This log is from Dirvy's viewpoint.
[Silvergate, Courtyard - 3741]
A magnificent grey stone manor with a crested cornerstone rises into view. Thick arrays of ivy climb the ancient walls, framing an elegant bronze plaque and a set of tall arched doors. Flanking the main building, twin towers rise gracefully, providing a striking balance and harmony to the view. Cushioned silver benches are scattered about the paved courtyard along with several wrought iron lamposts. A high stone wall with an ornate silver gate circles the property. You also see a sleek raven, a slice of juicy watermelon, the Swifte disk, a varnished pale oak cart with some stuff on it, an ivy-covered modwir bin and a brick archway.
Also here: Lord Zailon, Swifte, Rovvigen (Wizard), Pukk (Rogue)
Obvious paths: none
Zailon gazes at his surroundings.
A pumpkin orange tabby kitten scrambles madly into view, sounding like a herd of elephants.
A bushy-tailed chipmunk scurries into the room.
Motes of silvery light sparkle across Rovvigen's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...
Rovvigen gestures at a carved fireleaf totem.
A small spout of fire suddenly erupts from the ground near Rovvigen and coalesces into a diminutive fire elemental.
Zailon roars at Rovvigen!
The diminutive fire elemental's body suddenly elongates and morphs into a twisting helix of flames.
Rovvigen gasps.
Zailon grins.
Zailon gives Rovvigen a friendly hug.
Rovvigen gives Zailon a friendly hug.
You give Rovvigen a friendly hug.
Rovvigen beams happily at you!
Rovvigen hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
Zailon says, "Well well."
Zailon picks up a slice of juicy watermelon.
Rovvigen softly says, "You guys made it."
Zailon says, "I'll be pocketing this."
Zailon just opened a dark velvet smoking jacket fastened with modwir toggles.
Zailon put a slice of juicy watermelon in his smoking jacket.
Rovvigen laughs at Zailon!
You chuckle.
Zailon snickers.
Swifte says, "I ate some of it."
Zailon put a sturdy illthorn runestaff in his black leather sack.
The diminutive fire elemental, obviously bored with her surroundings, closes her eyes and nods off to sleep. Sparks fly off her in loud pops and crackles, causing her to spring up and begin paying attention again.
Zailon wails!
Swifte says, "Fair warning."
Zailon removes a slice of juicy watermelon from in his smoking jacket.
Zailon squints at a slice of juicy watermelon.
Rovvigen softly says, "Swifte stowed one of every item I believe."
Zailon gobbles down a big bite of his juicy watermelon.
Zailon gobbles down his juicy watermelon in one enormous bite.
Rovvigen laughs!
Zailon roars!
Pukk leans on you, giving you a companionable grin.
A couple holding hands make their way down the walkway, stopping as a gentle breeze starts to spin leaves into a swirling pattern. The pattern forms a message: Sphere and Scythe is hosting Tales of First Loves, meet in the Silvergate Inn, Courtyard. The leaves rustle off in a gust of wind, dancing past the enamored couple as they make their way to the Inn.
Swifte renews his songs.
You hug Pukk, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Pukk gives you a friendly hug.
Swifte asks, "So, do we meet women at this event?"
Rovvigen recites softly:
"We will wait until about 5 after then start"
You chuckle at Swifte.
Speaking softly to Swifte, you ask, "Maybe?"
Rovvigen laughs at Swifte!
Zailon says, "An excellent question."
Speaking quietly to Swifte, Pukk exclaims, "One can hope!"
Zailon says, "I do."
You glance at Zailon and fold your arms over your chest.
Zailon snickers.
Zailon whistles at you!
Zailon pulls you closer.
You tickle Zailon and are rewarded with his laughter.
Zailon sticks out his tongue.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Swifte says, "Otherwise, I may not stay long."
Swifte removes a blood orange from in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Swifte takes a bite of his blood orange.
You softly say, "Grutek was supposedly coming with his Lady."
Rovvigen agrees with you.
Rovvigen frowns.
Rovvigen softly says, "Not in the lands."
Rovvigen ponders.
Tiny flames lick along the diminutive fire elemental's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.
Swifte just went through an ornate silver gate.
The diminutive fire elemental shimmers with heat, distorting the air about her into wavering refractions.
You snuggle against Zailon, who cradles an arm around you.
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Great Lady Poyye just arrived.
Zailon smiles.
Zailon pulls you closer.
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
The diminutive fire elemental suddenly shoots upward with a startled look on her face. After observing the area for a few moments, the elemental slowly lowers herself back to the ground with a look of relief on her face.
House Cleric Mikalmas just arrived.
Zailon waves to Mikalmas.
Mikalmas waves to Zailon.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the lips.
A couple holding hands make their way down the walkway, stopping as a gentle breeze starts to spin leaves into a swirling pattern. The pattern forms a message: Sphere and Scythe is hosting Tales of First Loves, meet in the Silvergate Inn, Courtyard. The leaves rustle off in a gust of wind, dancing past the enamored couple as they make their way to the Inn.
Warmongar just arrived.
Warmongar just went through a set of arched doors.
Warmongar just came through a set of arched doors.
Shallimar just arrived.
Warmongar lets out a cheer!
Rovvigen waves.
With a soft trilling mrrrrow, a pumpkin orange tabby kitten hops out from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin, landing with apparent ease and grace.
Zailon waves.
A chorus of trilling mews heralds the arrival of a bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar.
Zailon carefully lifts the kitten by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of his arm.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Welcome everyone"
Warmongar softly says, "Hi."
You nod to Warmongar in greeting.
Zailon pets an inky black kitten.
Zailon's black kitten butts the palm of his hand insistently with its head.
