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Dirvy (prime)/Crafts, Cobbling, Cosmetics, and Clutter

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This page contains gemcutter patterns, cosmetics (makeup, nail polish, perfumes), weaving, knitting, and cobbling items. More categories may be added periodically, whenever I get time to organize more lockers. Some items are available for loan, some are options for commissions.

Gemcutter Patterns

All patterns are available for loan. Gemcutters are also available for loan, if a pattern is not in a lapidary box. Bulk gem/chrism cutting commissions are also available.


bat-shaped bear-shaped bunny-shaped cat-shaped chipmunk-cut
crow-shaped doe-shaped dog-shaped duckling-cut hamster-cut
hawk-shaped hedgehog-cut horse-shaped kitten-shaped lizard-etched
mouse-shaped mule-shaped owl-shaped parrot-carved puppy-shaped
rat-shaped rolton-shaped serpent-cut squirrel-cut teadragon-cut


angel-shaped cloud-cut cloudy moon-shaped star-shaped

Eve of the Reunion

blood-flecked bone-shaped coffin-shaped eye-shaped foot-shaped
ghost-shaped goblin-shaped grave-shaped hand-shaped shroud-shaped
skeleton-cut skull-shaped

Feast of the Immortals

icicle-cut penguin-cut present-cut reindeer-cut snowbird-cut
snowflake-cut snowman-cut snowshoe-cut


beleria-cut daisy-shaped hibiscus-cut naefira-cut n'erenael-cut
peony-incised rose-carved tulip-shaped vinca-incised


apple-shaped berry-shaped bottle-shaped cherry-shaped cone-shaped
cookie-shaped cupcake-cut donut-shaped egg-shaped fork-shaped
keg-shaped muffin-shaped mug-shaped pear-shaped pumpkin-cut


anchor-cut conch-shaped crab-etched dolphin-set eel-shaped
fish-shaped koi-engraved kraken-shaped lobster-cut mermaid-inset
octopus-cut sailor-cut seabird-cut seal-incised shark-etched
shell-shaped ship-shaped skiff-incised squid-shaped starfish-cut
turtle-shaped warship-inset wave-etched


alum-swept bronze-veined chest-shaped clove-shaped clown-shaped
cog-intaglio coin of copper-shot cross-etched dagger-shaped
dark-spotted diamond-cut doll-shaped dragon-shaped dwarf-shaped
ebon-swept elf-shaped gold-flecked heart-shaped ivory-carved
key-shaped map-shaped note-shaped ora-included orb-shaped
pentagon-cut robe-incised roughly cut sable-tinted sandal-cut
scaled scarab-shaped scepter-cut scroll-shaped silver-etched
sprite-shaped tome-carved trefoil-cut


bee-incised butterfly-cut firefly-cut leaf-etched palm tree-cut
tree-shaped vine-engraved


All items are available for loan.


Nail Polish


This is a big list. You have been warned! One day, I may try to organize these a little better. All of these are available for loan.


This will not include any flowers or leaves, just collections of items that can be used for weaving. If you're looking for a collection listed for your own weaving project, contact Dirvy. An unlocked ribbonator is also available for loan.


Contact Dirvy for knitting commissions. Listed below are options for yarn. All patterns and designs are available. Patterns and designs can be viewed here.

Chocolate Molds

The following is a list of chocolate molds available for loan, along with a heater. Bulk chocolate-making services are also available.


Contact Dirvy for cobbling commissions. Listed below are options for uppers, dyes, settings, and other adornments.