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Arelder (prime)
Arelder was born in a rural Taladoran community, the second of four brothers, to Aleric and Brynhild. His father was a warrior before retiring to settle down on a small farm and raise a family. Although Arelder knows little of his father’s warrior past, he grew up admiting his father's innate dignity and gentle authority. Alongside the traditional values of hard work, diligence, frugality, Arelder’s parents also instilled him with a deep faith in the Arkati, with particular emphasis on Koar and Phoen. Though Arelder has occasionally questioned his faith, never did he stray from the lessons.
His mother died of the flu when Arelder was 16 years old. His father, heartbroken, died of natural causes a year later. Inspired by the example his father set in life, Arelder chose the path of a Paladin and aspired to one day join the chivalric Order of the Edelweiss. Arelder left both his family and his bethrothed to pursue a dream of becoming a knight worthy of membership.
His journey outside the barony spared him witnessing its destruction. However, in melancholy moments, he mourns Talador and the subsequent disbanding of the Order to which he aspired. He has not seen his family since leaving and is ignorant to their fate. However, he chooses to carry on with the belief his brothers survived and that they will one day be re-united.
Many years have since passed since he left Talador. Initially settling in Icemule, Arelder decided to adorn his surcoat with a stylized, star-like edelweiss, a symbol of humble resilience that honors the memory of his lost homeland.
He has also taken up the cause of the Taladoran refugees in the Vornavis region and seeks a permanent solution to their plight. But his political naivete, as well as his lack of political connections, leave him at a disadvantage.
Between adventures, he is usually sitting by the bonfire in the Icemule Town Center, smoking his pipe, and striking up conversations with passersby on the news of the day.
You see Arelder Ronne the Armiger of the North.
He appears to be a Human from Talador.
He is taller than average and has a robust and strapping physique. He appears to be an adult. He has crystal blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, straight golden blonde hair. He has a square-jawed face, a straight nose and broad shoulders.
He is wearing an austere cloak of bresuna dyed a deep cobalt blue, a gold-trimmed midnight blue surcoat embroidered with a stylized edelweiss, some vultite augmented chain, a braided gold ring, a leather belt, a dashing ale brown scabbard, some golden linen breeches, and some brown boots.