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Dodge the Void
A simple, fast-paced game sometimes played by the residents of River's Rest. The huge amount of carnage created in the blink of an eye and massive body count explain its popularity among local sorcerers, who are the ones to lead the game and usually the only ones to survive the first round.
How to Play
Game play is simple, all participants gather in a room with as many disposable objects as possible. This is eased with a food cart. The Leader then casts the open version of the Implosion spell after making sure their group is closed and no participants are joined to them.
If there are no survivors, the last participant to die from either flying disperse or getting sucked into the void is the winner and awarded whatever prize has been donated by the Leader.
If there is only one survivor, that participant is the winner and awarded the prize.
If there is more then one survivor, more objects must be gathered and game play continued until a winner can be determined.
OOC Warnings
If leading a game of Dodge the Void, make certain all participants understand that they may die during the course of game play or you may be in violation of TOS.
In modern times, honest empaths and clerics are allowed to heal and raise players, particularly in the case of scheduled events. This allowance was previously banned from abuse, so please apply your best judgement. Playing this game is not an excuse to maim people nor an excuse to heal them as an "incidental" consequence. However, whether you play or do not play deadly games, it is permitted to help people playing scheduled events to the best of your abilities.
Imagining the carnage is probably not so difficult, but it's just as funny to read it the second time. Time stamps are included for effect.
[11:12:13] You give your disk a flip that sends it spinning end over end, dumping everything inside onto the ground.
[11:12:15] >look
[11:12:16] [Bluff, Narrow Precipice]
[11:12:16] A strong wind whips around the side of the bluff, attempting to dislodge anything foolish enough to venture up to this precipice. The way ends here as the trail ahead has apparently lost its battle to stay attached to the bluff. A sheer drop to the bay hundreds of feet below cuts off further advance, and the sheer cliff face makes upward travel possible only if one has wings. The only safe exit is back down the trail. You also see a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, a battle axe, the Kaldonis disk, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, an orange-eyed ginger cat, the purple Sjoldamm disk, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, a pearl-handled bronze dagger, the Aiya disk, a friendly sunburst spirit that is flying around and a large telescope.
[11:12:16] Also here: Sjoldamm, Event Coordinator Astru, Aiya, Vault Guardian Fyrentennimar, Curator Raincail, Sasathi, Lord Aganii
[11:12:16] Obvious paths: none
[11:12:16] >Aiya works her way into some curvaceous krodera-studded leathers, fitting it comfortably.
[11:12:22] You hoarsely say, "That looks good."
[11:12:24] You clear your throat.
[11:12:24] >>group close
[11:12:30] Your group status is already closed.
[11:12:30] >Astru softly says, "Oh, I think I'm the least armoured."
[11:12:30] >Astru winces.
[11:12:31] >You feel at full magical power again.
[11:12:35] You belt out, "Dodge this!"
[11:12:35] >prep 720
[11:12:37] cast
[11:12:37] You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
[11:12:37] Your spell is ready.
[11:12:37] >You gesture.
[11:12:37] You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Fyrentennimar along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 20 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Good blow to left leg!
[11:12:37] He is stunned!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Aganii along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 30 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Hard strike to left leg breaking tendons and bone!
[11:12:37] He is knocked to the ground!
[11:12:37] He is stunned!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Sasathi along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 10 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Brushing blow to right hand.
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Sjoldamm along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 10 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Nice blow to left hand!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 20 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Good blow to the abdomen!
[11:12:37] He is stunned!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Stubs right hand finger.
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Sasathi along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 15 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Nice blow to chest!
[11:12:37] He is stunned!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Rlen along the way and forcing him into view!
[11:12:37] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Blow connects with abdomen.
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 15 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Nice blow to head!
[11:12:37] Raincail looks dazed!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
[11:12:37] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:37] Blow to back connects lightly.
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:37] A battle axe is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Stubs right hand finger.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Sjoldamm along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 1 point of damage!
