I don't drink soon I am gonna die! So please kind sir I do need a drink, Brother can ye spare some clink?"
Khylynnia skillfully picks up the tempo of her music, making it difficult to keep from tapping your toes to the beat.
Iseo chuckles.
Khylynnia sings jubilantly:
"I am asking a lot because I am in need, But it's Helga's fault, she is full of greed! It costs more for a nip than a sword or a bow, How a bard's to stay drunk - I do not know!"
Showing precise control over her mandolin, Khylynnia jumps from loud to soft and back again, adding a new dimension to the jaunty tune.
Khylynnia sings amusedly:
"A sober bard! What a pitiful sight - It's enough to give your kids a fright! Bards play best when they are full - Of rum or grog or apple mull!"
Khylynnia runs through the chorus twice, as if to make certain you will not be able to stop humming it anytime soon.
Goldstr grins. Evician snickers.
Khylynnia sings pleadingly:
"My throat is parched, my mouth is dry, But Helga's prices are much too high, If I don't drink soon I am gonna die! So please kind sir I do need a drink, Brother can ye spare some clink?"
Khylynnia jaunts through the rambunctious refrain, the melody and descant playing along in a breathless game of musical tag.
Khylynnia sings merrily:
"In ale the fount of creativity, That's why drink's a bard's proclivity. If ye do enjoy our tunes so truly - Then wine's the thing lest we become unruly!"
Adroitly, Khylynnia slides her hand up the neck of the mandolin and continues playing, raising the song a full two octaves for a verse before dropping back down to the normal range.
Khylynnia sings boisterously:
"Warriors fight and Mages think - Thieves do steal, but Bards they drink! If ye wish our tunes to fill the land, Then ye must give us a helping hand."
Khylynnia runs through the chorus twice, as if to make certain you will not be able to stop humming it anytime soon.
Khylynnia sings pleadingly:
"My throat is parched, my mouth is dry, But Helga's prices are much too high, If I don't drink soon I am gonna die! So please kind sir I do need a drink, Brother can ye spare some clink?"
With a final jaunty chord, Khylynnia stills the strings of her mandolin.
Khylynnia put a gold-accented ebonwood mandolin in her suede mandolin case.
Khylynnia gracefully rises from her chair and then bows low, her diaphanous wings spread wide, right fist held to her heart.
Balantine lets out a cheer! Maati lets out a cheer! Aranthius lets out a cheer! Evician lets out a cheer! Goldstr applauds. Maylan applauds. Shinann applauds. Hailleus lets out a cheer! Bbee applauds. Cruxophim lets out a cheer! High Lord Repaire just arrived. Laralana lets out a cheer! Cruxophim applauds.
Khylynnia retakes her seat, adjusting the skirts of her gown as she settles herself comfortably
Selaesia applauds. Iseo lets out a cheer! Brokkrsten applauds. Milax applauds.
Khylynnia Performs "Winter's Tale"
Khylynnia recites warmly:
"Thank you! This night is just beginning, and we still have two more performers to hear from! But before we move on to the next Artist, I would like to present for you, one more song."
Balantine applauds. Bbee applauds. Shiril applauds. Achernar applauds. Sweetsin applauds.
Khylynnia removes a silver-gilded dark ebony harp from in her suede mandolin case.
Iseo lets out a cheer!
Khylynnia recites proudly:
"This song is one of my favorites, and I hope you enjoy it as well. For your listening pleasure I give to you, "Winter's Tale.""
Carefully Khylynnia places her hands on the strings of her harp, pauses a moment in reflection, then begins the quiet, forlorn strains of a gentle ballad.
Khylynnia sings earnestly:
"Come sit and listen to the winter's tale The room be warm and so's the ale And as you sit, rejoice in life's regale For the spark of life is flickering frail"
Khylynnia's harp strings sing with a poignant sweet sorrow, like a widow standing at her husband's grave.
Khylynnia sings smoothly:
"Farmer's son looks across the field of snow Past is the time to reap, not yet the time to sow As autumn ebbs there came first winter's touch Though at first the snowflakes do not fall so much"
Bringing her own special touch to the song, Khylynnia plucks a quiet, yet passionate refrain on her harp, like wind whistling through the trees.