Zailon points his black kitten at Rovvigen.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Thanks for coming"
Zailon gives his black kitten an affectionate smooch and places it carefully on the ground. It gazes about with wide curious eyes.
You lean softly against Zailon.
With a happy trilling mrrrrow, a pumpkin orange tabby kitten clambers inside of an ivy-covered modwir bin.
Speaking softly to you, Rovvigen asks, "Shall we start?"
You nod at Rovvigen.
Rovvigen nods.
You take a few steps toward a varnished pale oak cart.
Zailon twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Good day everyone! I want to Thank everybody for coming out for this joyous occasion of Tales of First Loves.
Many of us in the lands have met many people along our journeys, but can we recall that one person who stood out amongst the rest?"
You gaze thoughtfully at a varnished pale oak cart.
The bushy-tailed chipmunk forages around, finding a tiny bird egg which it pounces on and devours with rodent glee.
The diminutive fire elemental suddenly acquires a look of determination. As she marches across the ground, she suddenly trips and lands face first. Clearly embarrassed, she composes herself, but a radiant blush still flickers across her features.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Tales of First Loves, invites everyone to share their stories of their first romantic encounters."
Rovvigen recites softly:
"While we hear stories I will be passing out goodie sacks with surprises in them."
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar stalks bravely towards a diminutive fire elemental and whaps at her with its paw!
Zailon removes a small abyran'ra skull from his belt.
Zailon takes a drink from his abyran'ra skull.
Zailon attaches a small abyran'ra skull to his belt.
You offer your mulled plum wine to Zailon, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Zailon has accepted your offer and is now holding a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"I do have a very important announcement before we get started.
This event was a SPECIAL request by Zailon Britbane.
He asked that we put this event together as a special surprise for his newly found love of Dirvy.
These two individuals are kindred souls and my greatest friends!"
Zailon smiles.
Rovvigen smiles.
Zailon whispers, "Surprise."
Zailon winks at you.
Warmongar chuckles.
You giggle.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Each and every story here will guide them on their journey together in love and spiritual growth."
Pukk grins.
A speckled teal-crested lizard sitting on Shallimar's shoulder suddenly hisses in alarm, however you don't notice anything that is threatening it.
You blush a pink shade at Zailon.
Zailon whispers, "This was the surprise I had planned. I had to..misdirect you a bit."
Zailon grins at you.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"With that being said, our first honored speaker will be my friend, Historian of the Sphere and Scythe, Zailon Britbane."
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Zailon bows.
Zailon says, "Thank you."
Zailon gives Rovvigen a friendly hug.
Rovvigen whispers, "Surprise."
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "But I am not your first love."
Rovvigen hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
You giggle at Rovvigen.
You give Rovvigen a friendly hug.
Zailon says, "I appreciate you putting this together."
Zailon whispers, "Says you."
You softly say, "Very sneaky."
Zailon winks at you.
Speaking softly to Zailon, Rovvigen says, "Of course."
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
You hear some shuffling sounds from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin.
Rovvigen offers Warmongar a plump white souvenir sack.
Zailon says, "I asked my brother here to bring us together today to share in a recent development, which, has brought a stir to everyone around us."
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
Warmongar accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
You chuckle.
Rovvigen offers Shallimar a plump white souvenir sack.
You swap your mulled plum wine from your left to your right hand.
Warmongar drools.
You take a drink from your mulled plum wine. It has a rich flavor and a smooth finish.
Warmongar put a perfect oak-hafted mithril maul in his suede jacket.
Speaking softly to Rovvigen, Warmongar says, "Thank you."
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "I love it."
The diminutive fire elemental blinks.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Speaking softly to Warmongar, Rovvigen says, "Of course."
Zailon says, "I will tell our story, I suppose."
Zailon nods to you.
Warmongar removes a spiraled dark and white chocolate from in his white souvenir sack.
Tiny flames lick along the diminutive fire elemental's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.
Swifte just arrived.
Warmongar sniffs at his dark and white chocolate.
The tips of some whiskers and a bit of nose belonging to a pumpkin orange tabby kitten appear from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin. The kitten blinks owlishly for a second and then ducks back out of sight.
Shallimar accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
Swifte pours himself a shot of well aged whiskey.
Careful to arrange the fabric of a blood red silk skirt embroidered with tiny black sylvan runes around you like petals surrounding a blossom, you sit.
Zailon says, "We met some time ago, back in Icemule. I remember I was headed for the rift."
Rovvigen offers Swifte a plump white souvenir sack.
Swifte takes a drink from his well aged whiskey.
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Swifte puts a duffel bag on his back.
Swifte accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
Swifte carefully examines his white souvenir sack.
Rovvigen offers Pukk a plump white souvenir sack.
Swifte attaches a plump white souvenir sack to his ivory silk belt.
Swifte says, "Thanks."
Zailon says, "Much to my surprise, the town had acquired an empath. Unheard of quite some time."
Warmongar takes a bite of his dark and white chocolate.
Zailon grins at you.
You chuckle.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
After sniffing and scenting the air, an inky black kitten hops up on top of a varnished pale oak cart.
Zailon says, "It was a relief to know I could come back from the rift and find healing again, rather than seeking out every herb in existence."
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
You pull Zailon closer to you.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
An inky black kitten digs its claws into a varnished pale oak cart, sharpening them enthusiastically!
Swifte drops a shot of well aged whiskey.
Zailon says, "And through time, I found not only a healer, but a friend."
Zailon nods to you.
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar stalks bravely towards a diminutive fire elemental and whaps at her with its paw!
Swifte removes a black mistwood lyre from in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Swifte raises his hands to the strings of his lyre and begins to play.
You smile at Zailon.
Swifte finished his melody, lowering his hands from the strings of his lyre.
