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Type System
Demeanor-based No
Wedding No
System Profession Guild
The ALCHEMY verb allows for the use of the alchemy guild skills. There are several options for this verb, which allow for the completion of various tasks required for alchemy. Skills available through this verb include Examine, Seal, Boil, Simmer, Chant, Distill, Extract, Infuse, Refract, and Channel.
Note that the effects of Haste (535) are ignored by all variations of the ALCHEMY verb.


Note: This menu shows with or without HELP.

    ALCHEMY {option}

Where {option} is one of the following:
    SEAL        Seal a solution to create a finished product.

    SIMMER      Simmer a solution.
    BOIL        Boil a solution.
    CHANT       Chant the incantation of a spell into a solution.
    DISTILL     Distill a liquid using an alembic.
    EXTRACT     Extract a substance using a crucible.
    INFUSE      Infuse mana into a solution.
    REFRACT     Refract light through a gem lens into a solution.
    CHANNEL     Channel spirit into a solution.

    EXAMINE     Examine an item to determine if it is a valid ingredient.



ALCHEMY EXAMINE allows a character to inspect an ingredient, detailing whether or not it is suited for alchemy, as well as if it can be used as a substitute in any recipes for another ingredient. It is taught during the first rank of General Alchemy.

  • It is what it is:
You examine the cactacae spine, but note nothing odd about it.  It appears to be cactacae spine.
There is nothing odd about this ingredient. It is exactly what the name implies. Since this was apparently confusing, the "It appears to be cactacae spine." was added for clarification. If you notice nothing odd about something, there is nothing odd about it. It is what it is.
  • It is something else:
You tap some spicy acantha leaf, which is in your right hand.

You examine the acantha leaf, noting its unique characteristics and features.

You determine that it is similar to acantha leaf in alchemical properties and application, and would likely make a suitable replacement in a recipe.
You can use this ingredient the same way you'd use what the verb says you could use it for.
  • It is nothing at all:
You examine a barrel of Mad Mutt Frothy ale, but it doesn't look like anything that could be useful for alchemy.
This is nothing useful for alchemy. It is not an ingredient.


ALCHEMY BOIL is a verb used in various Alchemy recipes to make products. It is one of the skills you must practice for guild tasks.

Each attempt to use alchemy boil takes 5 mana.

  • Success
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and push mana into it.  The flame beneath it quickly flares up wildly, bringing the contents to a rolling boil.
  • Failure
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and push mana into it.  The flame beneath it flickers briefly, but then dies down.


ALCHEMY SIMMER is a verb used in alchemy recipes to produce products. Usually there is a ground ingredient involved in a recipe that requires a simmer.

Using this verb takes 3 mana points.

  • Success
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and gently push mana into it.  The flame beneath it quickly flares to life, bringing the contents to a slow simmer.
  • Failure
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and gently push mana into it.  The flame beneath it flickers briefly, but then dies down.


ALCHEMY SEAL is always the last step in an alchemy recipe. This verb input results in several messages. The RTs overlap, and equates to a total of 25 seconds.

This action takes 16 mana total; 7 for the initial message and 3 for each subsequent one. Please note that if you run out of mana before the action is complete you will get nerve damage. If you do it twice and get the sporadic convulsions, you will abort this action and the seal, as well as the entire recipe, will fail.

  • Success
You hold your hands over the monkey skull cauldron and murmur the incantation for sealing the solution.  As you do so, a coppery brown haze begins to seep out of the cauldron, dissipating as it reaches the ground.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Gradually, you pulse mana into the cauldron, settling the turbulent essences contained within.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

As you soothe the solution, you can see the liquid ripple and contort slightly as it starts to condense.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

You sense that the ritual is complete and lower your hands.  The flame beneath the cauldron quietly goes out.  You note that the solution in the cauldron has condensed into a rich potion.
You reach into the cauldron and fill your flask.


ALCHEMY CHANT is a verb which allows a character to infuse a spell into solution. This results in the concoction containing this spell. An alchemist can only chant a spell that they know, limiting the creation of certain items to certain professions. It is performed by entering ALCHEMY CHANT and then the spell number or name of the spell. It is taught at the beginning of Potions or Trinkets.

Using this verb takes the mana required by the spell being chanted.

  • Success
You extend your hands over the cast iron cauldron and softly begin the incantation of Water Walking, altering the phrasing, tone, and inflection slightly as you focus the power of the words on the solution within.  Flickering wisps of essence coalesce over the solution as your chant continues, swirling in rhythm with the sound of your voice, and lazily drift down to vanish into the solution.
  • Failure
You extend your hands over the cast iron cauldron and softly begin the incantation of Elemental Defense I, altering the phrasing, tone, and inflection slightly as you focus the power of the words on the solution within. Flickering wisps of essence coalesce over the solution, but recoil at the last moment.


ALCHEMY EXTRACT allows a character to put an ingredient into a crucible, which cooks away the majority of the ingredient, leaving behind a new one. It is taught at rank 15 of general alchemy. This process must be done in an alchemy workshop.

One task requires the alchemist to go extract some items. For a list of extracted ingredients, please see reagents.