[11:12:38] Strike glances off the chest.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Sasathi along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 7 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Blow grazes left leg.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 10 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Light strike to abdomen.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Aiya along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Stubs left hand finger.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Strike hits close to the right eye.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Sasathi along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 10 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Light blow to back.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Strike hits close to the left eye!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Sasathi along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Blow grazes left arm lightly.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Fyrentennimar along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 1 point of damage!
[11:12:38] Stubs right hand finger.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Rlen along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Strike glances off the chest.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Raincail along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 5 points of damage!
[11:12:38] Strike glances off the chest.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, striking Sjoldamm along the way!
[11:12:38] ... 1 point of damage!
[11:12:38] Stubs left hand finger.
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] A pearl-handled bronze dagger is sucked into the void, missing a friendly sunburst spirit along the way!
[11:12:38] Sjoldamm is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Sjoldamm scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Astru is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Astru scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Aiya is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Aiya scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Fyrentennimar is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Fyrentennimar is sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Rather abrupt decompression causes Fyrentennimar to explode!
[11:12:38] Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
[11:12:38] Quite severely dead.
[11:12:38] * Fyrentennimar drops dead at your feet!
[11:12:38] Raincail is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Raincail is sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Rather abrupt decompression causes Raincail to explode!
[11:12:38] Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
[11:12:38] Quite severely dead.
[11:12:38] * Raincail drops dead at your feet!
[11:12:38] Raincail becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
[11:12:38] Raincail appears to lose some internal strength.
[11:12:38] The deep blue glow leaves Raincail.
[11:12:38] The light blue glow leaves Raincail.
[11:12:38] Raincail seems a bit less imposing.
[11:12:38] The glowing specks of energy surrounding Raincail suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
[11:12:38] The bright luminescence fades from around Raincail.
[11:12:38] The silvery luminescence fades from around Raincail.
[11:12:38] Raincail becomes solid again.
[11:12:38] The brilliant luminescence fades from around Raincail.
[11:12:38] Sasathi is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Sasathi is sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Rather abrupt decompression causes Sasathi to explode!
[11:12:38] Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
[11:12:38] Quite severely dead.
[11:12:38] * Sasathi drops dead at your feet!
[11:12:38] Sasathi becomes solid again.
[11:12:38] Sasathi seems a bit less imposing.
[11:12:38] Aganii is sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Rather abrupt decompression causes Aganii to explode!
[11:12:38] Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
[11:12:38] Quite severely dead.
[11:12:38] * Aganii drops dead at your feet!
[11:12:38] A subtle light fades from Aganii's eyes.
[11:12:38] The very powerful look leaves Aganii.
[11:12:38] The white light leaves Aganii.
[11:12:38] The opalescent aura fades from around Aganii.
[11:12:38] The brilliant aura fades away from Aganii.
[11:12:38] Aganii appears less confident.
[11:12:38] The dull golden nimbus fades from around Aganii.
[11:12:38] The misty halo fades from Aganii.
[11:12:38] The deep blue glow leaves Aganii.
[11:12:38] Deep blue motes swirl away from Aganii and fade.
[11:12:38] An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of Aganii, then vanishes.
[11:12:38] The powerful look leaves Aganii.
[11:12:38] Aganii seems slightly different.
[11:12:38] Aganii seems hesitant.
[11:12:38] A white glow rushes away from Aganii.
[11:12:38] The dim aura fades from around Aganii.
[11:12:38] The air calms down around Aganii.
[11:12:38] Aganii begins to breathe less deeply.
[11:12:38] The light blue glow leaves Aganii.
[11:12:38] Rlen is knocked over by the wind!
[11:12:38] Rlen scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
[11:12:38] Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[11:12:38] >>>>>The ginger cat gazes at Aiya.