Swifte renews his songs.
Zailon says, "And for a number of years, that's all there was to it. I was too blind to see what was so plain to everyone else."
Zailon winks at you.
Swifte carefully checks the strings of his lyre, plucking them lightly in fourths, fifths, and octaves, adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched. Swifte then plays a few short scales and arpeggios, listening carefully for the concordance.
You blush a nice shade of pink.
Smiling in anticipation, Swifte brings his eager fingers to his lyre, then strikes up a difficult tune emblazoned immediately with an ostentatious display of added grace-notes
and snaps.
Rovvigen offers you a plump white souvenir sack. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Rovvigen's offer and are now holding a plump white souvenir sack.
You smooch Rovvigen on the tip of his nose.
In the white souvenir sack:
other (3): a sphere-shaped white chocolate candy, a silvery scythe-shaped dark chocolate candy, a dozen perfect long stemmed roses.
A low chirping sound comes from within a delicate veil iron cricket cage.
Rovvigen blushes a glowing shade of red.
With a daring leap, the black kitten launches itself from atop a varnished pale oak cart! It deftly and silently lands on the ground on all four feet looking quite pleased with itself.
Rovvigen offers Pukk a plump white souvenir sack.
Zailon says, "And after years of indecision, or simple foolishness, I woke up enough to see what was before me, and thankfully, she didn't turn me away."
With flamboyant gestures, Swifte alternates octaves in the melody while he strikes the base chords on his lyre like a tiger rolling rocks in a mountain stream.
You quietly whisper to Rovvigen, "OSAS shaped candies!"
Zailon pulls you to your feet.
Pukk accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
Speaking to Rovvigen, Swifte asks, "Got any more goodie bags?"
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the lips.
You lovingly nuzzle your face against Zailon's.
Rovvigen nods to you.
Pukk attaches a plump white souvenir sack to his belt.
Speaking to you, Zailon says, "Thank you for coming on this journey with me."
Speaking softly to Swifte, Rovvigen says, "Maybe."
Pukk hugs Rovvigen, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you ask, "How could I have ever said no to you?"
An inky black kitten stalks around a diminutive fire elemental, eyeing it warily.
Speaking to you, Zailon says, "Also, I wanted to give you something today."
Swifte smiles quietly to himself.
Zailon removes a shimmering silk gift cloth from in his smoking jacket.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
Zailon offers you a shimmering silk gift cloth. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Swifte pauses dramatically in his exuberant lyre performance, only to pounce and charge into the next phrases with a bright steely tone.
Rovvigen offers Swifte a plump white souvenir sack.
You put a plump white souvenir sack in your linen empath's cloak.
Swifte accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
You blush a pink shade at Zailon.
You accept Zailon's offer and are now holding a shimmering silk gift cloth.
Swifte put a plump white souvenir sack in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte takes a bite of his blood orange.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you ask, "Shall I open this now?"
You blush sheepishly to yourself.
Zailon nods.
Rovvigen grabs a plump white souvenir sack from a large pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.
Zailon says, "Assuredly."
Rovvigen offers Zailon a plump white souvenir sack.
You bite your lip.
Zailon accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack.
Swifte put a blood orange in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
You grin foolishly as you quickly untie the bindings and fold the edges of your silk gift cloth back to reveal a glowing pentagram suspended from a linked onyx neckchain hidden in its soft folds.
Swifte thumps his lyre's soundboard with both hands, then returns to plucking strings, only to start tapping the soundboard again with the left hand while the right hand races up and down the strings with wild abandon.
Zailon grins.
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you exclaim, "So sneaky!"
Zailon put a plump white souvenir sack in his smoking jacket.
Zailon smiles.
Your earring pulses with energy. The pulsing fades and a shimmering gold bracelet accented with a pale gold firefly saewehna remains.
You carefully place a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine on the ground.
The diminutive fire elemental crouches down low, scanning the area with her dimly glowing eyes.
Zailon says, "I had to do it when you weren't looking."
In the silk gift cloth:
other (1): a glowing pentagram suspended from a linked onyx neckchain.
You giggle.
Rovvigen laughs!
Speaking softly to Zailon, you exclaim, "But this is your favorite!"
With flamboyant gestures, Swifte alternates octaves in the melody while he strikes the base chords on his lyre like a tiger rolling rocks in a mountain stream.
Zailon nods.
You remove a glowing pentagram suspended from a linked onyx neckchain from in your silk gift cloth.
Rovvigen whispers, "I hope the surprise was ok."
Speaking to you, Zailon says, "You are my favorite."
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
You quietly whisper to Rovvigen, "It's perfect."
Swifte thumps his lyre's soundboard with both hands, then returns to plucking strings, only to start tapping the soundboard again with the left hand while the right hand races up and down the strings with wild abandon.
Speaking to you, Zailon says, "I wanted you to have something of importance from me."
Zailon nods to you.
You quietly whisper to Rovvigen, "I'm almost in tears, it's so sweet."
Speaking to you, Zailon says, "That seemed like a fitting token."
Speaking softly to Zailon, you ask, "I have you, what could be more important?"
Zailon nods at Rovvigen.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
With a happy little wriggle, an inky black kitten half pounces before racing over to bump heads against a bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar, but is greeted with an angry hiss and a quick whap from the kitten's paw.
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
Rovvigen whispers, "We planned it for a week now."
Swifte says, "I have something for a special woman as well."
You tickle Rovvigen with a grin that he returns.
Your fairy tattoo suddenly emerges from underneath your faewood grey leathers and disappears behind the silk skirt covering your thigh.
Swifte removes a gaudy pink ring from in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Rovvigen turns to Swifte and cheers!