Khylynnia sings rhythmically:
"Glad at first snap of wintry chill It means for a time no more fields to till He puts behind a year of sweat and toil There is no growing in the frozen soil"
Khylynnia expresses all of her sensitivity and talent through her harp as she carries the sad ballad into the next verse.
Khylynnia sings boisterously:
"Now will he dance at coming yuletide fest And enjoy the winter's call with youthful zest For the winter's respite is short and sweet And soon the call of spring will he greet"
The discordant harmony Khylynnia draws quietly from her harp wails, keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes.
Khylynnia sings airily:
"And he laughs..."
Khylynnia sings clearly:
"I embrace the coming of my winter Winter's the time to dance and sing and tell tall tales I give thanks to Mistress Winter For there is respite in the landscape deathly pale"
Using dynamics skillfully, Khylynnia plays her harp with tender poetic expression -- mournfully, softly, passionately.
Khylynnia sings ploddingly:
"Young man merchant all alone in the snow His wagon wheel on the road was thrown He began his trek in unmindful heed From his trader brethren though they did plead"
Khylynnia performs an even more haunting and poignant rendition of the mournful ballad on her harp, her fingers touching the strings firmly, then softly.
Khylynnia sings mockingly:
"He was leaving too late at the end of fall He would not hear the sound of winter's call Now the icy roads caused his wagon to slip And the brittle cold fouled his wheel's grip"
With leading tones and minor chord resolutions, the melody pouring from Khylynnia's harp mourns like a threnody, a lamentation for the dead.
Khylynnia sings slowly:
"With a final gasp he lays down by his horse There is no more warmth from that animal's corpse He pulls his satin cloak o'er his shivering head For he knows by the morrow will he be dead"
The discordant harmony Khylynnia draws quietly from her harp wails, keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes.
Khylynnia sings somberly:
"And he thinks..."
Khylynnia sings soulfully:
"I feel the coming of my winter I feel its icy tendrils lightly caressing me I give myself to Mistress Winter May she receive my soul and with mercy set me free"
Khylynnia performs an even more haunting and poignant rendition of the mournful ballad on her harp, her fingers touching the strings firmly, then softly.
Khylynnia sings deafeningly:
"Old man runs through the fallen snow Though where he heads he does not know But legs are tired and side does ache And though deadly tired he cannot break"
Using dynamics skillfully, Khylynnia plays her harp with tender poetic expression -- mournfully, softly, passionately.
Khylynnia sings jauntily:
"For he has braved the ancient mountains cold In search of rumours of forgotten gold And of all the dangers he dismissed as least The grip of winter 'pon the wild beast"
With leading tones and minor chord resolutions, the melody pouring from Khylynnia's harp mourns like a threnody, a lamentation for the dead.
Khylynnia sings hauntingly:
"So he looks behind him one last time To see the pack up the hillside climb For the wolves are frenzied from lack of prey But the winter has brought them their sup this day"
The discordant harmony Khylynnia draws quietly from her harp wails, keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes.
Khylynnia sings gravely:
"And he gasps..."
Khylynnia sings mournfully:
"I feel the coming of my winter I feel its steamy breath damp and hot upon my heels I curse the day I braved the winter For she's a mistress who delights in whom she steals"
Khylynnia's harp playing becomes spare yet sensitive as she approaches the depths of the ballad's sorrow.
Khylynnia sings eerily:
"Moans are dampened by the falling snow Still the shrieks begin to grow and grow Husband holds the hand of suff'ring wife As she brings to being a brand new life"
Bringing her own special touch to the song, Khylynnia plucks a quiet, yet passionate refrain on her harp, like wind whistling through the trees.
Khylynnia sings wistfully:
"For her time thought far was really near And for her life does the poor man fear For birthing is ne'er an easy event But with the chilling cold her life's near spent"
With leading tones and minor chord resolutions, the melody pouring from Khylynnia's harp mourns like a threnody, a lamentation for the dead.
Khylynnia sings tenderly:
"With her final heave does life begin And with her dying breath do her eyes drink in The sight of her babe in husband's arm As he swadles the infant to keep it warm"
The discordant harmony Khylynnia draws quietly from her harp wails, keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes.
Khylynnia sings darkly:
"And she hears him..."