[11:12:41] >look
[11:12:41] [Bluff, Narrow Precipice]
[11:12:41] A strong wind whips around the side of the bluff, attempting to dislodge anything foolish enough to venture up to this precipice. The way ends here as the trail ahead has apparently lost its battle to stay attached to the bluff. A sheer drop to the bay hundreds of feet below cuts off further advance, and the sheer cliff face makes upward travel possible only if one has wings. The only safe exit is back down the trail. You also see a black void, the Kaldonis disk, an orange-eyed ginger cat, the purple Sjoldamm disk, the Aiya disk, a friendly sunburst spirit that is flying around and a large telescope.
[11:12:41] Also here: Sjoldamm who is lying down, Event Coordinator Astru who is lying down, Aiya who is lying down, Rlen who is lying down
[11:12:41] Obvious paths: none
[11:12:41] >From a long narrow trail, you hear Jynai yell, "I guess they couldnt!"
[11:12:46] >The black void continues to suck the air out of the area!
[11:12:53] Air is sucked away from Sjoldamm!
[11:12:53] Air sucked from Sjoldamm's lungs.
[11:12:53] +6 Hits.
[11:12:53] Sjoldamm is stunned!
[11:12:53] Air is sucked away from Astru!
[11:12:53] Refreshing breeze ruffles Astru's hair, boy does she look cool.
[11:12:53] Aiya is not affected.
[11:12:53] Air is sucked away from Rlen!
[11:12:53] Refreshing breeze ruffles Rlen's hair, boy does he look cool.
[11:12:53] >>>Sjoldamm stands up.
[11:13:1] >Rlen stands up.
[11:13:1] >>Aiya stands up.
[11:13:5] >Astru softly asks, "Is it done?"
[11:13:8] >The black void has almost sucked all air out of the area!
[11:13:9] Air is sucked away from Sjoldamm!
[11:13:9] Chunks of lung fly out of Sjoldamm's mouth and blood erupts from his ears.
[11:13:9] * Sjoldamm drops dead at your feet!
[11:13:9] The layer of stone surrounding Sjoldamm crumbles away.
[11:13:9] Sjoldamm no longer bristles with energy.
[11:13:9] Sjoldamm becomes solid again.
[11:13:9] Sjoldamm appears somehow different.
[11:13:9] The glowing specks of energy surrounding Sjoldamm suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
[11:13:9] The bright luminescence fades from around Sjoldamm.
[11:13:9] The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Sjoldamm.
[11:13:9] Sjoldamm glances around, looking a bit less confident.
[11:13:9] The brilliant luminescence fades from around Sjoldamm.
[11:13:9] Air is sucked away from Astru!
[11:13:9] Refreshing breeze ruffles Astru's hair, boy does she look cool.
[11:13:9] Aiya is not affected.
[11:13:9] Air is sucked away from Rlen!
[11:13:9] Air sucked from Rlen's lungs.
[11:13:9] +6 Hits.
[11:13:9] Rlen is stunned!
And even if you don't play, and sit innocently back in Town Commons...
High above, a small speck begins to grow, after several moments it becomes apparent that some large object is speeding down! A local townswoman who has also seen this runs away yelling, "THE SKY IS FALLING!" just as a massive gelatinous lump of flesh lands on the ground, splattering the surroundings with globs of gore.
High above, a small speck begins to grow, after several moments it becomes apparent that some large object is speeding down! A local townswoman who has also seen this runs away yelling, "THE SKY IS FALLING!" just as a massive gelatinous lump of flesh lands on the ground, splattering the surroundings with globs of gore.
High above, a small speck begins to grow, after several moments it becomes apparent that some large object is speeding down! A local townswoman who has also seen this runs away yelling, "THE SKY IS FALLING!" just as a massive gelatinous lump of flesh lands on the ground, splattering the surroundings with globs of gore.
High above, a small speck begins to grow, after several moments it becomes apparent that some large object is speeding down! A local townswoman who has also seen this runs away yelling, "THE SKY IS FALLING!" just as a massive gelatinous lump of flesh lands on the ground, splattering the surroundings with globs of gore.