Dakris's Furs

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Dakris's Furs is a shop in Wehnimer's Landing that sells premium home furnishings and specializes in beds. It additionally sells floor coverings and wall hangings, while serving as the town's furrier.

The proprietor is the furrier Dakris. The tanner, a leathery old woman named Cortina is available through the doorway from the Front Room.

Dakris's Furs, Front Room

[Dakris's Furs, Front Room] Room: 5036
This is the large front room of the furrier's shop. Roughly hewn planks, supported by wooden barrels, span the space and serve as a counter. A few simple chairs are randomly scattered along the dirt floor. Across the room, to the southeast, you see a doorway covered only by a draped velnalin hide. You also see the furrier Dakris and a carved wooden arch.
Obvious exits: out

Dakris's Furs, Workroom

Directions: through the doorway from Front Room

[Dakris's Furs, Workroom] Room: 5037
Lifting back the leather curtain, you enter the furrier's workroom. Scraps of pelts, untanned hides, and tools for scraping, dressing and joining skins are spread across a workbench. Several stools with rush seats are pushed up against the wall. A half-finished rabbitskin robe is draped across one of the stools. You also see a leathery old woman.
Obvious exits: out

Dakris's Furs, Rugs and Bedding

Directions: through the arch from Front Room

[Dakris's Furs, Rugs and Bedding] Room: 32101
Several varieties of animal skin rugs compete for floor space with piles of hides, mats and pillows. The overall effect gives the room a rugged, yet cozy, feel. With floor space so limited, some of the finer rugs have been mounted on the walls for ease of display and to add room for more samples. You also see a master tanner, some piles of pillows and rugs, a stack of animal skins and a carved wooden arch.
Obvious exits: east



      Price  Item
3.)  12,000  a pile of moth-eaten furs
7.)  25,000  a soft pile of puma hides
9.)  17,000  a pile of wolverine pelts
10.) 16,000  a bundle of cozy furs
11.) 12,500  a pile of rolton skins
12.) 13,000  a rolton wool mat
13.) 21,000  a pile of fur-covered pillows

Floor Coverings

1.)  20,000  a wolverine skin rug
2.)  18,000  a multicolored braided fur rug
4.)  14,000  a thick rolton wool rug
5.)  15,000  a velnalin hide rug
6.)  12,000  a tattered rat skin rug
8.)  28,000  a brown bearskin rug
14.) 25,000  a black bearskin rug

Dakris's Furs, Showroom

Directions: east from Rugs and Bedding

This room sells wall hangings.
[Dakris's Furs, Showroom] Room: 32100
The hides and heads of various violent beasts have been stuffed, preserved then mounted on the unfinished walls of the showroom. Sawdust has covered the counter and accumulated in small piles on the floor about its edges. The faint smell of preserving chemicals leaves a rather unpleasant aroma in the air. You also see a number of stuffed trophies, a rough wooden counter and an elderly taxidermist.
Obvious exits: west


      Price  Item
1.)  45,000  a mounted velnalin head
2.)  38,000  a mounted thrak hide
3.)  40,000  a stuffed giant rat
4.)  45,000  a mounted black bear skin
5.)  45,000  a mounted gremlin head
6.)  50,000  a mounted manticore skin
7.)  45,000  a stuffed troll head
8.)  45,000  a mounted troll hide
9.)  39,000  a mounted orc hide
10.) 36,000  a mounted kobold skin
11.) 45,000  a stuffed orc head
12.) 42,000  a mounted wolverine pelt
13.) 35,000  a mounted velnalin hide
14.) 36,000  a mounted rolton pelt

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