Khylynnia sings funereally:
"I feel the coming of my winter For winter be the time of dying and rebirth This utter joy be mixed with sadness I pray the spring may come and wash away the hurt"
Using dynamics skillfully, Khylynnia plays her harp with tender poetic expression -- mournfully, softly, passionately.
Khylynnia sings tenderly:
"Old woman gazes at the falling snow She sits in her chair rocking to and fro And though she knows the fire she should tend She's content to sit and let her life here end"
Khylynnia's harp playing becomes spare yet sensitive as she approaches the depths of the ballad's sorrow.
Khylynnia sings depressingly:
"For she has lived these Oh so many years Through days of laughter and through nights of tears And now she hears a frosty voice entice It reminds her of the tinkle of falling ice"
With leading tones and minor chord resolutions, the melody pouring from Khylynnia's harp mourns like a threnody, a lamentation for the dead.
Khylynnia sings grimly:
"So she sits back and shuts her rheumy eyes And while she does the fire slowly dies And all the aches and pains of life subside As she invites the winter's touch to her inside"
The discordant harmony Khylynnia draws quietly from her harp wails, keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes.
Khylynnia sings resoundingly:
"And the voice says..."
Khylynnia sings tremblingly:
"This is the ending of your winter You respected me and lived your life in peace Come join your husband in my springtime For in the end you have earned your blest surcease"
Khylynnia creates a deadly, crawling-on-my-belly feel as she draw a mournful dirge from the bass strings of her harp.
Khylynnia sings proudly:
"And so ends the winter's tale Within's a lesson you should avail For though man is proud and hates to fail It is always the winter that shall prevail"
Khylynnia touches the strings of her harp in one last chord, the minor resolution ringing on as she slowly drops her hands.
Khylynnia put a silver-gilded dark ebony harp in her suede mandolin case.
Slowly, Khylynnia reaches for the lid of her case and closes it. She latches it with deft hands.
Khylynnia rises smoothly to her feet, places one hand over her heart and bows low. A twinkle in her eye and a smile across her lips, she then stands proudly upon the stage.
Evician applauds. You applaud. Evician lets out a cheer! Goldstr lets out a cheer! Achernar applauds. Logeerkamer applauds. Lylia applauds. Aranthius lets out a cheer! Neopuron applauds. Selaesia applauds. Balantine lets out a cheer! Shinann applauds. Sweetsin applauds. Arianiss applauds. Neopuron lets out a cheer! Aranthius applauds. Sweetsin smiles. Milax applauds. Shiril applauds. Hailleus lets out a cheer! Hailleus applauds. Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Wolfloner applauds. Nazarr applauds. Kasyan applauds. Nazarr applauds. Maylan applauds.
Khylynnia recites breathlessly:
"Thank you all so very much!"
Maati applauds.
Khylynnia recites melodically:
"This is the end of my set, and I greatly appreciate your attention! Please enjoy the remainder of the concert!"
Grutak applauds.
Khylynnia raises a hand to her lips, kisses her fingers and blows a kiss to the crowd, a sly wink in her eye.
Khylynnia retrieves her mandolin case from the stage and heads to the stage entrance.
Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Balantine applauds. Shinann smiles. Maati lets out a cheer! Cruxophim applauds. Selaesia lets out a cheer! Cruxophim grins.
The curtain slowly closes.
Evician chuckles. Goldstr applauds. Laralana lets out a cheer!
The auditorium lights slowly brighten, casting a soft glow through the room.
Neopuron's First Intermission
Neopuron stands up.
Hailleus melodically says, "Beautiful."
Neopuron recites:
"We will now take a brief intermission as we prepare for our next act. Please feel free to top off your drinks and help yourself to a tasty snack located in the lobby. Also if you re still interested in our raffle to support the Wellington Home, please make sure to GET yourself a ticket out there as well. We will continue very shortly"
Cruxophim applauds.
Neopuron smiles.
A long, sustained note hangs in the air for several seconds, followed by the sharp *TWANG* of a breaking string.
Neopuron smiles.
Speaking to Neopuron, Grutak asks, "I was wondering if you could tell us more about your charity event this evening?"
Speaking to Grutak, Neopuron says, "Raising funds for the local orphanage in the Landing."
Grutak says, "A worthy cause."
Speaking to Neopuron, Grutak asks, "Is this your personal cause?"
Neopuron looks over at Grutak and shakes his head.
