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Blood Son - 2020-08-06 - Bubble Boggle (log)

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Phoenatos 6-7, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • A town clerk delivers word that Malluch has agreed to the [[::Order of the Silver Gryphon|Gryphons]]' escort.
  • Later that night, Thadston meets with others and says that he'll protect the innocents and only subdue them, that Malluch is his whether he's moved or not, and that aiding a fugitive is a criminal act. Vaemyr and Cruxophim challenge how he'd be able to hold a man who already escaped prison, but Thadston says he'll have what he needs and the town council is resourceful. Captain Stormyrain asks what would constitute aid and he says escorting, for one thing.
  • As the discussion carries on, he suddenly, briefly, and inexplicably grabs Stormy's arm, drawing stares, but he doesn't explain why other than to say now isn't the time and telling others to deal with their demons and he'll deal with his. After saying that the Gryphons don't need to put themselves in a situation of potential conflict, he ultimately concludes by cautioning anyone from getting in the way of taking Malluch in, saying we'll be fine as long as his goals and others' don't clash.
  • Stormy recommends that Mayor Leafiara speak with Judge Renpaw and Leafi says she'd see to it, amidst various others agreeing that Thadston had gone too far. However, while this is under consideration...
  • Larsya calls for help, saying the outpost is under attack by Grishom Stone. The group arrives near the laboratory to find several corpses of [[::Kingdom of Hendor|Hendoran]] and [[::Barony of Bourth|Bourthian]] soldiers. A bloodguard attacks, which they eventually infer is the one that Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] had taken back for study. They kill it, but a lingering bubble of blood turns another of the corpses into another bloodguard... and then the process repeats several times in a cycle of killing a revived bloodguard until the magic can no longer continue and fades away.
  • After it's safe, Larsya emerges and has some fun with many of those gathered in the hall, while others discuss the meaning of what they've seen.


Malluch's Agreement

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Maevie disk, the Vaemyr disk, a tincture of acantha, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, some light brown robes, a large acorn, a large acorn, a shiny earring, a bent earring, a pair of ebony shoes, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Hmenn, Rabs, Great Lord Torpe, Orlicks, Erinaya, Ollya, High Lady Maevie, Vallara who is sitting, Vaemyr, Kiyna, Kippe

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Leafiara musingly says, "Hm."

Speaking to Leafiara, Kippe says, "Look at what you've done..."

Leafiara musingly says, "I'll be back momentarily for whatever fresh nightmare awaits."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Leafiara!"

Bernadette softly says, "Join Mayor."

Pukk exclaims, "Or Bernadette!"

Leafiara amusedly says, "Either or."

Vaemyr asks, "Why we joinin?"

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Leafiara!"

Leafiara sagely says, "Because Pukk declared it so."

Pukk says, "So sayth Pukk."

Pukk says, "Rain."

Vaemyr says, "Welp so sayeth then."

Leafiara slowly asks, "So, I'm going to take it everyone's apprised of Thadston's most recent letter?"

Pukk says, "When the skies are clear, we go home to those we hold dear; When the skies have rain, the night will be full of pain."

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

Leafiara musingly says, "Oh, evenin' Crux."

The voice of Cruxophim casually reports, "Evenin'. Donornuts."

Leafiara curiously asks, "Are you who he was talking about when he was saying he wants to work with the shadows of the Landing?"

The voice of Cruxophim amusedly admits, "He did compare me to a god once."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Leafiara!"

Leafiara reasons, "You're even invisible right now, after all."

A town clerk arrives, bringing Leafiara a small letter, and walks off.

(Leafiara observes the letter she was handed, scanning it quickly.)

Leafiara announces, "Apparently Malluch has agreed to the aid of the Gryphons and others on Feastday eve."

Leafiara adds, "And his people."

Leafiara adds, "...if he actually has any. I'm just reading the note."

(Leafiara tucks the letter away.)

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "You made a good choice. Tonight's entertainment will include jokes from me and elven brandy from Leafiara."

Stormyrain asks, "Feastday or Restday?"

Lylia says, "I do enjoy brandy."

(Leafiara pulls the letter out again...)

The clerk walks back in, "Restday!" The clerk walks off.

Lylia deadpans, "But never jokes. I am Faendryl."

Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh, Restday, yes."

Leafiara sheepishly says, "Apologies. It's late and dark."

Leafiara adds, "And rainy."

Pukk yells, "Go Restday yourself!"

Thadston Takes Questions and Challenges

[General] Thadston thinks, "Eve."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Good eve."

[General] Lylia thinks, "Ah, good evening."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "Evening."

[General] Thadston asks, "Is it?"

[General] Pukk exclaims, "Thaddy!"

[General] Lylia thinks, "It can be."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "As much as ever."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "I mean, I'm about... so good guess."

[General] Bernadette thinks, "Fair eve to ye sir."

[General] Thadston thinks, "The sky is filled with clouds and some pockets of town are filled with fools."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "Your Thaddy Daddy is around."

[General] Leafiara slowly thinks, "Well, yes, that too is much the same as ever."

[General] Nyatherra asks, "Just some pockets?"

[General] Thadston thinks, "I'll be along to your office soon Mayor if you have any questions of my letter and my intentions."

[General] Guarrin thinks, "Yes, it seems they are."

[General] Leafiara amiably thinks, "Of course. We'll be there."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "Pity the sky isn't filled with fools."

[General] Pukk thinks, "I prefer jester but I will accept fool from time to time."

Vaemyr says, "Looks like we're off to your office mayor."

Leafiara recites:

"Heading to my office in five to speak with Thadston."

Leafiara recites:


Leafiara recites:


Leafiara recites:


Leafiara recites:



[Mayor Leafiara's Office]

Silk-cushioned chairs surround a circular cherry red table toward the back of the room. Plush carpets of fake fur blanket the polished oak floor while myriad painted treats span the office's walls, interrupted by an oversized placard. In a back corner, above a brick fireplace, a mounted stag's head watches vigilantly from a distance over a hazelwood dart board near the entryway. A leaf-shaped window invites outside light toward a drink bar that stands beneath a painting. You also see a tiny two-tiered bookshelf and a basket of sticks.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "If we beat him there, we can throw pie at him."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "Think you were right the first time."

Speaking hurriedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "That's all you, my friend."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk asks, "Did you bring the pie?"

Stormyrain says, "No."

Vaemyr says, "But then I couldn't eat the pie."

Pukk says, "There goes that idea."

Pukk recites:

"Cruxy and Felita sitting in a tree....."

Lord Thadston just came through a glossy maoral door.

Thadston leans against a basket of sticks.

Felita says, "Oh misser Pukk yer silly."

Pukk asks, "Okay, who forgot to close the door....?"

Leafiara amiably greets, "Marshal."

'Thadston's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his oak walking stick.

Thadston says, "Mayor."

Thadston says, "Captain, eve."

Stormyrain greets, "Marshal."

Speaking amicably to Thadston, Cruxophim adds, "Marshal."

Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "It has been some time. A pleasure."

Thadston stares out, his glassy eyes motionless but there's still something faint beneath their metallic sheen.

Thadston says, "Mayor."

Thadston grins at Lylia.

Lylia diplomatically says, "Ah, I believe it is easy to mistake, when we are standing so near."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Your letter was rather clear to me, for the most part, if that's primarily what you wanted to discuss."

Cruxophim sagely remarks, "They're very alike."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Howdy."

Thadston says, "It is."

Thadston says, "Then I guess there's nothing left to discuss."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara acknowledges, "I am curious on when exactly you're interested in making a strike."

Thadston says, "I'll protect the innocents. But if you move Malluch, he's mine. If he stays, he's mine."

Iskandr says, "Not a lot of room for choice on that one..."

Thadston says, "No there isn't."

Leafiara says, "He's likely to move himself. Either way, your pursuit of a fugitive seems to be within your jurisdiction."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr asks, "And if we resist your efforts?"

Lylia notes, "He owes the town twenty-eight years. He has served but two."

Thadston asks, "Want to roleplay it out right now?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Chamorr.

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "You're giving little thought to what his people might do if you take him."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk exclaims, "Sure!"

Cruxophim softly chants, "Fight..."

Cruxophim softly chants, "Fight..."

Pukk exclaims, "I'm Thadston!"

In a botched imitation, speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "Why you...."

In a botched imitation, speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "Why you...."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr asks, "Really?"

In a fair imitation of Thadston, speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "Why you...."

Pukk arranges his posture and features in a skillful imitation of Thadston.

Radeek mutters, "An folks wonders why people chooses ta helps da underdawgs matter what da costs be."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "So, what exactly are you gonna do when you have him? He escaped your prison before..."

Thadston says, "His people."

Leafiara advises, "I'll caution that the odds of this being a trap are high, and almost any kind of trap I can imagine would have Malluch preferring that the militia make a move."

Thadston furrows his brow.

Thadston peers quizzically at Iskandr.

Thadston says, "We'll take precautions and be prepared."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr asks, "Now?"

Thadston says, "We'll subdue them if needed. But not kill them. That is foolish."

Thadston glances at Chamorr.

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr asks, "Like last time where blood ran in the streets and chaos flourished everwhere?"

Speaking deeply to Thadston, Roelon says, "Ah doubt any precaustions ye take will protect the lives that could be lost fir yir actions."

Radeek says, "Foolish? Dats da way mos' stuff gits done herebouts."

Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin asks, "Even if some of his people are citizens of the town as he claims?"

Lylia says, "Which time that blood ran in the streets and chaos flourished everywhere? I recall rather a few such week-ends."

Thadston says, "Last I checked, citizenship or not, aiding a fugitive was a crime."

Iskandr says, "To being stuck between a rock and a hard place."

Leafiara adds, "...if he even has any people. He's conveniently not allowed any of us to see them."

Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Ah, we're strictly in the ends justifying the means territory then."

Thadston asks, "We are?"

Leafiara says, "There could be nobody, there could be golems, or this could all be true. Regardless, he's been guarded for a reason."

Speaking surreptitiously to Thadston, Cruxophim muses, "Last I checked, we were a little fuzzy on the legality of that."

A massive snowy white tiger stares hungrily at Thadston!

Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "For some reason, this keeps coming up."

Speaking heartily to a massive snowy white tiger, Chamorr says, "You kin bite him, its ok."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara admits, "Actually, I am curious what you meant when saying it was time for the leaders and shadows of the Landing to ensure justice."

Thadston nods at Lylia.

Speaking thoughtfully to Thadston, Cruxophim ventures, "A question, if I may? Do you believe that Malluch has changed? Turned over a new leaf, as it were?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "Means he wants ever'one on his side."

Thadston says, "Take it however you want Mayor."

Lylia says, "Interesting that you should mention that. He does seem a changed man in some regards, yes."

Thadston says, "No one in this town benefits from a new Chaston."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "...very well. You came to take questions but don't want to answer that one."

Leafiara admits, "That is your right, I suppose."

Thadston says, "Malluch's change, his service to Stone..."

Leafiara says, "But it's not a move likely to inspire confidence."

Thadston says, "He's a criminal. His service to Stone makes it even more critical."

Chamorr heartily says, "Question."

Kiyna asks, "Gotta say, not heartened hearing Malluch's broken out of your prison once before. Even supposing you can capture him without any collateral damage or people hurt, why would this time be any different?"

Speaking slowly to Thadston, Cruxophim continues, "What do you suppose the harm is?"

Vaemyr says, "I wish we had more information about what is really going on in those camps."

Thadston says, "Because I'll have what I need to hold him."

Speaking surreptitiously to Vaemyr, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "Could always take up a new religion."

Speaking surreptitiously to Vaemyr, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "And perhaps find out."

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "That sounds conveniently vague."

Thadston says, "The Town Council has its ways. We're a resourceful bunch."

Raelee suddenly fades into view.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Vaemyr says, "I'd probably get kicked out for summoning demons even if I did."

Leafiara reasons, "I hope the idea isn't a bane coffin, since one of the best benefits to apprehending him is to get more information from Stone out of him."

Radeek mutters, "Be soundin like coffin time ta me."

Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin asks, "Short a coffin?"

Chamorr heartily asks, "If we is escorting them and him, providing security as it were and Thaddy attempts to nab him it will get ugly, no?"

Lylia says, "Oh, do let us not see every problem as a nail simply because we have a spare bane-coffin-shaped hammer."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Ah, Magister. Any progress with the body Dakris' hunters found?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Vaemyr says, "I mean, I didn't think Malluch was going with the pilgrims, that'd be a new development if he is."

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "I do need to ask, what will you consider 'aiding' Malluch by his people, that will warrant arrest?"

Speaking simply to Lylia, Cruxophim concludes, "That.. .would be an interesting shape for a hammer."

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Yes, but... I do not think now is the time."

Chamorr heartily says, "Some sillly 6 feet."

Lylia whispers something to Cruxophim.

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "I haven't seen much that makes me confident that this town won't erupt into violence when he's arrested. His people come and go as they please, paint the town red, and can fight. And now there are golems.... I don't love the guy either, but your strategy inspires little confidence."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara acknowledges, "Fair enough, a matter for later."

Cruxophim whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Iskandr, Lylia says, "A point well taken."

Speaking idly to Thadston, Cruxophim reasons, "Do we not practice freedom of religion here? Regardless of how pointless it may or may not be?"

Thadston asks, "And what is your strategy?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Iskandr.

Radeek says, "An' lets not ferget da Rooks....sure as hell der gonna gits inta it..dat means blood spill't both ways der too."

Thadston says, "You can debate the validity of Malluch's new found faith in the 'blood god.'"

Thadston says, "It doesn't change the fact he is a criminal and fugitive."

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "Well, I kind of wanted to kill him when he was a raving mad man in the museum, but wasn't my right to do so. But if his plan is to walk away from here, that sounds better than being here."

Thadston asks, "Is that his plan?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Iskandr.

Chamorr heartily says, "I'm with Thadston on that."

Thadston asks, "Because a servant of Grishom said so?"

Leafiara admits, "I doubt it is. He's on the verge of a setup, most likely."

Speaking to Iskandr, Lylia asks, "To clarify, you are suggesting to let the man go because he would then be someone else's problem, and because he would take his adherents with him?"

Thadston says, "How's that worked out before..."

Speaking thoughtfully to Thadston, Cruxophim muses, "Statistically speaking, not well."

Speaking to Lylia, Iskandr says, "Well no, I TRULY do not want him to become someone else's problem."

Speaking to Thadston, Radeek says, "Folks herebouts kinda has short memories I reckons."

Lylia says, "The time for that may be past, alas. Had the jury done its job with its head and not its soft, feeble heart, he would be no one's problem now."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara observes, "I don't believe I heard an answer to the captain's earlier question of what counts as aid to Malluch. It does seem like an important one."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "You know with our little evidence from the other night, what worries me is a Malluch double, that goes with the escort, lures our militia to attack them, and then leaves him free to do whatever he wants."

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain repeats, "I do need to ask, what will you consider 'aiding' Malluch by his people, that will warrant arrest?"

Thadston says, "Escorting him, for one."

Thadston nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "That's a very good point."

Speaking to Lylia, Iskandr says, "But 'arrest if he moves and arrest if he stays' seems like it gives little room to think of a better plan."

Speaking to Iskandr, Radeek asks, "A bit tween a rock an' a hard place?"

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Da Order will be escortin his misguided folks nae Malluch hisself."

Thadston says, "Unless you're escorting him to the barracks."

Lylia says, "It is a pity that, knowing Malluch is aware of his sentence, he does not choose to serve it for the sake of those following him."

Thadston glances at Goldstr.

Faerinn says, "Lots of folks seem to want to use his followers as bargaining chips."

Faerinn says, "Malluch included."

Speaking to Goldstr, Guarrin says, "It matters not, the law and its implementation is clearly subjective on this topic."

Speaking to Radeek, Iskandr says, "Or between the Reim Emperor and Reim Empress, which is why I may be making less sense than normally. I just got a bit knocked around before making my way here."

Radeek mutters, "Aye, da revolvin door what goes in an' out a what we calls da jail system here."

Leafiara says, "His followers that he wants us to take on faith that he even has."

Faerinn says, "Well there are the camps."

Faerinn says, "Though I have been wondering."

Faerinn says, "Has anyone heard from Adam again."

Faerinn says, "I'm curious how his sister in law is doing."

Leafiara says, "I'll honestly be surprised if his wagons are neither empty nor full of golems nor full of prisms."

Speaking curiously to Faerinn, Cruxophim ventures, "Adam?"

Speaking heartily to Goldstr, Chamorr asks, "The folks you is escorting, includes dem armed bloodguard?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "The dock worker who first mentioned the Blood Boi to us."

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "I imagine they will stick close to Malluch."

Speaking lightly to Faerinn, Cruxophim notes, "Oh, yes yes."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "When his sister in law arrive at the docks."

Search on Seizure

Thadston grabs Stormyrain's arm.

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara admits, "Haven't heard from him at all, no."

Speaking to Chamorr, Goldstr says, "Less hopes nae, I figured dey be wid Burdos."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "Trying to remember how long ago that one."

Speaking evenly to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Sir?"

Thadston lowers his hand.

Faerinn says, "I'm going to say 5000 years."

Thadston says, "Now is not the time..."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "This is what I've been talking about."

Thadston glances at Stormyrain.

Speaking uneasily to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "You okay there?"

Faerinn says, "He's fine, he'll say."

Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

Speaking perplexedly to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Not the time?"

Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Never is the time fer that."

Radeek asks, "Anyone else sees dat?"

Speaking wryly to Radeek, Leafiara says, "It was a bit hard not to."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia hisses something you don't understand.

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I has always respected ye Sir Andrews an trust ye will do da right thing."

Radeek mutters, "Ain't a big fan a snakes...."

Vaemyr says, "Guess we have or had some other company."

Speaking offhandedly to Radeek, Leafiara says, "Oh, that's just Crux."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "I'm curious if his sick sister ever got to meet the Blood Boi and how they are doing."

Vaemyr says, "Oh."

Guarrin whispers something to Goldstr.

Speaking to Radeek, Faerinn says, "Those snakes are just from fromer Mayor Cruxophim."

Radeek mutters, "Oh yippy."

Speaking to Radeek, Pukk says, "I think Goblyn is a big fan of Crux's snakes."

Faerinn says, "Next comes some azure light. I'm sure."

Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Leafiara.

Stormyrain asks, "Hm?"

Thadston slowly empties his lungs.

Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Lylia.

Speaking uncertainly to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "He seems very quiet all of a sudden."

Speaking uncertainly to Thadston, Cruxophim ventures, "You steady there?"

Chamorr heartily says, "One things fer sure."

Pukk says, "Maybe the snakes got his tongue...."

Iskandr says, "I don't see any cats in here, so they didn't steal his tongue."

Thadston says, "I am fine."

Pukk says, "Aha."

Chamorr heartily says, "What a mess."

Pukk says, "There he is."

Iskandr says, "I guess a tiger counts..."

Lylia says, "Thank you."

Thadston says, "Please be careful...and now is not the time."

Thadston nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara offers, "You should really let us know at some point how we can help with any... problems you're facing. Not just Malluch, but the personal ones."

Pukk whispers something to Cruxophim.

Speaking perplexedly to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "I'm ..still not sure what you're talking about."

Stormyrain smiles at Thadston.

Speaking concernedly to Pukk, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "It's like the grim specter of death."

Thadston says, "You deal with your demons, I'll deal with mine."

Speaking evenly to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Seems like you may need some aid in that area."

Lylia says, "I could offer some suggestions on demons and how to bring them to heel."

Radeek mutters, "Methinks he jus' needs a few hours in a cathouse."

Leafiara says, "The offer does stand, regardless. At any point you want."

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Cept Sir yer demons do er can affect us."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "She knows alot about demons."

Speaking glumly to Lylia, Cruxophim complains, "Stop trying to put me in a jar."

Thadston says, "I'm trying to keep out more demons."

Thadston says, "Like Stone and Malluch."

Speaking pointedly to Thadston, Cruxophim inquires, "How's the arms?"