Swifte raises his pink ring skyward!
Zailon grins.
Swifte put a gaudy pink ring in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
The powerful look leaves Warmongar.
You hang a glowing pentagram suspended from a linked onyx neckchain around your neck.
You put a thick choker comprised of overlapping pearlescent scale-shaped discs in your linen empath's cloak.
The diminutive fire elemental suddenly acquires a look of determination. As she marches across the ground, she suddenly trips and lands face first. Clearly embarrassed, she composes herself, but a radiant blush still flickers across her features.
You attend to your glowing pentagram, making the pentagram as presentable as possible.
Zailon smiles.
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the lips.
Speaking softly to Zailon, Rovvigen says, "Beautful story."
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
You hug Zailon, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Zailon gives Rovvigen a friendly hug.
The darkly clouded kitten mrrows curiously and then attempts to clamber inside the Zailon disk. Almost upsetting the wobbly disk once or twice, it finally manages to somersault inside with a soft THUMP. Moments later, the soft sound of self-satisifed purring reaches your ears.
Rovvigen turns to Zailon and cheers!
Speaking to Rovvigen, Zailon says, "Thanks for setting this up for us."
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "But that is your for special!"
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Please a round of applauds for Zailon"
Rovvigen applauds Zailon.
Swifte applauds.
Warmongar applauds.
Warmongar lets out a cheer!
Shallimar applauds.
Pukk applauds Zailon.
Speaking softly to Zailon, Rovvigen says, "Of course brother."
Zailon grins at you.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
You lovingly nuzzle your face against Zailon's.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Would anyone else like to tell a story of love today?"
Swifte offers Zailon a blood orange.
Zailon accepts Swifte's blood orange.
Zailon turns toward Swifte and renders a sharp salute with his mulled plum wine.
Swifte says, "A tip from the crowd."
Warmongar blushes a glowing shade of red.
Zailon takes a bite of his blood orange.
Zailon grins.
An inky black kitten stalks bravely towards a diminutive fire elemental and whaps at her with its paw!
Warmongar breaks out in a sweat.
Swifte renews his songs.
You smile at Warmongar.
Zailon whispers, "When you gave me this wonderful pendant, I knew what I wanted to give you today."
Speaking softly to Warmongar, Rovvigen asks, "You have a story for us?"
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Warmongar hangs his head.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Zailon whispers, "I knew i wanted to give you something special, something meaningful to me, and not something I bought."
Warmongar shakes his head.
Rovvigen nods.
Zailon whispers, "So that."
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
Zailon takes a bite of his blood orange.
Speaking softly to Swifte, Rovvigen asks, "How about you?"
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "I did not need anything. I made that for you because I wanted to."
You tickle Zailon and are rewarded with his laughter.
Swifte nods at Rovvigen.
Swifte says, "I do."
Zailon whispers, "Oh i love it, don't get me wrong, I wanted you to have a trinket of mine, is all."
Zailon nods to you.
An inky black kitten eyes a bushy-tailed chipmunk curiously and nudges at it with a tentative paw.
The bushy-tailed chipmunk forages around, finding a tiny bird egg which it pounces on and devours with rodent glee.
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "I already have you! I do not need anything else."
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
A cloisonne turtle dove settles down contentedly on Rovvigen's shoulder, fluffing its feathers with a soft coo.
Rovvigen whispers, "He came to me and said lets make it special thing for dirvy and i said an event he said oh my gods yes."
Zailon whispers, "In particular, something that screamed 'Zailon'."
You smooch Zailon repeatedly all over his face.
Zailon grins at you.
Rovvigen nods at Swifte.
Speaking softly to Swifte, Rovvigen says, "When you are ready."
You giggle at Rovvigen.
Zailon whispers, "So this was the surprise, I told you i'd announce it to the public, on town crier if I could."
You quietly whisper to Rovvigen, "So sneaky!!!"
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar nimbly clambers out of the Zailon disk, deftly balancing on its unstable surface. Timing its jump with natural feline grace, the kitten hops to the floor with nary a whisker out of place.
Zailon whispers, "This was my way of using towncrier to announce it."
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
A low chirping sound comes from within a delicate veil iron cricket cage.
Swifte sings:
"There once was a very fine lass
who a very great big ___
she loved to sit around all day and drink tea
but that wasn't exciting enough for me
so I came down to Silvergate looking another
and now you may find me someone if it isn't a bother"
You blink at Swifte.
Warmongar falls to the ground laughing hysterically!
You blush a nice shade of pink.
You giggle.
Zailon grins at Swifte.
Warmongar rolls around on the ground laughing hysterically!
Your bracelet pulses with energy. The pulsing fades and a glimmering gold ring accented with a prismatic emerald damselfly saewehna remains.
Rovvigen smiles at Swifte.
Swifte raises his hands to the strings of his lyre and begins to play.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Warmongar turns to Swifte and cheers!
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "Keep spoiling me and see if I don't go into cahoots with Barble."
You gently bite Zailon.
Warmongar softly says, "I have to wipe the tears from my eyes."
Zailon's face turns slightly pale.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Zailon just nudged Rovvigen.
Zailon snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You lean against Zailon and nuzzle your face against his shoulder.
The tips of some whiskers and a bit of nose belonging to a pumpkin orange tabby kitten appear from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin. The kitten blinks owlishly for a second and then ducks back out of sight.
Pukk chuckles to himself.
Rovvigen giggles at Zailon.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Swifte reaches out and takes Warmongar's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Warmongar's arm vibrates wildly, causing him to jump and his eyes to grow wide!
Swifte carefully turns something in his hand.
After a moment of imaginative stalking and prowling, an inky black kitten hops up on top of a varnished pale oak cart.