Speaking to Grutak, Neopuron says, "Only for charity."
Maylan drunkenly asks, "Whares the babies for kissing and whatnot?"
Grutak nods slowly at Neopuron.
Neopuron recites:
"At this time I would like to call your attention back to the stage and introduce our second act of the evening, Jastalyn Dragorth."
Evician applauds. Grutak turns to face the stage. Shinann leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.
Speaking skeptically to Maylan, Shiril asks, "Is that what babies are for?"
You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand, a thoughtful expression on your face. Goldstr applauds. Sweetsin watches the stage closely for a moment. Iseo says, "And not one glass of champagne on me."
Jastalyn Performs "Love's Very First Kiss."
The auditorium lights slowly dim as a hush fills the room.
The curtain slowly opens.
Glancing up on stage you see...
[Bard Guild, Stage] Large and acoustically well proportioned, the stage opens expectantly to the auditorium -- lights and curtains, tabs and borders, all are cleverly placed to entice the audience's eye. A semitransparent scrim hangs at the back from the grid of metal framework above. A wide apron at the front of the stage completes the space, from which every seat in the house can be seen. You also see the stage left entrance, the proscenium steps and the stage right entrance.
Also here: Arbiter Jastalyn
Jastalyn smiles.
Iseo lets out a cheer! Evician lets out a cheer! Neopuron lets out a cheer! Cruxophim lets out a cheer!
Jastalyn recites softly:
"This is a short love song titled, "Love's Very First Kiss."
Arianiss applauds. Goldstr applauds. You grin. You applaud. Hailleus applauds. Sweetsin applauds. Grutak applauds. Bbee applauds.
Jastalyn cradles her zither close to her body as her slender fingers take their place among the strings.
Jastalyn begins playing a quiet song on her cherrywood zither.
Jastalyn sings melodically:
"When I saw you from the start, Something special is what I felt. I had no idea you'd steal my heart, Playing the hand that I was dealt."
Appearing relaxed and confident, Jastalyn places her hands on her cherrywood zither, gliding with gentle gestures into a simple, soft ballad.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"Love's very first kiss Can take you by surprise. When you hold me like this And look into my eyes"
Jastalyn smiles quietly to herself.
Jastalyn plucks a quiet song on her cherrywood zither with ease and subtlety; the musical nuances appealingly intimate.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"It's like looking at myself From a whole new perspective. With your first kiss I knew, You'd give all you had to give"
Jastalyn's graceful shaping of the lyrical adagio is as elegant and gracious as a swan gliding across the evening pond.
Jastalyn sings earnestly:
"Months have passed And how much we've grown. I wouldn't change a thing, Even if I had known"
Appearing relaxed and confident, Jastalyn places her hands on her cherrywood zither, gliding with gentle gestures into a simple, soft ballad.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"Love's very first kiss Can take you by surprise. When I hold you like this And look into your eyes"
Jastalyn closes her eyes as her fingers skillfully glide along the strings of her zither.
Jastalyn plucks a quiet song on her cherrywood zither with ease and subtlety; the musical nuances appealingly intimate.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"It's like looking at myself From a whole new perspective. With your first kiss I knew, I'd give all I had to give"
As Jastalyn plays softly on her cherrywood zither, each note magically appears on time and in place with a tone that is substantial and rich but never forced.
Jastalyn sings seductively:
"Kiss me my love and Put your hand in mine. Tomorrow is uncertain, We only have this time"
Appearing relaxed and confident, Jastalyn places her hands on her cherrywood zither, gliding with gentle gestures into a simple, soft ballad.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"Love's very first kiss Can take you by surprise. When we hold on like this And look into each other's eyes"
Jastalyn subtly shivers as a memory visually passes over her face causing her to smile slightly.
Jastalyn plucks a quiet song on her cherrywood zither with ease and subtlety; the musical nuances appealingly intimate.
Jastalyn sings softly:
"It's like looking at myself From a whole new perspective. With our first kiss we knew, We'll give all we have to give"
Jastalyn brings her quiet performance to a close with three descending harmonics; these last notes ring on, barely heard, as she lets her arms fall to her sides.
Jastalyn holds her zither over her heart, closes her eyes and bows.
Goldstr applauds.
Jastalyn recites softly:
"Neopuron, Khylynnia, and myself on behalf of Fenog's Regulars would like to thank you this evening for coming out to help us support the Wellington Home."