Thadston says, "Fine."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "And Xorus..."

Pukk says, "Too late, he's here."

Lylia says, "Whatever they are, they are not that, I feel, but we could discuss the semantics of that for some time."

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr asks, "I assume that you haven't and won't speak of when you'll move on Malluch with the amount of people here? We'll just have to wait for the chaos?"

Ceilia quietly says, "Bringing them within the walls is a funny way of keeping them out."

Vaemyr says, "There was a demon running around town earlier today... but I'm not sure that's the demon you mean."

Faerinn says, "The way that Malluch keeps asking for protection is worrying."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia asks, "What sort was it? Abyran'ra, perhaps?"

Speaking wryly to Vaemyr, Cruxophim wonders, "Was that Xorus again?"

Speaking to Iskandr, Goldstr says, "Aye ears be everywhere."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "And curious, since he claims Stone won't let him die."

Faerinn says, "Like what are those nice Guards that Stone made for him even for."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk asks, "The flowergirl?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Vaemyr says, "Was a black Abyran'ra I assumed a sorcerer screwed up."

Faerinn says, "Unless they aren't for protecting Malluch and the camp. They're just for protecting Stone's investment."

Guarrin asks, "While that's a a sentiment I agree with. How much good will that do if there are innocents with him that are being put at risk?"

Speaking amicably to Faerinn, Cruxophim informs, "We intend to find out, Magister Svala and I."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Vaemyr says, "Killed a bunch of folks too."

Speaking to Faerinn, Goldstr says, "I figures fer against da Militia."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "And Goblyn."

Speaking carefully to Vaemyr, Cruxophim concludes, "Screwed up... yes."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "I'm good with those kind of surgeries. I hope to be in that operating theatre too."

Lylia says, "Stone is a man who will use whatever tools are to hand; Malluch is one such. The thing I find fascinating, though, is that Malluch seems more his own man now than he was when he was a follower of another god."

Speaking fondly to Leafiara, Cruxophim remarks, "She likes taking things apart."

Speaking to Lylia, Ceilia says, "Suspect that'll change when he re-enters Stone's sphere of influence."

Speaking neutrally to Lylia, Cruxophim notes, "It is curious, his mannerisms."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "At least did a fairly good job with Malluch's autopsy."

What is Justice?

Thadston asks, "So what you think is your plan?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Lylia says, "Perhaps."

Thadston asks, "Escort Malluch and his followers...he leaves in a week...and all is well?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "Wait mispoke. Narum's."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "As I wrote, he's on the verge of exposing himself."

Thadston says, "That seems an awfully high gamble."

Leafiara says, "The golem that Raelee's studying is one piece of that."

Leafiara says, "As is whatever setup he's undoubtedly planning during this escort."

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Well dey will be away from da Landin."

Thadston says, "Grishom Stone exposed himself too. In the blood of dozens of town women in the museum."

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "Not really much bigger of a gamble than taking him in and firing up his people."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Let him leave, if we don't provoke him, he'll have no choice but to try and act, and then we meet him with all of us united."

Speaking wryly to Leafiara, Cruxophim jokes, "Exposing themselves? Who... Stone, or Pukk?"

Leafiara says, "If you want to make a move, at least wait until after the escort's gone through--that's my primary thought."

Leafiara says, "I do agree it's unlikely that he'll simply leave in two weeks."

Speaking mildly to Thadston, Cruxophim remarks, "Dozens may be underplaying it."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk exclaims, "I only do that on Restdays!"

Faerinn says, "I mean he has threatened to run for the Council again."

Leafiara says, "A potential clash with the Gryphons is more likely to sully the militia than anything."

Iskandr asks, "Can we not still try and find out more from the inside? Wasn't that on the table?"

Kiyna says, "Could we infiltrate his camp? Just to figure out if there are in fact innocents to protect in the first place? Seems like an important thing to clarify."

Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "I'm certain it would not come to that."

Leafiara says, "A few others did try to infiltrate as sympathizers, but Malluch didn't allow it."

Thadston asks, "Would we escort Drangell? At the risk of riling up the Rooks when they once followed him?"

Iskandr says, "I feel like that plan disappeared as the man here threatened to arrest him. But given a bit of time, some could find out a bit more from inside."

Thadston asks, "Do we deal in appeasement now?"

Thadston asks, "Is justice partial and only when convenient?"

Faerinn says, "It would be interesting to find out if everyone in that camp has the same face."

Radeek mutters, "Yes ta alla da above."

Guarrin says, "Apparently it is blind to risking others, which is new to me."

Lylia says, "You never were one for appeasement. I recall when you went after the Rooks' 'nests' when they were Drangell's creatures."

Lylia says, "I recall they used children as shields, too."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Is justice marching on a caravan of potential innocents, then?"

Thadston nods at Lylia.

Iskandr says, "Also note that I'm not raising my hand to infiltrate a blood cult."

Thadston glances at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain settles her gaze on Thadston, watching him intently.

Faerinn says, "Or if Adam and his sister ever made it among their ranks."

Leafiara says, "I don't even believe these innocents exist, but the Gryphons are going out of their way to account for something that is indeed a possibility."

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "Sir I speak jess fer me on dis but ye can do whaever to Malluch, nae matters to me. But I DO protect da weak an innocent!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "Justice be whate'er da winner says it be."

Faerinn says, "Can't seem to find any testimony of him actually healing someone."

Speaking curiously to Faerinn, Cruxophim inquires, "Who?"

Draught says, "I've seen it."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Chamorr says, "This is gonna get ugly."

Faerinn says, "The wrinkles were more like dispelling."

Speaking to Faerinn, Iskandr says, "Just a lot of wrinkles."

Stormyrain narrows her eyes.

Faerinn says, "He undid an affect from Vlashandra's blood magic."

Speaking to Chamorr, Iskandr says, "Nothing will get ugly if all our wrinkles are healed."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "And I forgot my popcorn."

Thadston says, "The Gryphons do not need to put themselves in a position for there to be conflict."

Faerinn says, "Impressive, but not the healings we've been hearing so much about."

Leafiara says, "I see no problem with a raid on the camps after the escort is complete and Malluch's claimed innocents are gone. It's during the escort that's the problem."

Draught says, "Whether or not the man can heal seems irrelevant."

Thadston says, "I will see Malluch captured. I would strongly caution anyone who tries to prevent that."

Goldstr says, "Members folks/ Stone has promised to cure Thrayzar an may do so. But nae makes him less evil."

Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "A request was made, by a citizen of the town, to escort another group of citizens away."

Thadston says, "By a citizen..."

Lylia adds, "There will always be those who claim to be infirm, then healed. Such followers may do so for silver, or they may simply be misled. The mind can create or dispel many such illnesses."

Thadston begins chuckling at Guarrin!

Guarrin says, "Kothos, yes."

Thadston says, "By a criminal fugitive."

Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "And you intend to contain him... how?"

Guarrin begins chuckling at Thadston!

Kiyna says, "If infiltration is out, how about good old fashioned sneakin'? Sizable encampment, must be. Can't be that hard to get inside. Unless there's some hocus-pocus I'm not aware of at play."

Thadston says, "A bane coffin if I need to."

Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Actually, it was Kothos who made the request."

Faerinn says, "One of these days I'm going to make it to this bane coffin yard sale."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr asks, "No bounty on him, huh?"

Thadston says, "Congratulations. A citizen requested it. A Marshal is commanding otherwise."

Lylia says, "Some people have undoubtedly nosed about the tents and their inhabitants. Perhaps they have simply not reported back yet."

Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "How did you intend to acquire that, precisely?"

Iskandr says, "I'm all for the plans that give time to infiltrate or at least sneak around the camps more."

Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "We do not report to you."

Draught says, "Regardless, some of our town citizens have joined that camp and need protection."

Guarrin says, "And I'm bloody glad of that."

Speaking to Draught, Vaemyr says, "If there's any left to protect."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "What's the purpose of containing him in a bane coffin when that cuts us off from getting information about Stone from him?"

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "An da Order agreed to escort ONLY if Malluch was nae wid us."

Thadston asks, "Information?"

Thadston asks, "What information do you honestly hope to get?"

Chamorr heartily asks, "How he does that thing wif his hair?"

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Just to name one, whether he's actually under Stone's control and if we can break that."

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr says, "Well at the very least what kind of sword I need to sharpen when you awaken whatever odd magics come to play when you arrest him."

Speaking nonchalantly to Leafiara, Cruxophim reasons, "That might be useful to know."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara notes, "Similar to you sending Disean away to have the erithians attempt to save him."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "If Stone left clones to watch him, I don't think Stone has any more elaborate means to control Malluch in place."

Faerinn says, "The Blood Guard isn't doing anything else useful. Malluch even asked for more protection once he reached the temple."

Speaking to Faerinn, Vaemyr says, "Question is, what do the clones do if we DO capture Malluch, we could have another army on our doorstep, and the last time was quite rough."

Speaking heartily to Guarrin, Chamorr says, "If i was you, I make dang sure you is escortin these innocents,"

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "Intending on it."

Speaking heartily to Guarrin, Chamorr says, "And no one else."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Faerinn says, "I'm not sure if they do that. He wouldn't be asking for protection and pardons otherwise."

Speaking to Chamorr, Goldstr says, "We will me friend."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Iskandr says, "That's my worry, though Faerinn has a point in that his guards haven't been all that useful to date."

Thadston slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Iskandr, Cruxophim laments, "They can't ~all be Sleepy."

Thadston says, "We could do this all night."

Radeek says, "Ya knows...if'n ya pardons da lad our marshall here ain't gots much of a leg ta stands on, justice-wise leas'ways."

Speaking to Iskandr, Vaemyr says, "Yeah, just wondering what their trigger is."

Leafiara acknowledges, "We often do indeed do this all night."

Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Better get some coffee brewing then."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Are ya lookin fer volunteers, I'll go wif ya."

Thadston says, "You an escort all the citizens or cultists you want. I'm coming for Malluch, one way or the other."

Speaking to Radeek, Leafiara says, "I was very seriously contemplating it, but his insistence raises too many suspicions."

Thadston says, "Let's hope your goal and mine don't come into conflict and we're fine."