You attend to your glowing pentagram, making the pentagram as presentable as possible.
The darkly clouded kitten mrrows curiously and then attempts to clamber inside the Zailon disk. Almost upsetting the wobbly disk once or twice, it finally manages to somersault inside with a soft THUMP. Moments later, the soft sound of self-satisifed purring reaches your ears.
Warmongar flashes a toothy grin.
Zailon snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
The powerful look leaves Swifte.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
The dim aura fades from around Swifte.
The diminutive fire elemental quickly zooms around the area. With lightning speed, the elemental leaps into the air, completing a full somersault, before landing gracefully on her feet.
Swifte begins to breathe less deeply.
Swifte asks, "Did you enjoy my story?"
Warmongar stands up.
Swifte sits down.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Zailon says, "It was something."
You giggle at Swifte.
Zailon nods sagely.
Zailon grins.
Zailon applauds Swifte.
Zailon takes a bite of his blood orange.
Rovvigen lets out a cheer!
Rovvigen applauds Swifte.
The diminutive fire elemental cautiously observes her surroundings and then bursts into a mad fit of giggles.
Warmongar softly says, "Wasn't expecting that."
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Round of applauds for brave Swifte"
Rovvigen applauds Swifte.
Warmongar lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Zailon winks at you.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
You smile at Zailon.
Warmongar ducks his head.
Pukk applauds.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Rovvigen asks, "You have a story for today?"
Zailon whispers, "I knew not many people would show, but I told Rovvi as long as he was present, it'd mean the world to us."
Zailon nods to you.
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the forehead.
Pukk quietly says, "Oh no, I don't know many stories."
Pukk blushes a glowing shade of red.
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Swifte renews his songs.
Tiny fissures in the diminutive fire elemental's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "It could not have been more perfect."
You lovingly nuzzle your face against Zailon's.
Rovvigen nods at Pukk.
Zailon whispers, "I'm glad you liked it."
Rovvigen softly says, "I will tell one."
Zailon applauds Rovvigen.
You smile at Rovvigen.
The faint sounds of purring emanate from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin.
Zailon takes a bite of his blood orange.
Zailon put a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine in his smoking jacket.
Zailon removes a snifter of Borthum Pear Cognac from in his smoking jacket.
Shallimar suddenly yelps in pain as the teal-crested lizard sitting on his shoulder bites his ear! You think he is really going to scold the lizard judging from his angry expression, but after staring at the lizard for a moment, his frown melts into a crooked half-smile. Shallimar mutters a little and lets the lizard off the hook. Some pets get no discipline at all.
Zailon offers Rovvigen a snifter of Borthum Pear Cognac.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
The air about Rovvigen stops shimmering.
A pumpkin orange tabby kitten slowly begins to crawl out from inside an ivy-covered modwir bin when it suddenly misgauges where its paws are! With a small WHUMP, the orange tabby kitten lands in an ungangly heap of flailing legs and tail before righting itself with a plaintive mew.
Rovvigen seems to lose some dexterity.
Zailon nods at Rovvigen.
Zailon attempts to feed a blood orange to a pumpkin orange tabby kitten.
The orange tabby kitten hisses warningly, opening its mouth wide.
The orange tabby kitten mrrows curiously and then attempts to clamber inside the Zailon disk. Almost upsetting the wobbly disk once or twice, it finally manages to somersault inside with a soft THUMP. Moments later, the soft sound of self-satisifed purring reaches your ears.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"This is the story of how Beloran and I got married"
Zailon takes a bite of his blood orange.
Rovvigen softly says, "Married too."
You smile at Rovvigen.
Zailon says, "Oh I know this story, I even brought the right hat for it."
Rovvigen accepts Zailon's Borthum Pear Cognac.
Zailon put a blood orange in his smoking jacket.
Zailon removes a tall black silk hat adorned with a long glossy golden eagle feather from in his black leather sack.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Zailon places his hat on top of his head with one hand, adjusting it slightly for a perfect fit.
You giggle at Zailon.
Shallimar suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.
Zailon removes a fire-etched gold cane capped with a ruby orb from in his black leather sack.
Leaning heavily on his gold cane, Zailon takes a moment to rest.
Rovvigen laughs at Zailon!
Zailon raises his gold cane skyward!
Zailon points his gold cane at Rovvigen.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you say, "I was there with the wrong date."
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar peeks out of the Zailon disk but leans too far out! Turning up and over, the disk dumps the darkly clouded kitten out onto the ground! The kitten quickly scrambles to its feet with a comical look of feline embarassment.
You lean softly against Zailon.
Zailon says, "As was I."
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the nose.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Well Beoran and I met about a year and a half ago in the Landing"
You wrinkle your nose.
You gently brush your nose against Zailon's.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
The tips of some whiskers and a bit of nose belonging to a pumpkin orange tabby kitten appear from inside the Zailon disk. The kitten blinks owlishly for a second and then ducks back out of sight.
Zailon waves a fire-etched gold cane capped with a ruby orb around.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
You smile at Rovvigen.
Zailon whispers, "Sometimes, a story forces one to go pimpstyle."
A pumpkin orange tabby kitten nimbly clambers out of the Zailon disk, deftly balancing on its unstable surface. Timing its jump with natural feline grace, the kitten hops to the floor with nary a whisker out of place.
Zailon nods sagely.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"I knew it was love at first sight, I think what got me were his vibrant green wings"
You giggle at Zailon.
Swifte continues playing his lyre.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
You pick up a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine.
Careful to arrange the fabric of a blood red silk skirt embroidered with tiny black sylvan runes around you like petals surrounding a blossom, you sit.
