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BVShop:Eonak Arms/February 2023

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< BVShop:Eonak Arms
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a squat domed brick building, [Map Room 3], Room# 8214507, Lich# L25174, go domed building

Eonak Arms, Showroom

[Eonak Arms, Showroom - 8212782]
Sooty brick walls and a hard-packed dirt floor contain this improvised showroom below a domed ceiling. Smoky haze hangs in the air around a display table with items for sale. Facing the wall, a crowded workbench piled with unfinished parts stands next to a grinding wheel. Shelves organize finished pieces awaiting assembly. Heat and an orange glow emanate from a forge to the south. At the center of it all, a diminutive figure with spider-like arms conducts multiple operations at once.
Obvious exits: south, out
a diminutive figure
This gnome is almost as sooty as the walls.  Goggles cover his eyes, and two pairs of spectacles are pushed up on his balding brow with white tufts of hair popping out of the straps over his ears.  He wears an apron covered with sooty handprints, a heavy leather harness strapped tightly around his torso, black canvas pants, and mithril-toed boots.  Several long and spindly metal arms sprout from his back, each seemingly moving of their own accord to perform various tasks around the room.

> ask figure about eonak arm
Pausing from his work, a diminutive figure looks up proclaiming, "The Eonak Arm is meant to aid you in your day-to-day tasks.  With a simple command, it will allow you to pick something up if both of your hands are full.  It can then put those items where you want them, such as in your backpack or in a container on the ground.  Off the shelf, they can lift small items, but using components sold in this shop, you can upgrade them to lift heavier objects and to even help with other tasks. Ask me about UPGRADES and COMPONENTS if you want to learn more."  He motions at the table with one of the arms from his back saying, "Over there on the table is an arm you can attach to your BELT or a limb you can wear OVER YOUR SHOULDER."

> ask figure about components
A diminutive figure speaks without looking up from his work, "The components you can purchase to upgrade your arm are: cogs, frames, claws, and counterweights.  The material of the component determines its tier.  Brass is tier 1, steel is tier 2, invar is tier 3, mithril is tier 4, and eonake is tier 5.  You can find some on the shelves over there."

> ask figure about cog
A diminutive figure mutters, "Cogs determine how much LIFT your arm has.  Off the shelf, an arm can lift 1 lb.  At tier 1, it can lift 5 lbs.  Each upgrade beyond that will increase its lifting ability by 5 lbs: tier 2 can lift 10 lbs; tier 3 can lift 15 lbs; tier 4 can lift 20 lbs; and tier 5 can lift 25 lbs."

> ask figure about frame
A diminutive figure explains, "Frames allow the arm to randomly INTERCEPT any incoming physical attacks.  Off the shelf, an arm will not intercept anything.  But with a tier 1 frame, it will intercept 1% of the time.  Each upgrade after that increases by 1%: tier 2 for 2%, tier 3 for 3%, tier 4 for 4%, tier 5 for 5%."

> ask figure about claw
A diminutive figure states, "Claws improve your ability to CLIMB and SWIM.  Off the shelf, an arm will not help you.  But a tier 1 claw will give you 2 ranks in BOTH climbing and swimming.  Each upgrade after that will grant 2 more ranks: tier 2 gives you 4 ranks, tier 3 gives you 6 ranks, tier 4 gives you 8 ranks, and tier 5 gives you 10 ranks."

> ask figure about counterweight
A diminutive figure says, "Counterweights help REDUCE the weight of the item the arm is holding.  Off the shelf, an arm will not reduce any weight.  But a tier 1 counterweight reduces the weight of what it holds by 10%.  At tier 2, it is 25%, tier 3 is 50%, tier 4 is 75%, and tier 5 is 100%."

> ask figure about upgrades
A diminutive figure stops what he is doing to explain, "The four skill trees (LIFT, INTERCEPT, CLIMB and SWIM, and REDUCE) can be upgraded independently.  The only requirement is that you must upgrade a tree to tier 1 before you can upgrade it to tier 2 and so on."  He then quickly returns to his work.

> ask figure about foundry
A diminutive figure snaps out of his trance-like state asking, "Like it?  It's constructed of bricks that were salvaged from a ruined temple that was abandoned along the banks of the Locksmehr River.  I did some commission work for the folks who run Bloodriven Village, so they let me set up a shop if I built it myself.  I do not know to whom the temple was built, but there have been no wandering spirits... yet!"  He lets his voice trail off with a mischievous cackle.

> ask figure about gnome
A diminutive figure speaks quickly while he works, "Around here, they call me Tenhands.  I'm a Withycombe Burghal, of course!  I made the arms I am wearing to help me make even more arms.  If they start making more of themselves on their own, we're in trouble," he exclaims with a chortle.

> ask figure about golem
A diminutive figure looks up from his work saying, "Curious creature, isn't it?  I found it along my travels through the Glatoph mountain ruins.  It had become damaged, but I found a way to repair it and in doing so, discovered the secrets to making these mechanical limbs.  Do not worry though... the golem, and the limbs, will not attack on their own!"