Lylia says, "There is no reason to offer a pardon beyond expediency. If that is the nature of the law these days..."

Speaking to Thadston, Iskandr asks, "When? How much time do we have?"

Speaking earnestly to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Best of luck bringing him to justice."

Speaking dryly to Thadston, Raelee says, "That likely depends upon how you intend to acquire that coffin."

Iskandr says, "Also, when do I need to have all my white flasks on me is what I'm actually saying."

[General] Graeleath asks, "What is a Cloudy Blue Potion for?"

Thadston says, "It's a council matter Magister."

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn asks, "Did Cordarius return the one he was using?"

Leafiara notes, "Well, Cordarius is a Magister."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Just make sure you are identifiable, in case other people are going for Malluch too besides just you."

Speaking dubiously to Thadston, Cruxophim inquires, "We have our own bane coffins now?"

Lylia says, "Cordarius can also seek out that statue that was taken for further study by the Hall."

Ceilia asks, "Like that third party that hit the first caravan?"

Leafiara mutters, "Yeah, I'd like to know what Vlashandra did with that statue too."

Speaking to Faerinn, Guarrin says, "Those coffins are difficult to keep track of."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Ceilia suggests, "Maybe they're his."

Speaking to Ceilia, Vaemyr says, "We need to at least know friend from foe out there."

Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "As soon as a coffin is involved, the Hall is involved. Though, I believe I understand your meaning."

Thadston says, "Just stay out of my way getting Malluch and we're fine. Easy enough."

Thadston nods at Raelee.

Thadston says, "I believe you do."

Lord Thadston just marched stiffly through a glossy maoral door.

Discussion Afterward

Leafiara says, "Malluch alone you can have--"

Roelon deeply says, "Justice or pride. Ah wonder..."

Leafiara says, "...well."

Wisps of azure light trail off from the maoral door.

Goldstr says, "Well now."

Pukk yells, "You back here young man! We were not finished with you..!"

Faerinn says, "There it is."

Chamorr heartily asks, "When is this happenin?"

Speaking to a glossy maoral door, Guarrin says, "That does not seem natural."

Radeek says, "Damn...what a arrogant arse...someone really needs ta knock him down a peg er two."

Goldstr says, "Seems all dat be up to him on our escort."

Leafiara asks, "I'm assuming no one is deterred from the escort plan?"

Kiyna says, "Well, seems like that's that..."

Pukk says, "Marshalls these days."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "This is gonna be a damn big mess."

Speaking dryly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Ya don't say."

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "I would talk to Renpaw if you can."

Speaking slowly to Vaemyr, Cruxophim agrees, "Yuuup."

[General] Opalina thinks, "It's always the humps."

Roelon deeply asks, "What will he do. Arrest and issue bounties for us all?"

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "The fact that I even briefly contemplated using the town guard shows how severe this has gotten."

Iskandr asks, "When is the escort moving forward?"

Ceilia says, "Only going to be worse if Stone shows up with Malluch sitting in the middle of town ready to act."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "...I'll see to it."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "I guess it's really up to how good of a job Malluch did convincing his folks to move on Restday."

Lylia says, "Malluch himself could forestall so much misery."

Speaking to Roelon, Radeek says, "Las time somethin like dis happened I recollects dey hung dem what did it."

Cruxophim lightly muses, "I look forward to seeing how this plays out."

Speaking to Iskandr, Goldstr says, "Restday eve."

Leafiara says, "Thadston's veiled threat to me to not intervene at risk of not letting me back in the militia later seems a clear sign this has gone too far."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Radeek says, "Blood, gore, orhpans, burnin..da usual."

Leafiara adds, "Especially considering I gave him no reason to believe I'd interfere."

Vaemyr says, "You've hit it right on the head I'm afraid, this is all about Chaston."

Faerinn says, "It was probably a sign things had gone too far when he took Glethad's head off."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "He's too... odd to say for a blind man, but he has tunnel vision."

Lylia says, "He has always been single-minded for as long as I have known him."

Radeek says, "Gits da town council tagetha an' fire his arse...his boots is bigger'n his britches fer sure."

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara admits, "True, there is that too."

Iskandr says, "Well glad I get to be back in town for all that."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Just to show him, you should become a cruxophyte and follow Cruxophim around and learn all his ways. That will teach Thadston."

Speaking to Radeek, Leafiara says, "It would be Renpaw in this case. Thankfully, since the council is probably on Thadston's side right now."

Faerinn says, "What ya'll call single mindedness I call suicidal ideation."

Speaking dramatically to Leafiara, Cruxophim proclaims, "All hail the new Blood God!"

Cruxophim raises his articulated gauntlets heavenward in triumph.

Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Cruxophim explains, "Me. I'm talking about me."

Speaking lightly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Well... at least we can count on you for some levity."

Speaking to Lylia, Goldstr says, "'cept it can an does changes, as he left his Imperial position to work fer da Landing."

Speaking amusedly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Yes, I realize."

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Like I always say, I'm pretty sure the larger cult was happening during all this at the Inn."

Thrassus asks, "What seems to be the occasion this evening?"

Radeek says, "Well den..gits out yer buckets den..fires gonna be ya can uses em ta wash away alla da blood whats surely gonna get spill't."

Speaking to Thrassus, Faerinn says, "Thadston big mad."

Speaking to Goldstr, Lylia says, "Yes. He is not an utterly inflexible man, just one who is dogged in the pursuit of his goals. Those goals may change, but the pursuit does not."

Speaking to Thrassus, Leafiara says, "It's passed now, but Thadston came to essentially warn against the escort."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ceilia says, "Succinctly put."

Thrassus asks, "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary then?"

Speaking nonchalantly to Thrassus, Cruxophim reports, "A bit of hemming, a bit of hawing... the usual."

Vaemyr says, "I wonder what else might be happening tonight."

Speaking to Thrassus, Faerinn says, "Right, I could have shortened it to 'Thadston breathes'."

Radeek says, "Don' likes dat feller..dinnae likes him when he firs' got here an really don' likes him now what he reckons he be da cock a da walk."

Goldstr says, "I would hate fer da Militia to attack da escort. Fightin me own is nae good."

Suddenly, an Attack!

[General] Larsya exclaims, "Help help help! He's killing them all! Grishom Stone is attacking us!"

Speaking ruefully to Radeek, Cruxophim teases, "Language, sir.. this is the Mayor's office."

Leafiara hurriedly says, "The outpost."


[General] Leafiara asks, "Where?"

[Realm] Taulramil thinks, "What a stone is attacking."

Leafiara mutters, "I swear, if she's just playing about..."

[General] Cruxophim asks, "Did you get into the medicine locker again?"

Iskandr says, "I hope you don't need me to not find traps again."

[ongoing travel]

Lylia says, "Girls will play at games."

Speaking wryly to Leafiara, Cruxophim opines, "I imagine that might be the case."

Vaemyr says, "Possibly."

Leafiara admits, "They will. But usually she just likes shooting arrows at us."

Leafiara says, "No sign or sound of trouble..."

Lylia says, "Always wise to check, but it seems rather quieter than I would expect the outpost to be if Stone's fleshly golems were climbing its ramparts."

Radeek says, "Quiet trouble be da worst."

[General] Pukk exclaims, "Don't eat strange mushrooms! I found this out the hard way!"

[General] Pietra slyly thinks, "Pukk, you're no fun!"

Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe a diversion."

Faerinn asks, "Seen her?"

[General] Dergoatean asks, "Larsya, keep thinking! What's going on?"

Leafiara says, "No, nor any sign of anything..."

[General] Leafiara asks, "Are you near the Deadfall forest?"

Vaemyr says, "Nope, gone as soon as the message happened."

[General] Larsya exclaims, "He's killed the soldiers! Upper Hall! HELP US!"

Vaemyr says, "Upper hall."


[Hendoran Outpost, Upper Hall]

Two tall Imperial soldiers stand on either side of a set of large wooden doors engraved with a simplified version of the crest of North Hendor. A hallway leads westward, while the wide stairwell offers an avenue by which to return to the first floor. Next to each guard is a banner, one showing the crest of the Earl of North Hendor and the other stitched with the name of the House Andrews. You also see a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Hendoran soldier corpse, a Hendoran soldier corpse and a Hendoran soldier corpse.

[General] Dergoatean thinks, "I guess we had better help her."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "We're here now..."

Faerinn says, "Oh there are corpses here."

[General] Roelon thinks, "So many dead soldiers..."

Stormyrain says, "More to the west."

Leafiara asks, "Captain, Faerinn... any history here?"

[General] Taulramil thinks, "Where is this hall."

Kiyna says, "Damn..."

A grey-armored battered bloodguard ambles in.

A grey-armored battered bloodguard swings a huge metal sword at Pukk!

AS: +484 vs DS: +664 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +62 = -90

A clean miss.

A grey-armored battered bloodguard swings a huge metal sword at Jara!

AS: +484 vs DS: +511 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +37 = +42

A clean miss.

Roelon deeply says, "Just so ..many.."

Bernadette softly says, "Some death here."

A grey-armored battered bloodguard swings a huge metal sword at Felita!

AS: +484 vs DS: +715 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +12 = -191

A clean miss.

Faerinn says, "No history."


Roelon deeply exclaims, "Watch yirbacks!"


Minor Digestive Problems

Ravenous tendrils of shadow burst forth from Cruxophim's body, streaking toward the battered bloodguard to consume it in a gory feast of toothy shadow maws and barbed tentacles!

Cruxophim slowly extends his tongue and drags it over the surface of his articulated gauntlets.

[poking aroundn nearby rooms]

[Hendoran Outpost, Upper Hall]

A thick, but plain, carpet runs the length of the hallway, muffling sounds and offering some escape from the hard surface of the building's stone construction. Two doors face each other, one to the south and the other to the north. The northern door appears to have magical sigils carved into its surface and runes painted above the entryway. The opposite, southern door is plain. You also see the Vaemyr disk, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse, a Hendoran soldier corpse, a Bourthian soldier corpse and a Hendoran soldier corpse.