Logeerkamer applauds. Evician lets out a cheer! Neopuron lets out a cheer! Sweetsin applauds. Bbee lets out a cheer! Shinann applauds. Hailleus applauds. Goldstr applauds. Balantine applauds. Shiril applauds.
Jastalyn recites softly:
"Don't forget, if you haven't already, go get your ticket for the raffle."
Nazarr applauds. Neopuron applauds. Arianiss applauds. Nazarr applauds. Achernar applauds. Maati applauds. Jastalyn grins. Milax applauds.
Jastalyn recites softly:
"Our Performance isn't over and we've saved the best for last. Please enjoy the rest of your evening!"
Achernar lets out a cheer! Kasyan applauds. Evician grins.
Jastalyn bows again and waves.
Jastalyn curtsies gracefully.
Maylan applauds. Selaesia applauds. You applaud. Evician lets out a cheer!
The curtain slowly closes.
You let out a cheer! Hailleus lets out a cheer!
The auditorium lights slowly brighten, casting a soft glow through the room.
Neopuron's Second Intermission
Iseo applauds. Bbee lets out a cheer! Xecnephias applauds. Neopuron lets out a cheer! Sweetsin nods approvingly. Xecnephias applauds. Wolfloner applauds. Aranthius lets out a cheer!
Neopuron smiles.
Speaking melodically to Grutak, Hailleus asks, "Is that how you feel about me?"
Hailleus peers quizzically at Grutak.
Neopuron recites:
"We will now take another brief intermission as we prepare for our final act of the evening. Again, please feel free to top of your drinks and help yourself to a tasty snack. Also if you re still interested in our raffle to support the Wellington Home, please make sure to GET yourself a ticket."
Shaelethe laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Bbee says, "Encore."
Bbee says, "Encore."
Speaking to Hailleus, Grutak says, "Nothing like putting me on the spot."
Hailleus agrees with Bbee.
Speaking to Hailleus, Grutak says, "How I feel about you is unique and special and can't be summed up in a few short verses of a song."
Neopuron grins slowly.
Speaking to Neopuron, Lylia says, "Good to see you again."
Iseo says, "Have a seat Arianiss. Music will start again soon."
Evician says, "Gonna be a good one too."
Xecnephias quietly says, "I dont have to sit."
Arianiss says, "I'm a wolf, not a sheep, and so I uncomfortably stand."
Lylia says, "I am no sheep either, but I do like to prove I can indeed sit in this gown."
Shiril whispers something to Cruxophim.
With his jawbone dagger and abyran'ra skull held high, Cruxophim throws his head back, arching his body slightly, as he releases a heathen scream.
(Bbee peeks around the curtain.)
Tucking his jawbone dagger against his body, Cruxophim squeezes his right hand into a fist and holds it out over a small abyran'ra skull. Blood streams through his fingers and along his hand, splattering down into it.
Cruxophim offers Shiril a small abyran'ra skull.
Shiril accepts Cruxophim's abyran'ra skull.
Cruxophim licks a black-veined jawbone dagger in his hand.
Neopuron grins.
Neopuron recites:
"At this time I would like to call your attention back to the stage as we conclude the performance with our final act of the night. This is Lady Luxelle Machtes Ashrim, bardess of Elanthia. We requested that she perform her most recent song, called, "I Will Love You in A Song""
Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Cruxophim applauds. Bbee applauds. Shiril applauds. Shinann smiles.
Kaseopea softly says, "Vis katze please do not bite him master, you do not know where."
Kaseopea softly says, "Hes been."
Speaking melodically to Grutak, Hailleus says, "I like this. they are very talented."
Speaking to Kaseopea, Shiril says, "I can give you some ideas of where..."
Cruxophim whispers something to Shiril.
Shiril examines her fingernails.
Iseo says, "Oh good lord."
Luxelle Performs "I Will Love You In A Song"
The auditorium lights slowly dim as a hush fills the room.
The curtain slowly opens.
Glancing up on stage you see...
[Bard Guild, Stage] Large and acoustically well proportioned, the stage opens expectantly to the auditorium -- lights and curtains, tabs and borders, all are cleverly placed to entice the audience's eye. A semitransparent scrim hangs at the back from the grid of metal framework above. A wide apron at the front of the stage completes the space, from which every seat in the house can be seen. You also see the Luxelle disk, the stage left entrance, the proscenium steps and the stage right entrance.
