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Eonak Arm
Eonak Arm is a new script debuted at Duskruin in August 2022. They're sold in Eonak Arms, Showroom (Room# 8214507, Lich# L25174, go domed building). Worn on the shoulder or the belt, these limbs can be customized differently. Want to pick up a little more weight? Install a new cog. Want some help blocking attacks? Buy your arm a new frame. Need help climbing and swimming? A new claw will do it. Want to reduce the weight of items your limb carries? Pick up a counterweight. Each ability can be upgraded independently to suit your particular needs. Analyze+----------------------------==--------------------------+ THE EONAK ARM +----------------------------==--------------------------+ This item's base and show can be altered, but it cannot have a long description. It must remain a mechanical limb of some type. It cannot appear to be living or non-corporeal. It cannot appear like a magical effect. The components you see when you look at the limb cannot be altered as they are changed during the upgrade process. It can only be unlocked with components purchased at Bloodriven Village. +----------------------------==--------------------------+ You can TELL it to GET, DROP/PUT, WAVE, POKE, and TAP. +----------------------------==--------------------------+ It has four upgrade trees with five tiers each. LIFT: Determines how much the limb can carry. Current Tier: 0 - It can lift 0 lbs. INTERCEPT: Determines % to outright intercept physical attacks. Current Tier: 0 - Intercept percentage: 0% CLIMB & SWIM: Determines ranks added to Climbing and Swimming. Current Tier: 0 - Ranks added: 0 REDUCE: Determines % of weight reduced of any item it holds. Current Tier: 0 - Reduction: 0% You determine that this item can be worn on a belt. This item cannot be lightened any further. +----------------------------==--------------------------+ Usage
Additional InformationShowThis metal arm has an articulated iron frame with a large iron cog set in the elbow. A nimble iron claw caps the forearm, which has a spherical iron counterweight extending just past the joint at the other end. Veniom springs, mithril gears, and bronze levers pack the spaces in the frame between the arm's components, whirring and clicking as it moves about. It is not holding anything at the moment. Skill Tree InformationSkill trees can be upgraded independently of each other. Upgrade items are only sold at Duskruin.
Additional Notes
Each ability can be upgraded independently of each other. All the abilities will work to the tier they are upgraded to. InterceptNo shield is needed. You can upgrade them for a chance to intercept incoming physical attacks. The top tier is 5%. This occurs before EBP. EnhanciveItems held do not give enhancive bonuses though the limbs themselves can be if you upgrade the claws. CarryingLimbs only carry things. They cannot manipulate or use them. It can pick up any object depending on the object's weight. OTS can pick up 1lb. Top tier 25lbs. Grand Auction of 5123A fully unlocked Eonak Arm was released at the Grand Auction of 5123 with some additional properties. Information shared about it is as follows: Auction Type: Manual Auction Item: an articulated eonake appendage Current Bid/Cost: 2,500,000 silvers You note the following details about an articulated eonake appendage: It is a holy item. It is an enhancive item: It provides a boost of 10 to Climbing Ranks. It provides a boost of 10 to Swimming Ranks. It seems to have a huge number of enhancive charges remaining. It will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended. It is a small item, under a pound. It is estimated to be worth about 8,250,000 silvers. It is a container with a maximum interior capacity of 1 pound with room for up to 5 items. It is predominantly crafted of eonake. The appendage can be worn, attaching it to the belt. The appendage appears to serve some purpose. +-------------------------------==-------------------------------+ | THE EONAK ARM | +-------------------------------==-------------------------------+ | This item's base and show can be altered, but it cannot have | | a long description. It must remain a mechanical limb of | | some type. It cannot appear to be living or non-corporeal. | | It cannot appear like a magical effect. The components you | | see when you look at the limb cannot be altered as they are | | changed during the upgrade process. It can only be | | unlocked with components purchased at Bloodriven Village. | +-------------------------------==-------------------------------+ | You can TELL it to GET, DROP/PUT, WAVE, POKE, TAP, and STOW. | +-------------------------------==-------------------------------+ | It has four upgrade trees with five tiers each. | | LIFT: Determines how much the limb can carry. | | Current Tier: 5 - It can lift 25 lbs. | | INTERCEPT: Determines % to outright intercept physical attacks.| | Current Tier: 5 - Intercept percentage: 5% | | CLIMB & SWIM: Determines ranks added to Climbing and Swimming. | | Current Tier: 5 - Ranks added: 10 | | REDUCE: Determines % of weight reduced of any item it holds. | | Current Tier: 5 - Reduction: 100% | | You determine that this item can be worn on a belt. | +-------------------------------==-------------------------------+ See Also |