Obvious exits: north, east, south, west

Pukk mutters, "Come to the mayor's office they said, it will be fun they said..."

Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Cruxophim reports, "Well... that autopsy may take a different approach now."

Leafiara asks, "How did they even make it in here past the soldiers?"

Speaking to Pukk, Ceilia says, "Wrong kind of fun."

[General] Pietra asks, "Be more specific so people can help you. Where is this?"

Vaemyr says, "This is going too far, they had to of come for the corpse we took."

Guarrin mutters, "No, no, no."

Speaking to Ceilia, Pukk says, "Now if it was imps..."

Speaking suddenly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "That's right. They're after the laboratory."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "In the Hendoran Outpost."

A bubble of incarnadine fluid appears on Cruxophim's stomach.

[General] Dergoatean thinks, "The Hendoran outpost."

The voice of Razanetika softly says, "Eeps."

[General] Dergoatean thinks, "Hendoran and Bourthian corpses all over."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn asks, "Might be more in my wellhouse after all, are you ok?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "New trick?"

The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "Are you pregnant Crux?"

Vaemyr asks, "Did you... eat something bad?"

Cruxophim wryly laments, "Why does this keep happening to me?"

Kiyna says, "Ahh...."

Speaking dryly to Cruxophim, Leafiara asks, "What did you eat this time?"

Cruxophim rubs his stomach.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "Something you ate?"

[poking around the laboratory]

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn asks, "Is that the stuff that Malluch jabbed you with?"

Speaking gently to Leafiara, Lylia corrects, "Whom."

Blood begins to trickle out from the corners of Cruxophim's eyes.

Raelee whispers something to Cruxophim.

Iskandr says, "Ok..."

Kiyna says, "Oh dear..."

Chamorr heartily says, "Well, that's not new."

Alvyara asks, "Where is Larysa?"

Cruxophim whispers something to Raelee.

Leafiara slowly says, "On second thought, maybe we should get Crux *out* of the laboratory."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "That's a good look for you. An improvement."

Cruxophim wryly spits, "Oh, for crying out loud."

Cruxophim slips a hand to his ankle, deftly retrieving a black-veined jawbone dagger.

Faerinn says, "I wish I knew if that was normal or not."

Speaking vexedly to Cruxophim, Raelee asks, "When?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "Good tasting blood too."

A waxy layer of blood begins to seep out of Cruxophim's skin, coating his flesh, spreading up across his arms, out along his stomach, down over his legs....

Leafiara asks, "...was it only the single bloodguard doing all of this?"

Cruxophim neutrally observes, "Well, that's curious."

Holding his jawbone dagger with both hands around the hilt, blade facing toward him, Cruxophim slams it into his abdomen, then drags it back and forth, skewering his insides and effectively disemboweling himself.

Cruxophim drops dead at your feet!

Goldstr asks, "Was a Bloodguard?"

Vaemyr asks, "Was it the bloodguard we took?"

The voice of Razanetika softly says, "Oh my stars."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "Now you're a beautiful butt....oh you're dead..."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "...that makes sense."

Like a crimson shadow, a bloodguard peels away from Cruxophim's body and forms, rising to attack!

A grey-armored battered bloodguard ambles in.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean asks, "Was that of your own, er... volition?"

Alvyara asks, "Oh, no. What happened?"


Alvyara whispers something to Cruxophim.

Speaking slowly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Well then."

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

A bubble of blood forms on the ground.

Roelon deeply says, "So is that what they are..."

Faerinn says, "So they can turn gooey."

Speaking affably to Leafiara, the ghostly voice of Cruxophim inquires, "Care to get me up when you have a moment?"

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm."

Leafiara slowly says, " it comes again."

Goldstr asks, "Was dat blood?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "This is almost certainly the one we brought here."

Alvyara asks, "What's going on?"

Vaemyr says, "Implode it."

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps we need to burn it."

Leafiara cautiously says, "Ready..."

Speaking affably to Leafiara, the ghostly voice of Cruxophim reports, "Well, at least I absorbed a bit for study."

Iskandr says, "I am mildly confused, but will keep striking whatever tries to kill me."

Thrassus asks, "Where's the Magister?"

Dergoatean says, "You leave town for ONE week..."

Cruxophim wryly quips, "I have a bad habit of eating things that don't agree with me."

Lylia says, "Implosion is not always the ideal choice..."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Right there."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "Funny thing. You look livelier when you are dead, than when you are alive."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "That was fun, do it again."

Cruxophim amicably ventures, "Situation is resolved?"

Lylia says, "Perhaps."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "Think of this as us doing multiple dissections on the fellow."

Goldstr asks, "Lil Larsya be ok?"

[General] Mekimin asks, "What's going on out there?"

Dergoatean asks, "Don't suppose someone could catch me up on what that was?"

Alvyara asks, "Yes, what happened to Larysa?"

Kiyna asks, "There aren't any more of them, are there?"

Guarrin says, "Haven't heard from her."

Faerinn says, "So that's something they do."

Leafiara says, "Let's make sure this thing doesn't resurrect itself again before calling her out of hiding."

Thrassus says, "I suppose Stone doesn't like his secrets being looked into."

Speaking slowly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim reports, "It would appear that these blood guards are hiding...secrets."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Vaemyr says, "We found a dead bloodguard a couple days ago, it looked like Stone, and we suspected it of being a blood golem, we brought it here for study."

Speaking to Thrassus, Faerinn says, "Probably shouldn't have wasted any time cutting into that golem."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Dergoatean says, "I see. Thank you."

Vaemyr says, "It now apparently is studying us."

Goldstr says, "If was a Bloodguard den we see da real Malluch now."

Speaking gratefully to Jara, Kippe murmurs, "... thank you."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Larsya, we think we've eliminated the threat. It might be safer to continue hiding, but please let us know if you're safe."

[General] Larsya thinks, "I am safe."

[General] Leafiara relievedly thinks, "That's good to hear."

Speaking wryly to Raelee, Cruxophim remarks, "Leftovers."

A red globule begins to form on one of the Bourthian corpses.

Dergoatean says, "Incoming."

Iskandr says, "Oh, here we go."

Thrassus says, "Recall that Stone can extend his power through any of his clones. Honestly, it is lucky that this is all that is happening."

Kiyna says, "Ah, crap."

Lylia murmurs, "She has seen a great deal in her life, but she should not have to see more, perhaps."

Vaemyr says, "Incoming."

Faerinn says, "Damn there is again."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "... noted."

Ceilia asks, "Anyone able to burn those?"

Pukk says, "That corpse was doing something different."

A waxy layer of blood forms along the corpse.

Osloe says, "Did we win yet."

[General] Leafiara hurriedly thinks, "And I take back what I said about eliminating the threat. Stay away for now."

Bernadette softly says, "Jes beginnin."

Vaemyr says, "Can't even burn it with balefire."

Suddenly, the corpse shifts and reshapes and rises into a bloodguard!

A grey-armored battered bloodguard ambles in.


[Focused] Taulramil thinks, "Where is this outpost i can fight."


Goldstr says, "Like to take me blade to Malluch's neck meself right now."


Stormyrain mutters, "Great. Just great."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dergoatean asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Thrassus asks, "Again?"

Speaking to Draught, Guarrin reminds, "What did we discuss about control."

[General] Mekimin asks, "What's the situation?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Lylia replies something you don't understand.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "You have such a great smile too...."

Speaking affably to Thrassus, Cruxophim muses, "I'm good at adjusting."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Vaemyr says something you don't understand.

Iskandr asks, " there a way we can stop the continually rebirth of our friend here?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Thrassus asks, "Take it back to the camp?"

Leafiara says, "If it can return frrom the smallest drop of blood, then... maybe we need to contain it instead of killing it."

A red bubble forms on another corpse.

Pukk says, "I don't mind killing imps..."

Alvyara asks, "Can we burn the bodies?"

Pukk says, "It's fun this way."

Lylia suggests, "Or animate it."

Alvyara says, "It sounds terrible, but.."

Roelon deeply says, "Need to burn them all."

Vaemyr says, "Can't animate them."

The voice of Pietra says, "They have no loot."

Lylia says, "Burning is a cleaner death."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Breshon, are you there? We might need to take some extreme measures with a problem in your outpost."

Iskandr says, "Burn it all."

Cruxophim suddenly suggests, "Exsanguinate them."

Goldstr says, "Also needs to let Breshon know a dis."

Faerinn says, "They seem to be able to ride corpses."

Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "I just did, if he's here."

Taulramil asks, "Is there a leader here?"

Speaking simply to Raelee, Cruxophim reasons, "Harder to do blood magic without blood."

Alvyara asks, "What was that?"

[General] Pukk exclaims, "Lylia has a great idea, burn the outpost!"

[General] Dergoatean asks, "While we're taking shots in the dark here... Rodnay, are you there?"

Vaemyr says, "My fire isn't really working well here."

Alvyara calls, "Larysa?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Good idea. Burn the outpost."

Guarrin counters, "Let's not burn the outpost."

[General] Lylia thinks, "I did not pull this pile of stones back from the Ithzir so I could set it aflame. I meant we should burn the bodies."

Pukk says, "Best way to solve this problem."

Chamorr heartily says, "If they can do that to Cruxy, they can do that to all dem innocents, them innocent might not be so innocent."

(Cruxophim suddenly begins hacking up a soldier corpse, absorbing a portion of the blood rather messily in the process.)

Faerinn says, "They can only do that to Crux, because well...he's a corpse."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Cruxophim, Dergoatean asks something you don't understand.

[General] Pukk thinks, "If we burn the outpost we also burn the bodies..."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean asks, "Whatcha up to, friend?"

Leafiara asks, "No response from Breshon. Who here is in the best standing to explain to him later that we've had to burn bodies, if it comes to that?"

Vaemyr says, "Just trying various things."

Speaking simply to Dergoatean, Cruxophim repeats, "Exsanguination."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "Yes, clearly."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean asks, "To what end?"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Me, I'm tight wif da Empire."

Speaking sarcastically to Chamorr, Leafiara asks, "Who knew?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Good idea."

Speaking to Iskandr, Taulramil asks, "Is there undead attacking?"

