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Banner of Light

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The Banner of Light is a scripted pole bearing a customizable standard. They have been sold at the Recollections at the Festival of the Fallen since at least 2017. At one time, the script was also able to be added to existing runestaves (circa 2004).


You analyze the ironwood limb and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it should remain a long, thin object, like a pole, stick, or staff of some sort.

You can WAVE, TAP, and POINT the ironwood limb.

Some merchants may be willing to customize the banner and light associated with the banner for you.  Currently, the limb is customized as follows:

Type of banner (like "silvery light") is currently  pale white mist.
Banner detail (like "The image of a green frog shimmers across the banner.") is currently "The image of two combatants in battle ripples across the banner."
Words on banner (like "We Are The Champions, My Friend.") are currently set to "Do you want to live forever?"

You sense that anyone can handle this limb.

You get no sense of whether or not the limb may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
POINT You brandish your hoarbeam bough. Lines of golden light flow from the tip of the bough to spell out "This is where we fight. This is where they die!" The lettering hangs briefly in midair before fading away. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP You tap the end of your hoarbeam bough against the floor. Golden light swirls around the bough for a moment before fading away. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WAVE As you wave your hoarbeam bough through the air, a banner of golden light streams out behind it. The image of two combatants in battle ripples across the banner. After a moment, the banner fades away. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Banner of Light Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Banner
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep Unknown
Customizable Yes
Custom Type of Banner
Banner Detail
Words on Banner
Eligible to be Added Yes
Restrictions Must remain long, thin object
Item Verbs