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Campfire/saved posts
Topic: Game Systems
Message #: 394
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 3/21/2020 11:18 AM CDT
Subject: Cold Weather Update & Campfires
Hey everyone! We're pushing in a new campfire system to help you combat the colder climates. These wares will be available in a shop in Icemule for the time being located in the ancient burrow. Look for the arch off of the Patio.
You will need to purchase special FLINT, TINDER, and WOOD. You can place the wood, tinder, and then light the fire. You can use any steel or iron item such as a steel dagger with the flint. You can also cast 111, 906, or 908 at the fire to light it once built. If no one is present, the fire will die out.
These new campfires are special in nature. They will provide protection in the room you reside to the cold weather. It will also slowly decrease the amount of exposure to the elements you've accumulated. After removing most of your exposure, it will start to build up protection against the exposure effects.
The duration of the campfire is determined by your survival skill.
The outline below talks about survival skill, not ranks.
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 50 Fire lasts for 20 minutes
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 25 Fire lasts for 15 minutes
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 10 Fire lasts for 10 minutes
No Skill Fire lasts for 5 minutes
In addition, higher survival lets you build more protection from cold, faster. You will also have a higher ceiling of protection. The default rate is 2 minutes per 1 minute spent by the fire.
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 50 Bonus of 3 minutes per minute. You cannot receive more than 30 minutes of protection.
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 25 Bonus of 2 minutes per minute. You cannot receive more than 20 minutes of protection.
Survival Skill greater than or equal to 10 Bonus of 1 minute per minute. Players cannot receive more than 15 minutes of protection.
No Skill, no bonus No bonus, ceiling of 10 minutes.
The ceiling of the exposure isn't a literal 30/20/15/10 minutes. If you stay still in the harsher environments it will burn away that protection faster and faster the longer you remain.
There will be a special survival tote available that can store these new wares and bring them back out again in a fashionable way. The wood stored this way is also weightless. Please note, OTS has a limit of 1 tinder, 1 flint, and 1 wood weightless.
Special thanks to Zoelle and Elidi for messaging. Ubiq for working on the shop in Icemule. Naos for lending his expertise with perfumes and other stanks. Kynlee for getting the awesome tote ready. Wyrom and Naos for their QC skills as well as Estild for getting this approved.
Retser, SGM