Also here: Lady Luxelle
Sweetsin applauds.
Evician lets out a cheer!
Shinann smiles.
Goldstr lets out a cheer!
Bbee applauds.
You applaud.
Neopuron smiles.
Arianiss applauds.
Shiril lets out a cheer!
Milax applauds.
Cruxophim lets out a cheer!
Cruxophim applauds.
Katze lets out a cheer!
Iseo applauds.
Nazarr applauds.
Brokkrsten applauds.
Nazarr applauds.
Hailleus applauds.
Selaesia applauds.
Aranthius lets out a cheer!
Please feel free to stop Luxelle and ask her to sing the song for you! It's called, "I Will Love You In A Song", and she will gladly sing for you!
Milax lets out a cheer! Arianiss applauds. Maati lets out a cheer! Sweetsin applauds. Shiril applauds. Goldstr lets out a cheer! Evician applauds. Lylia applauds. Sweetsin sniffs. Achernar lets out a cheer! Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Iseo applauds. Cruxophim applauds. Achernar applauds. Hailleus applauds. Katze applauds. Hailleus lets out a cheer! Bbee lets out a cheer! Goldstr applauds. Aranthius lets out a cheer! Selaesia applauds. You let out a cheer! Aranthius applauds. Neovik applauds. Balantine lets out a cheer! Iseo applauds. Maylan applauds. Iseo lets out a cheer! Evician applauds. Achernar applauds. Neopuron lets out a cheer! Shinann smiles. Wolfloner applauds.
The curtain slowly closes.
Roblar applauds. Sweetsin smiles. Logeerkamer applauds. Neopuron applauds. Iseo lets out a cheer! Cruxophim lets out a cheer! Cruxophim applauds. Hailleus applauds. Achernar lets out a cheer! Brokkrsten lets out a cheer! Hailleus applauds. Hailleus applauds. Iseo applauds. Neopuron applauds. Hailleus lets out a cheer! Evician applauds. Grutak applauds. Felarion applauds. Bbee applauds. Nazarr applauds. Nazarr applauds. Nazarr applauds. Neopuron applauds. Shaelethe applauds. Neopuron lets out a cheer! Xecnephias applauds.
The auditorium lights slowly brighten, casting a soft glow through the room.
Goldstr exclaims, "Wonderful!"
Neopuron's Close and Meet and Greet with the Performers
Neopuron recites:
"Wonderful act!"
Historian Khylynnia's group just arrived.
Jastalyn lets out a cheer!
Neopuron turns to Khylynnia and cheers!
Khylynnia smiles.
Evician lets out a cheer!
Iseo exclaims, "That was lovely!"
Neopuron turns to Jastalyn and cheers!
Selaesia lets out a cheer!
Brokkrsten turns to Khylynnia and cheers!
You turn to Khylynnia and cheer!
Speaking quietly to Brokkrsten, Xecnephias says, "Makes me want to be a bard."
Jastalyn grins.
Neopuron turns to Luxelle and cheers!
Evician says, "That was amazing."
Grutak turns to Khylynnia and cheers!
Shinann says, "They were all wonderful."
Neopuron gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses suddenly appears in his hand!
Arianiss applauds.
Selaesia nods approvingly at Luxelle.
Hailleus melodically says, "Beautiful."
Luxelle curtsies gracefully.
You turn to Jastalyn and cheer!
Jastalyn grins.
Iseo hugs Khylynnia, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Neopuron offers Khylynnia a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses.
Khylynnia accepts Neopuron's white winter roses.
Grutak turns to Luxelle and cheers!
Arianiss says, "Very well done you three."
Jastalyn curtsies.
Brokkrsten turns to Luxelle and cheers!
You turn to Luxelle and cheer!
Neopuron gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses suddenly appears in his hand!
Khylynnia blushes and babbles a few incoherent words, looking sincerely flustered.
Iseo exclaims, "Brava Ladies! Brava!"
Neopuron offers Jastalyn a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses.
Lylia says, "Lovely, yet mournful."
Jastalyn accepts Neopuron's white winter roses.
Speaking to Luxelle, Bbee says, "Applause does not do you justice."