Guarrin says, "Perhaps there's a way to do this without butchering their remains any further. Burning seems more reasonable. Also, it appears to have slowed down..."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "That look tells me it's an end in itself..."

Speaking simply to Dergoatean, Cruxophim explains, "To prevent them from being manipulated, theoretically."

Speaking suspiciously to Guarrin, Leafiara says, "Aye, it does..."

Tiny red bubbles begin to form on another corpse.

Guarrin says, "So much for that."

Kiyna says, "Here we go again..."

Cruxophim mutters, "Well, I can't do this by my bloody self."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "I think you might need to be more thorough, in that case."

Pukk says, "I killed it."

The voice of Pietra exclaims, "Good job Pukk. Time to burn this place down I guess!"

A corpse begins to twitch and become coating in a wazy red hue.

A grey-armored battered bloodguard just arrived!

[~700 lines of combat]

Taulramil says, "Bah."

Tiny red bubbles begin to form on another corpse.

Guarrin says, "Right."

Draught says, "Phew."

Evia says, "Strange process."

A grey-armored battered bloodguard ambles in.


Faerinn says, "Speeding up now."


Lylia says, "Sooner or later, it will no longer have --"

[~4000 lines of combat]

Thrassus says, "Goodness this one is stout."

[~1400 lines of combat]

Dafixer whispers to the group, "Immune to magic?"

[~2200 lines of combat]

Lylia whispers to the group, "Appears to be, yes. Perhaps they take something from the one who spawned them."

[~1000 lines of combat]

Iskandr asks, "Is it just me or are these getting stronger?"

[~600 lines of combat]

Leafiara says, "It's not that... this one's immune to magic."

[~500 lines of combat]

Iskandr exclaims, "Well, that's stronger!"

[~200 lines of combat]

Speaking in Guildspeak, Lylia says something you don't understand.

[~60 lines of combat]

The voice of Ceilia asks, "Can the corpse be dispelled?"

[~400 lines of combat]

Lylia says, "Unfortunately, no. I attempted that too."

[~300 lines of combat]

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

[~500 lines of combat]

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dergoatean exclaims something you don't understand.

[~1300 lines of combat]

Leafiara slowly says, "Well."

Vaemyr says, "Well then."

Osloe exclaims, "Box thief!"

Leafiara marvels, "That was something."

Kiyna says, "Oh... okay... that was... kind of a lot..."."

Taulramil says, "Sorry I think I dropped some coins."

Pietra says, "They have a lot more blood than yeah..."

Taulramil says, "Around 30k but it's all good."

Leafiara says, "...and there's still one left and many over to the east..."

Pukk exclaims, "That was fun! Let's do it again!"

Taulramil says, "Forgot I had it."

Roelon deeply says, "Well..."

Inck says, "Easy to hit, hard to kill."

Draught says, "I worry this is a distraction."

Vaemyr says, "Those are a lot tougher than the ones a few years ago."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Taulramil asks, "Want it?"

Speaking to Draught, Pietra says, "Everything is a distraction,though."

Cruxophim thoughtfully suggests, "Can we contain this one for study?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "If you have a means to do that."

[General] Draught asks, "Everything quiet in town?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Iskandr says, "You can study that all you want, I'll be over here. And by here I mean Ta'Vaalor."

Speaking to a Hendoran soldier corpse, Pietra says, "Say, how about you not resurrect yourself and just kind of lay there, quietly."

Taulramil says, "Interesting."

Goldstr says, "Hednor soldiers be our friends."

Lylia says, "I wonder, if I were to animate the remaining corpse..."

Draught says, "I'm just worried that while we're here something is happening elsewhere."

Leafiara says, "I wonder... if they rise in proximity to us."

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at a Hendoran soldier corpse.

Lylia's spell misfires.

Cruxophim lightly remarks, "Couldn't hurt to try."

Speaking to Lylia, Taulramil says, "This corpse would not be able to move."

Leafiara says, "There are still several unmoving bodies to the east."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Why attack here?"

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Worth a try."

Speaking to Lylia, Taulramil asks, "Are you able to speak to the dead?"

Kiyna says, "They might respond to Malluch's will."

Kiyna says, "Or Stone's."

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "Good question."

Faerinn says, "They didn't come here. They were already here."

Lylia says, "It would not be a matter of moving him, but of ensuring he could not be otherwise taken over."

Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "Because... it was here."

Pietra asks, "Sanct?"

Faerinn says, "A dead bloodguard was brought here to examine."

Vaemyr says, "This is all definitely Stone's handiwork."

Lylia says, "Not in any way that produces worthwhile answers, usually."

Chamorr heartily says, "Ahhh."

Faerinn says, "Then did that."

Speaking to Yakushi, Osloe says, "Did we win."

Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin says, "Ahh, something they didn't want you to discover then."

Speaking gently to Raelee, Leafiara says, "I doubt anyone blames you, Magister. You couldn't have known."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pietra says, "Don't you murder yourself now."

A tiny blood bubble begins to form on a corpse but then goes flat, fading away.

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "It is my responsibility... to know."

Alvyara says, "Curious."

Evia says, "Hm."

Kiyna exclaims, "Yeah, stay down!"

Vaemyr says, "It's retreating."

Pietra says, "Oooh, bubble kinda died."

Inck says, "Hm."

Faerinn asks, "Did it just run out of...breath?"

Speaking to Taulramil, Lylia says, "Sorcerous animation is more akin to slipping into someone else's clothing, a kind of fleshy glove. The inanimate is animated, but it does not have much of a mind of its own. It is my will that animates it."

Leafiara observes, "They eventually no longer have the energy to continue..."

Speaking heartily to Pietra, Chamorr says, "Pop."

Leafiara muses, "Makes sense."

Speaking to Lylia, Taulramil says, "So that means you can't speak to the dead."

Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "I never understood that. Until just now."

Raelee paces back and forth.

Lylia simply says, "Yes."

Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin asks, "This is the one that was found in the trap?"

Speaking to Lylia, Taulramil says, "That's settled."

Speaking curiously to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Do you have an observation in mind?"

Speaking absently to Guarrin, Raelee says, "... yes."

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "I'm sorrry your friend had to be put down."

Speaking slowly to Guarrin, Cruxophim explains, "No, this is a body that it infected. If you mean this body."

Return of the Dread Pirate

Larsya slips into view.

Larsya blinks.

Larsya asks, "Are....are they done?"

Speaking gently to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Ah, Lady Larsya. Good to see you safe."

Leafiara adds, "And yes, we believe so."

Iskandr says, "Well this is going to all go really well when this starts happening all over town after Malluch is arrested."

Evia says, "I donno maybe."

Leafiara adds, "But stick close just in case."

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Good evenin pirate."

Speaking to Larsya, Guarrin says, "It appears so."

Vaemyr says, "They appear to be gone for now at least."

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "I was looking forward to the autospy too."

Raelee hisses, "Is everything a jest to you?"

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr asks, "Ye ok lass?"

Nearby, some Bourthian soldiers arrive and begin to carefully escort the corpses away.

Larsya says, "Yes. I am fine. I ran quick."

Larsya asks, "Is Grishom....dead?"

Taulramil says, "Hmm."

Thrassus says, "That wasn't Grishom."

Dergoatean says, "Seems unlikely."

Cruxophim loudly reminds, "Make sure to exsanguinate them thoroughly!!"

Leafiara says, "It wasn't quite Grishom, but... the attacker is dead, yes."

Larsya asks, "It wasn't?"

Leafiara explains, "One of his creations."

Taulramil asks, "He escape?"

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "Several times over."

Vaemyr says, "Afraid that was just a creation yea."

Speaking amusedly to Thrassus, Cruxophim clarifies, "I think that's a semantic argument, really."

Speaking in Elven to Iskandr, Taulramil asks, "You know who that Grishom is?"

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "You were most resourceful to hide and call for help."

Larsya asks, "Why was it here?"

Larsya curtsies to Lylia.

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "A bit, I've come to learn hanging around here so often as of late."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Osloe says, "Say you're sorry."

Speaking to Iskandr, Taulramil says, "Perhaps you can fill me in over an ale."

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "Slated for surgery."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Probably because of the body the hunters brought here a couple nights ago."

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "Someone we wouldn't want crossing the mountains, that's for sure."

Larsya asks, "Surgery!?"

Speaking slowly to Larsya, Leafiara explains, "Well... we thought it was dead, and it was dead for several days, but it... somehow came to life."

Larsya asks, "Or siegery?"

Bernadette softly asks, "Some kinna revenge?"

Larsya giggles.

Larsya exclaims, "I like siegery!"

Speaking to Larsya, Raelee says, "... to be studied."

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "Happy to."

Speaking to Iskandr, Taulramil says, "Human nobles are so young."

Larsya says, "It was dead but here..."

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "The first one. I doubt he had any miniatures in him."

Cruxophim affably offers, "If anyone else would like a sample of that bloody mess to study, hand me a vessel for liquids."

Larsya asks, "You brought a Grishom body here!?"

Larsya peers quizzically at Raelee.

Speaking to Leafiara, Alvyara whispers aloud, "Is this little girl.. quite alright?"

Speaking to Larsya, Pietra says, "Many of us do. We should have a big tournament whenever this is all over."

Speaking hesitantly to Larsya, Cruxophim stutters, "Er, uh.. .well..."

Speaking confidently to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "She is."

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "Amazing what kind of chaos one can get to in such a short time."

Lylia explains, "It is rather like bringing home a bird of prey to be studied, only to find out the creature was merely stunned, not killed. It could hurt itself and others in trying to escape."

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr asks, "What were they thinkin?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "You never know when you'll need a vial of this stuff."

Speaking to Alvyara, Leafiara assures, "She has many talents, worry not."

Speaking to Larsya, Taulramil says, "If you wish I could help keep guard for you."

Larsya says, "I'll be fine."

Larsya says, "I'm a Dread Pirate."

Larsya says, "I've seen worse."

Dergoatean says, "This again..."

Bernadette softly says, "That ye are."

Larsya says, "I wasn't crying. You were crying."

Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Yeah, I bet you have."s

Larsya says, "Sissies."

Larsya giggles.

