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Chromatic Circle (502)/saved posts

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Category: Wizards
Topic: Major Elemental Circle
Message #: 922
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 09/17/2015 01:25 PM EDT
Subject: Chromatic Circle (502) Released!

Chromatic Circle (502) has been released. When cast, a target is surrounded by a circle of elements and must ward against the spell. Failure to do will result in elemental damage. The caster's attunement determines the type of element used. Based upon the element used, the caster's Elemental Lore training will then cause the target to be vulnerable (a Defensive Strength penalty) to follow up bolt attacks of the same element. Specifically, a fire attuned wizard will use their Elemental Lore, Fire training to lower the target's DS against Minor Fire (906) and Major Fire (908). The DS penalty is calculated as (2 * seed 1 summation), such that at 55 lore ranks, it results in -20 DS for the target. The vulnerability lasts for 15 seconds or 2 attacks. In addition, weapon attacks enhanced by the Elemental Blade (411) spell that also match the same element as 502 will also cause the target to suffer the same DS penalty.

GameMaster Estild

DS Pushdown

Category: Wizards
Topic: Major Elemental Circle
Message #: 936
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 09/17/2015 03:36 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Chromatic Circle (502) Released!

How does the DS push down work with Lightning? Does it take the highest lore (Water or Air) into account, or does it take both lores total ranks (Water + Air)?

It's currently ((EL:W + EL:A) / 2).

GameMaster Estild


Category: Wizards
Topic: Major Elemental Circle
Message #: 944
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 09/17/2015 03:54 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Chromatic Circle (502) Released!

Yes, channeling helps. We have to specifically set up spells to allow channeling, so if you can "channel <target" to cast it, it works. However, if you're warding margin is already 100+, you're already reaching the cap of the damage, so you won't notice a difference then. Even against lower warding margins, you can't just compare two casts side by side to draw any conclusions due to crit randomization. However, the initial concussion damage will show a difference.

Elemental Lore only affects the vulnerability (DS penalty) aspect of the spell and does not increase 502's damage.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Wizards
Topic: Major Elemental Circle
Message #: 949
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 09/17/2015 04:04 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Chromatic Circle (502) Released!

Need to try channeling. Stances are apparently not a factor.

Channeling works the same for every spell; stance is a factor.

A note about that wiki entry: "EXTRA NOTE: Currently CHANNELING does not work correctly from the StormFront Combat Panel. When clicking the cast button for a channeled spell with the CHANNELINCANT setting at ON, the hard rt is applied but the spell is NOT actually channeled. Therefore no channeling benefits are applied to the cast spell. The issue is known to GM Estild."

I'm pretty sure I fixed that issue a few years ago.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Wizard
Topic: Major Elemental Circle
Message #: 951
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 09/17/2015 04:11 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Chromatic Circle (502) Released!

I'm curious, Estild, does the bit about channeling now helping with endrolls 100+ above success hold true for other spells that use the verb? Knowing when Channel helps and when it doesn't would be nice.

No, that's just determined by a damage cap, which varies from spell to spell. Many spells don't have any at all.

GameMaster Estild