With a deeply contemplative look, the diminutive fire elemental suddenly draws in upon herself. The elemental raises her arms in a quick gesture, and beams of orange and red flames shoot upward from her hands before quickly dissipating.
You pull Zailon closer to you.
You take a drink from your mulled plum wine.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Warmongar takes a bite of his dark and white chocolate.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Zailon snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Well that day we met he showed me all over the landing and we stopped at this beautiful little cafe"
Swifte finished his melody, lowering his hands from the strings of his lyre.
You smile at Rovvigen.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
An inky black kitten blinks and gazes around with wide-eyed innocence from atop a varnished pale oak cart.
A low chirping sound comes from within a delicate veil iron cricket cage.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte begins playing a quiet song on his mistwood lyre.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"That night he took me on a picnic amongst the stars and told me tomake a wish"
Zailon pulls you to your feet.
Zailon gazes at his surroundings.
Zailon sits down.
Zailon winks at you.
You giggle.
You sit down next to Zailon.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
After a moment of cautious studying and sniffing, a bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar hops up on top of a varnished pale oak cart.
You snuggle against Zailon, who cradles an arm around you.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
With a daring leap, the black kitten launches itself from atop a varnished pale oak cart! It deftly and silently lands on the ground on all four feet looking quite pleased with itself.
Your rose vine anklet writhes slightly, the vine's tendrils creeping and shifting slightly as it repositions itself along your ankle. As it settles down, the vine clings tightly to you.
Several of the tiny dark blossoms on your ivy choker slowly bend across the vine until their soft, velvety petals come to rest against your skin.
Zailon leans softly against you.
Zailon pets an inky black kitten.
The black kitten nips at his fingers playfully.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
You gaze fondly at Rovvigen.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"I made a wish, and he then asked me what I wished?
My reply was if I tell you then it will not come true"
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar digs its claws into a varnished pale oak cart, sharpening them enthusiastically!
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
You smile at Rovvigen.
A pumpkin orange tabby kitten stalks bravely towards a diminutive fire elemental and whaps at her with its paw!
A series of clear colored lines suddenly appears on Pukk's face, quickly racing towards the center of his forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"That night I had wished we would have a beautiful wedding
and last year we tied the knot twice"
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Rovvigen blushes a glowing shade of red.
You turn to Rovvigen and cheer!
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
You softly say, "And it was so very beautiful."
Zailon smiles.
Swifte renews his songs.
Zailon applauds Rovvigen.
Pools of inky shadow form beneath Zailon's feet as he prepares a spell...
Zailon gestures.
A flare leaves Zailon's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Swifte asks, "Why twice? Is there another man?"
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar looks dubiously down at the ground from its lofty vantage point on top of a varnished pale oak cart. Backing up hastily away from the edge, it stumbles and tumbles to the ground, scrambling back to its feet with a comical look of feline dismay.
Warmongar takes a bite of his dark and white chocolate.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Warmongar takes a bite of his dark and white chocolate.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"First time was at the Trine Festival where we got handfasted, a halfling tradition where two souls tie a cord around their wrist to show eternal love and bonds"
You softly say, "They were handfasted at the Trine."
You nod at Rovvigen.
Rovvigen nods.
Swifte nods.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Second time was at the beautful Ice Caverns"
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte removes a pale red cigar from in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Rovvigen softly says, "And yes Zailon made sure my outfit was pimped out."
The light blue glow leaves Rovvigen.
Zailon laughs!
Zailon raises his gold cane skyward!
You giggle.
Swifte put a pale red cigar in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
The bushy-tailed chipmunk browses around the area, turning a shot of well aged whiskey over curiously in its paws.
Zailon points his gold cane at Rovvigen.
A cloisonne turtle dove lifts its head and tucks it trustingly just behind Rovvigen's ear, cooing a softly trilling love song.
You take a drink from your mulled plum wine. It has a rich flavor and a smooth finish.
You lean softly against Zailon.
Zailon pours himself a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine.
Zailon cuddles up close with you, smiling.
Zailon takes a drink from his mulled plum wine.
You lovingly nuzzle your face against Zailon's.
Rovvigen softly says, "I still have my cane too."
Zailon grins.
Rovvigen nods at Zailon.
You giggle at Rovvigen.
Zailon says, "I decided to bring it out."
Zailon nods at Rovvigen.
Zailon slides his hand down the length of his cane, cleaning the surface of all the visible dirt.
Rovvigen softly says, "And my pimp hat with a feather."
Pukk chuckles.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"But that is the story of how Beloran and I met and wed"
You mutter something about boys.
Rovvigen bows.
You shake your head.
The orange tabby kitten mrrows curiously and then attempts to clamber inside the Swifte disk. Almost upsetting the wobbly disk once or twice, it finally manages to somersault inside with a soft THUMP. Moments later, the soft sound of self-satisifed purring reaches your ears.
Rovvigen cackles at you!
You stick out your tongue.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Anyone else have any stories about love or anything to share?"
Warmongar chuckles.
A speckled teal-crested lizard sitting on Shallimar's shoulder suddenly bursts into a wild dance, bobbing and hopping, and swinging its tail like it is possessed! Shallimar reaches up and scratches it behind its neck, finally persuading the creature to simmer down. The lizard obviously has Shallimar well-trained.
The diminutive fire elemental chuckles.
Zailon cuddles up close with you, smiling.
Warmongar softly says, "Too embarrassed to tell you my stories."
Warmongar chuckles.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Rovvigen begs and pleads with Warmongar.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Swifte helps himself to a blood orange.
Swifte put a blood orange in his duffel bag.
Warmongar shakes his head.
Speaking softly to Warmongar, you say, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about."
Swifte takes a duffel bag off his back.
Speaking softly to Warmongar, Rovvigen says, "Just a little one."