Neopuron gives a slight flick of his wrist, and a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses suddenly appears in his hand!
Neopuron offers Luxelle a bouquet of cobalt-specked white winter roses.
You say, "Magnificent music tonight."
Speaking pleasantly to Luxelle, Cruxophim praises, "Beautiful."
Speaking affably to Khylynnia, Cruxophim purrs, "Well done."
Jastalyn grins.
Evician says, "Don't forget folks if you havent gotten your ticket to do so. Proceeds go to the Wellington Home."
Luxelle says, "Oh my."
Luxelle exclaims, "Thank you!"
Balantine offers Khylynnia a bottle of aged scotch.
Brokkrsten hugs Jastalyn, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Selaesia hugs Jastalyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Luxelle accepts Neopuron's white winter roses.
Balantine quietly says, "Inspiring."
Speaking warmly to Jastalyn, Cruxophim praises, "Excellent."
Speaking to Jastalyn, Brokkrsten exclaims, "Well done!"
The Raffle Draw and Donations
Jastalyn softly asks, "Ready to draw this raffle?"
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Khylynnia says, "Thank you dyre'myhrano."
Neopuron recites:
"We will now draw for the raffle! One lucky winner will be going home tonight with a new shimmering trinket. Trinket has been enhanced to store two outfits, and will hold up to four charges! Good Luck to everyone and thank you for coming out! We do hope you enjoyed the Performances."
Cruxophim licks Khylynnia's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Neopuron gives the barrel a few good cranks, getting it up to a fast spin! Neopuron reaches in and draws out a ticket. After glancing down, he reads out the name.... Nazarr! Neopuron crumples up the ticket and tosses it onto the green auction table.
Cruxophim applauds Nazarr. You turn to Nazarr and cheer! Jastalyn turns to Nazarr and cheers! Shinann turns to Nazarr and cheers! Arianiss applauds Nazarr. Debia applauds. Goldstr turns to Nazarr and cheers! Cruxophim turns to Nazarr and cheers! Iseo turns to Nazarr and cheers! Milax applauds Nazarr. Nazarr beams! Neopuron exclaims, "Congrats!" Jastalyn grins. Speaking excitedly to Nazarr, you say, "How wonderful! Congrats, my friend."
Jastalyn recites softly:
"Fenog's Regulars will be adding a million silver donation on top of the raffle proceeds this evening"
Neopuron says, "Yes, again we do hope you enjoyed the Performances."
Evician says, "It was amazing."
Speaking to Jastalyn, Goldstr says, "Was a grande event."
Selaesia says, "They were lovely."
Iseo says, "They were wonderful. Thank you."
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Thank you!"
Brokkrsten says, "Very well done."
Luxelle says, "Thank you for asking me to sing. It is always an honor."
Jastalyn softly says, "We hope to be holding this event again soon."
Evician says, "You are all three wonderful amazing musicians."
Speaking pleasedly to Jastalyn, you say, "Wonderful news."
Speaking quietly to Luxelle, Balantine exclaims, "Exquisite performance as always, one of yer best!"
Speaking quietly to you, Khylynnia exclaims, "I'm glad you made it!"
Balantine quietly exclaims, "All the performances were extraordinary, like bardfest!"
Speaking teasingly to Khylynnia, you say, "So am I."
Lylia says, "Truly exquisite."
Jastalyn recites softly:
"Neo has also offered toadd an additional million silvers on top of the donation this evening"
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Khylynnia says, "Seeing you here, big brother, was a wonderful thing."
Looking a little flustered, Khylynnia begins to subconsciously twist a strand of platinum hair around her haircomb. Realizing what she's doing, she quickly lowers her hand and adopts a more composed demeanor.
You elbow Khylynnia in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Jastalyn softly says, "And another donation from Bbee."
Jastalyn softly says, "And another from Evician."
Neopuron exclaims, "Thank you for all the extra support!"
Jastalyn softly says, "And another million silvers from a private donor."
Cruxophim amusedly notes, "Oh right, donations."
Balantine quietly says, "And thank yer house for sponsoring this."
Jastalyn softly says, "We'll announce the official donation total tomorrow."
You turn to Luxelle and cheer!
Jastalyn turns to Luxelle and cheers!
Khylynnia agrees with Luxelle.