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "They wanted to see what made him work Ms Pirate Queen."

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Har har Lass."

Speaking to Larsya, Taulramil says, "It's good you still can laugh after a battle like that."

Larsya says, "I had Grishleganger where I wanted him."

Cruxophim calmly offers, "Anyone else want a sample?"

Larsya asks, "See what I did there?"

Larsya giggles.

Larsya says, "Grishom. Doppelganger."

Larsya says, "A Grishelganger."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Beyond my field of study, but definitely appreciate the offer."

Speaking to Larsya, Evia exclaims, "Clever girl!"

Larsya writes it down.

Larsya nods.

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "Better than Stone Clone actually."

Speaking to Larsya, Dergoatean says, "OHHHH."

Speaking to Larsya, Dergoatean says, "NOW I get it."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pietra asks, "If we drink it, will we turn all black and bloody like y ou?"

Larsya nods at Dergoatean.

Speaking confusedly to Larsya, Cruxophim ventures, "Gristleganger?"

Larsya says, "My brother's soldiers are taking away the other bodies."

Larsya frowns.

Larsya asks, "Gristle?"

Larsya says, "No."

Alvyara quietly says, "Something must be done with them."

Larsya says, "Well, maybe. With a weird accent."

Cruxophim bursts out in loud, raucous laughter at Larsya.

Goldstr says, "Grizzleganger."

Pietra says, "Like a lisp."

Lylia repeats, "Burning is cleanest."

Speaking thoughtfully to Alvyara, Leafiara speculates, "I'm not entirely sure... it might have been that bubble of blood moving from one body to the next, not that every last body was--infected."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alvyara asks, "Have you ever seen anything like it?"

Iskandr says, "Here I thought the Reim citadel would be the wild part of my night. I walk into town all ready to climb into the treehouse and play my biwa...."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin asks, "Did anyone try that yet?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "So I think this was enough evidence of, IF Malluch isn't being controlled, why he wants protection."

Iskandr says, "Never a dull moment..."

Speaking to Alvyara, Leafiara admits, "Not quite, no. Most creative work of Grishom's I've seen so far, and by far."

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Aye dat bubble worried me."

Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Cruxophim speculates, "It does seem to be spread hematologically."

Kyal softly says, "Nothing left to kill."

Leafiara says, "Often his work was just more conventional flesh golems or mein golems in the past."

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia asks, "Did you see how any of this began?"

Larsya says, "No."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Except for his 'perfects.'"

Larsya exclaims, "I was getting some milk before bed and then BAM!"

Vaemyr says, "The ones he lost."

Evia says, "BAM."

Larsya says, "I saw the bodies and Grishelganger cutting some up and then I ran and ran and shouted in my mind."

Evia says, "Always that way."

Larsya says, "Then I went and got my bow and before I could kill it, you all did."

Speaking to Larsya, Alvyara says, "That was a helpful shout."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Iskandr says, "I hope when you say it's blood formed that it sticks to their blood and doesn't just magically start forming in random people."

Ceilia wonders, "Was that the same mote of blood missing from the first dead bloodguard?"

Speaking encouragingly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "You did very well to avoid th--to go ready yourself for battle."

Lylia says, "I wonder if it sought simply to escape confinement rather than intending to kill."

Speaking uncertainly to Iskandr, Cruxophim admits, "Verdict is still out on that one, but I'm guessing corpses are far more susceptible."

Speaking pointedly to Iskandr, Cruxophim reasons, "No willpower."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin asks, "Then...why up here?"

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "Base level directives without much... purposeful action, perhaps."

Lylia says, "Here is where it was brought, or near enough to it."

Faerinn says, "It's where the labs are."

Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "Because this is where it was."

Speaking cheerfully to Iskandr, Cruxophim concludes, "Who knows though, we could all be infected!!"

Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin asks, "Were they kept in this lab?"

Speaking to Lylia, Evia says, "Or get "back to work" or something."

Guarrin says, "Ah."

Speaking to Larsya, Taulramil says, "Sorry it took me so long to come and assist but i'm new to the region and took some time to find it but I know where to come if I hear you shout again."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Iskandr says, "Well, that makes a whole 'dead group in town square in need of help' into a whole new potential danger."

Larsya nods at Taulramil.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ceilia says, "That's interesting speculation, but your infection progressed faster than some of the corpses."

Guarrin mutters, "Never know. So many labs."

Larsya says, "You're cute. For a soldier."

Speaking to Ceilia, Lylia says, "Well, he did eat one."

Larsya giggles at Taulramil.

Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Kyal says, "So meteor swarming the room is the only way to be safe."

Speaking to Lylia, Ceilia asks, "Actually?"

Speaking heartily to Guarrin, Chamorr says, "I believe this is what you have to look forward too."

Speaking amusedly to Taulramil, Leafiara says, "Careful now, my understanding is she's already betrothed to Xorus."

Speaking to Guarrin, Faerinn says, "There are a lot of labs in this building. Almost as many as their are latrines."

Lylia says, "More or less, yes."

Lylia nods at Leafiara.

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "Unless this changes things."

Speaking to Larsya, Taulramil says, "Our king wishes to expand out and I am here to meet with leaders."

Larsya put a piece of rose quartz in her white leather cloak.

Larsya giggles at Taulramil.

Larsya asks, "Like, eat more?"

Larsya giggles.

Larsya says, "Big bellied king."

Larsya exclaims, "Oooo!"

Larsya bounces around happily.

Raelee says, "We found that... the substance running through its veins was blood, genuinely so..."

Larsya says, "Then he can do that one thing..."

Larsya says, "That big-bellied people do."

Alvyara asks, " thing..?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil says, "Oh I'm not worried about that at all I'm here on a mission to speak with you to be honest and try to establish some trade since we took away documentation."

Goldstr exclaims, "Oooh!"

Larsya places her hands on her stomach, bending her elbows out wide.

Larsya holds her sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

Raelee carefully says, "But... repurposed, reused and likely originating from a source outside of this body."

Iskandr exclaims, "I think the Legion got tired of me mucking around here and sent a useful one to take my place!"

Larsya exclaims, "Like that!"

Larsya exclaims, "But with a bigger one!"

Draught says, "The shuffle."

Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil says, "Our merchants wish to make more money."

Goldstr offers Larsya a fake gnarled gold tooth.

Larsya accepts Goldstr's gnarled gold tooth.

Larsya says, "Did you drop this?"

Goldstr says, "When ye board a ship."

Larsya says, "Was there a ...tooth on the looth."

Raelee admits, "The operating hypothesis was that in its creation... the body was likely filled so to finish this form."

Larsya giggles.

Speaking to Taulramil, Thrassus says, "Then he should get that outpost built at the head of the trail for security."

Raelee says, "... which does not appear to be entirely correct, but the method of fill was... rather misinterpreted."

Larsya says, "Gold tooth from a Goldstr."

Larsya giggles at Goldstr.

Raelee quietly adds, "We only had a scant few days."

Goldstr bows to Larsya.

Mongonator says, "She drank the happy punch."

Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "You should really write a compilation of jokes one day to publish in that traveling sales wagon of books."

Larsya asks, "Want some happy punch?"

Larsya peers quizzically at Mongonator.

Speaking to Thrassus, Taulramil says, "What trail? the road through the pass to the ferry is patrolled."

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Make a necklace out of it."

Mongonator leans on Larsya.

Larsya smiles and punches Mongonator's arm lightly.

Larsya exclaims, "SEE!"

Larsya says, "Happy punch."

Kyal softly says, "Patrolled by bandits usually."

Mongonator grins mischievously.

Speaking to Larsya, Taulramil asks, "Now you're talking, happy punch?"

Goldstr exclaims, "Har har Has some Happy Punch!"

Larsya opens her mouth and puts on a fake gnarled gold tooth, covering one of her teeth.

Larsya flashes a wide grin.

Larsya asks, "How's she look?"

Goldstr beams happily at Larsya!

Speaking approvingly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Perfect."

Larsya says, "I'll name it..."

Commander Roblar just arrived.

Larsya flicks her tongue against the surface of the gnarled gold tooth.

Speaking to Kyal, Taulramil says, "Only bandits I see are dead ones in the pass, sunfist has an outpost on the pass. Ravelin is not far either from the pass both safe areas."

Larsya says, "Roblar."

Larsya nods.

Roblar smiles at Larsya.

Larsya says, "Roblar the Golden Tooth."

Roblar deeply says, "Allo lass."

Roblar deeply asks, "How ya feelin?"

Larsya says, "Not you."

Larsya exclaims, "My tooth!"

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Ralph, ralph is a good name fer a tooth."

Roblar gawks at Larsya.

Speaking to Larsya, Alvyara asks, "You're naming the -tooth- Roblar?"

Larsya nods.

Roblar touches one finger to his lips.

Roblar acts puzzled.

Roblar shrugs.

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "I enjoyed your happy punch more than I enjoyed the 'hurtz donut' someone gave me the other evening."

Kyal softly says, "Of course Ravelin is safe, it's a ghost town."

Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin says, "Well now you can retire."

Speaking to Taulramil, Thrassus says, "There's a small elven village near the beginning of the trail to the Nations that Ta'Vaalor recently took ownership of. The outpost is to be built there from what I understand."

Alvyara says, "Roblar, slayer of vegetables."

Speaking grimly to Larsya, Cruxophim threatens, "He's come for the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth."

Larsya says, "It's shiny. Like the grey hair on the sides of Roblar's head."

Larsya giggles.

Speaking deeply to Alvyara, Roblar says, "Iz not nice to speak of dead in such a way."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "'So, where do we go from here?"

Larsya exclaims, "Well...time for bed!"

Alvyara says, "Yes, it is."

Roblar deeply says, "Grey doen't shine."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Well, at this point Malluch's managed to unravel his credibility even further."

Speaking to Larsya, Pietra exclaims, "Don't forget your milk!"

Speaking to Thrassus, Iskandr says, "Ah, we've taken that village for an outpost? It's amazing what I'm not aware of these days."

Lylia says, "Rest well, Dread Pirate."

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Sleep well lass."

Roblar deeply says, "Lass, we must speak wid yer brother."