Swifte offers Rovvigen a duffel bag.
Warmongar softly says, "Ohhh I beg to differ."
The diminutive fire elemental suddenly acquires a look of determination. As she marches across the ground, she suddenly trips and lands face first. Clearly embarrassed, she composes herself, but a radiant blush still flickers across her features.
Shallimar deeply asks, "Tell it tae tha kittens?"
Rovvigen accepts Swifte's duffel bag.
Rovvigen cackles!
Warmongar glances up.
Warmongar gazes up into the heavens.
Rovvigen offers Swifte a snifter of Borthum Pear Cognac.
Warmongar shakes his head.
Swifte accepts Rovvigen's Borthum Pear Cognac.
Swifte takes a drink from his Borthum Pear Cognac.
Swifte slowly exhales and the scent of peaches overwhelms you.
Swifte gets a silly grin on his face and falls over.
You softly say, "Well, then I will tell my side of our story."
Warmongar softly says, "I think I'll be taking this one to the grave."
You lean softly against Zailon.
Warmongar chuckles.
A low chirping sound comes from within a delicate veil iron cricket cage.
Rovvigen offers Swifte a duffel bag.
Pukk chuckles.
Swifte put a black mistwood lyre in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Swifte accepts Rovvigen's duffel bag.
Swifte puts a duffel bag on his back.
Rovvigen turns to you and cheers!
Swifte stands up.
Swifte put a snifter of Borthum Pear Cognac in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
Swifte renews his songs.
Zailon snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
Zailon takes a drink from his mulled plum wine.
Zailon put a fire-etched gold cane capped with a ruby orb in his smoking jacket.
You softly say, "We did meet in Icemule. I was very, very young. I had been sent there because there were rarely any healers to be found, so I found that there were a lot of patients to take care of. Zailon, of course, being one of my favorites."
You smile at Zailon.
Zailon grins.
Zailon takes a drink from his mulled plum wine.
Zailon looks rather relaxed.
Rovvigen turns an inquisitive ear toward you.
You softly say, "He would sit with me in the cold, for hours during the lonely night, talking. Months went by, I got married, he was engaged... not something I was very happy about. But, even being married, one could still be jealous. I knew he was special then. We just seemed better friends than anything else, and he certainly never made a move."
You blush a nice shade of pink.
Shallimar suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.
The diminutive fire elemental's body suddenly elongates and morphs into a twisting helix of flames.
The tips of some whiskers and a bit of nose belonging to a pumpkin orange tabby kitten appear from inside the Swifte disk. The kitten blinks owlishly for a second and then ducks back out of sight.
After sniffing and scenting the air, a bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar hops up on top of a varnished pale oak cart.
Deep blue motes swirl away from you and fade.
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar sits down on a varnished pale oak cart and begins washing its face.
You softly say, "My marriage ended. His engagement fell through. We missed our opportunity, and found comfort in the arms of others. It was a very, very long time after that, that we found ourselves on Teras, enjoying each other's company... perhaps it was all the ash he breathed in, that finally made him decide to look at me in a different light."
You hear some shuffling sounds from inside the Swifte disk.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Your bracelet pulses with energy. The pulsing fades and a glimmering brass ring accented with an iridescent azure butterfly saewehna remains.
Rovvigen laughs!
Swifte reaches for the black kitten, but backs away warily when it smacks his hand away with its outstretched paw.
Warmongar chuckles.
Rovvigen softly says, "Ash cause foggy thoughts."
Swifte reaches for the orange tabby kitten, but backs away warily when it smacks his hand away with its outstretched paw.
Rovvigen nods to you.
Swifte abruptly punches at an inky black kitten!
Zailon cuddles up close with you, smiling.
You softly say, "Whatever it was, I am extremely thankful. I have never been happier."
You gaze lovingly at Zailon.
Zailon raises an eyebrow in Swifte's direction.
Warmongar rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You surreptitiously glance at Swifte.
Rovvigen gasps.
Warmongar looks over at Swifte and shakes his head.
Speaking softly to Swifte, you say, "No punching the kittens."
Swifte says, "There's something in my disk."
Speaking to Swifte, Zailon says, "The kitten is a fighter."
After a moment of cautious studying and sniffing, an inky black kitten hops up on top of a varnished pale oak cart.
Speaking to Swifte, Zailon says, "She's been known to take on tritons."
Swifte scowls at something in the Swifte disk.
You nod at Zailon.
Speaking softly to Swifte, you say, "My kitten is in your disk. You punch her, I may have to set you on fire."
Tiny flames lick along the diminutive fire elemental's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.
A diminutive fire elemental says, "Nah Ill set the fire."
Swifte removes a pale red cigar from in his rolaren-clasped cloak.
The diminutive fire elemental snickers.
Swifte asks, "Can you set fire to this cigar?"
Swifte renews his songs.
Speaking softly to Swifte, you ask, "Maybe?"
Speaking softly to Swifte, you say, "They sell matches in the bath house."
You accept Swifte's offer and are now holding a pale red cigar.
A diminutive fire elemental says, "Nope I cannot , I fresh out of fire for the moment."
Zailon snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
You stand back up.
Zailon removes a small oilskin pouch from in his smoking jacket.
Zailon offers you a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Rovvigen whispers, "You done with story?"
Zailon offers you a small oilskin pouch. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
The diminutive fire elemental shimmers with heat, distorting the air about her into wavering refractions.
A bushy-tailed chipmunk scurries into the room.
You offer your red cigar to Zailon, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You sit down next to Zailon.
Zailon put a goblet of lightly spiced mulled plum wine in his smoking jacket.
Zailon has accepted your offer and is now holding a pale red cigar.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you say, "You are better at it."