  • Success
You select an unused latite crucible and set it up on the barrel-shaped workbench.
You carefully place the ayanad crystal within the crucible and set its burner aflame.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

As the flames lick about the base of a latite crucible, its contents slowly begin to crackle with the heat.
You bring your hands up to either side of the crucible and focus your concentration on the burgeoning energies within.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Concentrating on your crucible, you gently tap into the swirling energies within and subtly guide the extraction process.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Holding your concentration on your crucible, you continue to guide the process within by deftly molding the swirling eddies of magical energy.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Sensing the process nearing its end, you banish the flames from beneath the latite crucible with a thought.  As its contents cool, you gingerly collect the results of the extraction, removing some faintly glimmering dust from within.
This takes 10 mana and 40 seconds. The roundtimes overlap.
  • Failure
Item cannot be extracted:
The elemental core doesn't appear to be suitable for extraction.
Item not alchemy related:
The glass vial doesn't appear to be an alchemical ingredient.
Not in an alchemy workshop:
You don't appear to be in an alchemical workshop.
Profession-limited extraction:
Sensing the process nearing its end, you banish the flames from beneath the granite crucible with a thought. Looking within, you note the interior of the crucible is unnaturally charred and nothing is to be seen.

With a sigh, you take the crucible aside and scrub it clean.


ALCHEMY DISTILL allows a character to distill a liquid in an alembic, removing impurities from it to result in a different liquid. It is taught at rank 15 of general alchemy. This process must be done in an alchemy workshop.

Using this verb takes 10 mana and roughly 40 seconds, and is one of the two DISTILL tasks. When you're supposed to just use the verb, and not do the long drawn out distillation, the task reads, "The Training Administrator told you to practice distilling for reagents."

For a list of distilled ingredients, please see reagents.

You select an unused stein-shaped alembic and set it up on the barrel-shaped workbench.
You pour the clear water into the crucible, keeping the empty flask that remains.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

As the flames lick about the base of a stein-shaped alembic, the liquid inside slowly begins to bubble.
You bring your hands up to either side of the alembic and focus your concentration on the burgeoning energies within.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Concentrating on your alembic, you gently tap into the swirling energies within and subtly guide the distillation process.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Holding your concentration on your alembic, you continue to guide the process within by deftly molding the swirling eddies of magical energy.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Sensing the process nearing its end, you banish the flames from beneath the alembic with a thought.  As its contents calm, you quickly collect the results of the distillation in your empty flask.


ALCHEMY INFUSE is a verb used in the making of alchemy recipes. It is taught at rank 30 in General Alchemy, and is one of the skills that must be practiced for tasks.

Each attempt at using this verb takes 10 mana, pulsing 2 at a time for 15 seconds. Factors that determine success include the average of all mana controls.

  • Success
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and force mana into the solution contained within.  A translucent thread connects you with the solution as the mana begins to pulse out of you slowly.
Roundtime: 15 sec.

The translucent thread fades away.  You feel slightly drained from the ordeal.
  • Failure
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and force mana into the solution contained within.  A translucent thread connects you with the solution as the mana begins to pulse out of you slowly.
Roundtime: 15 sec.

Your concentration lapses and the translucent thread connecting you to the solution fades away.


ALCHEMY REFRACT is a verb used in some advanced alchemy recipes rank 45 and above. Recipes using the refract process will specify sunlight or moonlight and thus may only be used at their respective times. Daylight occurs from "early morning" through "late afternoon" according to TIME (between approximately 6 am EST and 6 pm EST), and moonlight is visible from "evening twilight" through "after midnight". This process must be done in an alchemy workshop.

Recipes will specify the type of lens in one of the following forms (cost). Uses vary:

  • Amethyst (12,000)
  • Diamond (35,000)
  • Emerald (30,000)
  • Ruby (30,000)
  • Sapphire (22,500)
  • Shadowglass (25,000, 5 uses)
  • Sunlight
You select an unused gem lens assembly and set it up on the wrought iron workbench.
You carefully set the ruby lens within the assembly and adjust it, aiming the refracted sunlight into your monkey skull boiler.
The surface of the solution in the monkey skull boiler shimmers in response!
Roundtime: 10 sec.
  • Moonlight
You select an unused gem lens assembly and set it up on the wrought iron workbench.
You carefully set the shadowglass lens within the assembly and adjust it, aiming the refracted moonlight into your monkey skull boiler.
The surface of the solution in the monkey skull boiler shimmers in response!
Roundtime: 10 sec.


ALCHEMY CHANNEL allows you to put lifeforce, or Spirit points, into potions. It is taught at rank 50 of General Alchemy.

Each attempt at channeling lifeforce takes 2 spirit points.

  • Success
You focus on the cast iron cauldron and link your spirit to the solution contained within.  You feel drained!
Roundtime: 30 sec.
  • Failure
You attempt to channel your spirit into the solution in the cauldron, but it resists.  You feel drained!
Roundtime: 30 sec.

Additional Information

Not all skills are available at the start of learning alchemy. EXAMINE, BOIL, SIMMER, SEAL, and CHANT are taught when beginning alchemy, but EXTRACT, DISTILL, INFUSE, REFRACT, and CHANNEL are taught at varying stages as ranks are earned.


Sometimes herbs will pop up as not useful for alchemy. This occurs when the herb is old, or was SUMMONed using Herb Production (1118) before a bug was fixed that prevented those herbs from being used in alchemy.

Some creatures may have identical skins. Currently, ALCHEMY EXAMINE does not differentiate between an ogre nose from a mountain ogre and an ogre nose from a plains ogre, as an example. It is possible to have the correct-looking skin from the incorrect creature, making it the incorrect skin.

See Also