Speaking to Larsya, Faerinn says, "Good night."

Roblar deeply says, "Poor empire learnin."

Larsya says, "He'l be back soon."

Larsya nods at Roblar.

Speaking warmly to Larsya, Cruxophim wishes, "Night, dear."

Roblar deeply says, "Even giantkin know dis."

Speaking to Thrassus, Taulramil says, "Well if it is going to be built it will. I can think that the profits from opening our gates will help fill the court's coffers and thus we will be able to build an outpost to have the village guarded."

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nicely done, get some rest."

Speaking amiably to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Keep him appr--up to date on what happened here, if you would."

Speaking deeply to Larsya, Roblar asks, "Perhaps we want to come wid me later on a ship?"

Leafiara warmly wishess, "And rest well."

Roblar deeply says, "Will sail on da great western sea."

Speaking to Thrassus, Taulramil says, "Besides I hear its mostly sylvan that stay out there from my understanding, or are you trying to take back your home."

Kyal softly says, "True, getting rid of the papers was the smartest thing I've seen the fortress do in a long time."

Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Cruxophim notes, "This does not necessarily imply any willful malice on Malluch's part."

Larsya put a black crystal in her white leather cloak.

Larsya nods at Roblar.

Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "He'll give you candy."

Larsya exclaims, "Sure!"

Speaking nonchalantly to Leafiara, Cruxophim ponders, "He may not have even known."

Speaking musingly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Well, true, especially if Faerinn's theory holds."

Roblar deeply says, "Come on den, askin permission iz for sheep."

Cruxophim politely ventures, "Which was?"

Leafiara says, "Nonetheless, a potential trap to watch out for."

Speaking to Roblar, Pietra asks, "You're not replacing me as cook, I hope?"

Speaking softly to Roblar, Kyal asks, "Do sheep do that?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "He knows what the Bloodguard are, but might not know their capabilities."

Speaking to Taulramil, Thrassus says, "My home is in Ta'Faendryl."

Speaking to Larsya, Guarrin says, "Stay safe. Call out if you need help."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "That the bloodguards are there to ensure Malluch keeps serving for Stone, rather than being at Malluch's own command."

Speaking amusedly to Kyal, Cruxophim greets, "Well hey, stranger."

Speaking deeply to Pietra, Roblar says, "Only if you cook more den pie."

Vaemyr says, "True these golems seem 'programmed' in some way, but we DID tell Malluch's bloodguards we captured one."

Larsya put a n'ayanad crystal in her white leather cloak.

Speaking to Roblar, Pietra exclaims, "Of course, silly!"

Faerinn says, "The Grishomgangers have never done ricks like these before."

Speaking suddenly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Oh, in any case, I don't think the situation's changed much except now we know one more pitfall to look for."

Vaemyr says, "I can't imagine that wasn't a trigger."

Larsya looks a little uneasy.

Larsya suddenly appears very clumsy!

Larsya put a glossy black doomstone in her white leather cloak.

Larsya suddenly trips and falls down!

Speaking to Taulramil, Thrassus says, "I am simply suggesting things that will give the area more security."

Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Cruxophim guesses, "This seems more like a symbiotic relationship. Fascinating."

Speaking cheekily to Larsya, Leafiara says, "You have some pretty sly hands, but I'm a better trickster than you." [she'd been pickpocketing the whole night and got to Leafi, who carries a whole slew of doomstones specifically for this situation!]

Larsya stands up.

Leafiara cackles!

Larsya says, "Oof."

Alvyara says, "Oh, dear."

Larsya gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Larsya suddenly trips and falls down!

Kippe gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Kippe gestures.

Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

Leafiara amusedly says, "I carry at least half a dozen doomstones at--"

Pietra says, "Oops."

Goldstr asks, "Whas wrong lass?"

Alvyara says, "Mhm."

Leafiara amusedly says, "Heading back."


Bernadette softly says, "Interestin."

[Hendoran Outpost, Upper Hall]

A thick, but plain, carpet runs the length of the hallway, muffling sounds and offering some escape from the hard surface of the building's stone construction. Two doors face each other, one to the south and the other to the north. The northern door appears to have magical sigils carved into its surface and runes painted above the entryway. The opposite, southern door is plain. You also see the red Mekimin disk and a jagged eight-pointed cruciform drawn in fresh blood.

Also here: Lexbubba, Kyal, Lady Larsya who is lying down, Mekimin, Ceilia

[General] Pietra exclaims, "Goodnight Larsya!"

Alvyara whispers something to Larsya.

Kippe awkwardly says, "My bad... Sorry for that."

Speaking to Larsya, Pietra exclaims, "Goodnight!"

Speaking to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Anyway, as I was saying, I carry at least half a dozen doomstones at all times."

Larsya giggles.

Faerinn says, "They apparanly do not like being captured."

Speaking to Larsya, Evia says, "Fun trick...POOF."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alvyara asks, "Half a dozen, truly?"

Lylia adds, "Many sorcerers carry such gems in their pockets, too."

Kiyna says, "Ohh... teleportation always makes me feel queasy..."

Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim marvels, "Why?"

Lylia says, "Not saying if I do or not, but some do."

Jara says, "I wish it would cure my hiccups."

Speaking to Lylia, Dergoatean says, "I have a friend who does."

Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "I just use poison needles myself."

Speaking to Kiyna, Iskandr says, "That's why I walk everywhere except that odd island no one can tell me how to get to by any ship."

Speaking amicably to Thrassus, Cruxophim jests, "I just bite their hands off."

Pietra says, "I think it's time for me too."

Speaking to Lylia, Iskandr asks, "See you at the masquerade ball?"

Goldstr says, "I stay till da lass gets to sleep."

Speaking to Iskandr, Kiyna says, "I never trust magic. Sometimes I gotta use it, but I never trust it. Never have. My own two feet work well enough... most of the time."

Speaking amusedly to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "Now I might have to bug Phang over if he has any more for me."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "I has a couple."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alvyara asks, "I see it. Are you going to be alright?" [was showing her the doomstones]

Speaking to Kiyna, Iskandr says, "I have my rangerly magic, but it feels more natural to me."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "Thanks."

Speaking amusedly to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "It's fine, it's fine. All worth it."

Vaemyr says, "That's a lot of doomstones."

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "Gets to bed lass and some rest."

Alvyara says, "I have.. something else, in my coat."

Larsya waves.

Lady Larsya just tiptoed east.

Alvyara says, "Something it wouldn't do for a little girl to stick her hand in."

Discussion After-Afterward

Speaking to Cruxophim, Alvyara says, "Not that."

Speaking to Iskandr, Kiyna says, "I got a magic trick, it's called 'I disappear, then your leg does.'"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Ok, now."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Alvyara says, "Whatever you're thinking."

Leafiara amusedly says, "Okay, now we can *actually* properly head back to town."

Faerinn says, "Unfortunately this doesn't really prove anything about Malluch's intent just that the Grishomgangers have new tricks."

Goldstr says, "Wow."

Speaking to Kiyna, Iskandr exclaims, "That's actually one of my favorite tricks too!"

Alvyara says, "Those poor soldiers."

Leafiara exclaims, "Moving to the square!"

Alvyara faintly asks, "No one could have known that would happen.. could we?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Vaemyr says, "If anything it's possible us telling the bloodguards directly about the "corpse" we found caused this without Malluch's involvement."

Speaking to Alvyara, Leafiara admits, "I sure couldn't have guessed it." [well, to clarify, she did vocally guess that it would come to life, but the self-resurrection thing is another story]

Speaking to Alvyara, Raelee says, "We could have."

Speaking dubiously to Leafiara, Cruxophim mutters, "Grishomgangers sounds like one of those lurid periodically in the guard's station."

Roelon deeply asks, "So. Plans changing?"

Speaking curiously to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "You thought this might happenn?"

Speaking to Raelee, Alvyara asks, "How?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil says, "I guess I will have to speak with someone about setting up a time for an audience."

Speaking slowly to Taulramil, Leafiara clarifies, "With who?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "That is not what I said in the slightest."

Speaking to Draught, Guarrin says, "Not bad by the way."

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "It's a bit different around here. You can just walk into her office."

Goldstr exclaims, "Dat was mos likely Stone but also blames Malluch!"

Draught says, "Thank you."

Draught says, "Getting better."

Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil asks, "Surely you have a steward or someone who handles your affairs of state?"

Draught says, "Slowly."

Faerinn says, "I think this might tip the scales over to my theory."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Who could have anticipated it, then?"

Faerinn says, "A Bloodguard was damaged so it went berserk."

Speaking heartily to Taulramil, Chamorr asks, "Who are you?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil says, "I am also trying to join a house here and i'll be an envoy for the court and here."

Evia asks, "We have affairs of state?"

Speaking to Roblar, Pukk says, "You sexy thing you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Anyone performing a thorough enough study. Cruxophim and I simply failed to reach the appropriate conclusion on time."

Speaking amicably to Raelee, Cruxophim teases, "I dunno, I was rather pleased with the conclusion."

Speaking gently to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Well, I think it was implied in her question whether anyone could have seen it coming *in time*."

Alvyara says, "Such a waste of life."

Alvyara says, "I'm so glad Larsya is alright."

Leafiara says, "Careful, Gryphons, with the escort."

Speaking to Taulramil, Iskandr says, "The mayor has quite an open door policy. I've been here for the Legion for a time and have found her most accomodating to my confused queries."

Speaking to Guarrin, Faerinn says, "See you Restday at the latest."

Leafiara says, "I'll continue attempting to stop Thadston, but... no promises."

Roblar deeply says, "Best to rest on ground a bit."

Speaking to Faerinn, Guarrin says, "Aye, I'll need to track down Kothos after this."

Roblar deeply says, "A glutton."

Goldstr says, "As I. Time fer some rest an some tinkin."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "Why?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara asks, "Why what?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Evia says, "Make him some lead soled sandals."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Stop him."

Speaking to Iskandr, Taulramil says, "Well I have a meeting to attend to back home and I have to take back a report for the first legionnaire."

Speaking thoughtfully to Evia, Leafiara says, "Well, I *am* a cobbler..."