On the display table you see: a small sign, a mechanical limb, and a metal arm.

a small sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The Eonak Arm is meant to aid you in your day-to-day tasks.  With a simple command, it will pick something up if both of your hands are full.  It can then put those items where you want them, such as in your backpack or in a container on the ground.  Off the shelf, they can lift small items, but using components sold in this shop, you can upgrade them to lift heavier objects and to even help with other tasks.  On the table is an arm you can attach to your BELT or a limb you can wear OVER YOUR SHOULDER.

Item Type Info Details Price
a mechanical limb < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (several items) (in)
A very small amount (on)
shoulder-slung (functional)
Eonak Arm
a metal arm < 1 lb
Pocketed: A very small amount (several items) (in)
A very small amount (on)
belt-attached (functional)
Eonak Arm

On the sturdy shelves you see: a small note, a brass cog, a brass frame, a brass claw, and a brass counterweight.

a small note

In the Common language, it reads:
Each component on this shelf will upgrade or grant an ability to an arm.  The COG will let it LIFT 5lbs.  The FRAME will allow an arm to randomly INTERCEPT any incoming physical attacks 1% of the time.  The CLAW will improve your ability to CLIMB and SWIM by 2 ranks in each.  The COUNTERWEIGHT will REDUCE the weight of what the arm is holding by 10%.  These brass components are considered tier one.

Item Type Info Details Price
a brass cog unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this cog to upgrade the LIFT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 0 to 1.
a brass frame unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this frame to upgrade the INTERCEPT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 0 to 1.
a brass claw unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this claw to upgrade the CLIMB & SWIM tree of a mechanical limb from tier 0 to 1.
a brass counterweight unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this counterweight to upgrade the REDUCE tree of a mechanical limb from tier 0 to 1.

Eonak Arms, Foundry

[Eonak Arms, Foundry - 8212783]
An orange glow illuminates the area despite the lingering smoky haze that hangs in the air. Occupying the southern wall is the source of that glow: a small forge under a large black vent that funnels smoke out through the domed ceiling's apex. Sooty tables face the wall in a row, each with bins full of dirty sand underneath. The sound of heavy footsteps accompanies a steel golem as it moves about performing menial tasks.
Obvious exits: north
a steel golem
While a bit dented in places, it's obvious that this metal automaton has been restored by the rust-free, brushed surfaces and freshly greased joints.  Thick plates of armor cover the golem, but nothing could hide the mass of well-oiled mechanized motion underneath.  In a horrifying mimicry of life, a lining of sharp steel teeth are embedded within its large jaw just underneath eye sockets that slowly expel a stream of black smoke as it moves about.

On the tables you see: a small note, a steel cog, a steel frame, a steel claw, a steel counterweight, an invar cog, an invar frame, an invar claw, an invar counterweight, a mithril cog, a mithril frame, a mithril claw, a mithril counterweight, an eonake cog, an eonake frame, an eonake claw, and an eonake counterweight.

a small note

In the Common language, it reads:
The cogs will upgrade an arm's LIFT capacity.  The frames will allow an arm to help BLOCK physical attacks.  The claws will improve your ability to CLIMB and SWIM.  The counterweights will REDUCE the weight of what an arm is holding.  The material of each component determines its tier: steel will upgrade tier 1 to tier 2, invar will upgrade tier 2 to tier 3, mithril will upgrade tier 3 to tier 4, and eonake will upgrade tier 4 to tier 5.  Brass tier 1 components can be found on the shelves to the north.

Item Type Info Details Price
a steel cog unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this cog to upgrade the LIFT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 1 to 2.
a steel frame unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this frame to upgrade the INTERCEPT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 1 to 2.
a steel claw unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this claw to upgrade the CLIMB & SWIM tree of a mechanical limb from tier 1 to 2.
a steel counterweight unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this counterweight to upgrade the REDUCE tree of a mechanical limb from tier 1 to 2.
an invar cog unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this cog to upgrade the LIFT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 2 to 3.
an invar frame unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this frame to upgrade the INTERCEPT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 2 to 3.
an invar claw unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this claw to upgrade the CLIMB & SWIM tree of a mechanical limb from tier 2 to 3.
an invar counterweight unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this counterweight to upgrade the REDUCE tree of a mechanical limb from tier 2 to 3.
a mithril cog unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this cog to upgrade the LIFT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 3 to 4.
a mithril frame unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this frame to upgrade the INTERCEPT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 3 to 4.
a mithril claw unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this claw to upgrade the CLIMB & SWIM tree of a mechanical limb from tier 3 to 4.
a mithril counterweight unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this counterweight to upgrade the REDUCE tree of a mechanical limb from tier 3 to 4.
an eonake cog unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this cog to upgrade the LIFT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 4 to 5.
an eonake frame unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this frame to upgrade the INTERCEPT tree of a mechanical limb from tier 4 to 5.
an eonake claw unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this claw to upgrade the CLIMB & SWIM tree of a mechanical limb from tier 4 to 5.
an eonake counterweight unlock certificate
Eonak Arm
You can use this counterweight to upgrade the REDUCE tree of a mechanical limb from tier 4 to 5.