Neopuron nods at Jastalyn.
You feel more refreshed.
Speaking quietly to Luxelle, Khylynnia exclaims, "We'll have to do this again soon!"
Jastalyn softly says, "If you know of anyone that might be interested in singing with us next time, please send them my way."
Balantine quietly says, "Gotta support the arts, give Vornavis some competition."
Jastalyn grins.
Lylia warmly says, "Be well. Thank you so much for the magnificent performances, and for ensuring the orphans' well-being."
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "And another grand donation from Cruxophim!"
Cruxophim pleasantly states, "Always glad to assist the orphans."
Khylynnia quietly says, "If I missed responding to any hugs, it wasn't intentional...I am just a bit overwhelmed at the moment."
Speaking to Khylynnia, you praise, "That's because you did wonderfully tonight, my friend."
Brokkrsten says, "It was well done, all of yas."
Cruxophim affably wishes, "Have a good evening, all."
Speaking to Khylynnia, you wish, "Here's to--somehow--even better performance nights in the future!"
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "You too!"
Shinann says, "I enjoyed the performances a lot. Glad this is not a competition."
Speaking to Khylynnia, Brokkrsten says, "We're very proud o' ya, daughter.
Khylynnia grins at you.
Khylynnia agrees with you.
Jastalyn softly says, "That's just over four and a half million now."
Speaking quietly to Brokkrsten, Khylynnia exclaims, "Thanks Pop!"
Jastalyn lets out a cheer!
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Khylynnia says, "That's a great donation to the orphanage."
You nod approvingly.
Jastalyn agrees with Khylynnia.
Neopuron offers Jastalyn a gold filigree dragonfire opal buckle.
Khylynnia quietly exclaims, "Thank you, everyone for coming! If not for you, we Bards wouldn't have a trade to ply!"
You turn to Khylynnia and cheer!
Neopuron offers Jastalyn a pair of blue-laced ice skates.
Neopuron says, "Those were donated too."
Jastalyn softly says, "Ohh."
Jastalyn put a gold filigree dragonfire opal buckle in her silk bag.
Jastalyn accepts Neopuron's blue-laced ice skates.
Jastalyn put a pair of blue-laced ice skates in her silk bag.
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Khylynnia says, "Svardin donated the skates and buckle."
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Khylynnia says, "He sent his regards, but regreted his inability to attend."
Jastalyn smiles.
You delightedly say, "Aww, Svardin."
You grin.
Jastalyn softly says, "I do miss svardin."
You grin at Jastalyn.
Jastalyn softly says, "Probably past his bedtime."
Selaesia nods at Jastalyn.
Neopuron smiles.
Jastalyn grins.
Selaesia says, "He was invited but had to go."
Speaking quietly to you, Khylynnia says, "Svardin was getting abused by the idjits and Rufus."
You eagerly say, "Just hold a performance -day- some time."
You nod enthusiastically!
You nod in agreement at Khylynnia.
Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.
Brokkrsten nods in agreement.
Speaking amusedly to Khylynnia, you say, "As usual."
You snicker.
Selaesia agrees with you.
Jastalyn softly says, "We could do that I think."
You turn to Jastalyn and cheer!
Neopuron nods to you.
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Khylynnia says, "The idjits wanted to donate a couple cannonballs, but Svardin told them they really shouldn't."
You chortle.
Neopuron begins chuckling at Khylynnia!
Khylynnia quietly exclaims, "Once again, I personally want to thank everyone for attending! I am so very glad that we could all show this support to Wellington Home!"
Jastalyn grins. Xecnephias smiles. Xecnephias flutters his eyelashes.
Jastalyn softly says, "And thank you to my planning committee."
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Khy and Neo!"
Neopuron grins slowly.
Speaking to Khylynnia, Neopuron exclaims, "And you too!"
Speaking quietly to Luxelle, Khylynnia exclaims, "It was my pleasure to help set this up!"
Speaking to Jastalyn, Neopuron says, "And you too too."
Neopuron chuckles.
Luxelle exclaims, "It is always an honor to sing. Stop me anytime, and I will sing you a song!"
Jastalyn grins.
You grin at Luxelle.
Khylynnia giggles at Jastalyn.
Neopuron nods slowly.
Luxelle smiles.
Neopuron smiles.
Khylynnia giggles.