Zailon put a pale red cigar in his smoking jacket.
Zailon gets a match from a small oilskin pouch.
A low chirping sound comes from within a delicate veil iron cricket cage.
You nod at Rovvigen.
Zailon put a small oilskin pouch in his smoking jacket.
Zailon removes a pale red cigar from in his smoking jacket.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"A round of applauds for Dirvy everyone"
Zailon lights a match by flicking it against his thumb.
Zailon inhales deeply on his cigar as he lights it. The area fills with a cinnamon smoke.
Swifte applauds.
Warmongar turns to you and cheers!
You clasp Zailon's hand tenderly.
Warmongar applauds.
Zailon drops a burning match.
The burning match goes out, disappearing in a small puff of smoke.
Pukk applauds.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar digs its claws into a varnished pale oak cart, sharpening them enthusiastically!
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
Rovvigen returns to normal color.
Zailon applauds you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rovvigen.
You lean softly against Zailon.
You swap your mulled plum wine from your left to your right hand.
You take a drink from your mulled plum wine. The sweet aroma only enhances the taste of the plum.
Zailon nods at Rovvigen.
Rovvigen becomes solid again.
Zailon's offer to you has expired.
Speaking softly to Zailon, you say, "Our story is not very exciting, but the ending has been beautiful so far."
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
The bushy-tailed chipmunk scratches at a bit of ground and suddenly rolls over, squirming and wriggling, covering itself liberally in a layer of dirt.
Rovvigen giggles.
You gently brush your nose against Zailon's.
Zailon says, "I prefer to think were just getting started."
Zailon winks at you.
Shallimar put a plump white souvenir sack in his pale spidersilk haversack.
Curls of cigar smoke linger about Zailon in a cinnamon scented haze.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Does anyone here have any questions about the Sphere and Scythe?"
A speckled teal-crested lizard sitting on Shallimar's shoulder nibbles playfully at his cheek.
You smile at Zailon.
Zailon says, "Or we could do spells."
Zailon nods at Rovvigen.
Zailon says, "I mean, we have people here, seems only right to offer."
Warmongar softly asks, "Sphere and scythe?"
You nod in agreement at Zailon.
Rovvigen nods at Warmongar.
Zailon puffs slowly from his cigar.
Warmongar shrugs.
Zailon exhales some cinnamon scented smoke in a steady stream.
Zailon cuddles up close with you, smiling.
Mistress Voie just came through a set of arched doors.
Your ring pulses with energy. The pulsing fades and a twinkling brass earring crowned with a pale gold firefly saewehna remains.
Zailon whispers, "Whose cigar is this anyway?"
Zailon snickers.
The faint sounds of purring emanate from inside the Swifte disk.
Cinnamon smoke curls up from the cigar in Zailon's hand.
Mistress Voie just went through an ornate silver gate.
Speaking softly to Warmongar, Rovvigen says, "We are an organization dedicated to providing divination to the lands and preserviing Elanthian history through storytelling."
You quietly whisper to Zailon, "Swifte's."
Warmongar softly says, "Ahh I see."
Zailon offers Swifte a pale red cigar.
Swifte says, "I love stories."
Swifte accepts Zailon's red cigar.
Swifte puckers and blows a perfect circle of cinnamon smoke into the air.
Zailon cuddles up close with you, smiling.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Zailon lovingly nuzzles his face against yours.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"We have Tales of Great Houses tomorrow in the Garden Nice at 8elven"
A light breeze cuts a swath through the cigar smoke around Swifte, making it eddy and whirl.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Each house will come and explain a little about their history and some general information about themselves"
The diminutive fire elemental darts around the area.
Swifte renews his songs.
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears wearing a spiked veil iron collar blinks and gazes around with wide-eyed innocence from atop a varnished pale oak cart.
You give Zailon a lingering kiss on the lips.
Zailon gives you a lingering kiss on the lips.
Cinnamon smoke curls up from the cigar in Swifte's hand.
Brutish just arrived.
Taking a puff of his red cigar, Swifte causes the tip of it to burn with a brilliant orange-red for a moment before fading.
Swifte parts his lips and blows a steady stream of cinnamon smoke into the air before him.
Interlocking his fingers above his head, Brutish stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch.
Swifte sings:
"I am the greatest bard in the world
or at least the only one that I know
If you hear of another
be sure to bother
And tell them they aren't as good as Swifte"
Brutish whispers, "Love the title."
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Join up for a quick round of spells and information about Sphere and Scythe"
Pukk whispers, "Congrats!"
You quietly whisper to Pukk, "Thank you."
An inky black kitten sits down on a varnished pale oak cart and begins washing its face.
Shallimar joins Rovvigen's group.
Swifte slowly rolls his cigar between his thumb and index finger.
Tiny fissures in the diminutive fire elemental's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.
Brutish walks over to the bench and settles down.
With your own practiced grace, you rise, momentarily holding the fabric of your skirt up until you feel the ground firmly under your feet.
Pukk whispers, "I hope you know this won't mean I will stop complimenting you."
Pukk grins.
A streaked sewer rat suddenly peeks its head out from Shallimar's coffin-shaped case, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.
You giggle at Pukk.
Swifte whispers to the group, "Make sure to tip if you enjoyed my song."
Zailon gobbles down a big bite of his pumpkin spice muffin.
Zailon looks much more calm and refreshed.
Zailon gobbles down his pumpkin spice muffin in one enormous bite.
Rovvigen cackles at Swifte!
You kiss Zailon, your mouth lingering on his.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"I want to thank everyone for coming out today for Tales of First Loves"
You kiss Zailon, your mouth lingering on his.
Zailon kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.
Rovvigen recites softly:
"Cheers for the happy couple"