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Double-bit rolaren axe

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This item was a prize from the Hunt for History.


a double-bit rolaren axe


The double-bit axe head is crafted of high quality rolaren and the sharply curved blades hold a keen edge. The leather-wrapped haft is chipped and weathered, as if the axe has already survived many battles. Fine mithril veins are inlaid into the hardwood in a looping braided design, giving the weapon a touch of elegance. A small sigil is faintly etched into the flat of both blades, but the mark is difficult to decipher into something legible.


This item is said to originate from the Vaikalimara Clan of Giantmen.


As your song wraps around the axe, it seems to respond and echo it back to you, forming a vision in your mind.

The day is dawning as a group of young Araime giantkin gather to perform a ritual to the rising sun. Once they are done, they set off down a trail, bearing heavy packs on their backs. They are full of laughter and enthusiasm, as it will be their first long trip away from their home camp.

Violent, harsh notes suddenly shriek from the axe as the scene shifts.

It is the middle of the night and most of the giantkin are sleeping, with only a couple guards posted. The camp is suddenly beset by a band of large, fierce looking trolls.

The giantkin struggle to wake and fight, but the surprise is too great. Many of the giantkin are slain in the brief battle. The survivors are captured, bound, and taken by the trolls.

The echo from the axe dissipates and the vision snuffs out.

As you weave your song around the axe, it moans with a song of its own, filling your mind with another vision.

The young Araime are trapped in a pen at the troll camp, looking as if they have been there for a while. They are starved with hunger, and many of them have festering wounds. Most have been stripped of their clothing and they are huddled in small groups in an attempt to stay warm.

Harsh, guttural words can be heard nearby. The door to the pen is abruptly thrown open and two trolls barge in. They grab the one remaining male giant and begin to feast on his arms and legs as the others look on in horror.

The trolls drag the male giant from the pen out into the main encampment. Final screams can be heard from the giant, and then only the howling of the trolls.

The vision fades until you are left with only the howling of the trolls echoing in your mind.

As your song envelops the axe, it responds with triumphal notes this time.

The sun has risen and its golden light fills the pen. Only a few captives remain, all women. Two of them make a feeble attempt to perform their morning sun ritual, endeavoring to spark hope in their companions who are weak and near death.

Suddenly, high-pitched war cries are heard, and then the sound of weapons clashing in battle. The prisoners stagger to the crude wood walls of the pen, trying to peer through cracks to see what is taking place out in the camp.

As the sounds of battle fade, the door to the pen is flung open and a wild-looking Vaikalimara giantwoman strides in. Relief and jubilation fill the faces of the surviving women.

The notes of the axe's song drift away as the vision dissolves.

As you weave your song around the axe once more, it seems to sing back in pleasant harmony.

A vision unfolds and you see a large Vaikalimara camp. The survivors of the trolls have been fed and clothed, and their wounds are tended and healing. They are taking part in the daily life of the tribe, going about regular duties like sewing and cooking. Some are being taught axe work by elder tribeswomen.

The scene swirls and then coalesces again, indicating the passage of time.

The previous survivors are now looking healthy, strong, and proud. The tribe is gathered in a circle as their leader gifts each of the young women with her own double-bit axe. The clan elders then fasten a braided mithril band around the arm of each of the new axe owners, signifying their full acceptance into the Vaikalimara Clan.

The song of the axe fades as faint cheering echoes in your mind.